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Reading through the visa forum, it seems that the majority of posts are about obtaining a visa for the UK, the US or Australia.

It also seems that out of the three, the procedure for the UK is by far the simplest, quickest and easiest.

Yet most of the posts complaining about how difficult getting a visa is come from my fellow Brits!

Any thoughts on why this is?


On this site maybe but if you look at others specifically aimed at nationalities then it probably balances out.

The majority on here tend to be from the UK and those that have had problems are always more vociferous than the success story's - the old marketing adage about 1 bad experience and 10 people will be told!


Coming from Perth the first shot was just have likely come from a Brit!

What we don't moan about is the number of aussies that come to the UK who rip us off and get away with lots of things that Brits in the land of Oz can't. Anything from qualifications not being accepted if wanting to work out there, which is risible, to signing on when working in the UK.

Over to you!


Coming from Perth the first shot was just have likely come from a Brit!

What we don't moan about is the number of aussies that come to the UK who rip us off and get away with lots of things that Brits in the land of Oz can't. Anything from qualifications not being accepted if wanting to work out there, which is risible, to signing on when working in the UK.

Well Perth is certainly the little england of AUS.

No shortage of jobs for the working class Tradesman.

Dont know what you are talkng about

Coming from Perth the first shot was just have likely come from a Brit!

What we don't moan about is the number of aussies that come to the UK who rip us off and get away with lots of things that Brits in the land of Oz can't. Anything from qualifications not being accepted if wanting to work out there, which is risible, to signing on when working in the UK.

Over to you!

Born in the Uk...but lived here for 37 years(48 yo now)..never been back, will never go back, Aussie citizen and served in the Oz army.....I dont and will never consider myself to be a Brit....I am an Aussie and proud of it.

Coming from Perth the first shot was just have likely come from a Brit!

What we don't moan about is the number of aussies that come to the UK who rip us off and get away with lots of things that Brits in the land of Oz can't. Anything from qualifications not being accepted if wanting to work out there, which is risible, to signing on when working in the UK.

Over to you!

Born in the Uk...but lived here for 37 years(48 yo now)..never been back, will never go back, Aussie citizen and served in the Oz army.....I dont and will never consider myself to be a Brit....I am an Aussie and proud of it.

They'll give you your passport back pretty quick if you ever drop yourself in the sh1t so I wouldn't gloat too much just yet!

Coming from Perth the first shot was just have likely come from a Brit!

What we don't moan about is the number of aussies that come to the UK who rip us off and get away with lots of things that Brits in the land of Oz can't. Anything from qualifications not being accepted if wanting to work out there, which is risible, to signing on when working in the UK.

Over to you!

Born in the Uk...but lived here for 37 years(48 yo now)..never been back, will never go back, Aussie citizen and served in the Oz army.....I dont and will never consider myself to be a Brit....I am an Aussie and proud of it.

They'll give you your passport back pretty quick if you ever drop yourself in the sh1t so I wouldn't gloat too much just yet!

Cant work out what you are quoting from here....to be deported for a crime for which resulted in a sentence of more than x amount of years being served...I am a fairly law abiding citizen....in my job I have to be.

the Chris White incident in Thailand....My gf wont let me out of her sight after an incident in Patters on my last trip that occurred when she went to pick up her passport and visa..... :o:D

We Brits are a moaning old bunch

but could be worse we could be all hyper and "correct" like the Americans......

I prefer being "correct" over being "proper". :o

Coming from Perth the first shot was just have likely come from a Brit!

What we don't moan about is the number of aussies that come to the UK who rip us off and get away with lots of things that Brits in the land of Oz can't. Anything from qualifications not being accepted if wanting to work out there, which is risible, to signing on when working in the UK.

Over to you!

It is estimated that there are up to a million British passport holders in Australia. In the quiet of night, you'll hear the dull sound of a million people grumbling.


Hmmm! Not much here to do with the original post and I'm as guilty of that as anyone.

Personally, I love Oz, visited many times and have a few favourite places. Never been to Perth though. Thats probably a good thing. Aussie cities don't have much character IMHO with the exception of Sydney and Darwin - the latter being more to do with the people. And even with Sydney, away from the harbour and heading west, there are seemingly endless, dull suburbs. Anyway, as much I like visiting, I couldn't live there, which probably pleases a few on this thread!

I kind of respect their strictish entry requirements, though. The UK's seem disjointed and aimed at the wrong people. Met some Sri Lankens recently, travelled by air and then overland and claimed asylum as soon as they got here, but in reality, they're just here to make money and will head back as soon as they have enough. Its just that to do this, they're claiming all the things its so easy to get access to.

The bit I find risible about Oz is that in many areas, for protective reasons I guess, and usually in NSW, they won't accept qulaifications that are acceptable to the originating country. I just think we should reciprictate like for like, along with the good things, like medicare/NHS.

The whole whingeing pom things a pastiche. The aussies I know here are just as bad, but not about the UK, its their homeland thats the issue. I guess thats why they're here?

Hmmm! Not much here to do with the original post and I'm as guilty of that as anyone.

Personally, I love Oz, visited many times and have a few favourite places. Never been to Perth though. Thats probably a good thing. Aussie cities don't have much character IMHO with the exception of Sydney and Darwin - the latter being more to do with the people. And even with Sydney, away from the harbour and heading west, there are seemingly endless, dull suburbs. Anyway, as much I like visiting, I couldn't live there, which probably pleases a few on this thread!

I kind of respect their strictish entry requirements, though. The UK's seem disjointed and aimed at the wrong people. Met some Sri Lankens recently, travelled by air and then overland and claimed asylum as soon as they got here, but in reality, they're just here to make money and will head back as soon as they have enough. Its just that to do this, they're claiming all the things its so easy to get access to.

The bit I find risible about Oz is that in many areas, for protective reasons I guess, and usually in NSW, they won't accept qulaifications that are acceptable to the originating country. I just think we should reciprictate like for like, along with the good things, like medicare/NHS.

The whole whingeing pom things a pastiche. The aussies I know here are just as bad, but not about the UK, its their homeland thats the issue. I guess thats why they're here?

Nice post Ollie, but your use of the word "pastiche" in your last paragraph doomed it to irrelevance. We are not talking about "a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work." or a "musical, literary, or artistic composition made up of selections from different works" Please, if you want to use big words, check out the implications first :o


Nice post Ollie, but your use of the word "pastiche" in your last paragraph doomed it to irrelevance. We are not talking about "a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work." or a "musical, literary, or artistic composition made up of selections from different works" Please, if you want to use big words, check out the implications first :o

So that's what it means? I bow to your superior knowledge of English!!! I must have had something in mind? In my defence, it was late/early and a few sherberts had been put away! But methinks you get my gist? So nice to get a civilised response - excuse spelling! :D


Nice post Ollie, but your use of the word "pastiche" in your last paragraph doomed it to irrelevance. We are not talking about "a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work." or a "musical, literary, or artistic composition made up of selections from different works" Please, if you want to use big words, check out the implications first :o

So that's what it means? I bow to your superior knowledge of English!!! I must have had something in mind? In my defence, it was late/early and a few sherberts had been put away! But methinks you get my gist? So nice to get a civilised response - excuse spelling! :D

Had to bite my tongue and wait for a few responses from all sides, have to agree with most of the comments , Of course the australians dont recognise many european qualifications, if they did it would be tantamount to admitting that someone has more knowledge than they have, but the same thing happens in england too,I have never been backward in coming forward to have a dig at my fellow Aussies, Have only been here 10 years had my aussie citizenship for 8 of them, we still meet new immigrants who cant hack it and never last a year, I whinge about the aussies being better at sport and their meat pies are crap and the beer is great for shampooing the car. But the weather, the people our age and everything else is great!! my youngest son unemployed exyorkshire miner, was out here looking for work 6 years ago , got a job , owns 2 houses, his family are now members of a great community, he has even got a couple of his yorkshire mates jobs out here too.Lets face it folks, you got to have whinge, but why take everything so seriously , just imagine if we had all been born in the United States now that would be something to whinge about :D Nignoy

Aussies can winge about OZ because it is our country....that is allowable....we can winge about Howard, the flies, the heat, the cold, the droughts and floods and anything else because it is ours....We are also the first to boast about it and to defend it because it is ours also.... :D

What we object to is when someone from another country comes here and winges about our country from the moment they arrive.....that is not acceptable.... :o:D

A lot of foriegn Qualifications are accepted here but usually an exam is required because of the levels required here.....After all you dont want someone with an internet Qualification practising as a Doctor or Surgeon would you ??


Just a little reminder for you Aussies


(Even if a wheel did come off in Pakistan!)

But seriously, is it that the British are more prone to complain, or have we lost our will to work for what we want and now expect everything handed to us on a plate? (now there's a can of worms!)

Aussies can winge about OZ because it is our country....that is allowable....we can winge about Howard, the flies, the heat, the cold, the droughts and floods and anything else because it is ours....We are also the first to boast about it and to defend it because it is ours also.... :D

What we object to is when someone from another country comes here and winges about our country from the moment they arrive.....that is not acceptable.... :o  :D

A lot of foriegn Qualifications are accepted here but usually an exam is required because of the levels required here.....After all you dont want someone with an internet Qualification practising as a Doctor or Surgeon would you ??

But you have to laugh at aussie Qualifications dont you, A well known German Eye surgeon working on govt contract in the northern territories with the aborigines for 6 years applied to reside in australia and practise here permanenently, he was informed he would have to study for a year in Oz to qualify, the text books that he was required to study brought a smile to his face, 6 or 7 of these textbooks he had written himself :D and going on the latest doctor death scandal in Gympie, where a foreign surgeon is alleged to have caused the deaths of many patients, what do you expect when the people doing the interviewing for these jobs are politically appointed from other fields of work , twoNignoy of the medical board who were suspended were promoted from the parks department , were probably qualified tree surgeons :D , this is not an attack on you mr burns but honestly , how many australian doctors do you see see practising outside the major cities in rural australia not a lot, But the surgeons and doctors that we do have here are amongst the best in the world!!
Aussies can winge about OZ because it is our country....that is allowable....we can winge about Howard, the flies, the heat, the cold, the droughts and floods and anything else because it is ours....We are also the first to boast about it and to defend it because it is ours also.... :D

What we object to is when someone from another country comes here and winges about our country from the moment they arrive.....that is not acceptable.... :o  :D

A lot of foriegn Qualifications are accepted here but usually an exam is required because of the levels required here.....After all you dont want someone with an internet Qualification practising as a Doctor or Surgeon would you ??

But you have to laugh at aussie Qualifications dont you, A well known German Eye surgeon working on govt contract in the northern territories with the aborigines for 6 years applied to reside in australia and practise here permanenently, he was informed he would have to study for a year in Oz to qualify, the text books that he was required to study brought a smile to his face, 6 or 7 of these textbooks he had written himself :D and going on the latest doctor death scandal in Gympie, where a foreign surgeon is alleged to have caused the deaths of many patients, what do you expect when the people doing the interviewing for these jobs are politically appointed from other fields of work , twoNignoy of the medical board who were suspended were promoted from the parks department , were probably qualified tree surgeons :D , this is not an attack on you mr burns but honestly , how many australian doctors do you see see practising outside the major cities in rural australia not a lot, But the surgeons and doctors that we do have here are amongst the best in the world!!

I never said we were perfect.....but we can complain about that too.... :D:D

But God forbid if someone came here and complained about it.....they would be a whinger.... :D :D


Nice post Ollie, but your use of the word "pastiche" in your last paragraph doomed it to irrelevance. We are not talking about "a literary, artistic, musical, or architectural work that imitates the style of previous work." or a "musical, literary, or artistic composition made up of selections from different works" Please, if you want to use big words, check out the implications first :o

So that's what it means? I bow to your superior knowledge of English!!! I must have had something in mind? In my defence, it was late/early and a few sherberts had been put away! But methinks you get my gist? So nice to get a civilised response - excuse spelling! :D

Far from superior knowledge Ollie. I actually saw that word in a magazine last week. And being the inquisitive type of person I am, I looked it up :D

A couple of words that may have been more appropriate are "Trite" and "Hackneyed" And yes, I certainly did get the gist of it :D:D:D


Now that peace has broken out all around, I think I'll try and restore my credibility, whilst sober, by saying that a couple of years ago my nephew and 2 of his mates came over from Oz, they were a bit shocked by the size of my typical two up, two down, but were only due to stay for 2/3 weeks - 6 months later.......

And in the last few weeks I met up with and went to a couple of Chelsea games with a Chelsea fanatic who had never been before and was on his 2nd visit to the UK. He got a pass out from his missus for both games and had a great time! I was returning a favour from earlier in the year when I was out there.

So there you have it - I just wish I didn't have a job that means I see the flip side -its actually wearing me down.

Roll on my move to LOS!

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