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Save The Bg'S. A Western Thing ?


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When I see mainly Japanese men (but even Singapore, Malaysia, Korea) working in Thailand come to Hua Hin for a round of golf, they often bring along highclass hookers (contradiction I know) from Bkk. When the guys play golf, the girls are often sent to my shop, massage&spa, or are sent shopping, cash provided ofcourse, no Cheap Charlies here. So far this could describe a well of farang and a hooker, but the big difference IMO is that when the weekend/holiday is over, the Asian guys tip the girls and that is the end of story. If the service rendered was satisfactory, he might call her again for another trip. BUT no way he is going to divorce Yoko and dream of a future with a BG in a semidetached house somewhere in the kingdom. It is a pure business transaction.

As for the girls, this is a perfect life, they can play "madame" for a week, have spatreatments go on a shoppingspree and end up with a little cash, but more importantly they can go back to their friends in the bar wacth the soaps on the telly, eat som tam on the floor.

If they are "unlucky", they will have a farang customer, who wants to "save" them, by sending them money monthly to keep them away from the trade, which ofcourse they will not do, meaning they will have to lie (comes quite naturally). If they have really bad luck, farang falls in love and buy her a house in a devellopment.

To me it seems like buying sex to Asian men, are just that. And the provider are not looked down upon in the same way as in the west. I guees it is a cultural thing, that in Asia if you have money you can buy the services of another human, for whatever your needs.

And the girls like the no bullshit approach from the Asian guys !

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the Asian guys tip the girls and that is the end of story

Yes, and so what? It's like having a haircut and you tip the barber (I've noticed that this is done by many farangs) and then you leave the establishment. rolleyes.gif

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I think what you are seeing, as you stated, are people in Thailand working and not tourists. That they may know how to treat their new female companions a little different, you may have a point there, but I would put that down to one of the drawbacks of golf.

I think it is safe to say that the "saviours" are mainly from the tourist sections, and probably from a different tier of society. I don't have any reference on the subject to prove that.

The other level is of course the retired folk. Some may say they are an easy touch for the enterprising BG's, but people don't get to retirement age without being savvy enough to be there.

That said, nothing always runs true; there are always those that run against the grain in all walks of life.

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To me it seems like buying sex to Asian men, are just that. And the provider are not looked down upon in the same way as in the west. I guees it is a cultural thing, that in Asia if you have money you can buy the services of another human, for whatever your needs.

And the girls like the no bullshit approach from the Asian guys !

Cant speak for all Asian men (as you seem to :P) however amongst the Asian men I know (and my other western male friends know just in case you really cant believe an Asian male could be candid towards a woman :P). There is (seemingly..apparently) a stigma attached to guys going with hookers. Maybe for the Japanese golfing guys its considered par for the course (sorry couldnt help slipping in that idiom), but for the young guys in respectable positions (doctors, professors, business owners, etc, and including an ex who had a high position within the government), being seen with a prostitute would have their peers looking down on them. Its just not classe'.

Anyway, thought might be worth a mention, take it with a pinch of salt or whatever.

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It is a cultural thing in China and Japan specifically... having a courtesan and showing off with her means showing your business partners how powerful and masculin you are. Look also at the Geisha culture in Japan, it's about the same thing.

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It's because men from Asian countries are used to dealing with prostitutes from back home so they know what these bar girls are really like. A Japanese, Korean, or Chinese businessman will have used them at home many times, so they just use them to same way when they come here for business. They won't fall their games. Most white guys have little to no experience with these type of women back home and are more likely to believe their BS. They mistake a simple transaction for love and fool themselves in to believing their new love does this because she has no choice and not just for lots of easy cash, and is eager to stop if she had enough money every month. She almost never will of course. It's a trade off the prostitute too, the type of guy that is likely to fall in love won't pay as much as in the short term, but if you can make him fall in love you can get a house and a car out of him eventually. Some Japanese guys do fall this as well, it is not true that none of them end up doing this just like Western guys, its just not as common.

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Compensated dating seems to be widely accepted in many Asian societies but not in the west.

I remember my first date when I was young and my girlfriend paid half the bill. I'm struggling to think of one occasion where a Thai girl has reached into her pocket to even pay for herself.

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Why do farangs believe their stories? Because in the west they are taught that women really aren't interested in your wallet, which isn't true.

Here it is more open regarding relationships. Money=love.

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Compensated dating seems to be widely accepted in many Asian societies but not in the west.

I remember my first date when I was young and my girlfriend paid half the bill. I'm struggling to think of one occasion where a Thai girl has reached into her pocket to even pay for herself.

No, it's just that they pretend they 'love' you when in reality they are just after half your estate or a life of stay-at-home leisure.

Thai ladies are far more honest.

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There is more to it than just being gullible.

You see, a Man has to be needed/function/purpose for his ego to make it. (or his ego & dick will shrink)

And what better way to be needed than saving a vulnerable young woman,

where You - the hero, get to screw her

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