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Ex Pats In Lahan Sai


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I am wondering if there is any expat life in Lahan Sai i have been told its a dead spot run by some Welsh guy who thinks he is the mafia i am asking because my GF is asking me to move there soon and dont want problems as i am Dutch and speak little english

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I guess your GF must be from Lahansai - there's no other reason for wanting to be here. We've got the usual mixture of nationalities but don't mingle much except on Saturday, when the market's in town and a bunch of guys suck up a few beers at the Swiss owned restaurant, or the bait and tackle shop, four shophouses along. There's the usual profusion of Thai karaoke joints which I suppose some expats must go to but the place lacks a decent ex-pat bar. There are a couple of guys from Wales but mafia? I don't think so. I wonder who you heard that gem from?

If you're happy to keep pretty much to yourself it's not too bad but if you need a social life, Lahansai's not for you. We've 7-11 and Tesco Lotus mini marts and plenty of temples spreading their version of peace and inner tranquility through amplifiers and loudspeakers. If you're mobile, Nangrong, Non Din Daeng and Ban Kruat are less than an hour away and Korat a two hour drive away for your big supermarkets, Buriram is just over an hour's drive away and has a few reasonable ex-pat spots.

The foreign population increases during November - April with guys wintering in the warm, and thins out the rest of the year when they go back to work. It's pretty much a typically dull, un-lovely Thai small town - basically a T-junction where the north-south road meets with the east-west road and both roughly follow the Cambodian border. Local tourist spots can be dealt with within a couple of weekends. My advice? Try living here for six months before committing yourself to a building programme and if you do take that route, build well away from temples, schools and especially loudspeakers on poles but within reach of power and telephone lines. If you're financially well off it can be an OK place, but not much of a place if you're struggling for cash. Anything else?

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Don't come - they have Belgians there.

I notice that your English is good enough to contrive a username out of "sod em all".......

Don't come - they have Belgians there.

I notice that your English is good enough to contrive a username out of "sod em all".......

Don't come - they have Belgians there.

I notice that your English is good enough to contrive a username out of "sod em all".......

And Swedes........

And I notice your English, Cardholder, is good enough to contrive a username out of "arched lord".......

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Don't come - they have Belgians there.

I notice that your English is good enough to contrive a username out of "sod em all".......

Don't come - they have Belgians there.

I notice that your English is good enough to contrive a username out of "sod em all".......

Don't come - they have Belgians there.

I notice that your English is good enough to contrive a username out of "sod em all".......

And Swedes........

And I notice your English, Cardholder, is good enough to contrive a username out of "arched lord".......

Oh my Buddha! - that is very close to "Lord Archer" as well - and not too far from "Old Richard" :)

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  • 2 months later...

Confirm Richards post. I live near to Lahansai and the Saturday market get together is the only farang nightlife.

I happen to like it.

Dont know of any Welsh Mafia in these parts. Thats a pretty good one! Only mafia I've ever seen is the 200 baht boys in the tight polyester pants.

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  • 2 months later...

Not ideal to mention on a public forum about other (dubious) fanangs in your soon to be hometown??

Are there any bridges there?

Only Jeff.

And Beau and LLoyd. My goodness, Lanhansai is a nice little cross-roads, do you think the Mafia have found it yet? Hope not, and where is the OP now, anyway?


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Lahansai is a nice quiet Thai village. When I first visited there in 1993 the locals acted as if they had never seen a white man. I was waiting for the bus to Nang Rong and a school girl drove her bike into the ditch because she was staring at me over her shoulder, not watching where she was going. Last visit 2010 there were more farangs at the evening market.

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  • 5 months later...

Would like to get contact info for the 'bread guy'.

Spent the past two winters in the area. Still see locals 'freak out' occasionally when faced with a farang.

Looking forward to full timing one of these days.

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