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PM Yingluck's Human Errors Not Important: Spokesman


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As concurred with previous poster, it's pretty dang stupid to pose a child in uniform with medals.

Well perhaps you and your pardner best take it up with the dang official photographer.

Because I agree with a fellow poster, how does that make him my "pardner"?

Did the photographer dress the child and decide upon his appearance or does his parents?


Sorry, got caught up in the cowboy talk. As far as appearance goes I would imagine that the parents get no say in events like these. She has the official PM uniform and whoever sorts out the protocol for such events is in charge will dictate the rest. The husband is hardly likely to be allowed to turn up in a dark suit and tie is he? Anyway it's inconsequential.


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I take it you have never heard of, or seen an official photographer taking an official photograph at an official event? Doggone it!

On happier occasions you'll get scenes like these - those black and glass things are called cam-er-a's. People take pictures with them.

On more formal occasions there is just usually one official photographer who takes pictures for the official record.

They tend to look like this...

not like this...

Yeah yeah yeah... I know what a camera is. And what an official photographer is. And what a formal occasion is.

But can someone explain one thing: <deleted> is the deal with the ribbons/medals?!

Does a general's wife also get medals and ribbons? Maybe a nifty military green uniform and combat boots so they don't seem out of place next to their husband in the photo? No? Didn't think so! But somehow protocol dictates that Anusorn and Anusorn Jr must dress like mom?! Nutters.

(Note: before people start... yes, I recgonize that I assumed a general was a male, since female generals on this planet are few and far between. But I sure do welcome them!)

Edited by americaninbangkok
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Want me to let you all into a little secret.

I like the word bling.

It has its good side and it has its bad side

No matter which side of the fence you choose to throw rocks from, you have to admire bling, and it is used as as a defence by people that value bling over substance.

Thai people in general value bling over substance, every day I see uniformed individuals who have never been within ten kilometres of a plane who wear a badge that say that they once jumped out of one.

Thailand has a very thin veneer, it looks good on the surface, and that is about it.

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Want me to let you all into a little secret.

I like the word bling.

It has its good side and it has its bad side

No matter which side of the fence you choose to throw rocks from, you have to admire bling, and it is used as as a defence by people that value bling over substance.

Thai people in general value bling over substance, every day I see uniformed individuals who have never been within ten kilometres of a plane who wear a badge that say that they once jumped out of one.

Thailand has a very thin veneer, it looks good on the surface, and that is about it.

Yingluck's bling is quite exceptional having accrued nine medals within her first week of civil service.


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I'm surprised she's wearing the correct colour for the funeral.

But let's just overcome err... welcome her with open arms.

It is the uniform of the PM. BTW she was just awarded another Royal Honour; the Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand. The insignia, which includes crown and star-shaped decorations and a blue sash with white and red strips at its edges, was created by the order of King Rama V in 1869 for conferring on members of the royal family, state officials, Thai people and foreigners for their contributions to the public.

What are the medals she was wearing already since Day 1 when she became PM despite never working a day of civil service prior?

What are her husband's and son's medals for?

The warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.



Find the whole issue of "civil service" uniforms with medals quite bizarre anyway. It really smacks of having created the armed forces and the police, the civil service threw a strop and wanted one too. To see the enormous band of strips some of the army guys proffer, it makes you think if they are some kind of mix of Rambo, SAS, and Green Beret all mixed together having been on active duty on the front line every minute of their lives.

As for a kid wearing medals, well, even more bizarre really, makes you wonder if some pooyai wouldn't have asked, for what he had received them. Maybe they came in a Coco Pops box?

Badges and recognition are one thing, it is just all very bizarre how often they are put on display

Edited by Thai at Heart
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A child in uniform with medal ribbons? I does not get much more daft than this! How stupid and ignorant do you have to be to pose on a picture like th is?

More ignorance. You do realize that non status relatives of the Royal household also wear similar uniforms don't you?

Are you even aware of the meaning of the uniforms?

I am surprised that your post which is a blatant offensive assault upon Thai customs has been allowed to remain.

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My Mom gave me a ribbon when i pooped all by myself in the potty the first time! A very proud occasion! It was not formal.

That's special. Please convey your comments to the Thai government and to the Royal Household.

Be sure to include your location.

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I'm surprised she's wearing the correct colour for the funeral.

But let's just overcome err... welcome her with open arms.

It is the uniform of the PM. BTW she was just awarded another Royal Honour; the Knight Grand Cordon (Special Class) of the Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand. The insignia, which includes crown and star-shaped decorations and a blue sash with white and red strips at its edges, was created by the order of King Rama V in 1869 for conferring on members of the royal family, state officials, Thai people and foreigners for their contributions to the public.

What are the medals she was wearing already since Day 1 when she became PM despite never working a day of civil service prior?

What are her husband's and son's medals for?

The warrior family's collective ribbon total is impressive, even after just a week of their first time in civil service.



Is he a husband, I though he is more a defacto? So Yingluck is free to have private meetings in hotel rooms during working hours.

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My Mom gave me a ribbon when i pooped all by myself in the potty the first time! A very proud occasion! It was not formal.

That's special. Please convey your comments to the Thai government and to the Royal Household.

Be sure to include your location.

They are not entitled to the poop ribbon.
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A child in uniform with medal ribbons? I does not get much more daft than this! How stupid and ignorant do you have to be to pose on a picture like th is?

More ignorance. You do realize that non status relatives of the Royal household also wear similar uniforms don't you?

Are you even aware of the meaning of the uniforms?

I am surprised that your post which is a blatant offensive assault upon Thai customs has been allowed to remain.

This is nothing to do with the Royal Family so stop trying to play that stupid game.

This is to do with the husband and son of a Prime Minister, and if weren't so besotted with the Yingluck clan, you too would agree on the ridiculous pomposity of it all, be it a custom or be it not.

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Nobody can really be surprised about that photo. We all know where the Shinawatras got their priorities ...

Maybe big brother sent an SMS

Or maybe, it was an alert in respect to a possible terrorist incident. It is easy to criticize, but the PM of Thailand does not have the luxury of having large numbers of aides standing in close proximity able to relay important messages, as is the case in countries like China, Russia, UK, USA etc.

Not correct. Again She does have lots of aides. Their problem is that they do not understand what is important and what is not. And even if they did, the PM would not. Thailand is really in the hands of 13-year old retards.

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A child in uniform with medal ribbons? I does not get much more daft than this! How stupid and ignorant do you have to be to pose on a picture like th is?

More ignorance. You do realize that non status relatives of the Royal household also wear similar uniforms don't you?

Are you even aware of the meaning of the uniforms?

I am surprised that your post which is a blatant offensive assault upon Thai customs has been allowed to remain.

Assault on Thai customs? You really outdid your selfrighteousness this time. And as you apparently are incapable of reading printed text, I can assure you that I did not talk about the Royal household in any context as opposed to you. I was referring to a silly picture of the current PM and her family. Maybe you have someone in your neighbourhood who can explain pictures and written text to you?

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Anyone comparing Senator Clinton texting during a memorial service with the Thai PM (although being a parrott) texting during a Thai Royal funeral does not understand anything about our country.

Did you watch the Chakri day ceremonies last week? I saw some things that if I were to mention would violate forum policy and get me some trouble.

I was unaware that you were a Thai citizen. Congratulations.

My response was to put an event into context. As none of you are aware of what the contents of the SMS were, it is not your place to comment on whether or not it was appropriate. Although it looks bad, keep in mind that being PM is a 24/7/365 job.

And again, I suggest you go look at some of videos from Chakri day.

Too bad noone has told her that it is!

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Have you deciphered what the son and husband have?

Maybe some of those medals, apart from having verbose names, are actually meaningless.

IMO all medals are essentially meaningless, it is the *actions* behind the medal that carry the meaningful weight of respect and honour. The medal itself is a trinket, entirely useless even for ID purposes. But if you were awarded it for running into burning buildings and rescuing children from the infernos for 50 years, or carrying a wounded comrade through a hail of bullets, or working unpaid with the sick & dying for many decades, then the medal you wear carries symbolic weight and a sense of shared awe and respect among all who see it. Without that symbolic meaning, it is reduced to just a symbol.

I am not Thai and so I will not comment on the legitimacy of the uniforms and medals that adorn the PM & her family in this Photo. Maybe they are justified & idk.

If the physical medals / uniforms are not earned by acts of devotion, bravery, sacrifice or just selfless hard-work, then they are actually just costume jewellry same as you can buy in any fancydress shop.

Edited by Yunla
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If the physical medals / uniforms are not earned by acts of devotion, bravery, sacrifice or just selfless hard-work, then they are actually just costume jewellry same as you can buy in any fancydress shop.

In such a case, including this case with Yingluck and her family adorned with medals, it would be an insult to those who did earn their medals by acts of devotion, bravery, sacrifice or just selfless hard-work.
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My Mom gave me a ribbon when i pooped all by myself in the potty the first time! A very proud occasion! It was not formal.

That's special. Please convey your comments to the Thai government and to the Royal Household.

Be sure to include your location.

They are not entitled to the poop ribbon.

Are you insinuating they have not earned it?

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So what? Thais love uniforms and they love to dress up, that's part of their culture.

Can my Thai wife dress up and put on a medal.

I see them all the time on the streets and in the shopping malls people all dressed up with medals on.

Listen, I don't want to make Calgaryll jealous here but maybe she'd even dress up like Yingluck if you wanted her to.

Edited by bigbamboo
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My Mom gave me a ribbon when i pooped all by myself in the potty the first time! A very proud occasion! It was not formal.

That's special. Please convey your comments to the Thai government and to the Royal Household.

Be sure to include your location.

They are not entitled to the poop ribbon.

Are you insinuating they have not earned it?

Correct, my mother would have to witness the poop and with their age i doubt it would have been the first in a toilet and or potty. Therefore no ribbon!
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I spent 25 years in the RAF in the service of my country.

As fortunately for me I never served in an active service zone I have just the one medal.

The Long Service and Good Conduct Medal awarded (at that time) for 18 years military service.

I am quite proud of it, but then again I earned it.

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To err is human, to forgive is divine ??? :-) What a strange statement by the spokesman, errors are not important. Somehow I was always taught they were important, and an integral part of the learning process.....

I fully realize the family picture replete with medals for everyone is a bit off topic, but may provide a bit of insight into her thought process. Style over substance ?? I went to the link someone thoughtfully provided about Thai medals, but I could not find any of the medals on the son on that list........So it appears that he is wearing fake medals. Strange.......

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This is to do with the husband and son of a Prime Minister, and if weren't so besotted with the Yingluck clan, you too would agree on the ridiculous pomposity of it all, be it a custom or be it not.

I tried to identify these decorations and can confirm that the two Chinese boys are wearing just stuff from commemorative occasions - so no merit. Our supposedly left wing, populist / socialist / reformist (or whatever) friend looks like she has some more serious things in the upper row - my eyes are not good enough to see.

Anyway that dress up is absolutely ridicolous like out of a very bad movie. The worse is that they and Thais in general are not aware how over the top this is. Makes look Thailand what it really is.......... all about (fake) face.

Anyway it does not buy them good manners and especially mobilephone etiquette at (royal) funerals.

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