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How The Law Of Learning National Language After Married Thai Woman?

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I want married Thai woman next year!

The most language schools in Thailand told me, that the law from Germany says after married woman can only come to eu, when she pass ,the a1 certificate at the language school göthe institut in Bangkok!

Iam from Austria , and I Thai woman waiting at the embassy in Bangkok , told my girlfriend, she never go to any school 5 year ago,and learn the language alone!maybe the law , has been changed in the meantime ?

A friend married Thai women 2 year ago says, she only must have language certificate,when she want apply Austrian passboard after staying 5 year in the country for around 4000€,then she must give her Thai passboard away! And can keep only one maybe 10 year ago,the law was not same can hold only one passboard now, not 2 like in the past!

I see a report in tv,that people of low monthly income ,could never bring there own wife to Europe , also after married!have many many other reasons,not only money !

But,it seems to be that the law is similar in diffrent eu states , but not same!

Would be interesting to hear other reports , from other eu country's ,about this!

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As you say, the immigration laws of different EU states may be similar,, but they are not the same.

The language test and proposed minimum income reported and discussed at length on TV are both relevant to the UK. What the situation is for Austria, I have no idea I'm afraid.

Regarding nationality, Thailand definitely does allow dual nationality, but I don't know if Austria does.

All I can suggest is that you check with the relevant Austrian authorities. The Österreichischen Botschaft Bangkok would be a good place to start.

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