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Einstein was born in Germany, educated in Switzerland and graduated from the Zurich Institute of Technology in 1900. He wrote 3 fundamental papers, published in 1905, while working in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. He wrote his 'general relativity' paper in 1916, again in Switzerland. He moved to the USA in 1932.

...and became an American citizen. :o

Whilst retaining his Swiss citizenship and doing no work which could compare to the work he did whilst living in Switzerland.

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As for WWII - nazi style helmets are very popular among chopper bikers here, and please don't tell me that their swastikas in black, white and red actually refer to the ancient buddhist symbol. These bikers aren't neonazis either - they are simply ignorant people who think that it looks cool.

Very true Plus.

Just like kids in the West using Eastern symbols that they know f.. all about ubt look cool ie Jap symbols, Om signs etc

Very true Neeranam. A great comparison. :D

I haven't seen many swastikas on bikers in Thailand, maybe few, but in Burma there's plenty of this. Helmets, caps, shirts, tunikas (with the swastika)... all old third reich garp. I do hope we are not judging a different culture by the norms that are familiar to us.

I'm not a nazi, neo-nazi nor pro-nazi. And, I hold very few facist to be cognised views on life in general, what comes to governments etc. Defenately I'm anti-nazi (doesn't involve any violence by the way). The third reich helmets were/are in fashion with some bikers in USA, and other places too I understand.. This dosn't necessarily make them nazis does it. But thats a different thing anyways.

Swastika is/was propably an ancient hindu symbol in the first place (for thousands of years ago),


Adolf just adopted it, as many things from the old Aryan philosophy as he saw it. It was a good luck symbol originaly (for thousands of years ago), . Now the meaning has been compromised, (for me too, being european).

I'm sure we all can see the cultural influence from India moving east-wards (buddhism, ramayana, etc.).

Still, for me the burmese bikers on Third Reich helmet and tunic looking very cool. Nazi uniforms were desingned and produced by Boss after all. :D

Do you seriously suggest that it's possible to breathe in new life in nazi swastika? More civilised, perhaps. That is called neonazism and it's illegal in many coounties that had the experience with the real thing.

Plus with all respect, I know of neo-nazism being illegal in Germany, still it happens. Where else too? (I think in many countries)? Also, Mein Kampf, don't know the english transliteration, is a best-seller through internet in Germany, since it's illegal to be sold there. :D

I'm Finnish by the way. (Way to go Amazon.. :D ).

To be stated, I don't support fasism in any sense.

What comes to Albert, he did get USA passport, didn't he?

People do think he was intelligent, right? :o:D

Edited by sonnyJ
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I used the example of top universities in the U.S. to point out that Americans are at least as well educated as anyone casting stones here.

So your list wasnt based on the top unis in the world...and 3 Unis from overseas made it into the list of the top unis in the US.....well done mate....

Wrong again.

Once more, 17 out of 20 of the top "unis" in the world are located in the USA. Only 3 are in other countries. :o

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Einstein was born in Germany, educated in Switzerland and graduated from the Zurich Institute of Technology in 1900. He wrote 3 fundamental papers, published in 1905, while working in the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. He wrote his 'general relativity' paper in 1916, again in Switzerland. He moved to the USA in 1932.

...and became an American citizen. :D

Whilst retaining his Swiss citizenship and doing no work which could compare to the work he did whilst living in Switzerland.

Nice history lesson, but he was still American. :o

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Whilst retaining his Swiss citizenship and doing no work which could compare to the work he did whilst living in Switzerland.

Retaining citizenship and having ideas, doing his work has nothing to do with each other, does it. :o

Yes, old Albert was ethnicly and culturally german, better term escapes me.

What he did, working with USA was scientificly huge and good, humanely not so..

Humanum amarest, humanum autem ignoscerest.

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The United States had 62 of the top 200 universities, followed by Britain with 30, Germany 17 and Australia 14."

Thank you for the statistics, but forget all the convoluted opinions.

The US has more than twice as many of the top Universities as England and waaay more than anyone else. Also, 17 out of 20 of the world's top Universities are located in USA. These are facts.

There are clever and stupid people everywhere and, judging from the quality of the posts on this thread, a large number of the stupid ones seem to spend a lot of time on the internet bashing their betters, hoping to feel better about their own educational shortcomings.

The time would be much better spent in a remedial classroom. :o

It's all about money isn't it.

Who has money is popular.

Who has money has power.

Yes the "best" and most expensive unis. are in USA.


It seems like some one has to spell it out on statistics. We do hope them are correct too.

USA population (2000) - 281,421,906 - 62 top 200 unis.

UK population (2001) - 58,789,194 - 30 top 200 unis.

Germany population (2005) est. - 82,443,000 - 17 top 200 unis.

Australia population (2005) est. - 20,406,800 - 14 top 200 unis.


USA 281,421,906/62 = 4,539,063

UK 58,789,194/30 = 1,959,639

G 82,443,000/17 = 4,849,588

A 20,406,800/14 = 1,460,271

Just for example, we can do many things with maths if necessary.


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The United States had 62 of the top 200 universities, followed by Britain with 30, Germany 17 and Australia 14."

Thank you for the statistics, but forget all the convoluted opinions.

The US has more than twice as many of the top Universities as England and waaay more than anyone else. Also, 17 out of 20 of the world's top Universities are located in USA. These are facts.

There are clever and stupid people everywhere and, judging from the quality of the posts on this thread, a large number of the stupid ones seem to spend a lot of time on the internet bashing their betters, hoping to feel better about their own educational shortcomings.

The time would be much better spent in a remedial classroom. :o

Yes the "best" and most expensive unis. are in USA.


USA population (2000) - 281,421,906 - 62 top 200 unis.

Thank you! :D

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8 pages of bickering and still none of you have been able to answer the simple question posed pages back, namely, what does TG stand for in relation to the state airline?

OK Bannork, I give in, so does my sister-in-law who works for the aforesaid airline, she is convinced it is simply an identifier. So please put us out of our misery and enlighten us.

Further to the Einstein thing, I once had a dog which was born in a stable but it didnt make him a horse!

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If you seppos are so clever...why cant you spell ??? :D  Colour does have a "U" in it,  :D

Color don't have no stinkin' 'u' in it and neither does 'flavor'! :o

...old English :D

Oh yes they do.....They are not pronounced Col- or and flav-or...now are they ???

so do yourself a favour and say the word and then consider the spelling. Even my Thai dictionary spells them as colour, flavour and favour..... :D:D

Edited by gburns57au
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If you seppos are so clever...why cant you spell ??? :D  Colour does have a "U" in it,  :D

Color don't have no stinkin' 'u' in it and neither does 'flavor'! :o

...old English :D

Even my Thai dictionary spells them as colour, flavour and favour..... :D:D

That's because Thailand was 'settled' by the Brits. If the Yanks got there first, we'd be driving on the 'right' side of the road and your Thai dictonary would not be using 'Old English'! :D

Edited by Boon Mee
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8 pages of bickering and still none of you have been able to answer the simple question posed pages back, namely, what does TG stand for in relation to the state airline?

I'll bite. TG = "Thai Garuda?"

That would have been my choice too.

The G means nothing, it's just a code letter assigned to Thai Airways.

Qantas were lucky to get QF as they were one of the 1st commercial carriers.

Same goes for BA

Hence they can call their code Qantas Flight XXX. :o

(what a Quote mess)

Edited by udon
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If you seppos are so clever...why cant you spell ??? :D  Colour does have a "U" in it,  :D

Color don't have no stinkin' 'u' in it and neither does 'flavor'! :D

...old English :D

Even my Thai dictionary spells them as colour, flavour and favour..... :burp::D

That's because Thailand was 'settled' by the Brits. If the Yanks got there first, we'd be driving on the 'right' side of the road and your Thai dictonary would not be using 'Old English'! :D

Get real Boon Mee, when did the Yanks get anywhere first! :o !

Septic spelling is like their education system.....2nd rate! :D !

Edit for typo.....so much for my British education....... :D

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To the Moog, I didn't say or even imply that all thais were uneducated, I simply asked if it was common that the single biggest historical event in the 20th century was not realised by thais in general.

Umm , that was the break-up of the Beatles, right ? :o

To get serious, the invasion by the Japanese, and the death of a couple of hundred thousand Asians (as well as the farang prisoners-of-war) does seem to come as NEWS to many Thais. Wonder why their schoold don't teach this ?

Thailand at the time was allied with the Japanese, now I don't know this for sure buut sinec they were allied and the government at the time was military dictatorship Thais view this time as an embarrassment and there for don't want to teach it to their kids. I have no proof of this is just a suggestion that I have read else where, so truth or not I do not know.


U also don't know much about Thai history. I don't view WWII as d emberrass moment

Thailand was a relatively quiet nation during World War 2, in comparisson with what was happening around them in other countries. But still, Thailand bears a unique history during and after the war. Basically, Thailand managed to survive handsomely and took opportunity to make the best out of every situation.

Prior to the war in the Pacific, Thailand and Japan had close relations. In 1939, Thailand invaded French Indochina to gain back territories in Laos and Cambodia, which was taken by the French in 1893-1901. Japan aided Thailand both with supplying weapons and even pilots to bomb French positions in Cambodia. After the war, Japan mediated the conflict and the French conceded some territory back to Thailand.

During this time, as Japanese were fighting Chinese, Thailand knew that the war would come to Thailand, and that Japan would invade. Soon, Japan invaded French Indochina, and Thais were convinced that they were next.

One day after Pearl Harbor, Japan requested that they are allowed to pass through Thailand to attack Malaysia and Burma, but not stay in Thailand. They would respect Thai sovereignity and not occupy. Thailand denied at first (because the prime minister was not available to make the decision). So Japan invaded and Thai forces fought as best as they could for the next day. Afterwards, the prime minister returned and ordered Thai troops to stop fighting, because to fight the Japanese would be hopeless and that Thailand will be crushed very easily. Half the Cabinet were against surrendering to Japan, and prepared a Thai resistance movement called "Seri Thai".

Afterwards, Thailand became the only Japanese ally in Asia. Thai troops supported Japanese invasion of Burma. Some territory Thailand lost to British and French colonists were return to Thai administration. Thailand was the only fully independent nation during Japanese "occupation". The country had full control over economy, army and population. Thai government declared war on United States and England, and Thailand was officially part of the Axis alliance.

However, despite apparent "support" for Japanese, the entire Thai population hated the Japanese troops. The Thai government did what was best for Thailand and Thai people, and tried it's best to help the Japanese as little as possible. The Free Thai Movement (Seri Thai) was organized directly after Japanese invasion, with the help of Thais in the West. America didn't accept Thai declaration of war, since it was illegal (not all signatures in the Cabinet was signed) and against the will of the Thai people, and supported Thai resistance. The Free Thai Movement became the largest resistance movement in World War 2 in terms of membership. Much of it was based on utter pride and nationalism, since Thais are strong and proud of their nation. During the next year of the war, Thai resistance movement worked against Japanese army. Thai agents rescued Allied pilots shot down over Thailand and had close connections with Allied forces.

After the war when Japan surrendered, Thailand faced serious problems from the Allies, since it could be said that Thailand was also the enemy. England was determined to occupy Thailand with Allied troops for example, since it took the declaration of war seriously. But political and skillful diplomacy (same way as how Thailand remained independent from Western colonists) by the Free Thai Movement in saying that Thailand was on the Allied side, assured Thailand that it was free from trouble.

Basically, it didn't matter who won WW2, Thailand would've, more or less, been on the victorious side.

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