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Uk Police Arrest Five Terror Suspects Near London


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Some very nasty radical Muslims in Luton hence it being the birth place of The EDL.

It wouldn't surprise me if another load are arrested soon.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Why are you so certain they are Muslims, when the Country is awash with White Christian fascists?

At least you don't have to worry about White Hispanics.

Just me and my nauseating Sarcasm Koheestiwink.png
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Has never occurred to you that there is a real threat in the UK from British born Muslims holding British Passports ? ,why not just Google up "British born Muslims involved in terrorism" a whole welter of info enclosed .


Rather like the one faced by the UK in the 1970's and 1980's from UK/Irish nationalists/loyalists.

Terrorism is sadly a fact of life and threat in most countries to varying degrees. But winning the fight against any terrorism is not helped by demonizing an entire section of society. As with NI ultimate success requires a mix of social, economic and political moves within a security environment, but military/police action can never combat terrorism alone. Also as again can be seen in NI a hardcore element is often left after a settlement has been achieved and represent an ongoing threat.

Bottom line, no easy answers and a lot of hard graft.

I was,nt Aware that the IRA called it a "Holy war" (Jihad) against the non believer (infidel) ,hard graft?, what do you suggest ?, cave in to Sharia law?

Terrorists label their campaigns in all sorts of ways be it nationalistic, ethnic or religious. So what?

You seem to have a strange idea of hard graft, normally that means putting in a lot of effort for slow-won gains, ie classic counter-terrorism.

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Has it never occurred to you that there is a real threat in the UK from British born Muslims holding British Passports ? ,

I'd laugh if it turns out to be five Eskimos who are all ******off about their igloos melting. What would you say then ?

Nice bit of humour Yunla , but I know the Racial Identity of 3 of them And I can assure you they ain't Eskimo'slaugh.png
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Has it never occurred to you that there is a real threat in the UK from British born Muslims holding British Passports ? ,

I'd laugh if it turns out to be five Eskimos who are all ******off about their igloos melting. What would you say then ?

Nice bit of humour Yunla , but I know the Racial Identity of 3 of them And I can assure you they ain't Eskimo'slaugh.png

Unless their igloos sport matching missile shaped appendages at each wing. whistling.gif

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There was a world of difference between the Northern Ireland terrorists and Islamic terrorism , for a start I ain't ever heard of an IRA suicide bomber which is all the rage with the Muslims and incredibly hard to either observe or stop ,secondly there were many I informers in Northern Ireland ,many getting "knee capped" and even worse when caught out, not so with Islam as there appears to be a wall of silence ,one could even call it a Muslim "Omerta" making the job of our security services even harder , according to what I have read today it would seem that the suspects are all " British Born" it may turn out that they will be released with charge who knows ,never the less, when innocent lives are at risk ,they have to act in the public interest .

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Nice bit of humour Yunla , but I know the Racial Identity of 3 of them And I can assure you they ain't Eskimo'slaugh.png

My source confirms this is a false-flag secret op by covert 'stealth eskimos'. You have played right into their woolly bemittened hands.tongue.png

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Nice bit of humour Yunla , but I know the Racial Identity of 3 of them And I can assure you they ain't Eskimo'slaugh.png

My source confirms this is a false-flag secret op by covert 'stealth eskimos'. You have played right into their woolly bemittened hands.tongue.png

Nice onelaugh.png
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Has it never occurred to you that there is a real threat in the UK from British born Muslims holding British Passports ? ,

I'd laugh if it turns out to be five Eskimos who are all ******off about their igloos melting. What would you say then ?

Nice bit of humour Yunla , but I know the Racial Identity of 3 of them And I can assure you they ain't Eskimo'slaugh.png

Presume you mean that you know their ethnicity or religion. As it appears that they have just returned from the Oman that seems to make the Eskimo (or Inuit as we should say nowadays) theory a little unlikely. Which is a great pity.

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There was a world of difference between the Northern Ireland terrorists and Islamic terrorism , for a start I ain't ever heard of an IRA suicide bomber which is all the rage with the Muslims and incredibly hard to either observe or stop ,secondly there were many I informers in Northern Ireland ,many getting "knee capped" and even worse when caught out, not so with Islam as there appears to be a wall of silence ,one could even call it a Muslim "Omerta" making the job of our security services even harder , according to what I have read today it would seem that the suspects are all " British Born" it may turn out that they will be released with charge who knows ,never the less, when innocent lives are at risk ,they have to act in the public interest .

the IRA did not need to resort to suicide bombers, they were far too professional and their members wern't that dumb. They were also, sadly, pretty efficient terrorists compared to the modern day muslim extremists.

Islamic jihadists/extremists, have murdered just under 300 people in Europe over 30 years since 1982. The main incidents were the El Descano bombing, Spain,1985 (18 dead); 1995 Paris Metro bombings (8); 2004 Madrid train bombings (191); 2005 London bombings (52); and Merah's brutal spree, 2012 (7).

By comparison during the same 30 year period 1227 people were murdered during the conflict in Northern Ireland, even though it officially ended with the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 (1220 died 1982-1998).

Therefore over 4x as many people were murdered by socialist/catholic/"loyalist"/protestant extremists in 16 years just in a corner of the UK, compared to the number of people murdered by muslim extremists across the whole of Europe in 30 years.

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300 innocents killed plus all the time and money spent to stop more "successful" attacks is more than enough of a "score" for most of us.

Quite agree, whether it's 1, 77, 300 or 1227 people murdered by extremists, they all represent tragedies.

My point was merely to put today's terrorist threat from muslim extremists in context and perspective so that their impact and ability is not over-exaggerated which would be to no one's advantage.

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There was a world of difference between the Northern Ireland terrorists and Islamic terrorism , for a start I ain't ever heard of an IRA suicide bomber which is all the rage with the Muslims and incredibly hard to either observe or stop ,secondly there were many I informers in Northern Ireland ,many getting "knee capped" and even worse when caught out, not so with Islam as there appears to be a wall of silence ,one could even call it a Muslim "Omerta" making the job of our security services even harder , according to what I have read today it would seem that the suspects are all " British Born" it may turn out that they will be released with charge who knows ,never the less, when innocent lives are at risk ,they have to act in the public interest .

the IRA did not need to resort to suicide bombers, they were far too professional and their members wern't that dumb. They were also, sadly, pretty efficient terrorists compared to the modern day muslim extremists.

Islamic jihadists/extremists, have murdered just under 300 people in Europe over 30 years since 1982. The main incidents were the El Descano bombing, Spain,1985 (18 dead); 1995 Paris Metro bombings (8); 2004 Madrid train bombings (191); 2005 London bombings (52); and Merah's brutal spree, 2012 (7).

By comparison during the same 30 year period 1227 people were murdered during the conflict in Northern Ireland, even though it officially ended with the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 (1220 died 1982-1998).

Therefore over 4x as many people were murdered by socialist/catholic/"loyalist"/protestant extremists in 16 years just in a corner of the UK, compared to the number of people murdered by muslim extremists across the whole of Europe in 30 years.

So in your opinion just cos our security forces were smarter than the Islamic radicals to stop the untold slaughter that they planned against the infidel, that automatically absolves them of blame,intent, or guilt eh , thanks for the laugh laugh.png And anyway its not just about lives lost by Islamic terrorism ,but how they want to Impose Sharia law on the West ,which slowly by degrees is what is happening right now in the UK . Edited by Colin Yai
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Qaddafi "We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

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Qaddafi "We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

I remember reading the very same quote ,so I know its correct . Edited by Colin Yai
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There was a world of difference between the Northern Ireland terrorists and Islamic terrorism , for a start I ain't ever heard of an IRA suicide bomber which is all the rage with the Muslims and incredibly hard to either observe or stop ,secondly there were many I informers in Northern Ireland ,many getting "knee capped" and even worse when caught out, not so with Islam as there appears to be a wall of silence ,one could even call it a Muslim "Omerta" making the job of our security services even harder , according to what I have read today it would seem that the suspects are all " British Born" it may turn out that they will be released with charge who knows ,never the less, when innocent lives are at risk ,they have to act in the public interest .

the IRA did not need to resort to suicide bombers, they were far too professional and their members wern't that dumb. They were also, sadly, pretty efficient terrorists compared to the modern day muslim extremists.

Islamic jihadists/extremists, have murdered just under 300 people in Europe over 30 years since 1982. The main incidents were the El Descano bombing, Spain,1985 (18 dead); 1995 Paris Metro bombings (8); 2004 Madrid train bombings (191); 2005 London bombings (52); and Merah's brutal spree, 2012 (7).

By comparison during the same 30 year period 1227 people were murdered during the conflict in Northern Ireland, even though it officially ended with the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 (1220 died 1982-1998).

Therefore over 4x as many people were murdered by socialist/catholic/"loyalist"/protestant extremists in 16 years just in a corner of the UK, compared to the number of people murdered by muslim extremists across the whole of Europe in 30 years.

So in your opinion just cos our security forces were smarter than the Islamic radicals to stop the untold slaughter that they planned against the infidel, that automatically absolves them of blame,intent, or guilt eh , thanks for the laugh laugh.png And anyway its not just about lives lost by Islamic terrorism ,but how they want to Impose Sharia law on the West ,which slowly by degrees is what is happening right now in the UK .

Glad to amuse you but your assumptions are fundamentally flawed. Care to provide any evidence re my desire to absolve terrorists of guilt, blame etc?

Personally I am a lot more concerned about the victims of terrorism than some spurious story about the reconquest of Europe, sharia law or demographic doomsday.

The whole sharia law debate is an interesting one as UK muslims are simply following the well-established and utterly legal steps taken by orthodox jews and their use of Beth Din courts in the UK. IMHO as long as English law remains preeminent (and that is hardly likely to change), sharia courts or Beth Din courts work fine at the civil level and if any party is unhappy with the ruling of any such court it is always subject to and inferior to, English law.

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I was back in Dewsbury, the year after the London bombings. One of those bombers was from inside the boundaries of my home village. What Thornhillers call Thornhill and what the boundary says, do not agree. They never have in my life time, Thornhillers call Thornhilll proper the top of the hill. We don't feel part of Dewsbury, just Thornhill. I degress, but wanted to explain it. When I was there, the atmosphere was dreadful. My friends in Thornhill had voted BNP on to the council, all blaming the bombing. tbh I was glad to get back here and was glad my wife had not acompanied me.

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Qaddafi "We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades."

I remember reading the very same quote ,so I know its correct .

Strewth quoting Qaddafi really does take the proverbial biscuit!!

This is the same man who crushed islamic fundamentalists in Libya without any compunction and was no fan of Arab nations, see another cracker quote below:

Libya is an African country. May Allah help the Arabs and keep them away from us. We don't want anything to do with them. They did not fight with us against the Italians, and they did not fight with us against the Americans. They did not lift the sanctions and siege from us. On the contrary, they gloated at us, and benefited from our hardship….

Perhaps we can get some quotes from Alf Garnett next.

Qaddafi was much happier arming the IRA with shiploads of munitions. Perhaps he preferred the Irish to the muslim terrorist. They were certainly more efficient at their murderous task.

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All Qadaffi was saying was just out breed the infidels. Seems they are doing that

He didn't even get that right. If you can prove that Europe is facing a demographic threat from muslims please provide the evidence.

2010 Pew report quotes a total of 44 million muslims in Europe in 2010 (6% of the total European population and 3% of total muslims worldwide). Funnily enough Thailand also has a 6% muslim share of its population. Perhaps they will soon be taking over Pattaya, Patong etc soon.

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I was back in Dewsbury, the year after the London bombings. One of those bombers was from inside the boundaries of my home village. What Thornhillers call Thornhill and what the boundary says, do not agree. They never have in my life time, Thornhillers call Thornhilll proper the top of the hill. We don't feel part of Dewsbury, just Thornhill. I degress, but wanted to explain it. When I was there, the atmosphere was dreadful. My friends in Thornhill had voted BNP on to the council, all blaming the bombing. tbh I was glad to get back here and was glad my wife had not acompanied me.

Actually, there is a big dilemma here, I would march with anyone being targeted by the BNP solely due to their race or religion, but I would march with the EDL opposing the Islamic radicals whose actions and reach is under reported so badly. Sad indeed. My signature quote is particularly appropriate, especially with regard to your observation as to what Gaddafi said.

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There was a world of difference between the Northern Ireland terrorists and Islamic terrorism , for a start I ain't ever heard of an IRA suicide bomber which is all the rage with the Muslims and incredibly hard to either observe or stop ,secondly there were many I informers in Northern Ireland ,many getting "knee capped" and even worse when caught out, not so with Islam as there appears to be a wall of silence ,one could even call it a Muslim "Omerta" making the job of our security services even harder , according to what I have read today it would seem that the suspects are all " British Born" it may turn out that they will be released with charge who knows ,never the less, when innocent lives are at risk ,they have to act in the public interest .

the IRA did not need to resort to suicide bombers, they were far too professional and their members wern't that dumb. They were also, sadly, pretty efficient terrorists compared to the modern day muslim extremists.

Islamic jihadists/extremists, have murdered just under 300 people in Europe over 30 years since 1982. The main incidents were the El Descano bombing, Spain,1985 (18 dead); 1995 Paris Metro bombings (8); 2004 Madrid train bombings (191); 2005 London bombings (52); and Merah's brutal spree, 2012 (7).

By comparison during the same 30 year period 1227 people were murdered during the conflict in Northern Ireland, even though it officially ended with the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 (1220 died 1982-1998).

Therefore over 4x as many people were murdered by socialist/catholic/"loyalist"/protestant extremists in 16 years just in a corner of the UK, compared to the number of people murdered by muslim extremists across the whole of Europe in 30 years.

My guess is that most people are easier with accepting aggression by "neighbors". When the aggressor seems to be unrelated to the area/situation/reality public perception changes Not that the first instance is considered "fair play", but the latter one is even more so. If the group in question is seen as "house guests", all the more so.

The numbers you bring forth are pretty, but don't mean a whole lot. For starters, maybe compare the populations: How many Muslims were around in Spain around relevant time? (same for France, UK etc). Per capita, maybe it's not as straightforward as you would have us believe.

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My guess is that most people are easier with accepting aggression by "neighbors". When the aggressor seems to be unrelated to the area/situation/reality public perception changes Not that the first instance is considered "fair play", but the latter one is even more so. If the group in question is seen as "house guests", all the more so.

The numbers you bring forth are pretty, but don't mean a whole lot. For starters, maybe compare the populations: How many Muslims were around in Spain around relevant time? (same for France, UK etc). Per capita, maybe it's not as straightforward as you would have us believe.

So Israelis being shelled by their neighbours in Gaza is not such a big deal? If someone is trying to kill you, most people don't give much of a monkey's whether that terrorist is a neighbour or more geographically separate.

On the stats the Muslim population of Europe in 1990 was just under 30 million, with 15m in E. Europe, 8m in S.Europe, 5m in W.Europe and 2m in N.Europe (Pew Research, Jan 2011). The population of Northern Ireland in the same year was 1.6million.

Therefore this just underlines quite how murderous the N. Ireland conflict was with 4x the number of deaths at the hands of republican/loyalist terrorists compared to those murdered by Muslim terrorists between 1982-2012.

Just as well that the muslim extremists in Europe are not as efficient, well armed (thanks to Libya and morons in the USA), and professional as organizations such as PIRA.

I am not tying to downplay the threat of muslim terrorism in Europe as it does represent the main security challenge today, but some perspective is required as to its efficiency and impact to date.

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I am not tying to downplay the threat of muslim terrorism in Europe as it does represent the main security challenge today

This is the point that other posters are trying to make.

quite correct UG however unpalatable to the left wing politically correct, it just happens to be the truth ,and as the white fascist Pamela Geller says!!!!!!! .,if it was'nt so serious it would be laughable that people like Robert Spencer ,Geert Wilders, and Geller should be branded for just writing what tens of millions know already is the simple truth.
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This doesn't necesarily have to do with overall numbers, but with concentration in specific areas. Most of Thailand's Muslims do not reside in Pattaya. If someone was to arrive down south as his first stop, he could get a different idea as to how many Muslims are around.

Saying Muslims are 6% of the population in Europe makes it sound like a non-issue. Considering that most immigrants tend to (1) stay in urban centers, and (2) stay near other immigrants - easy to get areas where those numbers will be quite different. Population concentrations play both in politics (especially in a democratic system) and in creating public perceptions (for good or bad)

The contrast between Pattani and Pattaya is like the contrast between Bradford and Truro in the UK. And that's the same throughout Europe with muslims tending to be concentrated in urban areas (not that that stops rural areas with a muslim immigrant as likely as a unicorn such as the UK's south-west and East Anglia being key recruiting grounds for racist organizations such as the BNP). Visiting an area with a large muslim population can thus give a totally disproportionate and inaccurate picture of the country as a whole.

The muslim population of Europe is a non-issue in terms of the Eurabia theory of a takeover of Europe by the dastardly muslim types. Again check out the Pew Research Jan 2011 report below.


The interesting place will be Russia with an estimated 19million muslims by 2030, making up some 15% of the total population as the non-muslim Russian population goes into a demographic nosedive.

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My guess is that most people are easier with accepting aggression by "neighbors". When the aggressor seems to be unrelated to the area/situation/reality public perception changes Not that the first instance is considered "fair play", but the latter one is even more so. If the group in question is seen as "house guests", all the more so.

The numbers you bring forth are pretty, but don't mean a whole lot. For starters, maybe compare the populations: How many Muslims were around in Spain around relevant time? (same for France, UK etc). Per capita, maybe it's not as straightforward as you would have us believe.

So Israelis being shelled by their neighbours in Gaza is not such a big deal? If someone is trying to kill you, most people don't give much of a monkey's whether that terrorist is a neighbour or more geographically separate.

On the stats the Muslim population of Europe in 1990 was just under 30 million, with 15m in E. Europe, 8m in S.Europe, 5m in W.Europe and 2m in N.Europe (Pew Research, Jan 2011). The population of Northern Ireland in the same year was 1.6million.

Therefore this just underlines quite how murderous the N. Ireland conflict was with 4x the number of deaths at the hands of republican/loyalist terrorists compared to those murdered by Muslim terrorists between 1982-2012.

Just as well that the muslim extremists in Europe are not as efficient, well armed (thanks to Libya and morons in the USA), and professional as organizations such as PIRA.

I am not tying to downplay the threat of muslim terrorism in Europe as it does represent the main security challenge today, but some perspective is required as to its efficiency and impact to date.

Read my post again, please. I didn't say that terrorist attack of any kind are seen as legitimate, but that those carried out in places which seem otherwise uninvolved or "out of context", are seen as even worse. Same goes for perpetrators. For example, while public opinion in Israel is generally negative toward Palestinian actions (demonstrations, clashing with security forces, and terrorist attacks), "foreigners" (usually Europeans) taking an active part in those are seen as even worse.

That is not to say that the actions themselves are different, or that the basic sentiment they cause is different.

Comparing NI related casualties with Muslim terrorist attacks is misleading in that the NI conflict did not really involve Europe (if memory serves, most violence occurred in NI or the UK), and that the people involved were of that area (heavens forbid saying "indigenous" :-)).

As opposed to this Muslim related terrorist attacks hit more than one country in Europe, rarely had to do with anything that was perceived by public opinion as a relevant conflict in which they were involved, and carried out either by total "outsiders" (Muslim perpetrators from abroad) or relatively new-comer Muslim immigrants.

When the Polish immigrants in the UK turn to terrorism you'll have yourself an adequate reference group, until then....its not the same.

Are there other minority immigrant groups, anywhere in the world, that are tied up to this extent with violent actions in the host countries?

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All Qadaffi was saying was just out breed the infidels. Seems they are doing that

He didn't even get that right. If you can prove that Europe is facing a demographic threat from muslims please provide the evidence.

2010 Pew report quotes a total of 44 million muslims in Europe in 2010 (6% of the total European population and 3% of total muslims worldwide). Funnily enough Thailand also has a 6% muslim share of its population. Perhaps they will soon be taking over Pattaya, Patong etc soon.

This doesn't necesarily have to do with overall numbers, but with concentration in specific areas. Most of Thailand's Muslims do not reside in Pattaya. If someone was to arrive down south as his first stop, he could get a different idea as to how many Muslims are around.

Saying Muslims are 6% of the population in Europe makes it sound like a non-issue. Considering that most immigrants tend to (1) stay in urban centers, and (2) stay near other immigrants - easy to get areas where those numbers will be quite different. Population concentrations play both in politics (especially in a democratic system) and in creating public perceptions (for good or bad)

Quite, sometimes a picture says a thousand words. Imagine you are rushing to catch a flight and need to get your car out pronto.


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This doesn't necesarily have to do with overall numbers, but with concentration in specific areas. Most of Thailand's Muslims do not reside in Pattaya. If someone was to arrive down south as his first stop, he could get a different idea as to how many Muslims are around.

Saying Muslims are 6% of the population in Europe makes it sound like a non-issue. Considering that most immigrants tend to (1) stay in urban centers, and (2) stay near other immigrants - easy to get areas where those numbers will be quite different. Population concentrations play both in politics (especially in a democratic system) and in creating public perceptions (for good or bad)

The contrast between Pattani and Pattaya is like the contrast between Bradford and Truro in the UK. And that's the same throughout Europe with muslims tending to be concentrated in urban areas (not that that stops rural areas with a muslim immigrant as likely as a unicorn such as the UK's south-west and East Anglia being key recruiting grounds for racist organizations such as the BNP). Visiting an area with a large muslim population can thus give a totally disproportionate and inaccurate picture of the country as a whole.

The muslim population of Europe is a non-issue in terms of the Eurabia theory of a takeover of Europe by the dastardly muslim types. Again check out the Pew Research Jan 2011 report below.


The interesting place will be Russia with an estimated 19million muslims by 2030, making up some 15% of the total population as the non-muslim Russian population goes into a demographic nosedive.

It isn't just about appearances, population concentrations mean power. Especially so in case of minority groups and more so when religion is strongly involved. Minority groups, in general, exhibit more cohesive positions, religion magnifying the effect. When taken in the context of democratic societies, such groups can actually achieve quite a bit.

That by itself isn't a bad thing, perhaps, but when mixed with radical religious notions - it does present a problem.

Dealing with an evenly spread out 6% minority is one thing, coming to terms with zones where the minority group is actually in control (or a serious effect, anyway) is another.

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