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Indonesia rescues 120 asylum seekers who refuse to disembark


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Getting refugee status in Australia is not an easy affair. They hardly have an open door policy.

The point is to provide protection for genuine refugees, who are fleeing for reasons mentioned under the Geneva convention protocols. Those who are economic migrants can be returned to their country of origin once they are determined not to be genuine refugees.

Many so called"asylum seekers" travel through two or more Country's before risking life and limb to get to the "gravy train" of the UK social security system , Australia according to my many Aussie mates here tell me its just the same there , if they are so persecuted in their own Countrys why not claim asylum at their first port of entry? .

Obviously because they believe that the ultimate destination will be a "better" place to live. The way to prevent more from travelling to the UK or Australia would therefore be to make them an even more unwelcoming destination than the intermediate countries. eg, why do illegals want to get from France to the UK? I can only surmise that it is because France is doing something right!

Yeah 110% correct but try to tell that to the bleeding heart left wing politically correct brigade!bah.gif and now as Enoch Powell predicted we in the UK have"rivers of blood" , today the UK, tomorrow Australia? Edited by Colin Yai
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Getting refugee status in Australia is not an easy affair. They hardly have an open door policy.

The point is to provide protection for genuine refugees, who are fleeing for reasons mentioned under the Geneva convention protocols. Those who are economic migrants can be returned to their country of origin once they are determined not to be genuine refugees.

Many so called"asylum seekers" travel through two or more Country's before risking life and limb to get to the "gravy train" of the UK social security system , Australia according to my many Aussie mates here tell me its just the same there , if they are so persecuted in their own Countrys why not claim asylum at their first port of entry? .

Obviously because they believe that the ultimate destination will be a "better" place to live. The way to prevent more from travelling to the UK or Australia would therefore be to make them an even more unwelcoming destination than the intermediate countries. eg, why do illegals want to get from France to the UK? I can only surmise that it is because France is doing something right!

Yeah 110% correct but try to tell that to the bleeding heart left wing politically correct brigade!bah.gif and now as Enoch Powell predicted we in the UK have"rivers of blood" , today the UK, tomorrow Australia?

Oh please stop it. "Rivers of blood in the UK? Where? Enoch Powell? Haha. Do you live in Thailand? If so, why? Do you find it a "Better" place to live? Have you not noticed that most of the natives have dark skin? I think you have "Racist" issues you should deal with.
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Oh please stop it. "Rivers of blood in the UK? Where? Enoch Powell? Haha. Do you live in Thailand? If so, why? Do you find it a "Better" place to live? Have you not noticed that most of the natives have dark skin? I think you have "Racist" issues you should deal with.

Instead of resorting to ad-hominim attacks perhaps it would be constructive to address facts. First, just for accuracies sake Muslims are not a race. Next to Enoch Powell; We don't as yet have rivers of blood I'll grant you, however using the prison population as a yardstick I do see a problem. Based on UK figures (2010) Muslims account for 3% of the population, yet at 12.6% they are over represented in the prison population. I have not managed to find corresponding numbers for Australia, but if they are similar then there is a problem to be addressed, especially with respect to immigration and border controls.


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But for the tireless work of our superb security forces who have nipped many acts of would be Islamic terrorist bombers in the bud ,there would indeed be "rivers of blood" , most are now were they belong. "the slammer" but IMHO and also the security forces there are many cells of "brainwashed"Islamic extremist's just waiting for their chance to strike against the Infidel in the UK, decades ago a great man once said "you never judge a person by the colour of his skin but by the content of his character " I believed it then as I still do to this day, and in closeing why not Google up "the threat from Islamic radicals in the UK" ,This not a figment of my Imagination but hard facts .

Edited by Colin Yai
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Today, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.

from: Brookings http://www.brookings.edu/opinions/2003/03middleeast_taspinar.aspx

(my editing menu isn't working in T.Visa)

The article also mentions how many Muslims first came to Europe as 'guest workers' after WWII - needed to do menial jobs and such. Similar to Mexicans coming to SW USA. After the 'guest workers' were no longer needed, they simply stayed on - particularly as they could get citizenship or at least get support benefits.

Similar to the Universe expanding at a greater pace, immigrants from N.Africa and Middle East are increasing at a steady clip. They don't immigrate to fellow Muslim countries, not even to relatively rich ones like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia or the Emirates. Instead they want to get to more tolerant countries like Australia, USA, Canada, NZ, UK, and other parts of Europe. Countries which their hot-head brethren condemn as 'heathen' and riven by infidels. No worries mate (for them), with enough patience, they'll take over, and force Sharia law on everyone.

Edited by maidu
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Today, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.

from: Brookings http://www.brookings...t_taspinar.aspx

(my editing menu isn't working in T.Visa)

The article also mentions how many Muslims first came to Europe as 'guest workers' after WWII - needed to do menial jobs and such. Similar to Mexicans coming to SW USA. After the 'guest workers' were no longer needed, they simply stayed on - particularly as they could get citizenship or at least get support benefits.

Similar to the Universe expanding at a greater pace, immigrants from N.Africa and Middle East are increasing at a steady clip. They don't immigrate to fellow Muslim countries, not even to relatively rich ones like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia or the Emirates. Instead they want to get to more tolerant countries like Australia, USA, Canada, NZ, UK, and other parts of Europe. Countries which their hot-head brethren condemn as 'heathen' and riven by infidels. No worries mate (for them), with enough patience, they'll take over, and force Sharia law on everyone.

Maybe thats what some posters want, world wide Sharia law, one might think so by some remarks one reads on this forum, the best term I could think of is "sleepwalking"! Edited by Colin Yai
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During an interview with one young Muslim man in Belgium who is campaigning to get Sharia law enacted for all Belgians: He said; "Sharia law is the will of Muhammed, so no one can question it."

Maidu's spin: There are more than a few people like that, who interpret the musings of a dead man and seek to force those ideas on all others in his vicinity. Any of their personal interpretations of the hundreds year old moldy texts is deemed, by those people, to be the ONLY WAY, and all others must adhere to their interpretations, or be physically cowed in to doing so.

It's a bad cycle, and I don't see any reasonable way around it. Like an infection.

Good luck Australia. Most of Europe is already beyond the pale.

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Getting refugee status in Australia is not an easy affair. They hardly have an open door policy.

The point is to provide protection for genuine refugees, who are fleeing for reasons mentioned under the Geneva convention protocols. Those who are economic migrants can be returned to their country of origin once they are determined not to be genuine refugees.

Many so called"asylum seekers" travel through two or more Country's before risking life and limb to get to the "gravy train" of the UK social security system , Australia according to my many Aussie mates here tell me its just the same there , if they are so persecuted in their own Countrys why not claim asylum at their first port of entry? .

Obviously because they believe that the ultimate destination will be a "better" place to live. The way to prevent more from travelling to the UK or Australia would therefore be to make them an even more unwelcoming destination than the intermediate countries. eg, why do illegals want to get from France to the UK? I can only surmise that it is because France is doing something right!

Yeah 110% correct but try to tell that to the bleeding heart left wing politically correct brigade!bah.gif and now as Enoch Powell predicted we in the UK have"rivers of blood" , today the UK, tomorrow Australia?

<bleeding heart left wing politically correct brigade>

Not just when it comes to immigration. They are the reason that I no longer wish to live in the west. Unfortunately their horrid beliefs are even coming into Thailand- they won't be happy till the whole world is ruled by their ilk.

BTW, Enoch never said "Rivers of Blood". He actually said "I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood’. Like most political speech, it can mean whatever you want it to mean.

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Today, the Muslim birth rate in Europe is three times higher than the non-Muslim one. If current trends continue, the Muslim population of Europe will nearly double by 2015, while the non-Muslim population will shrink by 3.5 percent.

from: Brookings http://www.brookings...t_taspinar.aspx

(my editing menu isn't working in T.Visa)

The article also mentions how many Muslims first came to Europe as 'guest workers' after WWII - needed to do menial jobs and such. Similar to Mexicans coming to SW USA. After the 'guest workers' were no longer needed, they simply stayed on - particularly as they could get citizenship or at least get support benefits.

Similar to the Universe expanding at a greater pace, immigrants from N.Africa and Middle East are increasing at a steady clip. They don't immigrate to fellow Muslim countries, not even to relatively rich ones like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia or the Emirates. Instead they want to get to more tolerant countries like Australia, USA, Canada, NZ, UK, and other parts of Europe. Countries which their hot-head brethren condemn as 'heathen' and riven by infidels. No worries mate (for them), with enough patience, they'll take over, and force Sharia law on everyone.

You are correct about them staying on.

Unfortunately, western countries give citizenship to "guest workers". unlike saudi, which only allows foreign workers to remain as long as they have jobs. They got it right on that one!

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During an interview with one young Muslim man in Belgium who is campaigning to get Sharia law enacted for all Belgians: He said; "Sharia law is the will of Muhammed, so no one can question it."

Maidu's spin: There are more than a few people like that, who interpret the musings of a dead man and seek to force those ideas on all others in his vicinity. Any of their personal interpretations of the hundreds year old moldy texts is deemed, by those people, to be the ONLY WAY, and all others must adhere to their interpretations, or be physically cowed in to doing so.

It's a bad cycle, and I don't see any reasonable way around it. Like an infection.

Good luck Australia. Most of Europe is already beyond the pale.

The way I look at it is that they are at the equivalent of the western "middle ages", when the inquisition forced everyone to be a Christian. In a thousand years time, they too will have changed.

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During an interview with one young Muslim man in Belgium who is campaigning to get Sharia law enacted for all Belgians: He said; "Sharia law is the will of Muhammed, so no one can question it."

Maidu's spin: There are more than a few people like that, who interpret the musings of a dead man and seek to force those ideas on all others in his vicinity. Any of their personal interpretations of the hundreds year old moldy texts is deemed, by those people, to be the ONLY WAY, and all others must adhere to their interpretations, or be physically cowed in to doing so.

It's a bad cycle, and I don't see any reasonable way around it. Like an infection.

Good luck Australia. Most of Europe is already beyond the pale.

The way I look at it is that they are at the equivalent of the western "middle ages", when the inquisition forced everyone to be a Christian. In a thousand years time, they too will have changed.

Sorry, but what is the total percentage (%) of Muslims in Europe now? I am guessing it is around the 5% figure. Sure it will rise, but not to the extent that Europe is 'beyond the pale' to selectively quote the poster above. There have been Muslims in Europe for centuries, look up the history of the Ottoman Empire for examples, it is not a recent thing.

By 'inquisition' I take it that you actually mean 'Spanish Inquisiton'. The Spanish Inquistion was a process instigated by Roman Catholic Spain to convert non-believers such as Jews and the few remaining Muslims as they kicked the rest out after the re-conquest.

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Oh please stop it. "Rivers of blood in the UK? Where? Enoch Powell? Haha. Do you live in Thailand? If so, why? Do you find it a "Better" place to live? Have you not noticed that most of the natives have dark skin? I think you have "Racist" issues you should deal with.

Instead of resorting to ad-hominim attacks perhaps it would be constructive to address facts. First, just for accuracies sake Muslims are not a race. Next to Enoch Powell; We don't as yet have rivers of blood I'll grant you, however using the prison population as a yardstick I do see a problem. Based on UK figures (2010) Muslims account for 3% of the population, yet at 12.6% they are over represented in the prison population. I have not managed to find corresponding numbers for Australia, but if they are similar then there is a problem to be addressed, especially with respect to immigration and border controls.


Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.
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Oh please stop it. "Rivers of blood in the UK? Where? Enoch Powell? Haha. Do you live in Thailand? If so, why? Do you find it a "Better" place to live? Have you not noticed that most of the natives have dark skin? I think you have "Racist" issues you should deal with.

Instead of resorting to ad-hominim attacks perhaps it would be constructive to address facts. First, just for accuracies sake Muslims are not a race. Next to Enoch Powell; We don't as yet have rivers of blood I'll grant you, however using the prison population as a yardstick I do see a problem. Based on UK figures (2010) Muslims account for 3% of the population, yet at 12.6% they are over represented in the prison population. I have not managed to find corresponding numbers for Australia, but if they are similar then there is a problem to be addressed, especially with respect to immigration and border controls.


Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.

Are you aware that since 9/11 over 3,000 muslims have been arrested In the UK for terrorist related charges, and 92% of convicted terrorist,s are Muslim too!!.
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Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.

It is possible as you have to make a case against Enoch Powell, less so Samuel Huntington, whose 'clash of civilizations' is indeed looking prophetic; but in terms of the OP discrediting Enoch is a straw man argument, which deflects from the fact that immigrants from many Muslim Countries prove to be very problematic for western cultures, this is beyond dispute even citing Muslim sources as I did. With respect to Australia there was the recent burning down of an asylum hostel by it's residents not to mention a jihadist plot to attack an Australian army barracks. I can see how the Australian public might view yet more of the same, let's hope their government reflects their wishes.

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Oh please stop it. "Rivers of blood in the UK? Where? Enoch Powell? Haha. Do you live in Thailand? If so, why? Do you find it a "Better" place to live? Have you not noticed that most of the natives have dark skin? I think you have "Racist" issues you should deal with.

Instead of resorting to ad-hominim attacks perhaps it would be constructive to address facts. First, just for accuracies sake Muslims are not a race. Next to Enoch Powell; We don't as yet have rivers of blood I'll grant you, however using the prison population as a yardstick I do see a problem. Based on UK figures (2010) Muslims account for 3% of the population, yet at 12.6% they are over represented in the prison population. I have not managed to find corresponding numbers for Australia, but if they are similar then there is a problem to be addressed, especially with respect to immigration and border controls.


Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.

Are you aware that since 9/11 over 3,000 muslims have been arrested In the UK for terrorist related charges, and 92% of convicted terrorist,s are Muslim too!!.

What is it with your paranoid obsession with Muslims? By your own admission they make up 3% of the UK population. Why dont you address the points i made about your hero Enoch Powell, or do you rely on your mate Steely Dan to do that for you? You stated as a fact that the UK has "rivers of blood". I ask you again, where? You and i both know this is racist nonsense. Your racist rants on here remind me of Alf Garnett, remember him? I seem to recall he was a big fan of Enoch. Again, do you live in Thailand, a country that is populated by brown skinned people? If so, why? If you do it must be very hard for you, given your right wing views. History has discredited Enoch Powell as a hypocritical racist bigot, considering he was the one responsible for opening the doors to immigration in the UK. So sad to see someone FIFTY years later quoting him as some kind of oracle. Pathetic.
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I have lived here in Thailand since Nov 03 and before that came on annual 3 month winter holidays with my late wife starting in Nov 89 so I reckon I have spent all in all about 12 years in time here I am now blissfully happy with my second wife who is Thai and live in a little Village in the "land of buffalo's" Issan I AM NOT A RACIST as Islam is not a race as you yourself pointed out in your own post#72 ,and if the attempts at human life by Islamic radicals had been successful instead of being thwarted by our security forces there would indeed have been "rivers of blood" the actual threat which was very real was "taken out",and now many are where they belong "the slammer" never the less the threat is real not a figment of my wild imagination ,as far as Powell goes he is not "my hero" just cos I bring one sentence to mind!!! , where have I made a racist rant?, please show me, I am totally against violence in the name of a religion of which Islam is Irrefutably guilty of , that is NOT racist , Of course if you do not see Radical Islam as an acute problem in Europe please, with respect by all means say so. personally I could post welters of information written by experts that suggests that the problem is acute in Denmark, France,Holland ,Sweden ,Norway, UK, Belgium,Germany ,Spain,Etc Etc , as stated before, the UK today and if they do not get their Act together Australia tomorrow .


Edited by Scott
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I think the attacks are getting a little bit strong and the topic is starting to stray away from asylum seekers (going by boat) to Australia.

Please keep the discussion civil.

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I think the attacks are getting a little bit strong and the topic is starting to stray away from asylum seekers (going by boat) to Australia.

Please keep the discussion civil.

Quite correct Scott there is no need for petty name calling (Alf Garnett)laugh.png and false accusations without a fragment of evidence to back the allegations up , I have no need to adopt this immature stance ,as the proof of my concerns are legion and Irrefutable ,out of curiosity I just Typed in on Google the first thing I thought of ,"is there a Jihad in Europe?" others may want to read the many articles enclosed, In closing I fervently believe my concerns are very real backed up by endless data ,but when I voice them I am shouted down as a racist Islam knocker , all I can say is let them prove me wrong ,its that easy. Edited by Colin Yai
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During an interview with one young Muslim man in Belgium who is campaigning to get Sharia law enacted for all Belgians: He said; "Sharia law is the will of Muhammed, so no one can question it."

Maidu's spin: There are more than a few people like that, who interpret the musings of a dead man and seek to force those ideas on all others in his vicinity. Any of their personal interpretations of the hundreds year old moldy texts is deemed, by those people, to be the ONLY WAY, and all others must adhere to their interpretations, or be physically cowed in to doing so.

It's a bad cycle, and I don't see any reasonable way around it. Like an infection.

Good luck Australia. Most of Europe is already beyond the pale.

And that is what I do not understand, If they want sharia law then why on earth do they head to christian countries simply just stop at one of the islamic countries that they pass through where they alreadyhave everything they want. I think it is more about instilling change in the cultures of other countries until they resemble that of which they alledgedly fled. In Australia they have even lobbied for a small mosque to be build within the grounds of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) the home of Australian Rules Football and cricket in Australia. An Aussie Icon. They are going to get but no chapel for the majority. They say they need to pray during games. 99% of those that go to the Aussie footy games are christians. Next it will be segregated areas for male/female supporters. Next it will be pray rooms in Hotels and bars they won't use them but want them.

Edited by chooka
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In other words Chooka the Islamic Minority's DEMANDS take priority ,simply because The left wing Government is terrified of having the racist tag attached to it , this has been the bane of Europe with truly disastrous consequences , or is someone out there suggesting that multiculturalism has been a roaring success ,and they expect more of the same in Australia?? ., Exsexyman maybe you could inform Aussie Chooka that his views are alarmist and based on what is going on right now in Europe he has nothing to fearlaugh.png

Edited by Colin Yai
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During an interview with one young Muslim man in Belgium who is campaigning to get Sharia law enacted for all Belgians: He said; "Sharia law is the will of Muhammed, so no one can question it."

Maidu's spin: There are more than a few people like that, who interpret the musings of a dead man and seek to force those ideas on all others in his vicinity. Any of their personal interpretations of the hundreds year old moldy texts is deemed, by those people, to be the ONLY WAY, and all others must adhere to their interpretations, or be physically cowed in to doing so.

It's a bad cycle, and I don't see any reasonable way around it. Like an infection.

Good luck Australia. Most of Europe is already beyond the pale.

And that is what I do not understand, If they want sharia law then why on earth do they head to christian countries simply just stop at one of the islamic countries that they pass through where they alreadyhave everything they want. I think it is more about instilling change in the cultures of other countries until they resemble that of which they alledgedly fled. In Australia they have even lobbied for a small mosque to be build within the grounds of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) the home of Australian Rules Football and cricket in Australia. An Aussie Icon. They are going to get but no chapel for the majority. They say they need to pray during games. 99% of those that go to the Aussie footy games are christians. Next it will be segregated areas for male/female supporters. Next it will be pray rooms in Hotels and bars they won't use them but want them.

They have a prayer room in one of the car auctions in Brisbane......never thought I would see the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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During an interview with one young Muslim man in Belgium who is campaigning to get Sharia law enacted for all Belgians: He said; "Sharia law is the will of Muhammed, so no one can question it."

Maidu's spin: There are more than a few people like that, who interpret the musings of a dead man and seek to force those ideas on all others in his vicinity. Any of their personal interpretations of the hundreds year old moldy texts is deemed, by those people, to be the ONLY WAY, and all others must adhere to their interpretations, or be physically cowed in to doing so.

It's a bad cycle, and I don't see any reasonable way around it. Like an infection.

Good luck Australia. Most of Europe is already beyond the pale.

And that is what I do not understand, If they want sharia law then why on earth do they head to christian countries simply just stop at one of the islamic countries that they pass through where they alreadyhave everything they want. I think it is more about instilling change in the cultures of other countries until they resemble that of which they alledgedly fled. In Australia they have even lobbied for a small mosque to be build within the grounds of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) the home of Australian Rules Football and cricket in Australia. An Aussie Icon. They are going to get but no chapel for the majority. They say they need to pray during games. 99% of those that go to the Aussie footy games are christians. Next it will be segregated areas for male/female supporters. Next it will be pray rooms in Hotels and bars they won't use them but want them.

They have a prayer room in one of the car auctions in Brisbane......never thought I would see the day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just the thin end of a gigantic wedge.
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Sure, lets address facts. For accuracies sake i didn't say Muslims were a race, don't know where that came from. There are a few on this forum who clearly have an unhealthy, paranoid obsession with Muslims, but certainly not me. I was responding to a poster who stated as a FACT that The UK now has "rivers of blood". This is clearly scaremongering racist nonsense. As for Enoch Powell, it is interesting that as Minister of Health in the early 1960s, he was responsible for the recruitment of people from the Commonwealth to work in The UK public services. Indeed he appeared in advertisements in cinemas all over the Commonwealth imploring our "coloured cousins' to come to the UK, which they then did in their thousands. A fact that he conveniently never mentioned during his subsequent rants about immigration. I remember him being tackled on the subject by the late Sir Robin Day on a BBC Panorama programme, he squirmed and prevaricated, and got very flustered. He was a hypocrite and a racist, albeit a very clever and erudite one. A fact that was even recognised by his own Conservative Party, who withdrew the whip. He was of course a very powerful and mesmerising orator. But then again so was Adolph Hitler.

It is possible as you have to make a case against Enoch Powell, less so Samuel Huntington, whose 'clash of civilizations' is indeed looking prophetic; but in terms of the OP discrediting Enoch is a straw man argument, which deflects from the fact that immigrants from many Muslim Countries prove to be very problematic for western cultures, this is beyond dispute even citing Muslim sources as I did. With respect to Australia there was the recent burning down of an asylum hostel by it's residents not to mention a jihadist plot to attack an Australian army barracks. I can see how the Australian public might view yet more of the same, let's hope their government reflects their wishes.

The burning down of the hostel puts the lie to all the illegal immigrants that arrive claiming to be refugees. Obviously they don't just want to be safe from being killed, but rather, want to jump the queue to be able to work/ get benefits/ whatever in a western country. Unfortunately, the Australian governments response is one of appeasement, rather than of deporting all the culprits. So the lesson is obvious- get to Australia, burn down your detention camp and you too can get to live in the society, and you won't even be expected to assimilate!

IMO, the problem with allowing mass immigration of people from an alien culture is that they are no longer expected to assimilate- rather, they are allowed to live in ghettos of their own kind, and perpetuate cultures that are fundamentally opposed to the predominate culture of their host country.

As for "rivers of blood" Enoch never said that literally, but claimed to have a vision of the future if nothing changed. Although he was instrumental in bring large scale immigration to Britain, perhaps he realised that it was a mistake.

Indeed, had they had a similar policy to saudi, all those that came to Britain to work would have had to return home once their jobs no longer existed, or they became too old to work- problem solved!

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During an interview with one young Muslim man in Belgium who is campaigning to get Sharia law enacted for all Belgians: He said; "Sharia law is the will of Muhammed, so no one can question it."

Maidu's spin: There are more than a few people like that, who interpret the musings of a dead man and seek to force those ideas on all others in his vicinity. Any of their personal interpretations of the hundreds year old moldy texts is deemed, by those people, to be the ONLY WAY, and all others must adhere to their interpretations, or be physically cowed in to doing so.

It's a bad cycle, and I don't see any reasonable way around it. Like an infection.

Good luck Australia. Most of Europe is already beyond the pale.

And that is what I do not understand, If they want sharia law then why on earth do they head to christian countries simply just stop at one of the islamic countries that they pass through where they alreadyhave everything they want. I think it is more about instilling change in the cultures of other countries until they resemble that of which they alledgedly fled. In Australia they have even lobbied for a small mosque to be build within the grounds of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) the home of Australian Rules Football and cricket in Australia. An Aussie Icon. They are going to get but no chapel for the majority. They say they need to pray during games. 99% of those that go to the Aussie footy games are christians. Next it will be segregated areas for male/female supporters. Next it will be pray rooms in Hotels and bars they won't use them but want them.

All this "we need a mosque/ prayer room" rubbish is just that. Under Islam, you don't need a special place to pray, you can do so anywhere. At a hospital I worked at, a Muslim Dr prayed in a storeroom, and a Muslim colleage never prayed during work hours- they don't have to if it's not possible, so long as they make it up later when they can.

I say, they can have their mosques when there is a church in saudi arabia, but good luck with that!

It's all just pushing an agenda.

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If the Hermia is flying the flag of Singapore, then its nothing to do with Australia so Australia needs to keep right out of it.

Having said that, maybe the deal between Gilliard and the Malaysian govt., to take the asylum seekers would have some merit after all. They might think twice knowing that landing in oz will mean they are going direct to lock up in Malaysia.

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I am inclined to agree with Scott, we should look after the genuine refugee, but send the other buggers back asap! Hamid Kharsai says that they can look after themselves now and can handle the Taliban. So these young boat people must go back and do something to save their country, not 'bludge' on us.

Process them as fast as possible, weed em out and then 'piss' the majority off back to where they came from.

When oz gets a new govt., there will be no easy ticket in. No bleeding heart Greenies to call the tune.

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And that is what I do not understand, If they want sharia law then why on earth do they head to christian countries simply just stop at one of the islamic countries that they pass through where they alreadyhave everything they want. I think it is more about instilling change in the cultures of other countries until they resemble that of which they alledgedly fled. In Australia they have even lobbied for a small mosque to be build within the grounds of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) the home of Australian Rules Football and cricket in Australia. An Aussie Icon. They are going to get but no chapel for the majority. They say they need to pray during games. 99% of those that go to the Aussie footy games are christians. Next it will be segregated areas for male/female supporters. Next it will be pray rooms in Hotels and bars they won't use them but want them.

The answer is they see their own culture as superior and possessing a divine right to replace other cultures it encounters. No need to attack preach to the converted, hence the quest for new victims.

This is a good article covering the current madness that passes as policy from western governments.


Islamic countries have become more Islamic because of a deliberate policy that drives non-Muslims out; non-Islamic countries have become more Islamic because of a deliberate policy that invites Muslims in and ensures that they feel in no way hindered or upset.

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Actually, Muslims hassle among themselves big time. Look at Bahrain or Yemen or Syria. Tensions in those countries are partly political, but just as much stem from secterian rifts. So I don't believe in the 'no need to preach to the converted' camp.

Indeed, it might be that Europe and Australia are easier prey for radical Muslims, because Europeans and Australians are generally more laid back in their beliefs. Less radicalized, so therefore easier to sway to a more intense philosophy. Either that, or more easily cowed by threats.

Yet, in the big picture, I think the main reason Muslims want to get their butts to more liberal countries is for the better/easier lifestyles. There's more abundance, more tolerance, and better paying jobs and benefits. That's why the 120 so-called refugees didn't want to disembark in a fellow Muslim country - and instead hope to get to Australia.

Plus, look at the natural resources in most Muslim countries. Some oil in the ground, lots of sand, but little else. Not much fresh water, no real forests, no wild animals, little else. The Middle East has had thousands of years to trash their environment, and what you see is the result. People want green grass, trees, flowing water, friendly people around. If I was a Middle Easterner, I'd sure as shootin' get my buns to a more habitable place. Even Siberia looks rather good. At least they've got water and forests there, and with GW, it should warm up a bit, shouldn't it? Now might be a good time to buy a few thousand acres of Siberia - for the grandkids' heritage, while it's still cheap.

Edited by maidu
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Quite an Informative link Dan Thanks , I have been reading similar Items like this for quite some time , IMHO the worst thing is to have a closed mind and then accuse others who bring the topic up as rabid racists ,the real truth is there for all to see , unfortunately it is now viewed by those of the left as some sort of hate speech , I think that with a change of Government in Australia and with lessons to be learned from what is happening right now in Europe they will process "Asylum seekers" far quicker than hitherto and those found to be bogus will be speedily returned from whence they came.

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Fairly recently a group of Muslims bought a large block of land next to a 25 acre pig farm in New South Wales. They told the farmer that he was welcome to continue living there but they were going to build a very large mosque on their piece of land, so he would have to stop breeding and keeping pigs there.

The farmer said that he had been there for over 20 years so was going to continue. The muslims told him in no uncertain terms what would happen, trying to frighten him off.

His reply was to hold 'Pig Races' every sunday morning.

I thought this was hilarious, but there i expect that Exsexyman will call me a racist ! cheesy.gif

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