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Robert Mugabe 'Fighting For Life In Singapore Hospital'


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You seem to be saying that White African farmers have no right to call themselves African, yet they are 5th or 6th generation. If that is the case are you American? Are you willing to hand in your passport and denounce your nationality and return to your 'homeland'? No I guess not! You cannot make current generations responsible for the sins of their great great grandfathers.

Well said....I made similar remarks a few years ago to an African American who was visting Cape Town and said he was coming home to his roots..!!....was not impressed when I suggested his ancestors never even came from the what is now the Cape province and most likely they came from Nigeria or somewhere similar as that was the center of the slave trade to the US, not the Cape province, would not believe that the original inhabitants of the area were the san people...ie the Bushmen

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Taking my roi baht and giving me back haa baht is not in favor, so the so called is guilt redemption or plain hypocrisy.

Thanks zatoichi, I could nt have, even if I tried to put it succinctly.

I am not totally a fan of Mugabe, but comments of page one and two was a bit of a low.

The Thai Chinese don't own all the lands, may be the choice ones. And they invest their profits in Thailand too and no one is bing slaved outright.

The foreign aid to Africa is all a sham. How much can you give a country like Nigeria to make any impact?

What utter nonsense,what makes you think the world owes you a living,and you and your country deserve any aid,at all???

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Taking my roi baht and giving me back haa baht is not in favor, so the so called is guilt redemption or plain hypocrisy.

Thanks zatoichi, I could nt have, even if I tried to put it succinctly.

I am not totally a fan of Mugabe, but comments of page one and two was a bit of a low.

The Thai Chinese don't own all the lands, may be the choice ones. And they invest their profits in Thailand too and no one is bing slaved outright.

The foreign aid to Africa is all a sham. How much can you give a country like Nigeria to make any impact?

What utter nonsense,what makes you think the world owes you a living,and you and your country deserve any aid,at all???

Mmmmm.....that post still falls under MAJIC's first three words! I am sure after the posts you have received you can do better than that.

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I'm not even going to re phrase anything I said regarding my opinion of Mugabe, I'll just cut and paste it here:

"Point to anywhere in any of my posts where I said I like Mugabe. Try and switch the focus all you want, but as I said, I'm not a fan of Mugabe (perfectly correct intentions in purging the parasites), but being free to run your own country the way you wish is always better for the citizenry in the long run than being controlled by a outside occupying force"

Now lemme take a stab at a few "Gentlemen"Jim's comments,

1)”Can we send that message over to Kim Jong Un and the starving illiterate people of North Korea, and once that message has been sent lets define the difference between the kim jong dynasty and the North Korean people and Mugabe and the starving of zimbabwe? I think the Korean had a better grip on economics, thats about it.”

a. Sure can, the north Koreans allowed themselves the govt they have. If they want better they will rise up internally and fight for change. True and organic Revolution on their own terms and in their own way. For them by them, at the blood cost. And apparently they aren’t ready to pony up the cost, or simply don’t want too. But personally I believe it’s gotta be on them to initiate change. I suppose you think the white man should swoop in there too and “rescue” these poor illiterate savages and appropriate Their land because the locals aren’t developing it enough.

2)”Your rantings are indicative of the fact that you fail to truly understand the real nature of Africa, this by the way is a very common trait amongst African Americans. Tribal slaughter has been a way of life in Africa for a thousand years, something African Americans have either forgotten, choose to forget or have no idea about. The 'occupiers' in the case of Africa in most cases put a stop to that slaughter

a. This one is particularly beautiful, and illustrates so plainly what I loath about your mentality. So your saying Black Americans (I’m not African, I’m American flat out, just so happens I’m Black) Are commonly ignorant, and that Savage Tribal Africans have been killing each other as a way of life for thousands of years, as if Africans are the only people that kill each other based on different cultural groups. The whole of Europe fought each other over the same differences, the only real difference is the term you use, Tribe as opposed to Nation, and infact the Whites that came to Africa to steal land and recourses noted this as well and purposely drew their national boundaries to include rival tribes to make their divide and concur tactics flow easier.

And ofcourse I know that Africans helped to sell out other Africans. It’s called Prisoners of War, African nations would fight each other and capture POW’s and sell them off with the trade. Much unlike Europe where even recently, POW’s got concentration camps and the oven treatment. Real civilized there rolleyes.gif . I love how some white people point to the African’s involvement in the slave trade as if it some how absolves their race of accountability for all of the resulting atrocities and places the blame squarely on the shoulders of the victimized. Can’t just take the good with the bad can ya? Anyway and even that being said the Africans didn't give the Europeans Slaves, they gave them POWs, Human Beings. Humans which the whites proceeded to refuse to acknowledge as such and treat like some type of expendable animal.

3) “By the way you didn't have your history stolen from you, history took a different path as it always does eventually.”

a. Wow , really? The audacity of this statement is almost stunning, but thoroughly inline with your other white supremacist ideologies. However, No, you are incorrect the history of the Africans who were brought to America and forced into slavery was indeed Stolen. Let me illustrate the difference, Change like you said is what happened to Prussians around WWII. Their history was changed as there Kingdom was absorbed into Germany. However they still kept their Language, their Gods, their culture, history, and genealogy. But their boarders changed, the politics changed, economy changed ect. That’s historical Change. THEFT, is what happened to Africans in America when the whites sold them into slavery they robbed them of their history, forced them to adopt new names, broke apart families, disallowed their religion, raped them, bread them without access to education so that any access to their history would be effectively wiped out within a few generations. That’s Stolen. There is no other word for it..other than maybe eradication perhaps.

4) “You seem to be saying that White African farmers have no right to call themselves African, yet they are 5th or 6th generation. If that is the case are you American? Are you willing to hand in your passport and denounce your nationality and return to your 'homeland'? No I guess not! You cannot make current generations responsible for the sins of their great great grandfathers.

a. Correct, I don’t believe the whites in African have any right to call themselves African. And yes I have EVERY right to call my self American, and I won’t denounce my nationality because I love my country and my people built it and struggled too hard here for me to through it all away. The difference is, I call my self AMERICAN, not Apache, Suoix, Delaware, or Mohican. I am not a Indigenous person from the Lands that the Nation of America currently holds. When someone says he’s American, he’s referring to his nationality, not his blood heritage. A white in Africa can say he’s Kenyan, Zimbabwean, if they hold that passport, but they will never be a true African, ever, just like If I moved to Germany I will never be Germanic.

Now I’m sure my long azz post will probably be deleted for wondering off topic, I epect that. So I GentlemenJim I have sent you this in a PM. I would love to have this conversation with you over a Guinness one day as I enjoy a spirited debate, and I know that as the years go on there will be harder to find people who still think the way you do.

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Correct, I don’t believe the whites in African have any right to call themselves African. And yes I have EVERY right to call my self American,

A white in Africa can say he’s Kenyan, Zimbabwean, if they hold that passport, but they will never be a true African, ever, just like If I moved to Germany I will never be Germanic

Rather racist and hypercritical sentiment me thinks....some people in America could suggest that even though you hold a US passport you will never be a true American, and pray tell what exactly is a true African ?

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Correct, I don’t believe the whites in African have any right to call themselves African. And yes I have EVERY right to call my self American,

A white in Africa can say he’s Kenyan, Zimbabwean, if they hold that passport, but they will never be a true African, ever, just like If I moved to Germany I will never be Germanic

Rather racist and hypercritical sentiment me thinks....some people in America could suggest that even though you hold a US passport you will never be a true American, and pray tell what exactly is a true African ?

LOL Really Soutpeel?

Lets just take the part of my comment you conveniently left out after the comma, and put it back.

"Correct, I don’t believe the whites in African have any right to call themselves African. And yes I have EVERY right to call my self American, and I won’t denounce my nationality because I love my country and my people built it and struggled too hard here for me to through it all away. The difference is, I call my self AMERICAN, not Apache, Suoix, Delaware, or Mohican. I am not a Indigenous person from the Lands that the Nation of America currently holds. When someone says he’s American, he’s referring to his nationality, not his blood heritage. A white in Africa can say he’s Kenyan, Zimbabwean, if they hold that passport, but they will never be a true African, ever, just like If I moved to Germany I will never be Germanic."

Oh and look at that! it suddenly makes sense again. What is it with you people and your love for half truths and skewing context?

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I'm not even going to re phrase anything I said regarding my opinion of Mugabe, I'll just cut and paste it here:

"Point to anywhere in any of my posts where I said I like Mugabe. Try and switch the focus all you want, but as I said, I'm not a fan of Mugabe (perfectly correct intentions in purging the parasites), but being free to run your own country the way you wish is always better for the citizenry in the long run than being controlled by a outside occupying force"

Now lemme take a stab at a few "Gentlemen"Jim's comments,

1)”Can we send that message over to Kim Jong Un and the starving illiterate people of North Korea, and once that message has been sent lets define the difference between the kim jong dynasty and the North Korean people and Mugabe and the starving of zimbabwe? I think the Korean had a better grip on economics, thats about it.”

a. Sure can, the north Koreans allowed themselves the govt they have. If they want better they will rise up internally and fight for change. True and organic Revolution on their own terms and in their own way. For them by them, at the blood cost. And apparently they aren’t ready to pony up the cost, or simply don’t want too. But personally I believe it’s gotta be on them to initiate change. I suppose you think the white man should swoop in there too and “rescue” these poor illiterate savages and appropriate Their land because the locals aren’t developing it enough.

2)”Your rantings are indicative of the fact that you fail to truly understand the real nature of Africa, this by the way is a very common trait amongst African Americans. Tribal slaughter has been a way of life in Africa for a thousand years, something African Americans have either forgotten, choose to forget or have no idea about. The 'occupiers' in the case of Africa in most cases put a stop to that slaughter

a. This one is particularly beautiful, and illustrates so plainly what I loath about your mentality. So your saying Black Americans (I’m not African, I’m American flat out, just so happens I’m Black) Are commonly ignorant, and that Savage Tribal Africans have been killing each other as a way of life for thousands of years, as if Africans are the only people that kill each other based on different cultural groups. The whole of Europe fought each other over the same differences, the only real difference is the term you use, Tribe as opposed to Nation, and infact the Whites that came to Africa to steal land and recourses noted this as well and purposely drew their national boundaries to include rival tribes to make their divide and concur tactics flow easier.

And ofcourse I know that Africans helped to sell out other Africans. It’s called Prisoners of War, African nations would fight each other and capture POW’s and sell them off with the trade. Much unlike Europe where even recently, POW’s got concentration camps and the oven treatment. Real civilized there rolleyes.gif . I love how some white people point to the African’s involvement in the slave trade as if it some how absolves their race of accountability for all of the resulting atrocities and places the blame squarely on the shoulders of the victimized. Can’t just take the good with the bad can ya? Anyway and even that being said the Africans didn't give the Europeans Slaves, they gave them POWs, Human Beings. Humans which the whites proceeded to refuse to acknowledge as such and treat like some type of expendable animal.

3) “By the way you didn't have your history stolen from you, history took a different path as it always does eventually.”

a. Wow , really? The audacity of this statement is almost stunning, but thoroughly inline with your other white supremacist ideologies. However, No, you are incorrect the history of the Africans who were brought to America and forced into slavery was indeed Stolen. Let me illustrate the difference, Change like you said is what happened to Prussians around WWII. Their history was changed as there Kingdom was absorbed into Germany. However they still kept their Language, their Gods, their culture, history, and genealogy. But their boarders changed, the politics changed, economy changed ect. That’s historical Change. THEFT, is what happened to Africans in America when the whites sold them into slavery they robbed them of their history, forced them to adopt new names, broke apart families, disallowed their religion, raped them, bread them without access to education so that any access to their history would be effectively wiped out within a few generations. That’s Stolen. There is no other word for it..other than maybe eradication perhaps.

4) “You seem to be saying that White African farmers have no right to call themselves African, yet they are 5th or 6th generation. If that is the case are you American? Are you willing to hand in your passport and denounce your nationality and return to your 'homeland'? No I guess not! You cannot make current generations responsible for the sins of their great great grandfathers.

a. Correct, I don’t believe the whites in African have any right to call themselves African. And yes I have EVERY right to call my self American, and I won’t denounce my nationality because I love my country and my people built it and struggled too hard here for me to through it all away. The difference is, I call my self AMERICAN, not Apache, Suoix, Delaware, or Mohican. I am not a Indigenous person from the Lands that the Nation of America currently holds. When someone says he’s American, he’s referring to his nationality, not his blood heritage. A white in Africa can say he’s Kenyan, Zimbabwean, if they hold that passport, but they will never be a true African, ever, just like If I moved to Germany I will never be Germanic.

Now I’m sure my long azz post will probably be deleted for wondering off topic, I epect that. So I GentlemenJim I have sent you this in a PM. I would love to have this conversation with you over a Guinness one day as I enjoy a spirited debate, and I know that as the years go on there will be harder to find people who still think the way you do.

What a funny post in every respect! You are American and they are not African. You are Black, they are White. I guess you claim to be a brother as well? Like I said in my very first post to you, time to take some leave, you are an angry guy! Good luck.

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Correct, I don’t believe the whites in African have any right to call themselves African. And yes I have EVERY right to call my self American,

A white in Africa can say he’s Kenyan, Zimbabwean, if they hold that passport, but they will never be a true African, ever, just like If I moved to Germany I will never be Germanic

Rather racist and hypercritical sentiment me thinks....some people in America could suggest that even though you hold a US passport you will never be a true American, and pray tell what exactly is a true African ?

LOL Really Soutpeel?

Lets just take the part of my comment you conveniently left out after the comma, and put it back.

"Correct, I don’t believe the whites in African have any right to call themselves African. And yes I have EVERY right to call my self American, and I won’t denounce my nationality because I love my country and my people built it and struggled too hard here for me to through it all away. The difference is, I call my self AMERICAN, not Apache, Suoix, Delaware, or Mohican. I am not a Indigenous person from the Lands that the Nation of America currently holds. When someone says he’s American, he’s referring to his nationality, not his blood heritage. A white in Africa can say he’s Kenyan, Zimbabwean, if they hold that passport, but they will never be a true African, ever, just like If I moved to Germany I will never be Germanic."

Oh and look at that! it suddenly makes sense again. What is it with you people and your love for half truths and skewing context?

No, now you are very confused. You cannot call yourself Apache, because you are of African descent. If you can call yourself American because you are proud of your country yet not of the indigenous people of America, why can't a white African call himself African? Is a white Austrailian Austrailian or should they all go back to their jail cells in England?, So you can kick the whites out of Africa and ensure blacks have the right to rule, yet you claim the right to stay in America, and hey even have blacks rule? It's so cool to be a victim.

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Correct, I don’t believe the whites in African have any right to call themselves African. And yes I have EVERY right to call my self American,

A white in Africa can say he’s Kenyan, Zimbabwean, if they hold that passport, but they will never be a true African, ever, just like If I moved to Germany I will never be Germanic

Rather racist and hypercritical sentiment me thinks....some people in America could suggest that even though you hold a US passport you will never be a true American, and pray tell what exactly is a true African ?

LOL Really Soutpeel?

Lets just take the part of my comment you conveniently left out after the comma, and put it back.

"Correct, I don’t believe the whites in African have any right to call themselves African. And yes I have EVERY right to call my self American, and I won’t denounce my nationality because I love my country and my people built it and struggled too hard here for me to through it all away. The difference is, I call my self AMERICAN, not Apache, Suoix, Delaware, or Mohican. I am not a Indigenous person from the Lands that the Nation of America currently holds. When someone says he’s American, he’s referring to his nationality, not his blood heritage. A white in Africa can say he’s Kenyan, Zimbabwean, if they hold that passport, but they will never be a true African, ever, just like If I moved to Germany I will never be Germanic."

Oh and look at that! it suddenly makes sense again. What is it with you people and your love for half truths and skewing context?

No, now you are very confused. You cannot call yourself Apache, because you are of African descent. If you can call yourself American because you are proud of your country yet not of the indigenous people of America, why can't a white African call himself African? Is a white Austrailian Austrailian or should they all go back to their jail cells in England?, So you can kick the whites out of Africa and ensure blacks have the right to rule, yet you claim the right to stay in America, and hey even have blacks rule? It's so cool to be a victim.

Yes all rather amusing, as stated previous all his assertions are based on racism and discrimination based on the colour of ones skin....the very thing the whites in Africa were accused/gulity of.

Edited by Soutpeel
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Are you guys trying to wind me up? clap2.gif You'll need to do better than that. I said clearly, A white person in Africa holding a passport from a African country may accurately refer to him self as a citizen of that country. ie Kenyan, Zimbabwaean, ect. This is his nationality, not his ethnicity. There is no American Ethnicity, All people who come here and become citizens have the right to call themselves American. And what is a real African to me, in very simple terms, someone who's ethnicity and culture is that of one of the many indigenous peoples of Africa.

Oh and I'm not a Victim, my people surly have been Victimized, but I refuse to be a victim. I believe that's often a personal choice one that can be made if you have the strength, intestinal fortitude, and good fortune to be able to rise up inspite of the difficulties that beset you. And so far I have managed to do just that.

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Are you guys trying to wind me up? clap2.gif You'll need to do better than that. I said clearly, A white person in Africa holding a passport from a African country may accurately refer to him self as a citizen of that country. ie Kenyan, Zimbabwaean, ect. This is his nationality, not his ethnicity. There is no American Ethnicity, All people who come here and become citizens have the right to call themselves American. And what is a real African to me, in very simple terms, someone who's ethnicity and culture is that of one of the many indigenous peoples of Africa.

Oh and I'm not a Victim, my people surly have been Victimized, but I refuse to be a victim. I believe that's often a personal choice one that can be made if you have the strength, intestinal fortitude, and good fortune to be able to rise up inspite of the difficulties that beset you. And so far I have managed to do just that.

Oh, so they are your people? So you are African American?

You say

what is a real African to me, in very simple terms, someone who's ethnicity and culture is that of one of the many indigenous peoples of Africa.

ergo, a real American is someone who's ethnicity and culture is one of the many indigenous peoples of America, of which you are not!

Talk about wanting your cake and eating it....unbelievable!

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Drives his people to utter poverty, famine and emigration, drives his country to hyperinflation, cholera epidemics and complete devastation of the economy and then private jets ferry him and his spoilt clan 4000 kms for medical treatment. So African.

Ironically flying him out wouldn't have been necessary 30 years ago.

What a mess he has made of his country. An absolute disgrace of a man.

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Are you guys trying to wind me up? clap2.gif You'll need to do better than that. I said clearly, A white person in Africa holding a passport from a African country may accurately refer to him self as a citizen of that country. ie Kenyan, Zimbabwaean, ect. This is his nationality, not his ethnicity. There is no American Ethnicity, All people who come here and become citizens have the right to call themselves American. And what is a real African to me, in very simple terms, someone who's ethnicity and culture is that of one of the many indigenous peoples of Africa.

Oh and I'm not a Victim, my people surly have been Victimized, but I refuse to be a victim. I believe that's often a personal choice one that can be made if you have the strength, intestinal fortitude, and good fortune to be able to rise up inspite of the difficulties that beset you. And so far I have managed to do just that.

Oh, so they are your people? So you are African American?

You say

what is a real African to me, in very simple terms, someone who's ethnicity and culture is that of one of the many indigenous peoples of Africa.

ergo, a real American is someone who's ethnicity and culture is one of the many indigenous peoples of America, of which you are not!

Talk about wanting your cake and eating it....unbelievable!

I would be interested to see what he defines as indigenous to Africa.....mankind traces its roots back to the rift valley in Africa...ergo we are all Africans anyway...

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Are you guys trying to wind me up? clap2.gif You'll need to do better than that. I said clearly, A white person in Africa holding a passport from a African country may accurately refer to him self as a citizen of that country. ie Kenyan, Zimbabwaean, ect. This is his nationality, not his ethnicity. There is no American Ethnicity, All people who come here and become citizens have the right to call themselves American. And what is a real African to me, in very simple terms, someone who's ethnicity and culture is that of one of the many indigenous peoples of Africa.

Oh and I'm not a Victim, my people surly have been Victimized, but I refuse to be a victim. I believe that's often a personal choice one that can be made if you have the strength, intestinal fortitude, and good fortune to be able to rise up inspite of the difficulties that beset you. And so far I have managed to do just that.

Oh, so they are your people? So you are African American?

You say

what is a real African to me, in very simple terms, someone who's ethnicity and culture is that of one of the many indigenous peoples of Africa.

ergo, a real American is someone who's ethnicity and culture is one of the many indigenous peoples of America, of which you are not!

Talk about wanting your cake and eating it....unbelievable!

By "My people" I was referring to Blacks in America, not Africans. I'm not African we have our own culture here unique to American Blacks forged by our experience. Most of us can't even name 10 African countries, so how can one say we are African-Americans. White Americans don't have to go around describing themselves with a hyphen, why the hell do I need one?

And I CLEARLY said, America as a Nation has no Ethnicity, the term strictly refers to a Nationality, one made up of MANY different individual cultures, many unique to our Nation.

Talk about selective commenting.

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Are you guys trying to wind me up? clap2.gif You'll need to do better than that. I said clearly, A white person in Africa holding a passport from a African country may accurately refer to him self as a citizen of that country. ie Kenyan, Zimbabwaean, ect. This is his nationality, not his ethnicity. There is no American Ethnicity, All people who come here and become citizens have the right to call themselves American. And what is a real African to me, in very simple terms, someone who's ethnicity and culture is that of one of the many indigenous peoples of Africa.

Oh and I'm not a Victim, my people surly have been Victimized, but I refuse to be a victim. I believe that's often a personal choice one that can be made if you have the strength, intestinal fortitude, and good fortune to be able to rise up inspite of the difficulties that beset you. And so far I have managed to do just that.

Oh, so they are your people? So you are African American?

You say

what is a real African to me, in very simple terms, someone who's ethnicity and culture is that of one of the many indigenous peoples of Africa.

ergo, a real American is someone who's ethnicity and culture is one of the many indigenous peoples of America, of which you are not!

Talk about wanting your cake and eating it....unbelievable!

By "My people" I was referring to Blacks in America, not Africans. I'm not African we have our own culture here unique to American Blacks forged by our experience. Most of us can't even name 10 African countries, so how can one say we are African-Americans. White Americans don't have to go around describing themselves with a hyphen, why the hell do I need one?

The most sensible post you have made on this thread

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You seem to be saying that White African farmers have no right to call themselves African, yet they are 5th or 6th generation. If that is the case are you American? Are you willing to hand in your passport and denounce your nationality and return to your 'homeland'? No I guess not! You cannot make current generations responsible for the sins of their great great grandfathers.

Well said....I made similar remarks a few years ago to an African American who was visting Cape Town and said he was coming home to his roots..!!....was not impressed when I suggested his ancestors never even came from the what is now the Cape province and most likely they came from Nigeria or somewhere similar as that was the center of the slave trade to the US, not the Cape province, would not believe that the original inhabitants of the area were the san people...ie the Bushmen

Quite correct Soutpeel ,most of the Black slaves came from West Africa with some from Central Africa , However the slave trade was not exclusive to Africans as the Romans made Slaves of the people they Conquered , with many finishing up in the Arena to either slaughter each other as Gladiators or to be torn to pieces by Wild animals to satisfy the blood lust of the baying mob,IMHO far too Black Americans are wallowing in self pity ,although their views are well balanced cos many carry a huge chip on either shoulder. Edited by Colin Yai
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This is starting to stay pretty far off-topic.

Please stay on the topic, or your posts will be deleted.

For those of you with a bug up your behind, the topic isn't about American Blacks with a chip on their shoulder.

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This is starting to stay pretty far off-topic.

Please stay on the topic, or your posts will be deleted.

For those of you with a bug up your behind, the topic isn't about American Blacks with a chip on their shoulder.

How about we close this topic since Mr. Mugabe has returned home "fit as a fiddle"



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I only hope the reporting is accurate.

I've had white Saffa's and Zim's telling me since the mid 90's that the bloke has one ailment or another.

Appears I might have been onto something...

Edited by samran
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I thought most countries had banned any travel from Mugabe and his family......money talks I guess!

Certainly does. In that respect Singapore is the Switzerland of Asia.

If Mugabe goes it will just continue the recent bad run despots are having. Wonder who'll be next?

Hugo Chavez is the next death pool candidate.

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I only hope the reporting is accurate.

I've had white Saffa's and Zim's telling me since the mid 90's that the bloke has one ailment or another.

Appears I might have been onto something...

A dear old Rhodesian friend of mine said before he died that one of his life's regrets was not putting a bullet in Uncle Bob's head when he had the chance.

I often wonder if my Rhodesian friend did in fact succeed in eliminating Uncle Bob, what Zimbabwe would be like today ?

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