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Internet Sites Not Opening


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I've been experiencing this for the last few days. I am TOT internet & it usually works fairly fast. The last few days I have tried to open sites I use daily & many of them will not open. Wikipedia did not respond several days ago. After half a day it worked fine for two days until now. Other sites time out.

Any one else have this problem? What to do? I use Google Chrome.

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I've been having the same problem, but I can't figure out any pattern to the sites.

The sites that work, work fine; those that don't, just don't.

I have Win7, TOT and Chrome, though I tried IE and the same problem existed.

EDIT: Wikipedia is certainly a benchmark site for this problem -- I haven't been able to access it for 2 days.

Edited by RickBradford
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Thanks Rick. I've tried using Opera & IE with the same results. I've tried exiting the browser the reopening...using links from other sites to wikipedia with no success. It is frustrating as hell.

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DNS issue. Use a different DNS service such as or

Your router is using your ISP's DNS, and your PC is using the router's DNS. Change your PC's setting to a different DNS and give it a try.

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I noticed the same with TOT the last few days.

Started every day around 10.00 in the morning, for about 1-2 hours. (Maybe more, I haven't checked it exactly)

Speed for most connections was dropped to 200 ~Kbit/s, many sites unreachable.

Router reboots didn't help. It was no DNS problem, I tried different DNS server.

Edited by vel_tins
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rakman said it was a dns issue. I thought maybe if I turn off the router? I did. restarted it & all is OK...I see pattayadingo had the same idea. Thanks to all who responded. This old goat learns something still after all these years.

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We are very suffering the problem of CAT-IDC (cattelecom), both email server and web hosting.

This moment also out of use the email server from the 16'th Apr without no notice nor report.

It is necessary to move to the other ISP, EPP auth. key is needed and they don't want to give the information.

Do you have such a problem with TOT's service ?

Do you know how to make a comlaint to whom ? Complain to CAT is not working !!

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I've had problems opening hotmail using firefox, but it worked using IE. Seems to have soted itself out in the last couple of days. Very frustrating.

Clear your firefox cache. Browsers sometimes think they are smarter than you are and pick up bad habits. sad.png

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rakman said it was a dns issue. I thought maybe if I turn off the router? I did. restarted it & all is OK...I see pattayadingo had the same idea. Thanks to all who responded. This old goat learns something still after all these years.

Thank you for posting your cure.

A router is really just a computer with specific code (router and firewall) and they sometimes get confused, just as we all do. At least they can be rebooted.. LOL

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