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Confused - Multy Entry Non-b Work Permit

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Ive just been issued my work permit by my company - before arriving here I applied for and recieved a non-immigrant B multiple entry visa.

Im and now confused as to whether I have to get a re-entry permit to leave the country or does my multiple entry visa let me do that - i have looked around on the website and im just not sure

So no flaming please for an easy to answr question



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If you do not get an extended entry permit, your work permit will expire at the end of your present 90 day entry permit. When you return from your visa run, you will have to reapply for a new work permit validation.

If you get an extended entry permit, you then no longer need to leave Thailand every 90 days - and your work permit can be renewed for a period to match your extended entry permit. Once you are in that extended status - that is when you need to get a reentry permit beforeleaving tahiland - otherwise your entry permit is cancelled, and you have to sytart that process over (and poossibly geta fresh visa, depending on what type of visa you started with).

Getting an extended entry permit generally requires that your employer have two million baht registerted capital and four Thai employees for each work permit - although there are exceptions.

Good luck!



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cheers for that

I can get a re-entry - they pay for it - will need to do it soon as im off on my holidays soon.

The visa i came in on was a multi b 1 year - i got it in seoul - after much you only need single entry from the embassy they finally gave me a multi b - looks like i dont need it now- all that hard work for nothing

I dont recomend seoul embassy for friendlyness but they come up with the goods

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