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Songkran In Cm Why Are Farangs So Stupid?


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Krishna , Vishnu, Siva etc are to be found In Wat Chian Man (Oldest temple in the moat area), also in Wat Haripunchai (Lamphun) very well represented there. Wat Umong (Chiang Mai), ubosot near the old bull. Temple of the big Buddha in Ko Samui , Krishna rules the roost there. Buddha # 9, Kalki # 10, coming soon to a theatre near you.

BTW, great "copy and paste".

To the discharges of such an uninformed mind, capped off by an "ad hominem" insult, the last resort of the insecure: one can only apply ... the kaopectate of ... silence.

But, let me repeat: Krishna, and the incarnations of Vishnu, no matter how many, are not found in ab origine Theravadan Buddhism, not found in temple murals inside Bot, or Viharn in Thai Wats. Aspects of Vishnu incorporated later into ab origine Theravadan Buddhism in Thailand, are in the aspects of Phra Narai, etc. Example: the famous Erawan shrine (of modern origin, built to rid a luxury hotel, it was believed, of a "curse").

And, the blue-skinned magnificently sensual dancing Krishna, flute-player virtuoso, He who visits every one of 10,000 Gopis (milk-maids) every night, and pleasures her sexually in exactly the way she most enjoys, the emblem of that outbreak of Bhakti (devotional, direct, experience of God through ecstasy) revolution against the rigid hierarchcial behavioral strictures of the scholastic Puranic period Brahminism, most "incarnate," historically, in the person of Shri Chaitanya, and blooming again, in psychedelic panoply in the hippie era as the "Hare Krishna" movement, charismatically-led by the certifiable lunatic, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami: that Krishna ain't here, except, perhaps, as a rare aberration, within Thai Theravadan Buddhism.

But, do keep in mind: that blue-skinned erotic Krishna is not the same Krishna who is the revealer of cosmic truth to the tortured soul of Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, where he is torn between loyalties to the about-to-fight armies of his father and his uncle-and-guru.

Statuary of "secondary sacred figures," Mae Toranee (she who twists her long hair to release the waters of virtue acquired by the Buddha in all his previous incarnations to protect him, near the moment of Enlightenment, by dispelling the "evil flood waters" unleashed by Mara), Lu See (aka Ru See, aka Sanskrit: Agasthya Muni, the archetypal yogi, hermit), as well as Mae Kwan Im (aka "Goddess of Mercy," aka the female manifestation of the Dhyana Buddha Avalokitesvara from later so-called "Mahayana" Buddhism) are found outside the Bot and Viharn (the sacred areas) on the grounds of the Wat, along with miscellaneous other figures of Indic origin, such as Lord Ganesh (Pi Ganet). In any given Wat you might find who knows what somewhere on the grounds, but not inside Bot, or Viharn.

I checked by telephone this week with a person who is currently among the world's leading interpreters of the imagery in Thai murals in Wats (in Bot, Viharn): she confirms: no Krishna, no representation of the series of incarnations of Vishnu.

The great compendium of stories of the innumerable previous lives of the Buddha, pre the "enlightenment" of Gautama, the Jataka Cycle: could one draw an analogy there between the great Indic tradition of incarnations of Vishnu ? And you do have the tradition that Gautama the Buddha said his teachings would last 5,000 years, after which another Buddha, Maitreya, will appear: a connection there with the ancient Vedic=>Hindu idea of the four stages (kalpas) of the creation and destruction of the universe ? Or is that connection, yet another example of what was grafted onto Buddhism, in its later form, as it soaked up, and was absorbed by, Hinduism, in all its forms from the Advaita of Shankara to later Sivaite Tantricism ? To the point where. This worm of an intellect: will never know.

1975-1976; Orang37's (then only human) form spent a year in India on a Berkeley Professional Studies in India Program, the first person ever granted that scholarship, in the social sciences, prior to completing their terminal degree. A two-hundred page work, "Sacred Tradition, Social Change, and Mental Illness in India," with nearly four-hundred foot-notes, was then accepted as the required thesis, for completion of said terminal degree (an MSW, not a Ph.D.), based on recommendations by Dr. Ravi Kapur of the All-India-Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences in Bangalore (protege of Dr. Morris Carstairs, and author [Oxford Press] of "The Great Universe of Kota"), renowned anthropologist, Dr. T.N. Madan, of Delhi University, and others.

While it would be inappropriate to mention the names of current Thai and Farang scholars I am in personal communication with here, you can be certain that everything I write is not original ... in the sense of original thought ... but only "weakly original" in the sense that I am combining memories of what I have read in many sources over forty years with fact-checking with current internet sources, and with aforementioned scholars.

Sadly, the last several years have seen the passing of three great unique American scholars who contributed so much to the world's understanding of Thai culture, religion, and artifacts: David Wyatt, Betty Gosling, Roxanna Brown. And, most tragic of all, the death (probable suicide) at age 31, in 1981, of the brilliant young scholar Richard B. Davies, whose field-work in Nan, pre-Ph.D., "Muang Metaphysics" (out of print) is perhaps the single best source on the integration of animist ritual and Buddhism in Thai culture.

Also, sadly, out of print: Premchit Sommai and Pierre Dore's masterful compendium of northern Thai folklore and festivals organized by the pre-modern Thai calendrical system, "The Lanna Twelve Months Traditions." Publisher: Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Thailand, and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France (1991). To me the single best source on Lanna sacred rite de paysage, such as Loy Krathong (Yi Peng), and Songkran (Paveni Pi Mai).

Take anything this less-than-dynamic-duo of an Orangutan soul/mind and human soul/mind should scribble here with "granum salis," and skepticism, but do, if you wish, avail yourself of some of the wisdom listed in the sources above.

One hour of reading ...

Betty Gosling's "The Origins of Thai Art,"

or Carol Stratton's "The Buddhist Sculpture of Northern Thailand."

or Dr. Brereton's newer (2010) work, "Buddhist Murals of Northeast Thailand: Reflections of the Isan Heartland"" http://www.silkwormb...heast-thailand/

"or, Dr. David Wyatt's reflective "swan-song," written at the end of his scholarly career, when severely disabled, "Siam in Mind: his reflections on a lifetime of study of S.E. Asian history (not focused, specifically, on Thai art). Note that Wyatt's studies of Thai temple murals are currently being criticallly re-evaluated."

is worth a cosmic amount of time compared to the time you spend any words written by this half-and-half of this two-flavours-of-primate chimera smile.png

If you are relatively new to wanting to understand the "basics" of "what" a Wat is: no better place to start than Carol Stratton's introduction for everyone, "What's What in a Wat," http://www.silkwormb...-what-in-a-wat/ : be sure and get the new edition which has vastly improved the quality of the printing of the photographs !

Of course, if you subscribe to Sartre's "Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness, and dies by chance,” (from "Nausea"): why bother ?

Edited by Tywais
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why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

Exactly. The subject could just as easily read, ' what kind of moron brings a $2000 video camera out on songkran '.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Exactly, totally stupid but that is some Farangs for you. This is Sonkran live with it.

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why have an expensive camera when you are in Thailand walking around in Songkran , maybe its you who did not think.

Exactly. The subject could just as easily read, ' what kind of moron brings a $2000 video camera out on songkran '.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Exactly, totally stupid but that is some Farangs for you. This is Sonkran live with it.

Have you actually read my posts? did you notice my camera was protected? Oh and BTW many of the SLRs out there were worth at least as much as my camera and, like me, they had them covered in water resistant bags.

Edited by msg362
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I'm a bit confused...

Were you trying to take some video of a typical Thai street scene, and the worlds biggest waterfight broke out??? Or were you trying to take video of the worlds biggest waterfight, and were suprised that there was water involved???

Title should have been:

"I didn't think through the idea of taking my video camera to film the songkran festivities, I've learnt my lesson now."

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I'm a bit confused...

Were you trying to take some video of a typical Thai street scene, and the worlds biggest waterfight broke out??? Or were you trying to take video of the worlds biggest waterfight, and were suprised that there was water involved???

Title should have been:

"I didn't think through the idea of taking my video camera to film the songkran festivities, I've learnt my lesson now."

I was filming the parade, to get back to the car I had to go through the 'no man's land' of Taphae Gate and Loi Kroh. OK at Taphae gate, but I had not put my camera away before unexpectedly running into a group of Farangs, one of whom tried to ruin my camera as I was trying to put it away. ( It was in a water resistant case, but I was trying to put it into a second case for more protection.)

I disagree, I should, having taken reasonable precautions, expect to be able to film the parade and I could. But you are right, I should not expect to film a waterfight without a totally waterproof ( ? ( Underwater?) housing. I wasn't trying to do that.. Two other thoughts: my title should read 'Why do SOME farangs...... ' and I should have anticipated the waterfight area and put the camera away earlier.

But surely by now there has been more than enough said.

Edited by msg362
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After being deliberately stalked by a gang of very drunk American youths with water cannons last year, I decided to give Thapae/Loi Kroh area a pass.

The point is that there are people coming here in larger and larger numbers, and some of them aren't the sort you'd like to invite over for drinks and dinner. I carry an expensive camera everywhere, and it is protected. However, if someone really wants to destroy your property with buckets of water, there's little you can do about it. I also use my camera to document life in Thailand, and serve as a volunteer for a Thai non-profit, so my sympathies to the OP. In the incident last year, the boys were more interested in drilling holes in my eardrums, and telling me I was what was wrong with the world. If they'd tried, they could have done serious damage to my equipment, but it was more a personal attack. Not one supported by any return conversation on my part, I might add. I'm no hero: I just wanted to get away from them.

In my neighborhood this year, I ran into plenty of young Thais with beers in hand, but when I indicated the camera in its cover, they carefully applied water everywhere but there. I don't mind being wet, but I do mind being assaulted by hooligans who can fly in for three days to act out their hostilities with little to no supervision, and then fly back home. The only person who doused me after dark was the three-year-old grand daughter of the neighborhood shopkeeper. She was very excited to add me to her trophy list, and I even presented front and back as targets for her Minnie Mouse pistol.

Edited by anselpixel
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After meeting some new friends via a new co-worker I ended up spending the weekend in Mae-wang.

I had a fantastic time and recommend it to anyone who wants to get wet, but not have to deal with the moat.

Now, it is a bit of a hike and sitting in the back of a pick up this time of the year was probably not one of the smartest decisions of my life, but man it was a blast.

Passing all the people playing on the way and slowing down so they could douse us and then a night spent making BBQ and drinking followed by a day or rafting was such a better way to spend the weekend.

I went out on the 13th because I love Songkran and I hadn't played in 3 years, but I was burned out pretty quick. It was not as much fun as before. I found it more annoying that the number of shops have increased and there was no sidewalk to walk on. There also seemed to be way less people this year,

So it's a year away now, but consider this option for the future, but be wary water and a speeding car stings like a @#$%!

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I got soaked last night, driving my bike, 9.00pm, doing 80kph on the road just past the Big C heading out of town. I was dressed for dinner with friends and I was far from happy when a pick up pulled up beside me and a guy drenched me with a bucket of Icy water.

pr*ck. jerk.gifannoyed.gif

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i've read through this thread

I got soaked last night, driving my bike, 9.00pm, doing 80kph on the road just past the Big C heading out of town. I was dressed for dinner with friends and I was far from happy when a pick up pulled up beside me and a guy drenched me with a bucket of Icy water.

pr*ck. jerk.gifannoyed.gif

westerner or thai?
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To the OP.....

Farang translates to 'white people'... it doesn't translate to 'westerners'... so, your title is the same as

"Songkran In Cm Why Are White People So Stupid?"

Also, In your fist post you stated "But carrying an expensive video camera ( it was wearing a raincoat),"

Then later you said the reason why you mentioned 2000 pounds was so people would know it was a large video camera and not a small camcorder.... Then you correct people about the price when they refer to it as $2000 .... how does that clarify the size? Honestly, I had no idea that 2000 pounds means it's a large video camera... I thought there could be some smaller ones for the same price?

I think you wanted people to know about the value and not the size of your video camera .... otherwise, you would have just said

"But carrying a large video camera ( it was wearing a raincoat),"

regardless, it sucks to have people intentionally try to damage your property. I'm sure the person trying to spray it wouldn't want someone trying to damage their property.... but it's chaos out there and sometimes people get caught up in it and do stupid things..

All the best


Edited by jefftd77
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To the OP.....

Farang translates to 'white people'... it doesn't translate to 'westerners'... so, your title is the same as

"Songkran In Cm Why Are White People So Stupid?"

Also, In your fist post you stated "But carrying an expensive video camera ( it was wearing a raincoat),"

Then later you said the reason why you mentioned 2000 pounds was so people would know it was a large video camera and not a small camcorder.... Then you correct people about the price when they refer to it as $2000 .... how does that clarify the size? Honestly, I had no idea that 2000 pounds means it's a large video camera... I thought there could be some smaller ones for the same price?

I think you wanted people to know about the value and not the size of your video camera .... otherwise, you would have just said

"But carrying a large video camera ( it was wearing a raincoat),"

regardless, it sucks to have people intentionally try to damage your property. I'm sure the person trying to spray it wouldn't want someone trying to damage their property.... but it's chaos out there and sometimes people get caught up in it and do stupid things..

All the best


Yes, I could have phrased it better, thank you , but he deliberately tried to ruin it. BTW I think you are wrong about your definition of 'farang' but that's for nother debate

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I've been really interested in the responses to my original post. There are those who read it and understood I was asking about behaviours, not complaining, those who skimmed it and told me I should not take an unprotected camera into town at Songkran and those who were just downright aggressive and nasty.

Sorry about this being a long response, but I think ( if those who are aggressive can actually read to the end) We can summarise this.

I like to make videos about Thai life. Last year I filmed around the moat at Songkran ,got lots of good stuff with Thais being happy and responsible in general and yes I posted about some idiot farang at Taphae gate. I also filmed in villages -local ceremonies at Wats and Thais making merit in their way. Families where the younger people raying respect by pouring a small amount of water over their parents hands. I filmed kids having fun throwing water at passing cars and so on. What I didn't have was footage of the parade of Bhudda images to Wat Pra Singh, and important element and that's what I was filming on Friday.

So this year, like last, farangs around Taphae gate behaved oddly/badly compared with most ( not all ) Thais. I'm not upset by that, no damage, no problem, but trying to point out why some farang behaviour is so different from most Thais. So I asked the question 'what goes on in their heads, why are they so happy to destroy?"

Now I know that was difficult for some TV members to grasp because it is not a complaint, nor a whine but simply a question.

Thank you folks for those of you that have tried to answer the question or who have come up with accounts of your own to add flesh to the story.

I'm now in a position to make a fairly reasonable first crack a short video trying to describe Songkran in CM. I don't pretend to understand all the complexities of the Thai culture and a short video can't do that, but maybe it can contrast the tradition with current CM reality. I'll try.

So again, thanks for thoseof you that read and commented sensibly. For those of you that told me I'm, boasting/arrogant/ should go home/ am stupid/ whatever, again thanks I understand you better and realise some of you can't grasp ideas but are happy to insult from behind your avatars.

every word comes across as utterly superior and arrogant

edit: the OP claims it was just a 'question' but he asked the same question last year - and it is not just a 'question' it's written in an aggressive anti-farang style - it's a leading question not an honest 'why'? so no point commenting further with this aggressive guy and his precious 'ideas' about what's right and what's wrong with Songkran if he phrased it differently he would get more sympathy but it has been highlighted by other posters that he's a serial moaner and complainer - and there are 100s of old farangs like him unfortunately. Mai pen rai.

My goodness ,you are an angry little man aren't you. ( aggression? me ?, try looking at your own posts! ) I'd try meditation if I were you, it might make you happier. Try reading properly, you will see I did not express any ideas of what's right and wrong, merely wondered. Happy songkran. (How do you know how old I am? ( I'm 14))

I can quite believe you are 14 at least you have stopped SHOUTING by using Caps - go look at your post Mr Speilberg

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I'm a bit confused...

Were you trying to take some video of a typical Thai street scene, and the worlds biggest waterfight broke out??? Or were you trying to take video of the worlds biggest waterfight, and were suprised that there was water involved???

Title should have been:

"I didn't think through the idea of taking my video camera to film the songkran festivities, I've learnt my lesson now."

I was filming the parade, to get back to the car I had to go through the 'no man's land' of Taphae Gate and Loi Kroh. OK at Taphae gate, but I had not put my camera away before unexpectedly running into a group of Farangs, one of whom tried to ruin my camera as I was trying to put it away. ( It was in a water resistant case, but I was trying to put it into a second case for more protection.)

I disagree, I should, having taken reasonable precautions, expect to be able to film the parade and I could. But you are right, I should not expect to film a waterfight without a totally waterproof ( ? ( Underwater?) housing. I wasn't trying to do that.. Two other thoughts: my title should read 'Why do SOME farangs...... ' and I should have anticipated the waterfight area and put the camera away earlier.

But surely by now there has been more than enough said.

yes, we agree at last, you should have anticipated the area (second year running?) and put the camera away earlier AND said 'some' farang - we all know there are some really stupid farang around AND some really stupid Thais - it's not where you were born it's a collection of things and to say 'stupid farang' is as bad as saying 'stupid Africans' or 'stupid Indians' etc.

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i've read through this thread

I got soaked last night, driving my bike, 9.00pm, doing 80kph on the road just past the Big C heading out of town. I was dressed for dinner with friends and I was far from happy when a pick up pulled up beside me and a guy drenched me with a bucket of Icy water.

pr*ck. jerk.gifannoyed.gif

westerner or thai?

yes - which? probably Thai as I have seen most farang on foot not in pick-ups which sort of proves the case - you don't have to be a farang or Thai to be a pr*ck - you can come from anywhere!

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Yes, I could have phrased it better, thank you , but he deliberately tried to ruin it. BTW I think you are wrong about your definition of 'farang' but that's for nother debate

A Westerner is defined as a person from 'The Western World' which could be someone that's any race provided they were raised in the "western world".. and if you were to ask any Thai person if an Asian westerner is a 'Farang' they will say 'no' ...

But you're right... that's a whole different debate ..


Edited by jefftd77
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I've been really interested in the responses to my original post. There are those who read it and understood I was asking about behaviours, not complaining, those who skimmed it and told me I should not take an unprotected camera into town at Songkran and those who were just downright aggressive and nasty.

Sorry about this being a long response, but I think ( if those who are aggressive can actually read to the end) We can summarise this.

I like to make videos about Thai life. Last year I filmed around the moat at Songkran ,got lots of good stuff with Thais being happy and responsible in general and yes I posted about some idiot farang at Taphae gate. I also filmed in villages -local ceremonies at Wats and Thais making merit in their way. Families where the younger people raying respect by pouring a small amount of water over their parents hands. I filmed kids having fun throwing water at passing cars and so on. What I didn't have was footage of the parade of Bhudda images to Wat Pra Singh, and important element and that's what I was filming on Friday.

So this year, like last, farangs around Taphae gate behaved oddly/badly compared with most ( not all ) Thais. I'm not upset by that, no damage, no problem, but trying to point out why some farang behaviour is so different from most Thais. So I asked the question 'what goes on in their heads, why are they so happy to destroy?"

Now I know that was difficult for some TV members to grasp because it is not a complaint, nor a whine but simply a question.

Thank you folks for those of you that have tried to answer the question or who have come up with accounts of your own to add flesh to the story.

I'm now in a position to make a fairly reasonable first crack a short video trying to describe Songkran in CM. I don't pretend to understand all the complexities of the Thai culture and a short video can't do that, but maybe it can contrast the tradition with current CM reality. I'll try.

So again, thanks for thoseof you that read and commented sensibly. For those of you that told me I'm, boasting/arrogant/ should go home/ am stupid/ whatever, again thanks I understand you better and realise some of you can't grasp ideas but are happy to insult from behind your avatars.

every word comes across as utterly superior and arrogant

edit: the OP claims it was just a 'question' but he asked the same question last year - and it is not just a 'question' it's written in an aggressive anti-farang style - it's a leading question not an honest 'why'? so no point commenting further with this aggressive guy and his precious 'ideas' about what's right and what's wrong with Songkran if he phrased it differently he would get more sympathy but it has been highlighted by other posters that he's a serial moaner and complainer - and there are 100s of old farangs like him unfortunately. Mai pen rai.

My goodness ,you are an angry little man aren't you. ( aggression? me ?, try looking at your own posts! ) I'd try meditation if I were you, it might make you happier. Try reading properly, you will see I did not express any ideas of what's right and wrong, merely wondered. Happy songkran. (How do you know how old I am? ( I'm 14))

I can quite believe you are 14 at least you have stopped SHOUTING by using Caps - go look at your post Mr Speilberg

That is a fair point as you did start putting caps in your response which is considered shouting online and that exhibits aggression.

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Wow, what a post!

I've been accused of being racist, utterly superior, arrogant, anti farang and goodness knows what else What I find interesting is why I'm attacked. The question I raised has been addressed by some, (and thank you for that), but others pick on side issues to try to prove their superiority. None of them know me yet stereotype me. Great. ( BTW, I'm modest, tolerant, young, handsome, intelligent ,witty, jovial, great fun to be with,amusing, and any other positive attribute you care to thin of) ( ( just so you know, this is my attempt at humour)

( Got you, you missed out the word 'some in your title'). Just FINALLY for the record, I was in the course of putting the camera away when the idiot farang approached, I tried to hide behind some trees, but he still went for me. If you want any more detail, I'll tell you exactly where I sat, where I had a pee. but it's really boring.

I find it fascinating, some here on TV like to attack, like a pack of hyenas. I wonder if they exhibit the same characteristics as the idiot, I wonder if they were not loved as children and I wonder what satisfaction they get from attacking from behind their avatars.

Fascinating. What exactly to they think they contribute? What satisfaction do they get?

But enough, this topic has been done to death surely by now.

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Wow, what a post!

I've been accused of being racist, utterly superior, arrogant, anti farang and goodness knows what else What I find interesting is why I'm attacked. The question I raised has been addressed by some, (and thank you for that), but others pick on side issues to try to prove their superiority. None of them know me yet stereotype me. Great. ( BTW, I'm modest, tolerant, young, handsome, intelligent ,witty, jovial, great fun to be with,amusing, and any other positive attribute you care to thin of) ( ( just so you know, this is my attempt at humour)

( Got you, you missed out the word 'some in your title'). Just FINALLY for the record, I was in the course of putting the camera away when the idiot farang approached, I tried to hide behind some trees, but he still went for me. If you want any more detail, I'll tell you exactly where I sat, where I had a pee. but it's really boring.

I find it fascinating, some here on TV like to attack, like a pack of hyenas. I wonder if they exhibit the same characteristics as the idiot, I wonder if they were not loved as children and I wonder what satisfaction they get from attacking from behind their avatars.

Fascinating. What exactly to they think they contribute? What satisfaction do they get?

But enough, this topic has been done to death surely by now.

Well I do have to agree with the others that your original post was slightly racist and you could have equally been targeted by a Thai. Did you ever think, maybe you were 'attacked' by other posters because you deserved it, from your original badly thought out post?

Perhaps you should end the topic with an apology for calling 'white people' (aka farangs aka us) stupid.

When the hole is deep enough, time to stop digging.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Wow, what a post!

I've been accused of being racist, utterly superior, arrogant, anti farang and goodness knows what else What I find interesting is why I'm attacked. The question I raised has been addressed by some, (and thank you for that), but others pick on side issues to try to prove their superiority. None of them know me yet stereotype me. Great. ( BTW, I'm modest, tolerant, young, handsome, intelligent ,witty, jovial, great fun to be with,amusing, and any other positive attribute you care to thin of) ( ( just so you know, this is my attempt at humour)

( Got you, you missed out the word 'some in your title'). Just FINALLY for the record, I was in the course of putting the camera away when the idiot farang approached, I tried to hide behind some trees, but he still went for me. If you want any more detail, I'll tell you exactly where I sat, where I had a pee. but it's really boring.

I find it fascinating, some here on TV like to attack, like a pack of hyenas. I wonder if they exhibit the same characteristics as the idiot, I wonder if they were not loved as children and I wonder what satisfaction they get from attacking from behind their avatars.

Fascinating. What exactly to they think they contribute? What satisfaction do they get?

But enough, this topic has been done to death surely by now.

Well I do have to agree with the others that your original post was slightly racist and you could have equally been targeted by a Thai. Did you ever think, maybe you were 'attacked' by other posters because you deserved it, from your original badly thought out post?

Perhaps you should end the topic with an apology for calling 'white people' (aka farangs aka us) stupid.

When the hole is deep enough, time to stop digging.

Oh here we go, the point was over the years I've been here, the Thais mostly are considerate, many farangs are not, many seem to like to behave stupidly. I have never been targeted by a Thai like that, although reading the news I agree, few farangs would club someone to death because they objected to being sprayed with water.That's my experience, not racist just an observation. That was the point of my question. I suspect there is a very different attitude amongst many tourists from most Thais, that is what I was getting at. I simply gave an example, i could have given many more. Yes I should have put the word 'some' into the title, humblest apologies, happy now?

Edited by msg362
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That is a fair point as you did start putting caps in your response which is considered shouting online and that exhibits aggression.

I agree, but I did start by apologising for the capitals!!!! and it was only for the bits I thought had not been read and I was repeating I thought it might be a bit clearer! I could have used 'bold' I suppose

Edited by msg362
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i've read through this thread

I got soaked last night, driving my bike, 9.00pm, doing 80kph on the road just past the Big C heading out of town. I was dressed for dinner with friends and I was far from happy when a pick up pulled up beside me and a guy drenched me with a bucket of Icy water.

pr*ck. jerk.gifannoyed.gif

westerner or thai?

Thai, about 12 Thais on the back of the truck, I felt a blast from a water pistol first then half a second later the bucket of water. If it had been a Westerner I would have broken his jaw, but I'm not tackling a truckload of Thais.

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That is a fair point as you did start putting caps in your response which is considered shouting online and that exhibits aggression.

I agree, but I did start by apologising for the capitals!!!! and it was only for the bits I thought had not been read and I was repeating I thought it might be a bit clearer! I could have used 'bold' I suppose

so let's leave it there :) om shanti

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Wow, what a post!

I've been accused of being racist, utterly superior, arrogant, anti farang and goodness knows what else What I find interesting is why I'm attacked. The question I raised has been addressed by some, (and thank you for that), but others pick on side issues to try to prove their superiority. None of them know me yet stereotype me. Great. ( BTW, I'm modest, tolerant, young, handsome, intelligent ,witty, jovial, great fun to be with,amusing, and any other positive attribute you care to thin of) ( ( just so you know, this is my attempt at humour)

( Got you, you missed out the word 'some in your title'). Just FINALLY for the record, I was in the course of putting the camera away when the idiot farang approached, I tried to hide behind some trees, but he still went for me. If you want any more detail, I'll tell you exactly where I sat, where I had a pee. but it's really boring.

I find it fascinating, some here on TV like to attack, like a pack of hyenas. I wonder if they exhibit the same characteristics as the idiot, I wonder if they were not loved as children and I wonder what satisfaction they get from attacking from behind their avatars.

Fascinating. What exactly to they think they contribute? What satisfaction do they get?

But enough, this topic has been done to death surely by now.

Well I do have to agree with the others that your original post was slightly racist and you could have equally been targeted by a Thai. Did you ever think, maybe you were 'attacked' by other posters because you deserved it, from your original badly thought out post?

Perhaps you should end the topic with an apology for calling 'white people' (aka farangs aka us) stupid.

When the hole is deep enough, time to stop digging.

Oh here we go, the point was over the years I've been here, the Thais mostly are considerate, many farangs are not, many seem to like to behave stupidly. I have never been targeted by a Thai like that, although reading the news I agree, few farangs would club someone to death because they objected to being sprayed with water.That's my experience, not racist just an observation. That was the point of my question. I suspect there is a very different attitude amongst many tourists from most Thais, that is what I was getting at. I simply gave an example, i could have given many more. Yes I should have put the word 'some' into the title, humblest apologies, happy now?

without wishing to stir it up I don't agree with the

'the point was over the years I've been here, the Thais mostly are considerate, many farangs are not, many seem to like to behave stupidly'

you experienced Thai driving? Thai parking? Thai queuing? in my experience Thais are pretty selfish compared to farang who at least know how to park, drive and queue! but let's not go down that road

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Wow, what a post!

I've been accused of being racist, utterly superior, arrogant, anti farang and goodness knows what else What I find interesting is why I'm attacked. The question I raised has been addressed by some, (and thank you for that), but others pick on side issues to try to prove their superiority. None of them know me yet stereotype me. Great. ( BTW, I'm modest, tolerant, young, handsome, intelligent ,witty, jovial, great fun to be with,amusing, and any other positive attribute you care to thin of) ( ( just so you know, this is my attempt at humour)

( Got you, you missed out the word 'some in your title'). Just FINALLY for the record, I was in the course of putting the camera away when the idiot farang approached, I tried to hide behind some trees, but he still went for me. If you want any more detail, I'll tell you exactly where I sat, where I had a pee. but it's really boring.

I find it fascinating, some here on TV like to attack, like a pack of hyenas. I wonder if they exhibit the same characteristics as the idiot, I wonder if they were not loved as children and I wonder what satisfaction they get from attacking from behind their avatars.

Fascinating. What exactly to they think they contribute? What satisfaction do they get?

But enough, this topic has been done to death surely by now.

Well I do have to agree with the others that your original post was slightly racist and you could have equally been targeted by a Thai. Did you ever think, maybe you were 'attacked' by other posters because you deserved it, from your original badly thought out post?

Perhaps you should end the topic with an apology for calling 'white people' (aka farangs aka us) stupid.

When the hole is deep enough, time to stop digging.

Oh here we go, the point was over the years I've been here, the Thais mostly are considerate, many farangs are not, many seem to like to behave stupidly. I have never been targeted by a Thai like that, although reading the news I agree, few farangs would club someone to death because they objected to being sprayed with water.That's my experience, not racist just an observation. That was the point of my question. I suspect there is a very different attitude amongst many tourists from most Thais, that is what I was getting at. I simply gave an example, i could have given many more. Yes I should have put the word 'some' into the title, humblest apologies, happy now?

without wishing to stir it up I don't agree with the

'the point was over the years I've been here, the Thais mostly are considerate, many farangs are not, many seem to like to behave stupidly'

you experienced Thai driving? Thai parking? Thai queuing? in my experience Thais are pretty selfish compared to farang who at least know how to park, drive and queue! but let's not go down that road

Separate point, not about Songkran, don't get me started on driving or I'll send you a recording of what I say when I drive and when I park!. Why do they plonk their car in front of a parked one? what is it about the outside lane that is so wonderful? why must you turn right from the left hand lane? My blood pressure is rising just thinking of it!

Peace!!!!! smile.png

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Sawasdee Khrup, Msg362,

... snip ... BTW, I'm modest, tolerant, young, handsome, intelligent ,witty, jovial, great fun to be with,amusing, and any other positive attribute you care to thin of) ( ( just so you know, this is my attempt at humour)
. I think that's an excellent try smile.png
I find it fascinating, some here on TV like to attack, like a pack of hyenas. ... snip ... What exactly to they think they contribute? What satisfaction do they get?
You went out onto a target range dressed as bullseye ?

Happy New Year, and "khit maak mai dee" (thinking too much is not good).

best, ~o:37;

Edited by orang37
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football also attracts a large number of idiots on a weekly basis especially in the UK......it is what it is,..........so is songkram,......an idiot magnet... they just need some where to go to express them selves,

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Stolen from another forum, check out 0.40 secs


Thank you for this, It illustrates the point I was trying to make in my original post ( which I was told was ill considered and for which I received abuse and a lot of horse manure) wonderfully.

I've quoted from it here

Songkran around the moat in CM and you will get wet!. But carrying an expensive video camera ( it was wearing a raincoat), almost all the Thais, when they saw the camera did not spray directly at it. Admittedly some did put ice cold water down my back, but that's OK. They looked and saw and smiled.

Now the farangs, a different story. One deliberately tried to squirt water into the camera while I was trying to put it away, another, from about 50 cm squirted water directly in to my face. They do this with an inane look on their face. Others did similar things. Not all farangs, but many of them. What goes on in the head of a 20 year something farang grinning inanely and trying to ruin a £2000 video camera?. Why squirt from 50 cm?

It's almost as if, with a few changes, this could be the voiceover for your video.

Let's hope this will draw a line under what has been a very long and often abusive thread


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