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Short Changed Again...


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Another practice I’ve heard of being done is at petrol stations; when you pull in, be aware of the attendant making you drive further forward of the pump then you really need to be……..If this happens, be on your guard, (you cannot see the pump read-out) two things can now take place; you say “fill up” or “1000B” either the pump clock is started 100, 200, or whatever, (you can’t see the read-out) or it gets stopped short. You pay the attendant for what you’ve asked for….he pockets the difference.

Yes, this is something that has happened with me more than once.

Often the petrol scammer's will rush you with pump in hand ready to go.....don't be rushed it only takes a few seconds to beat them.

I always get out and open the petrol cap myself and never let them rush me.

Before I say how much I want, I look at the clock, with a "hmm' and "er' enough time to make sure it's not running.

Then watch the guy start from scratch.

Edit: I mean this is something that has been tried on me unsuccessfully more than once.

why not use the petrol station on the moat,were you fill up your tank youself,and pay at the booth,save your blood pressure,and worries about getting ripped off,
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What were you buying in a 7/11 that would warrent you proffering a B1,000 Note?

And why does the 3x counting have any relevance!

Trust a Jock to come up with that statement (whistling.gif ) - I used to pay for the car at 7 and plus electric would come to around 11k before buying anything.

The extra counting is obvious; suggesting honesty and the need to get the change right (for their sake) as they're taught.

A 12 pack of Rubbers... daily... not that it really matters..

You must do a lot of writing... or make a lot of mistakes.

maybe off-topic, but our Dept's US Secretary was horrified when I asked her for a rubber to correct some work. To be fair, in Australia, adhesive tape was often referred to as "Durex tape" back in the '60s, and thus asking the UK secretary for a roll of Durex was greeted with much mirth.

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Another practice I’ve heard of being done is at petrol stations; when you pull in, be aware of the attendant making you drive further forward of the pump then you really need to be……..If this happens, be on your guard, (you cannot see the pump read-out) two things can now take place; you say “fill up” or “1000B” either the pump clock is started 100, 200, or whatever, (you can’t see the read-out) or it gets stopped short. You pay the attendant for what you’ve asked for….he pockets the difference.

Yes, this is something that has happened with me more than once.

Often the petrol scammer's will rush you with pump in hand ready to go.....don't be rushed it only takes a few seconds to beat them.

I always get out and open the petrol cap myself and never let them rush me.

Before I say how much I want, I look at the clock, with a "hmm' and "er' enough time to make sure it's not running.

Then watch the guy start from scratch.

Edit: I mean this is something that has been tried on me unsuccessfully more than once.

why not use the petrol station on the moat,were you fill up your tank youself,and pay at the booth,save your blood pressure,and worries about getting ripped off,

Easy to say ‘true blue’ but like many people in Thailand………..I don’t live in CM city, or more to the point………A self-fill station and anyway……………….Why should I when I can get the service free.

Also I don’t find checking that I’m getting what I’m paying for worrying or stressful.

May I ask you something? Do you find it worrying and stressful to check your change from a purchase, or looking over a product you’ve about to pay hard cash for, or do you just ‘let it ride’……..A sort of what will be will be attitude?

I ask not to be rude, but to try and understand why you would post that daft reply.

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What were you buying in a 7/11 that would warrent you proffering a B1,000 Note?

And why does the 3x counting have any relevance!

The comment has nothing to do with the posters warning. He's not asking for your comments on how much he used at the store. Has nothing to do with the short changing.

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Couple of times I've been given too much change (once at a 7/11), as I know any shortfall in the till comes out of the poor saps pay, I give the extra back.

Quite right!

I think most posters would do the same.

All the honest customers anyway.

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Another practice I’ve heard of being done is at petrol stations; when you pull in, be aware of the attendant making you drive further forward of the pump then you really need to be……..If this happens, be on your guard, (you cannot see the pump read-out) two things can now take place; you say “fill up” or “1000B” either the pump clock is started 100, 200, or whatever, (you can’t see the read-out) or it gets stopped short. You pay the attendant for what you’ve asked for….he pockets the difference.

Yes, this is something that has happened with me more than once.

Often the petrol scammer's will rush you with pump in hand ready to go.....don't be rushed it only takes a few seconds to beat them.

I always get out and open the petrol cap myself and never let them rush me.

Before I say how much I want, I look at the clock, with a "hmm' and "er' enough time to make sure it's not running.

Then watch the guy start from scratch.

Edit: I mean this is something that has been tried on me unsuccessfully more than once.

why not use the petrol station on the moat,were you fill up your tank youself,and pay at the booth,save your blood pressure,and worries about getting ripped off,

Easy to say ‘true blue’ but like many people in Thailand………..I don’t live in CM city, or more to the point………A self-fill station and anyway……………….Why should I when I can get the service free.

Also I don’t find checking that I’m getting what I’m paying for worrying or stressful.

May I ask you something? Do you find it worrying and stressful to check your change from a purchase, or looking over a product you’ve about to pay hard cash for, or do you just ‘let it ride’……..A sort of what will be will be attitude?

I ask not to be rude, but to try and understand why you would post that daft reply.

Well said.

I too would have liked to have answered True Blue, but I'd have been at a loss to come up with something equally silly as his.

Yeah, everyone from every region of Chiang Mai should converge on the self serve at the moat.huh.png

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Well said.

I too would have liked to have answered True Blue, but I'd have been at a loss to come up with something equally silly as his.

Yeah, everyone from every region of Chiang Mai should converge on the self serve at the moathuh.png

cheesy.gif LMAO, lets all go tomorrow and gridlock the city again.

Its a crappy little place, park up then make your way to the shack of a booth with no glass, and tell them how much you want to pay, then pay it..........then climb back over everything to see which pump number you are at, go back and tell him before he sets the pump going for you.

Granted its a couple of baht cheaper to do it yourself but sometimes its much better to have someone do it for you (for a little extra)

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When I was new here, I several times had the reverse experience. People kept stuffing my hands full of paper money. Twice, folks explained and corrected me (restaurants) when I'd accidentally overpaid by an extra hundred.

Just luck I guess. Truth to tell, I almost always check the folding money and approximate the coins - get out of the car to explain how much fuel I want (watching the employee turning the pump back to zero). And I've always had a receipt pressed upon me.

I come from a city in the United States called Detroit. Feel perfectly comfy here, except the driving part where I am cautiously optimistic.

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I come from a city in the United States called Detroit.

A good place not to get out of your car and keep the doors locked! wink.png

Have driven through that tunnel from Windsor, more times than I care to remember.

Edited by uptheos
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Hang in there OP smile.png

You are correct to count your change, starting with the amount of the purchase and adding the coins and notes to equal the amount of the bill tendered. The clerk will usually nod or make some sign of understanding- if they don't, repeat the value it or simply walk out.

Don't expect a friendly reception if you post any critisims of the host nation on this forum. You'll just be told it was your fault, this never happens here, etc etc.

Thanks for the heads up smile.png

And usually,you are also told: if you dont like it,"go home"

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What were you buying in a 7/11 that would warrent you proffering a B1,000 Note?

And why does the 3x counting have any relevance!

The comment has nothing to do with the posters warning. He's not asking for your comments on how much he used at the store. Has nothing to do with the short changing.

I asked what did the OP intend to BUY for Baht 1,000. I did not ask if he was paying a bill! If the OP was caught short and only had a Baht 1,000 bill to pay for his coke or whatever other small item was urgently required then the onus is on the OP to count and check the change. By implication I was suggesting that the OP was in fact making a small purchase with the intent of obtaining small denomination change. I would therefore expect that if the OP’s transaction was primarily for the purpose of obtaining change then the onus is again on the OP to count and check the change. I do not see the problem.

I still do not see the significance of any cashier counting the change three times. Who is doing the Math, the cashier or the OP! Again the onus is on the OP to count his/her own change once it is in their possession. (There can be many sleights of hand betwixt the cashier ‘counting’ the change and what ends up in your hand!)

Not getting your correct change is not unique to Thailand or to an individual chain or shop anywhere in the world.

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We had about 6 boys in a row from Pizza Company try to short us when we paid with a 1000b note (delivery), they short us 100 and walk away. We have to call them to come back, and each and every time they have the 100b in their hand and pull the sorry BS. We don't even have to say anything, they know what it is and pull that 100b note.

After we finally complained to the manager, it stopped and he gave us a few free pizzas.

So yes, you must count your money at all times unless you don't care if they steal from you. It happens everywhere, be it at 7-11 or buying fruit on the side of the road.

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Follow these golden rules when using a 1000 baht note for a low cost purchase:

Try to avoid handing over a 1000 baht note in bars, massage parlours, markets, small shops, noodle shops, small eating establishments and other nondescript places. I have heard many stories where the staff have sworn blind the customer only handed over a 500 baht note, which I am told, is quite common practice in some places. This also occurs quite frequently in gasoline stations where the attendant has been given a 1000 baht note, walked away and returned with change from a 500 baht note.

If in a more well known store such as a supermarket, or paying a bill, than when handing over the 1000 baht bill, look the staff member or owner whom you are doing the transaction with straight in the eye and say boldly in a clear voice; Nueng-Pun baht and watch closely as the assistant completes the transaction, making it obvious to the assistant that you are watching him/her. Once handed the change count it directly in front of the assistant before the person begins to serve another customer no matter how many times the change has been counted. And if you spot any discrepancies, than you can bring this to the assistance’s attention immediately and there can be no dispute that you were under changed.

If this happens, don`t lose your temper and let the assistant correct the error. Also take into consideration that not all under change mistakes are done deliberately, as sometimes the staff are over worked or rushed and been on long shifts.

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I'm not saying these tricks do not occur in Chiang Mai, but, in my experience, it is only once every blue moon. One should always be careful about getting correct change - the cashier might make an honest mistake - but there is no reason to be overly paranoid.


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Another one is in places like 7-11 they will overcharge you then after you leave, do a return and fix the price, pocking the extra change.

What a load of bullshit, all objects are scanned so how do they change the price ?

Edited by Spoonman
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I'm not saying these tricks do not occur in Chiang Mai, but, in my experience, it is only once every blue moon. One should always be careful about getting correct change - the cashier might make an honest mistake - but there is no reason to be overly paranoid.


My mum and dad instilled the principle of counting my change on the spot, when I was a few years old.......and without the use of a calculator.

Seems some never did learn.

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Another one is in places like 7-11 they will overcharge you then after you leave, do a return and fix the price, pocking the extra change.

What a load of bullshit, all objects are scanned so how do they change the price ?

sometimes the discount comes up after the fact. .. (i'm not the original poster of this) I definitely see how it can happen.

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Another one is in places like 7-11 they will overcharge you then after you leave, do a return and fix the price, pocking the extra change.

What a load of bullshit, all objects are scanned so how do they change the price ?

sometimes the discount comes up after the fact. .. (i'm not the original poster of this) I definitely see how it can happen.

This is correct. If it's just left at the sub total point and you pay you won't get any discounts. When the total is finalised and the receipt printed, this is when the discount takes place.

I always wait until the final total is punched in before paying - never a problem.

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I'm sure collectively we could all write a thick book on all the little scams that take place here.

Interesting that so much can be said about some poor people scamming for a few hundred baht.

While the big scams by the rich back home continue to rip us off even when we are not there.

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I'm sure collectively we could all write a thick book on all the little scams that take place here.

Interesting that so much can be said about some poor people scamming for a few hundred baht.

While the big scams by the rich back home continue to rip us off even when we are not there.

Come on ‘Dante99’ don’t lose the plot mate the topic is; ‘Short Changed Again’ You are right about there being bigger fish….So to speak, (UK Gov. for one) but that is not what the topic’s about.

Anyway as for some of these poor people you’re standing up for…………They wouldn’t be so poor if they had their way………You would be.

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Another one is in places like 7-11 they will overcharge you then after you leave, do a return and fix the price, pocking the extra change.

What a load of bullshit, all objects are scanned so how do they change the price ?

I have read all the comments and they all focus on the potential for fraud by the human at the register - does anyone whatch the price that is scanded versus the the price on the self?? In the US there are many rules/laws to protect the consumer from the retailer who is responsible for maintaining an acurate price data base - to make it simple with out an hour of discusion if the price at the register is different then the self -- the product is FREE!! This past week I was at one of the big box stores - I have been looking for a small bench that I can sit on when gardining - wow a stanlees steel one for 109bht !! When I got to the register guess what ?? 320bht! The only thing that made me question is that I always keep an approx running total - every thing on the register is in Thai so I keep an approx - this time I said it should be between 2200 and 2300bht -wow 2500 plus - when checked 201bht difference on the bench - just some different perspective on the topic

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What a load of bullshit, all objects are scanned so how do they change the price ?

sometimes the discount comes up after the fact. .. (i'm not the original poster of this) I definitely see how it can happen.

This is correct. If it's just left at the sub total point and you pay you won't get any discounts. When the total is finalised and the receipt printed, this is when the discount takes place.

I always wait until the final total is punched in before paying - never a problem.

PoodMaiDai is not talking about discounts, he is claiming they alter the price and after you have paid and left they do a return off the item then price it correctly and then pocket the montery difference.

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What a load of bullshit, all objects are scanned so how do they change the price ?

sometimes the discount comes up after the fact. .. (i'm not the original poster of this) I definitely see how it can happen.

This is correct. If it's just left at the sub total point and you pay you won't get any discounts. When the total is finalised and the receipt printed, this is when the discount takes place.

I always wait until the final total is punched in before paying - never a problem.

PoodMaiDai is not talking about discounts, he is claiming they alter the price and after you have paid and left they do a return off the item then price it correctly and then pocket the montery difference.

Right, I understand what you are saying.

My response was to Larry Bird's comment about the discount coming up after the fact.

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I'm sure collectively we could all write a thick book on all the little scams that take place here.

Interesting that so much can be said about some poor people scamming for a few hundred baht.

While the big scams by the rich back home continue to rip us off even when we are not there.

Come on ‘Dante99’ don’t lose the plot mate the topic is; ‘Short Changed Again’ You are right about there being bigger fish….So to speak, (UK Gov. for one) but that is not what the topic’s about.

Anyway as for some of these poor people you’re standing up for…………They wouldn’t be so poor if they had their way………You would be.

Not a chance. I like some others learned long ago to check the bill and count the change on the spot so it is never an issue for me.

What this topic is really about is people who have difficulty with simple transactions and whine.

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