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Have hear many stories about people planting drugs on farang, and them getting sent to prisson for ever. also guns and murder. i have a few freinds who are concerned for me because of this.

I have the view that wherever you go in the world there is danger, but Thailand seems to be a safe place as long as your not stupid.

Am i being nieve in this thought?

See Ya



Geeit, I have travelled through out Thailand quite extensivley, both with just my wife and I and sometimes with others. In general Thailand is a much more safer place than most western countries. Over the many years I had only ever once felt intimided by a group of Thai guys but keeping my cool and knowing how they think the episode was over without even a word exchanged.

The most important things to remember are these, never abuse or try to be a smarty pants towards Thai Authorities, in particular Thai Police or Immigration. Secondly do not abuse Thai owners of businesses such as bars or restaurants. Making a complaint is one thing but abuse is another. Knowing you are smarter than a Thai person is one thing but thinking you are is another. Quite often I find myself irritated and pissed off about a situation and the best way to handle it is to keep your cool.

As far as "planting drugs on you" well I don't of of anyone I ever knew had it happening to them. If you get involved with buying drugs and you don't pay or try to rip off a Thai person then you will get big trouble from them and the cops. Just respect them, have a good time and don't try and rip them off and nothing should happen. I will guarranty you one thing, I would say I have 10 times more chance of being bashed to death in Sydney than I would say in Pattaya and that says it all. :o


GEEIT,Bad things happen to people everyday,not only in Thailand but elsewhere,some folks do get shot here and some go to prison for doing drugs and sex acts with small children and a lot of other stuff that is not really cool, so if you and your friends are worried about it, Then I would say for you and your friends peace of mind,,why don't you just stay at home where you feel comfortable and do not go anywhere that something bad might happen to you,in fact it is pobly safer for you to just stay in bed and not go outside at all. :o


Yes the former posting is true. Remain cool at all times. Even if you know you have beenripped off - just put it down to experience and walk away. Of course if it is a large amount of money or whatever then go to the Tourist police. But the best thing to do is just dont get involved in any 'scenes' where other tourists are seemingly hanging out using drugs and so on. It is not worth the risk.

If you happen to cause a Thai guy to lose face big time in front of some other Thais, then you could find yourself in really bad trouble. When they go off they go right off !! I know a Thai guy in the South of Thailand who was hit onthe head by a guy with a beer bottle and spent a week in hospital. He went back to the bar after an other week - with 6 friends all holding knifes, machetes etc - to find the guy !! Their aim I was told, was to cut the guys right arm off !!

there are many scams here - gems, jewelry and even gambling.......if someone befriends you inthe street and seems to know a lot about your country and speaks good english, then you can be very wary about this character - too smooth !!

The most common thing I hear that happens in Thailand and is on the increase is being drugged ina bar !! It used to occur on trains and buses but now seems to happen in a bar more often than not. My friend was in Chiang Mai and actually caught a guy slipping something into his drink.

But generally in my 5 years here I have never felt threatened at all. Be sensible and have fun but just take care of yourself, dont trust others including other tourists !! They are just as bad at times.


My wife and I drove to bkk the other week and got stopped by the police.

They wanted to search us and our car saying they were looking for drugs.

I didn't have my passport on me at that point but this didn't bother the cop as he was searching and patting us down. My wife whispered in my ear to keep an eye on our bags and belongings. Later she told me it is possible that he cop might slip some pills or pot in my gear and haul me off to the slammer. The funniest part was the cop thought he had better try one of my smokes to see if it was pot.

All ended well because I followed

best way to handle it is to keep your cool.

geeit, don't be a git.

be a good boy,

and stay out of the sh*t

enjoy your holiday.

once the drugs are planted on you dont forget plenty of light and clean water and harvest in 3 months :o

Then don't forget us. :D


Ok cool i think you asnswered that one well and truelly.

I would like to point out to KevinN that i do not worry about to much danger in different countries. i have travelled allot throughout the past 5 years, and have been put in some serious situations.

I do however wish to minimise these dangerous experiences, and was wondering weather thailand was ripe with them or not!

Thankyou to all the construtive reply's

See ya



WOW and I thought I lived a pretty interesting life,and have traveled extensively for the last 50 years and been all over the far and mid east and have never been in a serious situation,cept maybe during the 68 TET offensive in Nam.

And I don't know if the WEATHER in Thailand is ripe or not,I don't know what ripe weather is.

Have hear many stories about people planting drugs on farang, and them getting sent to prisson for ever

it cost to much to put them in jail, Thai cannot efford to put farang in jail, they just line them up and shoot you for drug related case. :o

WOW I thought it was a kid who was posting. "have TRAVELLED extensively for the last 50 years"? are we talking about karma? :o

like your style meem




Hi this is just my own view but ive never had any problems in Thailand with thais.

The only problem ive ever had in LOS was with a fellow farrang who thought it would be a good-idea to swear at me while in the back of a baht bus with my TGF.

Ok he was blind drunk at the time so i ignored him,but kicking me up the arse while i was getting out was not a good thing to do,so after helping him to the floor of the bus i guess somehow he managed to break his arm,wot a shame.

for any stat freaks out there go to the following web-site its full of everything about Thailand




Wife and I have never had any problems over the last 11 years.Act with a bit of foresight(lockable luggage,dress/act to blend in,be the man in grey), avoid associating with dodgy people,spot potential hairy situations from afar and make a detour etc... and you'll reduce the chances of bad luck striking you.


I think it seems at the ned of the day, as per first posting . it all down to common sense, and not being stupid.

Cheers all



I agree with bmanly - walk in Sydney at 1am or even somewhere like Auckland and many cities in the UK and feel and see the difference in attitiudes/drunks and aggressive people. Or for a real buzz try Manila. Bangkok is a big city and can be dangerous like anywhere if your unlucky/stupid but in relative terms I would choose to walk around late at night in Bangkok every time. Keep your cool and avoid drunk/dumb westerners/tourists is best advice.

Maverick :o

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