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Farang Khee Pae(loser?)


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im really curious ..about allergic stuff (a type I hypersensitivity)

i noticed that much more white people/luk krung get it (more than asian)

as peanut,sesame..etc (rare to find in asia people get allergy from those seed)

maybe it was from genetic.. :o

me..i get allergy from cat's fur (shame on me ,im a vet) dust...sneezing

one time my white eye(left side) pop up coz fur..i dont do allergy tests yet

do you get it??

anyhow antihistamine as chlorpheniramine and steroid as prednisolone still work

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the poll does not allow multible selection

I am against house dust, house dust mite.

As well as against several pollen which are not in Thailand, they are only in Farangistan.

As well I am very allergic against some special type of farangs (and antihistamine do not work in a farang allergic).

im really curious ..about allergic  stuff (a type I hypersensitivity)

i noticed that much more white people/luk krung get it (more than asian)

as peanut,sesame..etc (rare to find in asia people get allergy from those seed)

maybe  it was from  genetic.. :o

me..i get allergy from cat's fur (shame on me ,im a  vet)  dust...sneezing

one time my white eye(left side) pop up coz fur..i dont do allergy tests yet

do you get it??

anyhow antihistamine as  chlorpheniramine and steroid as prednisolone still work

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my guess is bambina that in the past, allergic babies just didnt make it to the hospital in time, or not diagnosed in time therefore survival of those that dont have the allergy... nowadays bad genes (me and my ex 100% allergic kids 200% allergic poor things)....met lot sof thais with allergies that they just dont call allergies, they blame it on the weather!!

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there were some interesting studies in Europe, finding that children growing up in dirty places, dirty farmer are in the majority without allergic problems, while super clean children develope a lot.

But also food additive are blamed for causing allergic, as well as stressy lifestyle.

Factum is that if you take some natural living people out of the forest, they don't have allergic (or nearly no). Develope these people and 2 generations later they have it like europeans.

Thats much to fast to explain it with survival and evolution kicks them out.

I don't know....just what I read.....

my guess is bambina that in the past, allergic babies just didnt make it to the hospital in time, or not diagnosed in time therefore survival of those that dont have the allergy... nowadays bad genes (me and my ex 100% allergic kids 200% allergic poor things)....met lot sof thais with allergies that they just dont call allergies, they blame it on the weather!!

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The subject of allergies is facinating.

The only ones I ever knew of people having while i was growing up was Hay Fever.

I had never heard of allergy to nuts or anything lke that until the 1980's at the earliest.

I was allergic to cats for a while in the early 80's - never had it before - it came and went in abut a year.

Then in the 90's I found myself allergic to Marks and Spencers Cheese Cake - started wheezing, eyes watering and sneezing - worked it out what it was myself and never eaten cheescake since.

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I have been told by a lot of Thai men (all Thai chinese) that they can't drink alcohol because they are allergic,

being a Th-CH , my first few alcohol experience drining..i got a rash and itchy after drink.. but no anymore :D:D

from my allergic sign, i think i get from my mom's line ..her family get it, one brother of her dead from asthma

i hate when i get allergy ..it make me itchy in somewhere that i cant scatch (in eyes , and inside nose/sinus ..

eczema is suck :o

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Actually, many Asians have difficulty processing alcohol. It isn't actually an allergy but they lack an enzyme that processes alcohol.

From washington newspaper:

Roughly half of all people of east-Asian descent (including Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) lack an enzyme necessary for the efficient metabolism of alcohol. For readers who like biology stuff, this enzyme is known as the low-Km aldehyde dehydrogenase isoenzyme, or in short, ADH. The absence of this enzyme is the culprit for your flushed cheeks and feelings of sickness in response to alcohol use. Without this enzyme, the byproduct of alcohol (the toxic aldehyde dehydrogenase) cannot be removed from the bloodstream nearly as well as it is in people who do have the enzyme. The aldehyde accumulates in a personÕs system as a result because it cannot be broken down as quickly.

A person with this condition is likely to experience toxic effects such as flushing, rapid heartbeat, headache, nausea, drowsiness, swelling and skin itchiness. In addition, it is easier to get drunk upon consumption of even just a few alcoholic beverages.

While this condition can be seen as an inconvenience, epidemiological studies have shown that because of these adverse side effects, people of Asian descent tend to consume less alcohol, and therefore rates of alcohol use and incidence of alcoholism are lower than those of other ethnic groups.

Though more research must be done, it has been suggested by some that individuals who suffer from ADH deficiency may also be at higher risk for other alcohol-related conditions such as liver disease, asthma, and cancer of the esophagus. With this in mind, drinking more often will not help you build up a tolerance to alcohol, rather, it would simply cause you to experience the adverse effects more frequently

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