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Trayvon Martin Shooter Released On $150,000 Bond


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Trayvon Martin shooter released on $150,000 bond 2012-04-24 03:42:42 GMT+7 (ICT) SANFORD, FLORIDA (BNO NEWS) -- Florida neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who has been charged with murder in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in February, was released on early Monday morning after posting a $150,000 bond.Zimmerman, 28, wore a brown jacket, jeans and was carrying a brown paper bag when he walked out of the John E. Polk Correctional Facility (JEPCF) at the Seminole County Sheriff's Office just after midnight local time. "Zimmerman posted bond and was fitted with an electronic monitoring device prior to release," said sheriff's office spokeswoman Heather Smith.Zimmerman's GPS device will be monitored by the Seminole County Sheriff's Office (SCSO) and Seminole County Probation, costing Zimmerman an $8 monitoring fee per day. "Monitoring is 'real-time' and enables immediate identification of an offender's whereabouts at any given time anywhere in the U.S.," Smith said. "The SCSO will not be releasing specifics about Zimmerman's monitoring device or monitoring conditions."The neighborhood watch volunteer was arrested and charged with second-degree murder on April 11, almost two months after Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon in Sanford. Zimmerman had told a 911 operator that Trayvon was acting suspiciously and, despite being told to stay in his vehicle, got out of his SUV after which a confrontation ensued. Zimmerman claims he was being attacked by Trayvon when he fired the shot.The shooting prompted allegations that Zimmerman, who is half Hispanic, was motivated by racism, a claim which has been denied by Zimmerman's relatives, friends and supporters who say he has been unfairly vilified by the media. The investigation has also been complicated by Florida's controversial "Stand Your Ground" law, which allows people to use deadly force when they believe they are in danger of being killed or suffering serious injuries.During a bail hearing on Friday, Zimmerman apologized to Trayvon's family. "I wanted to say I am sorry for the loss of your son. I did not know how old he was, I thought he was a little bit younger than I am and I did not know if he was armed or not," he said. Trayvon's family rejected the apology, questioning his timing and motivation.If convicted of second degree murder, a murder that is not premeditated or planned in advance, Zimmerman could face a prison sentence of up to 25 years to life. tvn.png

-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-04-24

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The apology is probably sincere. I am pretty sure that Zimmerman wishes none of this had ever happened. The real issue is if he was really attacked by Trayvon or not.

I'm sure he is sincerely sorry that he now has to defend himself in court for murder charges. Not surprisingly, most of the general American public is very glad this matter WILL be decided in court rather than by obviously incompetent and biased police officers at the scene. Its also pretty clear he didn't go out that night hoping to kill anyone. But he was carrying a lethal weapon and that carries with it some major responsibilities especially when dealing with unarmed people going out for an innocent walk. I believe he will be found guilty of at least manslaughter. The trial does not start until NEXT YEAR so its really not clear how much new information we'll have between now and the trial. However, my personal opinion based on his history is that Zimmerman is psychologically unstable. Meaning we might have some news from him before the trial. Edited by Jingthing
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I doubt most people would be psychologically stable when faced with this type of stress including death threats.

Yes. I am sure prison won't be much fun either. Killing people has consequences.

But actually I was talking about the reports about his past behavior in regards to acting as if he's a policeman and anger control issues.

This case has in truth become kind of political litmus test for classic American divisions. "Liberals" who have a soft spot for criminal rights are generally hard line on Zimmerman, while "conservatives" who are usually hard line on criminals want to bend over backwards to show kindness and understanding to Zimmerman. Yes, yes, he isn't convicted yet, we got that. But I sincerely think most of the conservatives who seem to be showing "support" for Zimmerman will not fully accept a conviction, should it occur. Rather they are likely to call it a politically based conviction ... to avoid riots.

Edited by Jingthing
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For all those people that believe Zimmerman jumped on this poor young man and started beating him up, it is worth nothing that Zimmerman is 5' 8" and weighs 170 pounds. Martin is 6'3" and weighs 160 pounds.

If those that claim. on the now closed thread, that the bigger man was on top, this would mean Trayvon was the one doing the banging of heads on the ground.

In addition, Trayvon was found face down. If he was on the bottom he would have been found face up.

If our White African American President had kept his mouth shut, the emotions might not be on such a dangerous level now.

Divide and conquer?

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Too bad we can't get Martin's side of the story because, let me check, he is dead, shot by Zimmerman's gun.

Obama's speech was touching. Truly compassionate towards the family and asking like the public for this to be decided by the justice system. Not by good old boy cops.

The truth is Zimmerman while not a stereotypical racist, was acting in a racist manner.

Calling the police FREQUENTLY, almost always concerning black men, jumping to bigoted assumptions that the black men were up to no good just because they were in his neighborhood.

Is that kind of garden variety racism common? Massively so. But add a lethal weapon to that plus a personality disorder of having a policeman complex, and this is what happens.

Edited by Jingthing
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You do not have to be armed to attack someone.

Yes and do you seriously think the victim was out looking to attack someone that night? I don't know if there was an attack or not or what kind of attack but I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of provocation. I still don't understand the 2nd degree murder charge; I think only the prosecutors know why that charge, but I do see a high probability of a manslaughter conviction, even with an element of so called self defense. Edited by Jingthing
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Too bad we can't get Martin's side of the story because, let me check, he is dead, shot by Zimmerman's gun.

Obama's speech was touching. Truly compassionate towards the family and asking like the public for this to be decided by the justice system. Not by good old boy cops.

The truth is Zimmerman while not a stereotypical racist, was acting in a racist manner.

Calling the police FREQUENTLY, almost always concerning black men, jumping to bigoted assumptions that the black men were up to no good just because they were in his neighborhood.

Is that kind of garden variety racism common? Massively so. But add a lethal weapon to that plus a personality disorder of having a policeman complex, and this is what happens.

Are you making this up? I've read that he called the police A LOT, but this racial theme you're injecting into it is new. BTW - his neighborhood is mostly black & Hispanic.

Edited by koheesti
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No I am not making this up. I posted a link on this before. Most of the calls he made to the police were about black men. Indeed the calls about Martin included his totally false opinion he might be on drugs. That's racist thinking, sorry. I wonder if he also stupidly assumed Martin was ... ARMED. That' the trouble with mentally unstable cop wannabes. They make even more mistakes than the real ones.

I also assume the easy treatment he got after the killing related to Martin's identification as a "crime fighter" and ally of the police.

Zimmerman was taught by society that young black men are on drugs and criminals and that fallacy sits in his subconscious alongside how to ride a bike. If he didn’t live in a world where people are constantly acting on that fallacy then he wouldn’t have that in his subconscious.

Given all this, in all seriousness, does anyone believe Zimmerman would have either called the police about or followed Martin that fateful night if Martin had been WHITE?

Edited by Jingthing
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No I am not making this up. I posted a link on this before. Most of the calls he made to the police were about black men. Indeed the calls about Martin included his totally false opinion he might be on drugs. That's racist thinking, sorry. I wonder if he also stupidly assumed Martin was ... ARMED. That' the trouble with mentally unstable cop wannabes. They make even more mistakes than the real ones.

I also assume the easy treatment he got after the killing related to Martin's identification as a "crime fighter" and ally of the police.

Zimmerman was taught by society that young black men are on drugs and criminals and that fallacy sits in his subconscious alongside how to ride a bike. If he didn’t live in a world where people are constantly acting on that fallacy then he wouldn’t have that in his subconscious.

Given all this, in all seriousness, does anyone believe Zimmerman would have either called the police about or followed Martin that fateful night if Martin had been WHITE?

Do you seriously believe there would have been any uproar if Zimmerman had been BLACK?

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No I am not making this up. I posted a link on this before. Most of the calls he made to the police were about black men. Indeed the calls about Martin included his totally false opinion he might be on drugs. That's racist thinking,

I never saw that mystery link.

The only racist thinking on display here is claiming that someone serving as neighborhood watch is not allowed to be suspicious of the individual described below because of his skin color.

"This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."

People should be judged by what they do and how they act (content of their character), NOT by the color of their skin. That works BOTH ways. Meaning, you can't find them guilty OR innocent based on skin color. You seem to be saying that since Martin was black, that only a racist would think his actions were suspicious. I've got news for you, blacks are more scared of other blacks than the Zimmerman's of the world.

From a Chris Rock routine:

"Man why you got to say that? Why you got to say that? It isn't us, it's the


. The media has distorted our image to make us look bad. Why must you come down on us like that, brother? It's not us, it's the media."

Please cut the shit. When I go to the money machine at night, I'm not looking over my shoulder for the media.

I'm looking for N------s.

Ted Koppel never took anything from me.


have. Do you think I've got three guns in my house because the media's outside my door trying to bust in?

"Oh shit. It's Mike Wallace. Run!"

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I think I asked this on the defunct thread and got no response...zip!

Can anybody ever recall another incident where a potential perpetrator was described as a "White Hispanic"?

Edit in to change one word.

Edited by chuckd
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I think I asked this on the defunct thread and got no response...zip!

Can anybody ever recall an incident where a potential perpetrator was described as a "White Hispanic"?

I don't really recall but there are racial divisions in Latin America, or didn't you know?
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I think I asked this on the defunct thread and got no response...zip!

Can anybody ever recall an incident where a potential perpetrator was described as a "White Hispanic"?

I don't really recall but there are racial divisions in Latin America, or didn't you know?

So the answer to my question is..."No"?

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Not really clear where you're going with this "White Hispanic" meme but this might be a clue:


I assume the descriptor “white” was used in the press not to smear white people or to “maintain a liberal narrative” or whatever, but simply to identify Zimmerman as not black.

Racial politics and standard classifications are a moving target in many countries. As the article states, Irish Americans did not used to be considered whites. Now they always are. Also Jews. Used to be not white. Now largely considered white.

Cleared up for you?

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Here is what a brilliant black man has to say on the subject:

"Whatever the ultimate outcome of the case against George Zimmerman for his shooting of Trayvon Martin, what has happened already is enough to turn the stomach of anyone who believes in either truth or justice.

An amazing proportion of the media has given us a painful demonstration of the thinking — and lack of thinking — that prevailed back in the days of the old Jim Crow South, where complexion counted more than facts in determining how people were treated."

Trayvon Case Reveals a Racist Media

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Sowell is a commentator of the far right wing. His color is irrelevant. He is most infamously known for comparing Obama to Hitler and Lenin. This silliness was endorsed by ... Sarah Palin.

It is simply silly and denialist to assert that race wasn't a factor in the entire incident.

Edited by Jingthing
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