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Populist Policies Boomerang On Yingluck Govt


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... Thailand attached high priority to gender equality, promotion of Thai women’s roles, poverty eradication, discrimination and domestic violence. The Royal Thai Government has set up the Thai Women Development Fund worth 7.7 billion baht (around 250 million USD) to empower Thai women with opportunities, especially women in the rural areas. At present, six million women have registered to the programme."

and just who is the Yingluck-appointed Supervisor for the Thai Women's Development Fund worth 7,700,000,000.00 baht?

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Minister to the Prime Minister's Office Nalinee Taveesin

Thailand PM promotes Mugabe fixer

A Thai businesswoman slapped with United States sanctions for alleged business dealings with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's wife, Grace, has been appointed a Cabinet Minister. Nalinee Taveesin was named Prime Minister's Office Minister in a cabinet reshuffle Tuesday by Premier Yingluck Shinawatra, ignoring the fact that she is black-listed by the US for business dealings with the Mugabe's wife.

Taveesin -- then an ordinary Thai businesswoman -- was added to the list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) by the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in November 2008.

The US OFAC accused her of facilitating a number of financial, real-estate and gems-related transactions on behalf of Grace Mugabe and other Zimbabweans on the SDN list.



New Zimbabwe - 18/01/2012

PM grants 20 million baht to women’s fund in each province

BANGKOK, 31 July 2012 (NNT) - Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has today allotted a 20-million-baht budget to the women’s fund in each province across the country in an effort to uplift the quality of life for Thai women.

Prime Minister Yingluck presided over the official opening ceremony of the Women Empowerment Fund Program this morning at Impact Muang Thong Thani. Representatives from women’s groups nationwide were invited to participate in the ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, Yingluck authorized the transfer of 20 million baht to the bank account of the women’s fund in each of Thailand’s 77 provinces, totaling 1.54 billion baht.

Throughout the program, an average of 100 million baht will be allocated to each province, or a total of 7.7 billion baht.

Having the Mugabe Fixer in charge of the 7.7 Billion Baht has apparently set a trend for the fund.

The Chairwoman of the Women's Voices Club came out today and accused this fund of using nepotism and non-transparency in the selecting of district and provincial fund committee members.

She accused politicians of directing and influencing who was chosen to administer the funds on every level from village to province.

Additional details are available in breaking news of the other paper.


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... Thailand attached high priority to gender equality, promotion of Thai women’s roles, poverty eradication, discrimination and domestic violence. The Royal Thai Government has set up the Thai Women Development Fund worth 7.7 billion baht (around 250 million USD) to empower Thai women with opportunities, especially women in the rural areas. At present, six million women have registered to the programme."

and just who is the Yingluck-appointed Supervisor for the Thai Women's Development Fund worth 7,700,000,000.00 baht?

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Minister to the Prime Minister's Office Nalinee Taveesin

Thailand PM promotes Mugabe fixer

A Thai businesswoman slapped with United States sanctions for alleged business dealings with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's wife, Grace, has been appointed a Cabinet Minister. Nalinee Taveesin was named Prime Minister's Office Minister in a cabinet reshuffle Tuesday by Premier Yingluck Shinawatra, ignoring the fact that she is black-listed by the US for business dealings with the Mugabe's wife.

Taveesin -- then an ordinary Thai businesswoman -- was added to the list of Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) by the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in November 2008.

The US OFAC accused her of facilitating a number of financial, real-estate and gems-related transactions on behalf of Grace Mugabe and other Zimbabweans on the SDN list.



New Zimbabwe - 18/01/2012

PM grants 20 million baht to women’s fund in each province

BANGKOK, 31 July 2012 (NNT) - Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has today allotted a 20-million-baht budget to the women’s fund in each province across the country in an effort to uplift the quality of life for Thai women.

Prime Minister Yingluck presided over the official opening ceremony of the Women Empowerment Fund Program this morning at Impact Muang Thong Thani. Representatives from women’s groups nationwide were invited to participate in the ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, Yingluck authorized the transfer of 20 million baht to the bank account of the women’s fund in each of Thailand’s 77 provinces, totaling 1.54 billion baht.

Throughout the program, an average of 100 million baht will be allocated to each province, or a total of 7.7 billion baht.

Having the Mugabe Fixer in charge of the 7.7 Billion Baht has apparently set a trend for the fund.

The Chairwoman of the Women's Voices Club came out today and accused this fund of using nepotism and non-transparency in the selecting of district and provincial fund committee members.

She accused politicians of directing and influencing who was chosen to administer the funds on every level from village to province.

Additional details are available in breaking news of the other paper.


Nah, let's just ignore this one too and blame it on the Democrats.

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7.7 billion baht budget and 6 million registered for the program, equal about 1300 baht each, or 300 baht after fees and charges. That should achieve the programs stated goal of funding groups involved with promoting womens issues........

The government’s Women Empowerment Fund has been set up to promote gender equality and women’s rights and to improve the economic and social conditions for Thai women. It also aims to strengthen women’s groups and provide assistance to the underprivileged in anticipation of many changes during the transition of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations into the ASEAN Community in 2015.

The Yingluck administration’s main policies include encouraging women’s participation in the country’s development, ensuring security in their lives as well as empowering their roles at all levels.


Unlike the Asion foundation's Women empowerment fund., which has the goals of funding incividuals ......

  • Providing girls and women an education
  • Expanding women's economic opportunities
  • Increasing women's legal rights
  • Combating human trafficking
  • Ending violence against women
  • Promoting women's political participation


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So the red women's trough funds more than 15 times per head than the government now funds the BMA

There's that number 15 again.

The ridiculous nature of these taxpayer-funded loans is that a "girl" needs only be 15 years old to apply for a "women" empowerment loan. :blink:

No risk to the taxpayer in extending a multiple thousand baht loan to a teen barely in high school. :rolleyes:

No chance for a "boomerang" of the thread title to occur. :ermm:


Edited by Buchholz
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