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Norway Gunman Breivik Pleads 'Not Guilty' At Oslo Trial


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Norway gunman Breivik pleads 'not guilty' at Oslo trial

OSLO: -- Right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik pleaded "not guilty" to charges he committed "acts of terror" when he massacred 77 people in twin attacks in Norway last July.

"I acknowledge the acts, but not criminal guilt," he told the court.

Right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik told the Oslo District Court Monday that he did not recognise its legitimacy as his trial opened for the killing of 77 people in twin attacks in Norway last year.

The Norwegian anti-Islam militant Anders Behring Breivik who massacred 77 people in July arrived under heavy armed guard at an Oslo courthouse on Monday, lifting his arm in what he has called a rightist salute as his trial began.

"I do not recognise the Norwegian courts. You have received your mandate from political parties which support multiculturalism", Breivik told the court. "I do not acknowledge the authority of the court."

Breivik, 33, has admitted setting off a car bomb that killed eight people at government headquarters in Oslo, then massacring 69 in a shooting spree at an island summer camp for Labour Party youths.

Full story: http://english.ruvr....04_16/71854330/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2012-04-16


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This is going to be one of those trials where it is best if the media and everyone not associated with the trial are locked out. This guy will use the media absolutely cold heartedly in a bid to spread his message of madness and in doing so is about to instill yet another lifetime of hurt on all those parents who lost children and the families who lost loved ones, as he is going to describe how he murdered them as meaning absolutely nothing to him. For this man a huge punishment would be to silence him and not permit him on the stage that he so desperately wants to play on.

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He was initially found to be insane, but that verdict was overturned so he will get his day in open court, so he will use this as an opportunity for his political soapbox. Whilst his actions were absolutely abhorrent they did not happen in a vacuum, which could have been argued if he was diagnosed as insane.

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I don't blame him for pleading not guilty - I'd do the same if locked up in Norway - have you seen his prison conditions? The Norwegian authorities have 'incarcerated' him in not one, but three adjoining 86 sq ft cells; a bedroom, a gym, and a study with a computer, games console and a family package of 15 TV channels. He has fresh food for meals and outside exercise after lunch, plus he can write letters and request items like cigarettes be brought to his cell! I can't imagine how the families of his victims feel about this - they are living in a country which in 2009 granted prisoners access to legal pornography in their cells. It's really strange to me that a free, democratic society would treat someone like Breivik so compassionately after committing such a heinous crime.

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He was initially found to be insane, but that verdict was overturned so he will get his day in open court, so he will use this as an opportunity for his political soapbox. Whilst his actions were absolutely abhorrent they did not happen in a vacuum, which could have been argued if he was diagnosed as insane.

Yeah Dan ,the guy must have thought he had good reasons for doing what he did, and although I agree that what he did was beyond belief ,never the less I would like to hear his version as to just why he resorted to such totally inhuman methods to let his feelings known to the world .,just the same as I would like to know just why the US serviceman in Afghanistan who brutally murdered Afghan civilians not too long ago.
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He was initially found to be insane, but that verdict was overturned so he will get his day in open court, so he will use this as an opportunity for his political soapbox. Whilst his actions were absolutely abhorrent they did not happen in a vacuum, which could have been argued if he was diagnosed as insane.

verdict overturned ? if he was diagnosed insane?

The determination re his diagnosis sane/insane is a purely legal decision and will be addressed (and determined) by the court towards the end of the case.

Last autumn the court arranged for a team of shrinks to check sane/insane. The team concluded insane.

This winter the court arranged for a new team of shrinks to check sane/insane (the court wanted a 2nd opinion). The 2nd team concluded sane.\

These conclusions/reports are advice to the court, nothing more.

It is entirely within the court's discretion whether it wants to consider one or both or none of the reports.

The court will conclude on the sane/insane issue towards the end of the case.

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He was initially found to be insane, but that verdict was overturned so he will get his day in open court, so he will use this as an opportunity for his political soapbox. Whilst his actions were absolutely abhorrent they did not happen in a vacuum, which could have been argued if he was diagnosed as insane.

Yeah Dan ,the guy must have thought he had good reasons for doing what he did, and although I agree that what he did was beyond belief ,never the less I would like to hear his version as to just why he resorted to such totally inhuman methods to let his feelings known to the world .,just the same as I would like to know just why the US serviceman in Afghanistan who brutally murdered Afghan civilians not too long ago.

Gees; why do you feel the need to hear his version ?! Besides, his so-called 'manifesto' has been all over the media since that massacre. What else do you want to know ?

These are sick fascists: Breivik, that serviceman and all the Al-Qaeda and Neo-Nazi terrorists. The world would be better without them !

By the way, the Norweigian justice system sucks ! This fascist killer will get only 21 years' jail sentence....makes me feel real sick !


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This fascist killer will get only 21 years' jail sentence....makes me feel real sick !


You are wrong.

As in many other countries in Northern Europe, he can be kept for life.

The 21 year is just a technicality really.

Check it up.

When prox 21 is up, and he due for the board.

It should be interesting to se who is willing to commit political or career cuicide by letting him out.

By the way, there will probably be quite a few waiting for him, both inside and outside the prison walls.

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This fascist killer will get only 21 years' jail sentence....makes me feel real sick !


You are wrong.

As in many other countries in Northern Europe, he can be kept for life.

The 21 year is just a technicality really.

Check it up.

When prox 21 is up, and he due for the board.

It should be interesting to se who is willing to commit political or career cuicide by letting him out.

By the way, there will probably be quite a few waiting for him, both inside and outside the prison walls.

Thanks for the info but I had already known that he COULD be kept in jail for life. BUT, that is, IF, by the end of 21 years, he is seen as a threat to society. You are implying that he will most probably be kept in jail for life. But, what if, at least in the last few years of his 21-year sentence, he acts like a 'model prisoner' and then the deciding legal authority decides that he is not a threat to society and decide to release him ?! Also, there is the risk that the deciding legal authority might decide for him to be released due to ideological reasons (ie. a top judge or a panel of judges sympathetic to fascism). So, there is no guarantee that Breivik will be kept in jail for life.

I have nothing against Norway and I am sure there are many good points about that country but I think that a legal/penal system, which doesn't give a life sentence for such an act like this, is RUBBISH !


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Yeah Dan ,the guy must have thought he had good reasons for doing what he did, and although I agree that what he did was beyond belief ,never the less I would like to hear his version as to just why he resorted to such totally inhuman methods to let his feelings known to the world

He resorted to such totally inhuman methods because he's a mass murderer. Are you trying to drum up a bit of sympathy for him? What 'good reason' was there for him to kill 77 innocent teenagers?

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This fascist killer will get only 21 years' jail sentence....makes me feel real sick !


You are wrong.

As in many other countries in Northern Europe, he can be kept for life.

The 21 year is just a technicality really.

Check it up.

When prox 21 is up, and he due for the board.

It should be interesting to se who is willing to commit political or career cuicide by letting him out.

By the way, there will probably be quite a few waiting for him, both inside and outside the prison walls.

Thanks for the info but I had already known that he COULD be kept in jail for life. BUT, that is, IF, by the end of 21 years, he is seen as a threat to society. You are implying that he will most probably be kept in jail for life. But, what if, at least in the last few years of his 21-year sentence, he acts like a 'model prisoner' and then the deciding legal authority decides that he is not a threat to society and decide to release him ?! Also, there is the risk that the deciding legal authority might decide for him to be released due to ideological reasons (ie. a top judge or a panel of judges sympathetic to fascism). So, there is no guarantee that Breivik will be kept in jail for life.

I have nothing against Norway and I am sure there are many good points about that country but I think that a legal/penal system, which doesn't give a life sentence for such an act like this, is RUBBISH !


You mean a legal system that has a recidivist rate that is a third of that that pertains in the US and the UK? Where the intentional homicide rate is 0.6 per 100,000 compared to the Us which is 8 per 100,000? Hard cases make bad law. I'd rather live in a country which takes justice seriously rather than one which confuses revenge with justice.

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Yeah Dan ,the guy must have thought he had good reasons for doing what he did, and although I agree that what he did was beyond belief ,never the less I would like to hear his version as to just why he resorted to such totally inhuman methods to let his feelings known to the world

He resorted to such totally inhuman methods because he's a mass murderer. Are you trying to drum up a bit of sympathy for him? What 'good reason' was there for him to kill 77 innocent teenagers?

Get A grip!, the words I used was totally inhumane , Is there a good reason for the endless suicide bombings / Mass murders and persecution of Christians in Muslim Countrys ,the radicals think they have a good reason, maybe Brevik did too, it would certainly appear so by his statements so far. Edited by Colin Yai
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Yeah Dan ,the guy must have thought he had good reasons for doing what he did, and although I agree that what he did was beyond belief ,never the less I would like to hear his version as to just why he resorted to such totally inhuman methods to let his feelings known to the world

He resorted to such totally inhuman methods because he's a mass murderer. Are you trying to drum up a bit of sympathy for him? What 'good reason' was there for him to kill 77 innocent teenagers?

Get A grip!, the words I used was totally inhumane , Is there a good reason for the endless suicide bombings / Mass murders and persecution of Christians in Muslim Countrys ,the radicals think they have a good reason, maybe Brevik did too, it would certainly appear so by his statements so far.

Colin Yai, you seem to have a lot of sympathy for extreme right-wing ideology.

Dozens of young people were murdered by this fascist scumbag, man !


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Jem Jem ,Please do not attempt to presume what is in my mind ,sure I am right wing and bloody proud of it too, but NEVER ever would I condone what took place not that long ago, in Nigeria over Christmas Hundreds of Christians were slaughtered like sheep by Radical Islamist Scumbags this mass murder has been going on now for a decade with nary a squeak from most members does that mean they have "sympathy" for it?, never in a million years and I would not dream of writing such flagrant crap ,and with respect in closing show me were I have ever expressed sympathies for mass murderers .

Edited by Colin Yai
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I agree 100% with some of the other posters, this is not an Anti-Islam case or in anyway connected to the wider antitheist movement or the anti-immigration movement (which are overlapping in Northern Europe) most notably with Geert Wilders.

Many academics and politicians argue sensibly against Islam and against unregulated immigration. Breivik has nothing to do with any of these arguments.

He is a pure classic psychopath. In this recent news he says he "turned off / blocked out" his compassionate side. This is the action of a psychopath, knowing it is wrong, not being forced to do something (as in the Army), but doing it anyway. That is a pure linear psychopath. I would be prepared to wager, if it were possible to prove, that if Islam had not existed and immigration had not existed he would have murdered a different group anyway for another reason and "turned off" the voices of reason in his head. Hearing internal 'voices' is actually not a symptom of mental illness, it is the normal internal dialogue which most people have in the background during decision-making. When those voices are telling you not to mass-murder and you do it anyway that is because you are a psychopath.

Re; sentence he will get soft justice either way. Mental hospitals in Scandinavia are nowadays very nice & built on the social-welfare belief that we must care for even the worst people. As late as the 1970's, in Sweden (where I am from) my Auntie had a nervous breakdown in 1971 (following divorce) & was committed to asylum for her own safety. She was given electroconvulsive therapy as a regular treatment for almost ten years, along with heavy regimens of every new experimental psycho-drug that hit the market. She was not released until 87, and had lost 2/3 of her bodyweight and most of her hair & immediately became an alcoholic chain-smoker upon release. It is a tragic irony that innocent people recieved this treatment in Scandinavian mental homes in the 70s ( without committing a crime) & yet now total psychopathic massmurderers will go to the modern versions of these same hospitals, & recieve complete legal protection & comfort.

Edited by Yunla
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Breivik did not commit this crime because of Norway's immigration policy... he (as with other terrorists) committed this crime because he is a nutter... if there were no Muslims he would still have been a nutter and probably would still have committed this crime... but he would have blamed it on the some other "issue"

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Brit1984 , with respect you have plainly forgot to put IMHO at the start of your post as you have not a shred of evidence to back it up , Brevnik plainly said he committed this heinous crime against humanity oweing to the totally failed policy's of Multiculturalism which is quite true , Multiculturalism is a failed experiment , that is a simple fact is beyond question and of course if you do not follow this line of thinking why Not Google up how many rapes against white Christian women on a % basis are perpetrated by Muslim men in Norway, however given all that, his actions was the actions of a madmen who obviously thought that this was the way to go to bring it to the worlds attention .

Edited by Colin Yai
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He's against multiculturalism, so he targets and eliminates his own culture?

Scott please read my post again, I plainly wrote the actions of a madman , the Sunni's and Shiites have been slaughtering each other for decades and yet they are of the same Muslim culture , and personally I have never ever thought that Socialism is in any way allied to my culture!. Edited by Colin Yai
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Brit1984 , with respect you have plainly forgot to put IMHO at the start of your post as you have not a shred of evidence to back it up , Brevnik plainly said he committed this heinous crime against humanity oweing to the totally failed policy's of Multiculturalism which is quite true , Multiculturalism is a failed experiment , that is a simple fact is beyond question and of course if you do not follow this line of thinking why Not Google up how many rapes against white Christian women on a % basis are perpetrated by Muslim men in Norway, however given all that, his actions was the actions of a madmen who obviously thought that this was the way to go to bring it to the worlds attention .

Colin - I will try to keep this simple - killing students does not stop multiculturalism - if Breivik had a properly functioning brain this would have been very obvious to him - he killed these people because his brain is broken (badly) - he is a senseless nutter

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Brit 1984 were did I ever write that the killing of Labour party Students ( you appear to have left that simple fact out) would stop THE FAILED IDEA of Multiculturalism ,you appear to be fighting shy of writing the truth ,Success or failure?, its that simple , maybe the same could (nutters) be said of all the Islamic radicals who are quite prepared to slaughter countless thousands of "infidels" to further their insane beliefs of world wide domination.

Colin - it is clear you only continue to post because you want to show your opposition to "THE FAILED IDEA of Multiculturalism" - if Breivik wanted to demonstrate his opposition to multiculturalism he could have posted his views on internet forums (or expressed his views through any other platform) - but actually he just wanted to kill people because he is a crazy loner

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Brit 1984 were did I ever write that the killing of Labour party Students ( you appear to have left that simple fact out) would stop THE FAILED IDEA of Multiculturalism ,you appear to be fighting shy of writing the truth ,Success or failure?, its that simple , maybe the same could (nutters) be said of all the Islamic radicals who are quite prepared to slaughter countless thousands of "infidels" to further their insane beliefs of world wide domination.

Colin - it is clear you only continue to post because you want to show your opposition to "THE FAILED IDEA of Multiculturalism" - if Breivik wanted to demonstrate his opposition to multiculturalism he could have posted his views on internet forums (or expressed his views through any other platform) - but actually he just wanted to kill people because he is a crazy loner

Quite correct I could not agree more , maybe the Crazed Islamic British born mad men London Transport bombers should have posted their views to persuade people about the "joys of Allah", Instead of murdering 52 innocent people and injuring over 3,000 in 2005 !!. In closeing do you really believe I am the only person who believe that the Multicultural experiment has proved to be a disaster, there are millions out there, many I am afraid will not say so just in case some one is "offended" (The usual left wing appeasers). Edited by Colin Yai
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