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Songkran In Cm Why Are Farangs So Stupid?


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why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

I'm taking video, it is allowed you know and it was in a specially designed rain cover, that's why the idiot didn't harm it. I did think. The point is Thais respect you, idiot farangs do not

You might want to reread your OP nothing about specially designed rain cover.

Your point is well taken.

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Anyway, I actually walked down to Loi Kroh before heading to Mad Dog for lunch, and sure there was a few idiots, but for the most part I thought it was mostly good clean fun. All it takes is one idiot (to shoot a little girl, camera, etc.) for some to quickly label ALL as idiots.

Yes, I really agree with that. Also you tend to notice the idiots (Farang or Thai) a lot more then the people who do behave, which is actually a very large majority.

As an addition to this, something similar applies to reading the forum.. Reading you can't help but get the impression that all Farangs in Chiang Mai are card-carrying members of the Bah-Humbug Club, in desperate need of a visit of the Ghost of Songkran Future.

Then you wonder if they're for real about their adopted country of residence, or that they're just trolling, then you think 'whatever' and head out the door to join the festival. And only THEN do you see *hundreds* of Farangs enjoying themselves and (mostly) playing water appropriately. And then you realize that you notice a particular segment of people a lot more on-line, too. Even though it's two handfuls of people holed up at home with nothing better to do.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Probably because the world's biggest idiots all head to Thailand for what is actively promoted as the world's biggest water fight. <deleted> do you expect?

Interesting. Where is it promoted as the worlds biggest water fight?

Yeah, if anything TAT tends to over-emphesize the religious stuff. They do that too with the Loei Phi Ta Khon festival, which is a 100% animist fertility binge. yet then come up with some Buddhist mumbo jumbo to dress it up.

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Probably because the world's biggest idiots all head to Thailand for what is actively promoted as the world's biggest water fight. <deleted> do you expect?

Interesting. Where is it promoted as the worlds biggest water fight?

Yeah, if anything TAT tends to over-emphesize the religious stuff. They do that too with the Loei Phi Ta Khon festival, which is a 100% animist fertility binge. yet then come up with some Buddhist mumbo jumbo to dress it up.

Songkran has it's roots in Hinduism. The Buddha being the 9th Avatar of Krishna and all. It's all relative.

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Deliberately attempting to damage the camera was out of order. The OP is entitled to take photos at Songkran, and he is entitled to expect a little bit of consideration, there is no excuse for the ridiculous behaviour we are seeing from some farangs.

The one that get's me is seeing them water fighting inside bars, I was at a bar yesterday where the owner had put on a buffet and it was ruined within 5 minutes by a clown spraying water over it.........that guy got a shock when the owners daughter, a beautiful 155cm, 40kg 22 year old gave him a full on blast of Thai Tasmanian Devil.

I was very proud of her, and it cost the farang 5,000 baht to replace the food. Good.

ps. I love watching the Thai Tasmanian Devil outbursts as long as I am not on the receiving end biggrin.png

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Bloody stupid mak mak! If the camera was protected then why complain? Stupid! If the camera wasn't protected why were you walking around a bloody water fight with it? Stupid!

Farrangs will be farrangs. It's the farrangs with no common sense that I despair of. As an expat with over 700 posts on Thaivisa, you should know better!jap.gif

what should I know better about? the sad idiotic behaviour of some farangs? I'm merely pointing out that Thais behave far better than some farangs. They behaved with aggression and not at all in the spirit of Songkran. I feel embarassed that Thais may think I'm just like these idiots.

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why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

I'm taking video, it is allowed you know and it was in a specially designed rain cover, that's why the idiot didn't harm it. I did think. The point is Thais respect you, idiot farangs do not

What a load of bull. Last year songkran cm I had thais whipping large buckets of ice water as hard as they could purposefully into my face. ' farang ' were doing nothing of the sort.

Again, probably not smart to bring a $2000 non waterproof video camera to a water festival / fight. Utter stupidity.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Anyway, I actually walked down to Loi Kroh before heading to Mad Dog for lunch, and sure there was a few idiots, but for the most part I thought it was mostly good clean fun. All it takes is one idiot (to shoot a little girl, camera, etc.) for some to quickly label ALL as idiots.

Yes, I really agree with that. Also you tend to notice the idiots (Farang or Thai) a lot more then the people who do behave, which is actually a very large majority.

As an addition to this, something similar applies to reading the forum.. Reading you can't help but get the impression that all Farangs in Chiang Mai are card-carrying members of the Bah-Humbug Club, in desperate need of a visit of the Ghost of Songkran Future.

Then you wonder if they're for real about their adopted country of residence, or that they're just trolling, then you think 'whatever' and head out the door to join the festival. And only THEN do you see *hundreds* of Farangs enjoying themselves and (mostly) playing water appropriately. And then you realize that you notice a particular segment of people a lot more on-line, too. Even though it's two handfuls of people holed up at home with nothing better to do.

As you said earlier, it was mostly around the 'farang' area- Taphae gate and Loi Kroh that these incidents occur. I had to pass it to get back to the car, no choice. I agree, many farangs behave reasonably, but around that area there seemed to be no escaping the real idiots.

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Bloody stupid mak mak! If the camera was protected then why complain? Stupid! If the camera wasn't protected why were you walking around a bloody water fight with it? Stupid!

Farrangs will be farrangs. It's the farrangs with no common sense that I despair of. As an expat with over 700 posts on Thaivisa, you should know better!jap.gif

what should I know better about? the sad idiotic behaviour of some farangs? I'm merely pointing out that Thais behave far better than some farangs. They behaved with aggression and not at all in the spirit of Songkran. I feel embarassed that Thais may think I'm just like these idiots.

9/10 that I was sprayed in the eyes it has been Thais. EVERY group acts like an asshol_e during this time of year.

As to OP: I thought this was going to be a thread about all the idiots trying to carry around their luggage. I must have saw no less than 12 tourists upset about their luggage being soaked, maybe next time they will do a little research before making travel arrangements.

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why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

I'm taking video, it is allowed you know and it was in a specially designed rain cover, that's why the idiot didn't harm it. I did think. The point is Thais respect you, idiot farangs do not

What a load of bull. Last year songkran cm I had thais whipping large buckets of ice water as hard as they could purposefully into my face. ' farang ' were doing nothing of the sort.

Again, probably not smart to bring a $2000 non waterproof video camera to a water festival / fight. Utter stupidity.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Er read my lips, it was in a cover !!!! and it was £2000 not $2000

Edited by msg362
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why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

I'm taking video, it is allowed you know and it was in a specially designed rain cover, that's why the idiot didn't harm it. I did think. The point is Thais respect you, idiot farangs do not

You might want to reread your OP nothing about specially designed rain cover.

Your point is well taken.

Point taken, I said it was wearing a 'raincoat' It was a specially designed cover to go over a fairly large video camera. Not waterproof, but well able to withstand all that I expected, I was not prepared for deliberate attacks on the camera.

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in my enjoyable journey about the moat yesterday, my observations (between buckets of swamp water hitting my face) that they were more Thais throwing dirty swamp water in peoples faces than westerners. being said, they were using buckets, the westerners were using high powered water pistols.

Loi Kroh had more water pistols than other places about the moat, but at least the water was a bit cleaner.

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in my enjoyable journey about the moat yesterday, my observations (between buckets of swamp water hitting my face) that they were more Thais throwing dirty swamp water in peoples faces than westerners. being said, they were using buckets, the westerners were using high powered water pistols.

Loi Kroh had more water pistols than other places about the moat, but at least the water was a bit cleaner.

Could it be that there are more Thais in Thailand than farongs.

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in my enjoyable journey about the moat yesterday, my observations (between buckets of swamp water hitting my face) that they were more Thais throwing dirty swamp water in peoples faces than westerners. being said, they were using buckets, the westerners were using high powered water pistols.

Loi Kroh had more water pistols than other places about the moat, but at least the water was a bit cleaner.

Could it be that there are more Thais in Thailand than farongs.

possibly, but the "stupidity" wasn't limited to westerners, everyone was doing it with the locals setting the example.
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in my enjoyable journey about the moat yesterday, my observations (between buckets of swamp water hitting my face) that they were more Thais throwing dirty swamp water in peoples faces than westerners. being said, they were using buckets, the westerners were using high powered water pistols.

Loi Kroh had more water pistols than other places about the moat, but at least the water was a bit cleaner.

Could it be that there are more Thais in Thailand than farongs.

possibly, but the "stupidity" wasn't limited to westerners, everyone was doing it with the locals setting the example.

I think the farangs tourists want to relive the Hangover 2 movie or something

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Songkran has it's roots in Hinduism. The Buddha being the 9th Avatar of Krishna and all. It's all relative.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun DaamNaam,

The "minority" concept in Hinduism that Krishna is the source of all avatars, rather than Vishnu, is definitely related to the less common schools of Vaishnavism, eclipsed by far in the belief that all avatars are emanations, or incarnations, of Vishnu. Similarly, there are some Indian systems that believe that Ganesh (Thai: phii Ganet) also has avatars.

What do your eyes tell you: have you ever seen, in any Thai Wat, in a temple mural, a representation of Krishna ? A statue of Krishna outside, in the grounds of the Wat ?

In the less widely prevalent forms of Hinduism, there are believed to be ten avatars (Dashavatara): Krishna is the 8th. incarnation of Vishnu, and Buddha the 9th. In the Bhagavata Purana, the dominant belief, there are twenty-two, with Krishna at 20th., and Buddha at 21st.

The strongest connection with rain would be in the rarer interpretation, as mentioned, that the 8th. is Balarama, brother of Krishna, who is associated with imagery of clouds and rain, and that Lord Kesava (Krishna in that interpretation) is the source of all avatars.

The Thais who migrated to the fertile river valleys of northern Thailand in waves over centuries so long ago (as early as 5th. century CE, possibly, but probably a great majority driven south centuries later by Mongol pressure from the north to emigrate), were already agriculturists, already rice-growers, with, probably, no written culture, no mastery of ceramics or metal, an oral tradition whose richness we can know nothing about, matrilineal, matriarchal social organization, and animist beliefs. Very possible they brought the roots of the solar fertility festival with them which persisted as they absorbed Indic culture, and technology, through several vectors, including Mon, Khmer, Srivijayan, Chinese, etc.

In the most widespread belief, within Hinduism, in avatars of Vishnu, as expressed in the Bhagavata Purana, there are twenty-two: and I, personally, favor twenty-two because: at number thirteen, you have Mohini, the Enchantress, and the last of the twenty-two to come (we've been through twenty-one, already), Kalki, who is going to wipe the slate clean and expunge the planet of its scum of destructive human vermin.

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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I guess that these people like some of the posters here think that destruction of other people property is ok because it happens during a festival.

Nah not really......they're up for mayhem and destruction any time any place! jerk.gif Just look at their record back in the home country.

I guess that these people like some of the posters here think that destruction of other people property is ok because it happens during a festival.

Nah not really......they're up for mayhem and destruction any time any place! jerk.gif Just look at their record back in the home country.

You are spot on.

There are those in the West that consider the distress of others as a good laugh.

This is one reason why I always keep to my own circle of specially selected farang friends here, as I regard many of the farangs one maybe unfortunate enough to meet in the street as boneheads. I would recommend to the OP that during events and festivals like these that he keep in with the Thai crowds and avoid the farang mobs completely.

As for the video camera, I certainly would not be so harsh on the OP as our, mallmagician, who’s solution to those that are a bit careless or have dislikes is to tell them to bugger off. Perhaps he was one of the guys aiming at the faces and camera lens?

In Thailand many of the people abide by certain protocols, are polite and know where to draw the line. It can come as somewhat of a shock when we suddenly meet up against those morons who have the thug mentality and no respect for anyone.

Sometimes we all can be a little naive and I don’t fault the OP just for taking the situation for granted that people will be decent and considerate. But now he has learned this is not the case and can put this down to experience.

Where my family and I live we share the Songkran fun with the locals and we have a wonderful time. All good clean fun and the kids love it. Just seeing the thrills and laughter on the kids faces and being with my own family and neighbors really makes the day for me. No way would I bother getting involved with a bunch of prats in town.

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Beetlejuice..... Why are you misquoting me?? Also, why do you make a blanket statement about how I handle people that have a dislike? You don't know me. I wouldn't ever tell anyone to bugger off... Can't you make your point without lies?..., I didn't tell anyone to bugger off. I have no problem with peoples dislikes etc etc. I merely stated that I didn't understand his problem. Until a few posts ago, the OP had claimed he had a specially made cover. So if that was true, then I don't see what the problem is with people firing water at it. He has since clarified it is not quite waterproof, which changes things somewhat. Waterproof camera housing is easy to spot, and can often be used underwater too, so I can see why the farang assumed he had taken the necessary precautions when bringing it out into the worlds largest water fight...

I have experienced songkran in the city many times, and frankly 90% of all races are as bad as one another. So, again, I don't agree with the post slamming just the farang....

As for me being the one shooting, I had a quieter day in San sai, with my extended Thai family, and the locals... I got a lot of water in the face, and not by any farang..... And even at about 7 last night, I got a shot from a water fun by an adult Thai guy that runs a local shop.

I have a lot more respect than to tell people to bugger off, and each to their own.... But do I not get my own opinion?? For example, I don't like it when people put words in my mouth and misquote me.... shame, shame on you sir....

Edited by mallmagician
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I think they do celebrate something like Songran in India with powder colour do they?

Songkran has it's roots in Hinduism. The Buddha being the 9th Avatar of Krishna and all. It's all relative.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun DaamNaam,

The "minority" concept in Hinduism that Krishna is the source of all avatars, rather than Vishnu, is definitely related to the less common schools of Vaishnavism, eclipsed by far in the belief that all avatars are emanations, or incarnations, of Vishnu. Similarly, there are some Indian systems that believe that Ganesh (Thai: phii Ganet) also has avatars.

What do your eyes tell you: have you ever seen, in any Thai Wat, in a temple mural, a representation of Krishna ? A statue of Krishna outside, in the grounds of the Wat ?

In the less widely prevalent forms of Hinduism, there are believed to be ten avatars (Dashavatara): Krishna is the 8th. incarnation of Vishnu, and Buddha the 9th. In the Bhagavata Purana, the dominant belief, there are twenty-two, with Krishna at 20th., and Buddha at 21st.

The strongest connection with rain would be in the rarer interpretation, as mentioned, that the 8th. is Balarama, brother of Krishna, who is associated with imagery of clouds and rain, and that Lord Kesava (Krishna in that interpretation) is the source of all avatars.

The Thais who migrated to the fertile river valleys of northern Thailand in waves over centuries so long ago (as early as 5th. century CE, possibly, but probably a great majority driven south centuries later by Mongol pressure from the north to emigrate), were already agriculturists, already rice-growers, with, probably, no written culture, no mastery of ceramics or metal, an oral tradition whose richness we can know nothing about, matrilineal, matriarchal social organization, and animist beliefs. Very possible they brought the roots of the solar fertility festival with them which persisted as they absorbed Indic culture, and technology, through several vectors, including Mon, Khmer, Srivijayan, Chinese, etc.

In the most widespread belief, within Hinduism, in avatars of Vishnu, as expressed in the Bhagavata Purana, there are twenty-two: and I, personally, favor twenty-two because: at number thirteen, you have Mohini, the Enchantress, and the last of the twenty-two to come (we've been through twenty-one, already), Kalki, who is going to wipe the slate clean and expunge the planet of its scum of destructive human vermin.

best, ~o:37;

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Beetlejuice..... Why are you misquoting me?? Also, why do you make a blanket statement about how I handle people that have a dislike? You don't know me. I wouldn't ever tell anyone to bugger off... Can't you make your point without lies?..., I didn't tell anyone to bugger off. I have no problem with peoples dislikes etc etc. I merely stated that I didn't understand his problem. Until a few posts ago, the OP had claimed he had a specially made cover. So if that was true, then I don't see what the problem is with people firing water at it. He has since clarified it is not quite waterproof, which changes things somewhat. Waterproof camera housing is easy to spot, and can often be used underwater too, so I can see why the farang assumed he had taken the necessary precautions when bringing it out into the worlds largest water fight...

I have experienced songkran in the city many times, and frankly 90% of all races are as bad as one another. So, again, I don't agree with the post slamming just the farang....

As for me being the one shooting, I had a quieter day in San sai, with my extended Thai family, and the locals... I got a lot of water in the face, and not by any farang..... And even at about 7 last night, I got a shot from a water fun by an adult Thai guy that runs a local shop.

I have a lot more respect than to tell people to bugger off, and each to their own.... But do I not get my own opinion?? For example, I don't like it when people put words in my mouth and misquote me.... shame, shame on you sir....

It doesn`t matter, this is only a forum discussion and mean nothing personal.

I never take these threads too seriously and i am certain that if most of us were to meet up in a bar or somewhere and have a few beers together, that we would never bother to vomit up most of the crap that is said on here.

There is a lot more important issues to discuss in life, such as, girls, money and who`s buying the next round of drinks?

Sorry, old sport.

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Probably because the world's biggest idiots all head to Thailand for what is actively promoted as the world's biggest water fight. <deleted> do you expect?

Totally agree. Looks like one more was added to the bunch. Why would anyone go there with an expensive camera like that? I know, you want to take pictures of the multicultural water war.

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OP, just read this thread and I see your point.

You can use my GoPro Hero 2 with the waterproof housing to make videos on two conditions.

1. You bring back my camera coming monday (23).

2. You publish some shots here on this thread.

Just PM me.

Hope this will cool down everyone a bit.

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As no one else is going to ask, or everybody knows........other than a bowl of noodles, what is a Thai Tasmanian Devil????

any photos of one or are they that rare

Many members of the forum are married to Thai Tasmanian Devils, they tend to be gentle and demure, around 150-160cm tall, and usually weigh around 40-50kg.

They spend their lives in a state of politeness until someone pushes the wrong button, then they fly into a frenzy of rage that shouldn't be possible in a person so petite. Woe betide the person who is on the receiving end of the Thai Tasmanian Devil outburst, these beautiful ladies can really cause some damage with their tongues.

I think some husbands here will be able to confirm sighting's of said Thai Tasmanian Devil in the past. violin.gif

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