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I hesistated buying into Maxnet4homes adsl after seeing that it does not work with bit torrent. I use Kazaa Lite and was more worried that this might not work but after trying it out on their demonstration machine I found it worked fine.

Tonight I thought i would give Bit Torrent a go but after downloading the latest version and installing it, finding some torrents and then selecting to download them, I find that nothing happens at all. Does Bit Torrent not work as advertised and if so, what programs are people using to access peer to peer software, prefereably without adware and spyware please




Nothing happen at all?

Are u sure that you've set it up correctly, forwarded ports in your router and so on?

You can find peers but cannot download from them, or you can't even find peers?

Give more details...



ABC(yet another bit torrent) definitly! simple, efficient, just enough features to work well :o

I gave up on azureus and bitcomet :D



need a little bit more info before we can start helping

what type of adsl modem are you using?

are you using bittorrent 4.2.3 / 4.2.2 etc

I am using bittorrent 4.2.2 with an smc barricade and ports forwarded in the 24 and a half k range , more than one port .

need a little bit more info before we can start helping

what type of adsl modem are you using?

are you using bittorrent 4.2.3 / 4.2.2 etc

I am using bittorrent 4.2.2 with an smc barricade and ports forwarded in the 24 and a half k range , more than one port .

Sorry for the slow reply guys but I downloaded a dodgy copy of limerwire pro and after checking it with my avg virus killer double clicked on it and went and lost access to my c drive. Took 5 hours to recover my data and reinstall windows grrrrrrrrrr.

Okay I am using the latest bit torrent available and I have just bought a new zyxcel 660 hw router modem. Still getting used to it as I cannot connect up my wireless network and even though I can access the internet and use Kazaa Lite with no problems whatsoever

Here is the error message I am getting after setting up

LAN connections

Test your Ethernet Connection PASS

WAN connections

Test ADSL synchronization PASS

Test ADSL(ATM OAM) loopback test PASS

Test PPP/PPPoE server connection PASS

Ping default gateway FAIL

Maybe this is why I cannot connect to Bit Torrents ??


PS Not to sure about forwarding ports. How come Kazaa Lite works and Bit Torrent doesnt


I think a lot of the bittorent programs do not support UPnP.

This would mean you have to tell your router to forward the relevant ports to your laptop.

This involves also setting a fixed IP address on your laptop's network connection, instead opf letting it receive an IP adress from your routers dhcp server.

I would advice on studying following website:


This site includes tutorials on how to setup portforwarding, both for most programs needing it (P2P, games, webcams etc...), and with explanations for most routers on the market, including the p660HW you have!

I think a lot of the bittorent programs do not support UPnP.

This would mean you have to tell your router to forward the relevant ports to your laptop.

This involves also setting a fixed IP address on your laptop's network connection, instead opf letting it receive an IP adress from your routers dhcp server.

I would advice on studying following website:


This site includes tutorials on how to setup portforwarding, both for most programs needing it (P2P, games, webcams etc...), and with explanations for most routers on the market, including the p660HW you have!

Cheers Monty

As always, a clear informative answer............ lets just hope I can figure this wireless thingymajig out..............the technician is coming today at 6pm and lo and behold, he is going to do it all for free

Amazing Thailand.........I just love this country


PS Must mention that Kazaa lite is also not connecting now since I had to reinstall windows and whereas previously on the Shields Up website I was getting a 100 per cent, no access to your computer you are super safe...........now it comes up with all sorts of open ports for attack............its a long steep learning curve with this wireless router but I will persevere with a little help from the guys on this forum

Once again, thanks to all who have offered me assistance



the bit torrent client Bit Comet (google it) is a free and supports UPnP - so no need to forward ports.

Though if you are going to be a professional then you should set up the port forwarding properly ... but bit comet should work fine, and is perhaps the best BT client around anyway.

You may also want to try the DC network, PM me for details.

the bit torrent client  Bit Comet (google it) is a free and supports UPnP - so no need to forward ports.

Though if you are going to be a professional then you should set up the port forwarding properly ... but bit comet should work fine, and is perhaps the best BT client around anyway.

You may also want to try the DC network, PM me for details.

I will try out both options in the nest day or two. For now I will work on Bit Comet and Bit Torrent


PS Got my Kazaa Lite going again

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