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British Drug Dealers Arrested


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Pattaya Police arrest 6 people, 5 from England with Cocaine, Ecstasy and Marijuana.

We joined a team of undercover Pattaya Police Officers on a drugs raid over the weekend which led to the arrest of 5 people from England and one Thai man and the seizure of 5 grams of Marijuana, 61.8 Grams of Ecstasy, and 215.7 grams of Cocaine.

Police began the operation with the arrest of Mr. Mark Freely aged 45 from England at the Yensabai Condotel in South Pattaya, acting on an arrest warrant which indicated that he was wanted on Cocaine possession charges. He was detained and Police took him to his room where they found a further 5 people inside, three men and one woman from England and one Thai man. Police saw evidence of Marijuana and Ecstasy on the coffee table but no signs of any Cocaine. Mr. Freely fully cooperated with officers and led them to a locker at the Escape Rental Company in Soi Diana Inn, where he admitted to stashing a supply of cocaine. Back at Pattaya Police Station detailed checks were made on the seized drugs and it was confirmed that they were indeed Cocaine and Ecstasy. A bag of glucose was also discovered which Police tell us was used as a mixing agent for the Cocaine. Mr. Freely confessed to purchasing the drugs from an unnamed English agent on Walking Street which Police are currently following up.

In addition to the arrest of Mr. Freely, Mr. Dean Hanold aged 40, Mr. Lee Spence aged 37, Mr. Nicky Milburu aged 26 and Miss Nicola Allen aged 34 all from England along with Khun Sumit aged 18 from Thailand were all detained.

Mr. Freely will be charged with possession and dealing in class 1 illegal drugs and the others will be charged with possession only. The British Embassy in Bangkok has been informed of the case and are now working with the Police.


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Thats a lot of coca

Pattaya Police arrest 6 people, 5 from England with Cocaine, Ecstasy and Marijuana.


We joined a team of undercover Pattaya Police Officers on a drugs raid over the weekend which led to the arrest of 5 people from England and one Thai man and the seizure of 5 grams of Marijuana, 61.8 Grams of Ecstasy, and 215.7 grams of Cocaine.

Police began the operation with the arrest of Mr. Mark Freely aged 45 from England at the Yensabai Condotel in South Pattaya, acting on an arrest warrant which indicated that he was wanted on Cocaine possession charges. He was detained and Police took him to his room where they found a further 5 people inside, three men and one woman from England and one Thai man. Police saw evidence of Marijuana and Ecstasy on the coffee table but no signs of any Cocaine. Mr. Freely fully cooperated with officers and led them to a locker at the Escape Rental Company in Soi Diana Inn, where he admitted to stashing a supply of cocaine. Back at Pattaya Police Station detailed checks were made on the seized drugs and it was confirmed that they were indeed Cocaine and Ecstasy. A bag of glucose was also discovered which Police tell us was used as a mixing agent for the Cocaine. Mr. Freely confessed to purchasing the drugs from an unnamed English agent on Walking Street which Police are currently following up.

In addition to the arrest of Mr. Freely, Mr. Dean Hanold aged 40, Mr. Lee Spence aged 37, Mr. Nicky Milburu aged 26 and Miss Nicola Allen aged 34 all from England along with Khun Sumit aged 18 from Thailand were all detained.

Mr. Freely will be charged with possession and dealing in class 1 illegal drugs and the others will be charged with possession only. The British Embassy in Bangkok has been informed of the case and are now working with the Police.


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Briton facing Thai death sentence

A 47-year-old man from Birmingham is facing a death sentence in Thailand after being charged with trafficking cocaine in the resort of Pattaya.

Mark Freely a former bar owner in Pattaya was charged with trafficking in a kilo of cocaine and was refused bail.

Four other Britons were remanded on bail on suspicion of using cocaine.

Jack Dean, 40, Lee Spence, 37, Nicholas Millburn, 26, and Nicola Allan, 34, from London are said to have tested positive for drugs.

Reduced to life

The arrests were made when police raided Mr Freely's apartment in Pattaya - 100 miles east of Bangkok - on Saturday after being tipped off by a Thai friend of his and found small amounts of cocaine.

Mr Freely was later led to a safety deposit box at an office in Bokaew Road, Pattaya, where police said they discovered 60 bags of cocaine.

If convicted Freely will face the death sentence, however the sentence has always been reduced to life in the case of all westerners arrested on serious drugs charges in Thailand.

A British Embassy official said Mr Freely had been visited and offered advice.


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"The arrests were made when police raided Mr Freely's apartment in Pattaya - 100 miles east of Bangkok - on Saturday after being tipped off by a Thai friend of his and found small amounts of cocaine."

Some <deleted> friend :o

But still a nobjockey to be involved in drugs :D

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Pattaya Police arrest 6 people, 5 from England with Cocaine, Ecstasy and Marijuana.


We joined a team of undercover Pattaya Police Officers on a drugs raid over the weekend which led to the arrest of 5 people from England and one Thai man and the seizure of 5 grams of Marijuana, 61.8 Grams of Ecstasy, and 215.7 grams of Cocaine.

Police began the operation with the arrest of Mr. Mark Freely aged 45 from England at the Yensabai Condotel in South Pattaya, acting on an arrest warrant which indicated that he was wanted on Cocaine possession charges. He was detained and Police took him to his room where they found a further 5 people inside, three men and one woman from England and one Thai man. Police saw evidence of Marijuana and Ecstasy on the coffee table but no signs of any Cocaine. Mr. Freely fully cooperated with officers and led them to a locker at the Escape Rental Company in Soi Diana Inn, where he admitted to stashing a supply of cocaine. Back at Pattaya Police Station detailed checks were made on the seized drugs and it was confirmed that they were indeed Cocaine and Ecstasy. A bag of glucose was also discovered which Police tell us was used as a mixing agent for the Cocaine. Mr. Freely confessed to purchasing the drugs from an unnamed English agent on Walking Street which Police are currently following up.

In addition to the arrest of Mr. Freely, Mr. Dean Hanold aged 40, Mr. Lee Spence aged 37, Mr. Nicky Milburu aged 26 and Miss Nicola Allen aged 34 all from England along with Khun Sumit aged 18 from Thailand were all detained.

Mr. Freely will be charged with possession and dealing in class 1 illegal drugs and the others will be charged with possession only. The British Embassy in Bangkok has been informed of the case and are now working with the Police.


Briton facing Thai death sentence

A 47-year-old man from Birmingham is facing a death sentence in Thailand after being charged with trafficking cocaine in the resort of Pattaya.

Mark Freely a former bar owner in Pattaya was charged with trafficking in a kilo of cocaine and was refused bail.

Four other Britons were remanded on bail on suspicion of using cocaine.

Jack Dean, 40, Lee Spence, 37, Nicholas Millburn, 26, and Nicola Allan, 34, from London are said to have tested positive for drugs.

Reduced to life

The arrests were made when police raided Mr Freely's apartment in Pattaya - 100 miles east of Bangkok - on Saturday after being tipped off by a Thai friend of his and found small amounts of cocaine.

Mr Freely was later led to a safety deposit box at an office in Bokaew Road, Pattaya, where police said they discovered 60 bags of cocaine.

If convicted Freely will face the death sentence, however the sentence has always been reduced to life in the case of all westerners arrested on serious drugs charges in Thailand.

A British Embassy official said Mr Freely had been visited and offered advice.


As is common, there are some major differences in two published reports about Thailand, in this case between the PCN and the BBC.


Cocaine amount:

215g versus 1 Kilo... a rather large difference, I'd say


45 versus 47.... although age is almost always a "given" in any 2 reports about Thailand... :D


ok, also a "given".. :D

Mr. Dean Hanold aged 40 versus Jack Dean, 40

although due diligence is shown in the sameness of thee name and age for Lee Spence and only one letter discrepancy for Mr. Milbur(u/n) and a mutual agreement that "Nicky" is an acceptable same nickname for "Nicholas." Then right back in full agreement on the only woman in the case, Miss Nicola.


BBC doesn't mention the lone Thai involved.... the 18 year-old :o Khun Sumit.

Drugs Involved:

BBC doesn't mention the marijuana and ectasy... although I'd say against a possible death sentence for trafficking cocaine, one "Blunt" and some "E" aren't gonna matter much.

There's also some others but my favorite one is the role of the British Embassy in Bangkok and their involvement.... sounds like opposing sides by the opposing reports:


"The British Embassy in Bangkok has been informed of the case and are now working with the Police."


"A British Embassy official said Mr Freely had been visited and offered advice."


yeah, I can just imagine the advice they give him when they are "working with the police."....


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This one should read before  :o



I read that book a couple of years ago and was horrified to discover the appauling conditions that the Thai authorities subject foreign prisoners to. It sickened me to a point that from that time I will never, ever, give evidence against anyone, no matter how serious their crimes, if the prospect of a stay in the Hilton beckons them. The conditions are far worse than Thai's would face in a western country and their government would soon have something to say if, for example, UK prisons had seperate blocks for Thai prisoners with conditions and regimes similar to those imopsed on foriegners locked up in the Hilton. I am a believer in custodial sentences. Loss of freedom, yes, luxuries, no, but not to the point where inmates are made to sleep on the floor in rat infested cells and have to be deaths door before medical attention is even considered.

The British Embassy will no doubt be worse than useless, I have little confidence in it at the best of times. It doesn't exist to protect British nationals, just British interests. The two are poles apart.

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The British Embassy will no doubt be worse than useless, I have little confidence in it at the best of times. It doesn't exist to protect British nationals, just British interests. The two are poles apart.

very true :o

and i would also second the idea of any prospective drug dealer to read damage done

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If you've got the time, inclination, connections etc

Why deal drugs in Thailand?

You could make more money with less risk in the UK...

Like I said...thick :o

Yep too right.

Perhaps they have screwed people in the West.(users or dealers) and are in LOS to "get away".

Have a toke at home. But never in LOS.

I know the consequences.

Whatever: DUMB DUMB DUMB....

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Sriracha John,

I have to say that in this case, the BBC information is incorrect. They would not have had a BBC reporter at the scene and would have used a Thai journalist. Maybe they buy stories from one of the other local publications. I can confirm their information is wrong. In front of the drugs at Pattaya Police Station were details, in Thai language, of the exact quantities of drugs seized which is what I stated in the story. Regarding the names of the arrestees, I have pictures of their passports, which I did not show. I am glad to see that the BBC gets it wrong sometimes. :o

Maybe they need a new agent in Pattaya, possibly PCN :D

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I wish people would stop promoting this book written by a convicted drug smuggler. Fellows was not an innocent who made a mistake, it was not the first time he had smuggled drugs, it was the first time he had been caught in Thailand. He tried to make a quick buck from drugs and got caught, now he is again making money from drugs but in a different way. :D

Under current laws this book would never have been written, and although it may serve as a warning to some, to others it is a guide on "not what to do if you want to smuggle drugs" :o

I dont need to read or buy the book as I dont intend to smuggle drugs anywhere at anytime.

Nuff said......so now you wouldnt give evidence or assist the police in Thailand in the apprehension of a criminal.....That sir makes you as guilty as the person who commits the crime. :D

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there have been a number of UK TV documentaries about the prison and the embassy staff who are responsible for the UK felons there .they dont appear to be anything special, just female clerks who cant even speak any thai , they dont even appear to have any idea about thai ways or how to cope. Its not as if they are social workers skilled in how to deal with these prisoners.

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Back in November when I was last over pretty much every time I passed the Best friends beer bar complex on the beach side of the road a Thai muppet would approach me offering ecstacy and cocaine. Every time I would do a body swerve not even making eye contact with bloke. A persistant guy he would always follow for about 10 paces repeating his offer before I could get away. I must say I found him a pretty unpleasant charachter and he was really beginning to piss me off. No doubt he is still there as I have never bumped into thai police " on the beat". Is patrolling on foot a Thai police method? I think not.


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