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How Funny Is Thai Comedy?


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So you're saying that sketch isn't "lifted" and is totally original and due to my lack of Thai language skills I can't "get it"?

I'm thinking there is a real comedian here in Thailand after all.

PS. For those of us who lack the Thai language skills, could you please provide us with your translation or will we have to wait until the wife gets home?

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Comedy isn't supposed to be "Intelligent" Nor "Sophisticated", it's supposed to make you laugh.

I'll leave that theory of comedy to <deleted> who read Private Eye and find it "Funny"..

For the record, for me it's Laurel and Hardy, Only Fools, Dad's Army, Blackadder, Some Mother's, Convenience, Shandling; even Friends at times.

Happy now?

Would you like to come to a Thai "Comedy" show with me and translate it all....??

I still doubt you'd get a laugh out of me Sunshine....but then I reckon you can't understand a word...

*edit// I sneezed and pooped a little...

Honestly, I was going to rip you a new one, regardless of what you wrote. But that would be somewhat childish. Seriously, any of the acts you wrote above would not go over well with certain cultures, particularly if there were language differences. I'm sure someone who didn't understand your brand of humor may mock you for being retarded, unsophisticated, immature, and with an IQ of a lava rock. But that wouldn't be fair, would it? And that's where I see your criticism of Thai humor.

But speaking of your take, I can't believe you would suggest that Note stole from Richard Pryor. I was and am a huge fan of Richard Pryor and I can say with some authority that the skit wasn't "lifted" from the great man. It was just a brand of Thai humor. If you understood Thai, you'd appreciate the delivery and recognize that the translation doesn't do justice to the performance. Imagine trying to translate Richard Pryor into Korean? If you had just said "I don't get it." Or "it's over my head." Or simply "I don't understand," that'd be fine. But why the venom?

Spot on. The delivery was uniquely Thai, hardly a poor facsimile.....unless Heavy Drinker thinks that just because a 'differences between people' monologue was delivered 30 years ago that it is now off limits.

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The delivery was uniquely Thai

It was in Thai...not "unique" though. He comes over as a (rather weak) stand up using a rather hackneyed routine.

I'd love you to tell me what parts of it were unique i.e. all his own work....

All he's done is translated this routine culturally; rather like Eddie Izzard did when he nicked and Anglicised a load of Steven Wright's stuff.

unless Heavy Drinker thinks that just because a 'differences between people' monologue was delivered 30 years ago that it is now off limits.

You've contradicted yourself in one sentence there. You're saying it is "unique" but is just the same old crap uninspired stand-ups have been churning out for years...

The only thing different is that it is in Thai and Western Style stand-up is a new thing here.

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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We are individuals, what one finds funny another might find not amusing at all, its part of Thai life/culture a part we will probably never understand. In the 60's I remember in the UK we had Rowan and Martins laugh in from the states, did not appeal to me one bit, not much American humour does, funny to some though so maybe its a collective of a culture. There are some things we will never understand and perhaps we should leave it at that or learn to laugh at it in a different way.

While I do enjoy some American comedy, their love in with the wimpy stupid guy scenario just makes me want to carry out violence on the perpetrator. eg most Steve Martin films give me apoplexy, rather than a laugh.

Also, while some sitcoms start out well, if they are long running they inevitably become overly PC and introduce romance and babies, which ruins the whole thing. Friends is a good example, and it destroyed Mork and Mindy after only 3 seasons.

To be honest, most people in normal relationships can relate to romance and babies having experienced both with a certain level of success. It is this connection with normal people that makes these programmes so successful.

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We are individuals, what one finds funny another might find not amusing at all, its part of Thai life/culture a part we will probably never understand. In the 60's I remember in the UK we had Rowan and Martins laugh in from the states, did not appeal to me one bit, not much American humour does, funny to some though so maybe its a collective of a culture. There are some things we will never understand and perhaps we should leave it at that or learn to laugh at it in a different way.

While I do enjoy some American comedy, their love in with the wimpy stupid guy scenario just makes me want to carry out violence on the perpetrator. eg most Steve Martin films give me apoplexy, rather than a laugh.

Also, while some sitcoms start out well, if they are long running they inevitably become overly PC and introduce romance and babies, which ruins the whole thing. Friends is a good example, and it destroyed Mork and Mindy after only 3 seasons.

To be honest, most people in normal relationships can relate to romance and babies having experienced both with a certain level of success. It is this connection with normal people that makes these programmes so successful.

I couldn't agree more Kananga. There are so many losers here who just can't relate to any form of success be it financial or emotional.

The thing Thaibeachlovers doesn't seem to understand is that successful character based Sitcoms need to progress according to some semblance of real life i.e romance and babies.

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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The delivery was uniquely Thai

I'd love you to tell me what parts of it were unique i.e. all his own work....

er, um, well, as I originally said, the delivery was uniquely Thai....mannerisms, the way to make a typical situation funny to a Thai audience.

unless Heavy Drinker thinks that just because a 'differences between people' monologue was delivered 30 years ago that it is now off limits.

You've contradicted yourself in one sentence there. You're saying it is "unique" but is just the same old crap uninspired stand-ups have been churning out for years...

The only thing different is that it is in Thai and Western Style stand-up is a new thing here.

no contradiction, delivering those lines in English, using that Thai method of delivery probably wouldn't be funny, which is why you are clearly having issues with it.

There are plenty of layers there which make it funny to a Thai audience which probably wouldn't make it funny to well, people like you....

Hey, but I am not the stand up expert, as you've clearly swallowed the guide to stand up comedy and are now regurgitating it chapter and verse for us....

Edited by samran
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I agree with you wholeheartedly Samran - which is odd for someone "like me" (odd thing to write about a total stranger).

You have reinforced my point totally. There is nothing unique nor "Thai" about the sketch bar the language and mannerisms...

It could be "translated (and indeed has been many times), into any language or culture.

I'd love for Berkshire to explain these "layers" which are beyond "someone like me" though (but we'll probably have to wait until his wife comes home from work)...

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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To be completely honest it would seem that some of you are confusing a Thai style delivery with being unique or original, and while the delivery may differ slightly that does not mean that the content. methodology or indeed material is even remotely unique or original.

Personally I gauge the level of humour sophistication by the situations that people laugh at in the cinema. In Singapore people seem to find it funny to laugh at disabled people. Well not so much laugh as snigger. Yet any multilayered humour that required some sort of thought goes completely over their heads. In Thailand its the never ending fart jokes. No Thai comedy film is complete without a couple of well placed farts and a follow up comment from the culprit with a grimacing face. Brings the house down every time. Now I'm not saying this is wrong, but sophisticated it ain't. Same as the tv shows which employ a boing boing man to remind people when they need to laugh. Thais find this funny. In any other country in the world this type of thing is phased out of programmes once the intended audience reaches their teens. Now I'm not saying its right or wrong, but sophisticated it ain't.

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As far as I see it: Thais, being so confirmed in being the greatest people on earth, miss every kind of critical insight on their own behaviour. Therefore sarcasm and irony are not part of the culture!

That (for my personal taste) makes their comedy rather dull and based on Schadenfreude.

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...same as the tv shows which employ a boing boing man to remind people when they need to laugh. Thais find this funny. In any other country in the world this type of thing is phased out of programmes once the intended audience reaches their teens. Now I'm not saying its right or wrong, but sophisticated it ain't.

American comedies don't have canned laughter?

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My Thai wife is easily amused and has a much better sense of humor than I do. She is able to get some belly laughs from Thai comedies so she must think they are pretty funny.

The best western comedians and comedies rarely get much more than a chuckle out of me. I have been referred to as a grumpy old fart and that is likely the truth.

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As far as I see it: Thais, being so confirmed in being the greatest people on earth, miss every kind of critical insight on their own behaviour. Therefore sarcasm and irony are not part of the culture!

That (for my personal taste) makes their comedy rather dull and based on Schadenfreude.

This is a very good point, and not just confined to Thailand but many Asian countries. Any criticism, let alone self criticism is seen as a sign of weakness and is a no go area. Could you imagine a thai version of spitting image being aired here where politicians and those of noble lineage are put under the satirical spotlight? God knows there's more than enough material.

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It's a shame Samran and Berkshire couldn't find the arguments to really come back on this topic.

Their sole reasoning was that people who think Thai Comedy to be unoriginal and quite unfunny was solely due to the fact that they "couldn't understand it" has indeed fallen rather flat.

I know Samran is a Look Kreung but I'll wager Berkshire has to ask his wife to buy his bog roll....

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It's a shame Samran and Berkshire couldn't find the arguments to really come back on this topic.

Their sole reasoning was that people who think Thai Comedy to be unoriginal and quite unfunny was solely due to the fact that they "couldn't understand it" has indeed fallen rather flat.

I know Samran is a Look Kreung but I'll wager Berkshire has to ask his wife to buy his bog roll....

on the turps again are we?

No where have I said "people..think Thai Comedy to be unoriginal and quite unfunny was solely due to the fact that they "couldn't understand it"

But then again, I'm debating with a guy who reckons a person is 'hi-so' if they earn more than 300 baht a day and don't work in a field.

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It's a shame Samran and Berkshire couldn't find the arguments to really come back on this topic.

Their sole reasoning was that people who think Thai Comedy to be unoriginal and quite unfunny was solely due to the fact that they "couldn't understand it" has indeed fallen rather flat.

I know Samran is a Look Kreung but I'll wager Berkshire has to ask his wife to buy his bog roll....

I'm debating with a guy who reckons a person is 'hi-so' if they earn more than 300 baht a day and don't work in a field.

That says more about you than it does about him...

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It's a shame Samran and Berkshire couldn't find the arguments to really come back on this topic.

Their sole reasoning was that people who think Thai Comedy to be unoriginal and quite unfunny was solely due to the fact that they "couldn't understand it" has indeed fallen rather flat.

I know Samran is a Look Kreung but I'll wager Berkshire has to ask his wife to buy his bog roll....

I'm debating with a guy who reckons a person is 'hi-so' if they earn more than 300 baht a day and don't work in a field.

That says more about you than it does about him...

You'd be right there. Am I supposed to be offended?

But then again, I don't go around misquoting and misrepresenting peoples arguments.

Edited by samran
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It's a shame Samran and Berkshire couldn't find the arguments to really come back on this topic.

Their sole reasoning was that people who think Thai Comedy to be unoriginal and quite unfunny was solely due to the fact that they "couldn't understand it" has indeed fallen rather flat.

I know Samran is a Look Kreung but I'll wager Berkshire has to ask his wife to buy his bog roll....

I'm debating with a guy who reckons a person is 'hi-so' if they earn more than 300 baht a day and don't work in a field.

That says more about you than it does about him...

You'd be right there. Am I supposed to be offended?

But then again, I don't go around misquoting and misrepresenting peoples arguments.


Please do check to see if your humour chip hasn't malfunctioned.

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There was one really great series where the white skinned Thai chinese girl dressed up as a dark skinned isaan maid to go undercover and win back her white skinned thai chinese finance and at the end there was a frog turns into a prince moment where she comes back to being a white skinned person and the nightmare is over. rofl.

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I like Thai humor, Yasothon is a very very funny movie, think the problem is that most don't understand it but would like it if they did. Yes, slapstick works well, why Mr Bean is popular, the Thais would adore Benny Hill if dubbed to pick up some of the vocal nuances. I find Thais love a laugh and many things I would say In English they appreciate if I say in Thai. Too much negativity here, we live among a delightful people that love a laugh and a good time, what more could you want?

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I like Thai humor, Yasothon is a very very funny movie, think the problem is that most don't understand it but would like it if they did. Yes, slapstick works well, why Mr Bean is popular, the Thais would adore Benny Hill if dubbed to pick up some of the vocal nuances. I find Thais love a laugh and many things I would say In English they appreciate if I say in Thai. Too much negativity here, we live among a delightful people that love a laugh and a good time, what more could you want?

A lower murder rate.

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I like Thai humor, Yasothon is a very very funny movie, think the problem is that most don't understand it but would like it if they did. Yes, slapstick works well, why Mr Bean is popular, the Thais would adore Benny Hill if dubbed to pick up some of the vocal nuances. I find Thais love a laugh and many things I would say In English they appreciate if I say in Thai. Too much negativity here, we live among a delightful people that love a laugh and a good time, what more could you want?

more chester's grill

more songkran

more motorbikes

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Predominately a lot of "slapstick". If I'm in that mood, some of it is funny, sometimes even original. Often it is a rehash, of a rehash, of a rehash, of nothing particularly original including cartoon sound effects that are best used in Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote reruns. <yawn>

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