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Buying Thai Folk Instruments In Bangkok?


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Where can I get traditional Thai instruments in the Bangkok area? I'm particularly interested in a sueng. I saw some very, very cheap sueng and khims at the series of instrument stores over near Sanam Luang. The suengs there were covered in a nasty shelak that stayed on your hands just from picking the instrument up. Anyone know of any other stores or makers in the Bangkok area?

One of the suengs at a shop near Sanam Luang was going for just 800 baht, which is worth it just as a wall hanging, although I would definitely want to pull off the ugly red stickers that indicate the notes for each fret. Would be nice to find a store selling some nicer ones, though. Please let me know if you have any tips.



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Yep, a great traditional store selling some beautiful instruments (some of which are v.expensive) at The Old Siam. MRT to Hua Lumpong and then taxi/tuk tuk for 10 mins. Go into the building and it's either 2nd or 3rd floor right at the back on the right hand side.

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You can bet your bottom dollar that the ones you saw were Made in China. Many Thai instruments of low quality are now imported from China, believe it or not. Go with the above post, because only if there are real quality expensive instruments then you know you are in the genuine resale area of Thai made.


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Thanks for the tip! Will check out the store once Songkran is over. Yes, I believe the instruments I saw were likely made in China like most everything they sell at those music stores near Sanam Luang. Most of the Chinese-Thai store keepers have the attitude of "Why are you bothering me by coming to my store??! Buy something and LEAVE IMMEDIATELY. The rest of my day will be ruined if I miss the opportunity to rip you off."

I've seen some cheaper, mid-ranged instrument makers up in Chiang Mai. While I'm looking forward to craftsmanship over at Old Siam, please let me know if you have any tips on finding something mid-ranged as well. I'll report back about what I find at Old Siam as well.

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