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Personally I don’t think I could bring myself to ask a genuine question here. I see TV as an entertainment venue only. After more than 35 years, if I can’t figure it out on my own then it certainly isn’t worth asking the new guy about.tongue.pngbiggrin.png

Even having been here many years no-one can know everything. There is always some new experience to be had and that is where a question to the forum might just help.

Well if his name is any indication I imagine after 35 years he would know where every thing in the village is,

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Seems silly not to avail oneself of the combined resources of Thaivisa to get assistance. I rarely ask a 'where can I' question here as I have a small network of friends, colleagues and I'm pretty good with finding myself around search engines. However, there are those times when I've spent too much time looking and will ask. An example recently where I spent a fair amount of time and gas and hitting 4 different places where I was sure they must have the item but didn't. Asked the question on Thaivisa and the next morning I got the item I wanted based on the responses by members.

Thaivisa does work if you need help, though sometimes need to filter a certain amount of nonsense out. That's why it's called a 'community forum'. wink.png

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that I'm not willing to help anyone and I do realise some people are not in a position to go find stuff for themselves.

There are, however, many people who ask the simplest of questions that would suggest they haven't even tried to find a solution to their needs.

As far as new members on the forum go, I'm always happy to provide an answer to a question where possible unless someone has already beaten me too it. I do understand that moving to a new country etc can sometimes be a little stressful, we've all done it.

I occasionally add information to posts where it may be useful if it's something of use.

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There are, however, many people who ask the simplest of questions that would suggest they haven't even tried to find a solution to their needs.

I think it suggests they aren't comfortable asking local Thais, instead sticking to their Farlung-ghetto comfort zone.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I dont see anything wrong with someone asking questions and always willing to help.

What does bother me though is when they ask, then disappear after they get what they want.

Same for PM's, cant stand it when someone pops me off a pm and no thank you in return. Now i give incomplete info on first PM and give full details if they reply back...lol


I couldn't agree more. Not just with PM's - Many times I receive requests from friends and ex-collegues concerning information about Thailand (Although I own a travel and tour company - this is aside from that). I send them a 'full meal deal' reply with a couple of articles I have penned, links to various websites and a take on the current weather and political situation. Then they disappear off of th horizon without even an ackowledgement. I have come to the point that I just have a saved document with all of the relevent and just send them that.

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Personally I don’t think I could bring myself to ask a genuine question here. I see TV as an entertainment venue only. After more than 35 years, if I can’t figure it out on my own then it certainly isn’t worth asking the new guy about.tongue.pngbiggrin.png

Even having been here many years no-one can know everything. There is always some new experience to be had and that is where a question to the forum might just help.

Well if his name is any indication I imagine after 35 years he would know where every thing in the village is,

Over 30 years in Bangkok first, before I moved to Chiang Rai around 5 years ago. Some of us actually put that kind of information on our profile page but I guess it is easier to make assumptions.
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... snip ... I would not take much notice of a food thread by Orang but I would really take note note of a cultural site he recommends.
Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Harry,

Unless the title of Orang's post included the words: "new find: the best fresh soy-milk in Chiang Mai," or "a fantastic new dish in Mae Leilai's offerings of fresh food at Talat San Pak Hoi," I would definitely ignore them !

best, ~o:37;

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Thai Visa has been amazingly helpful to me settling in Thailsnd, i dont blame the long term stayers laughing when people ask for silly things like clothes hangers, tea towels etc But you guys need to understand we dont always have thai friends or spouses so it is quite difficult to find some items. I know people will say nonsense but regardless you can usually filter through the negative posts and get the questions you asked answered. IMO thai visa is an amazing community but you just need to understand different people have different opinions on life/religion/bar girls etc and your not going to change them in a hurry, for me at least filtering the great advice a lot of people post and ignoring the views/opinions of people who i dont think i could change or offer anything useful means thai visa is a valuable community for me, if you let the latter get to you then thai visa is probably going to bring some conlflicts

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Thai Visa has been amazingly helpful to me settling in Thailsnd, i dont blame the long term stayers laughing when people ask for silly things like clothes hangers, tea towels etc But you guys need to understand we dont always have thai friends or spouses so it is quite difficult to find some items.

Even if they do have spouses, more often than not they're imported from other regions and also only know the Loi Kroh / Thapae area, and would't know a tea towel from a sanitary pad. (They would, however, likely be able to source a clothes hanger. :P )

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Some mixed thoughts for sure. More replies than expected too, especially considering it's a national holiday time.

I admit, I never considered the option that people weren't comfortable / confident enough to ask people around them for guidance and would rather use a nameless / faceless network to ask for help.

I enjoy meeting people and although sometimes very challenging I also enjoy trying to communicate with people. ( this can sometimes be just as hard when they speak the same language lol)

Thanks to everyone for your input on this one. thumbsup.gif

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I think its ok to ask again, and again, and again... Why have a forum if you don't allow questions? Things change in Chiang Mai way too often. People don't need the same information at the same time. Some might have asked a question about a Thai language class 3 years ago. Now that information might not be relevant as that business is now closed and new ones are open.

Also, some threads, like the smoke or flood threads are very long. I will not read 50+ pages of disgruntled expat opinions just to find an answer. I will ask and hope one of the happy Chiang Mai expats answers my question.

However, searching is free. If you have the time and that is how you want to spend it then by all means enjoy your search.

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This should include the 'foodies' who ask questions like, where can I find the best (insert your food of choise).

Can't really agree with you there.


Asking where the best burger is can only be answered with the opinion of the person answering it. It doesn't mean it IS the best burger.

Big C, for example, would either sell or not sell the Egyptian cotton sheets.

It really bugs me when someone gives a food/restaurant review, and says only,

"It was the best burger (pizza, khaosoy, whatever...). You have to try it."


I suppose it is nice to know if:

"The owners were such nice folk."

"We'll go back again."

"It was as good as mama used to make"

"People who know me know that I know my food"

"You won't find better in Italy (Bombay, upstate NY, whatever...)"

blah blah blah


'Food quality' is more than mere opinion or 'personal taste'.


btw - I have noticed that the search engine works pretty well for things like burgers, and pizza

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btw - I have noticed that the search engine works pretty well for things like burgers, and pizza

Absolutely it does......it even brings up pizzas and burgers when you're searching for toe nail cutting, massage with a happy ending and picking your nose in public!

Yes, I make some strange searches. biggrin.png

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You have to admit there are some pretty mundane threads on here; and especially now; it seems there is nothing of interest to ask.

But these forums are a way of trying to unite the farang community, and we can all do our bit to help eachother even if we never meet.

Reading the replies; however serious, contraversial, comical is welcome relief for most of us even if someone does want to know where to find coat hamgers. We will read and enjoy most of the time.

Like it or not us "oldies" are inadvertantly addicted to this forum just like the younger end constantly tapping on one of those tablets/iphones and the like.

Here's to more ever so boring topics that can relieve some of our boredom.thumbsup.gif

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Because it seems that businesses start up and fail over night around here, I tend to ask or browse more recent posts. Many places I went to last summer are no longer here and many new ones have popped up. I have also noticed that quality fluctuates greatly at many places, so it is always good to ask for an update.

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... snip ...Here's to more ever so boring topics that can relieve some of our boredom.thumbsup.gif

A free liter of Chiang Mai's fresh soy-milk to the mod that puts this thread out of its misery. Terminal boredom is a numb way to go out.

best, ~o:37;

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re /

Many places I went to last summer are no longer here and many new ones have popped up

hes right ... pinkys is no more ; ( ... its now guinness bar : )


Was never a fan of pinkys. Could be to do with the bloody huge pink penis they had outside the shop. Mai aroi mak mak. Before the gay police jump on me. I'm not homophobic in the slightest. Each to his own, but not when I'm eating. wai.gif

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... snip ...Here's to more ever so boring topics that can relieve some of our boredom.thumbsup.gif

A free liter of Chiang Mai's fresh soy-milk to the mod that puts this thread out of its misery. Terminal boredom is a numb way to go out.

best, ~o:37;

Guess you don't know the mods that well - the liquid should be a golden color. biggrin.png

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... snip ...Here's to more ever so boring topics that can relieve some of our boredom.thumbsup.gif

A free liter of Chiang Mai's fresh soy-milk to the mod that puts this thread out of its misery. Terminal boredom is a numb way to go out.

best, ~o:37;

Why don't you skip past this topic. You don't need to read it whistling.gif

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Whilst it's nice to help people,if you know something that they need answering,there are also some lazy Posters,who like to be wet nursed.

Lets be fair how difficult is it to access pinned Topics,or do a simple Google search?

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There are some questions that deserve the time to be answered. You see the same questions ask over and over and over and over by posters. Many are from posters too lazy to spend any of their free or excess time to find their own answers. Many ask totally ridiculous questions like where can I get the best coffee. Whatever happened to the idea of going out and searching your own answers. Many wannabe Thailand expats want to be here, but when they are here they can't do for themselves.

Some questions are reasonable and require current information from posters. Others are just to get their counts up as posters.

Then you got the ones that come out and have to make ridiculous negative comments about every news article pertaining to anything Thai. On top of that they argue with others making ridiculous comments, and on it goes.

Low on substance, high on poster's count.

Edited by Lifer
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... snip ...Why don't you skip past this topic. You don't need to read it whistling.gif

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun OnTheDarkSide,

I understand, and feel sympathy for you: knowing you had a soy-deprived childhood smile.png

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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btw - I have noticed that the search engine works pretty well for things like burgers, and pizza

Absolutely it does......it even brings up pizzas and burgers when you're searching for toe nail cutting, massage with a happy ending and picking your nose in public!

Yes, I make some strange searches. biggrin.png

Sincerely hope you wash your hands before typing! rolleyes.gif

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