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Obama In Afghanistan: Defeat Of Al-Qaeda "Within Our Reach"


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Obama in Afghanistan: Defeat of al-Qaeda "within our reach"

2012-05-02 20:39:56 GMT+7 (ICT)

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (BNO NEWS) -- U.S. President Barack Obama, during an unannounced and secretive visit to Afghanistan on Tuesday, told the American people that the time of war will soon end and defeat of al-Qaeda is within reach.Under the cover of darkness, Obama arrived in Afghanistan to sign a ten-page strategic partnership agreement pledging U.S. support for Afghanistan for a decade after 2014, when coalition forces are scheduled to conclude their combat role in the war-torn country. It ended with a ten-minute address to the American people."I've come to Afghanistan to mark a historic moment for our two nations, and to do so on Afghan soil," Obama said during the signing ceremony, which coincided with the first anniversary of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden's death. "I'm here to affirm the bonds between our countries, to thank American and Afghans who have sacrificed so much over these last 10 years, and to look forward to a future of peace and security and greater prosperity for our nations."During the address to the nation, Obama said the 'tide has turned' over the last three years. "We broke the Taliban's momentum. We've built strong Afghan security forces. We devastated al-Qaeda's leadership, taking out over 20 of their top 30 leaders," he said, adding that the goal to defeat al-Qaeda and deny it a chance to rebuild is now 'within reach.'Obama recognized there will still be difficult days ahead, but that a transition to Afghan responsibility for security has now begun. "International troops will continue to train, advise and assist the Afghans, and fight alongside them when needed," he told Americans. "But we will shift into a support role as Afghans step forward."As the multinational coalition hands over more regions to Afghan security forces, foreign troops will be able to return home. "Last year, we removed 10,000 U.S. troops from Afghanistan," Obama said. "Another 23,000 will leave by the end of the summer. After that, reductions will continue at a steady pace, with more and more of our troops coming home."Obama also confirmed his administration has been in direct discussions with the Taliban for a negotiated peace. "We've made it clear that they (the Taliban) can be a part of this future if they break with al-Qaeda, renounce violence and abide by Afghan laws," he said. "Many members of the Taliban - from foot soldiers to leaders - have indicated an interest in reconciliation."Obama, who is expected to face a tough re-election campaign against Republican Mitt Romney later this year, recognized that many Americans are tired of war. "We've traveled through more than a decade under the dark cloud of war," he said. "Yet here, in the pre-dawn darkness of Afghanistan, we can see the light of a new day on the horizon. The Iraq war is over. The number of our troops in harm's way has been cut in half, and more will soon be coming home. We have a clear path to fulfill our mission in Afghanistan, while delivering justice to al-Qaeda."He added: "This time of war began in Afghanistan and this is where it will end. With faith in each other and our eyes fixed on the future, let us finish the work at hand and forge a just and lasting peace."

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-- 2012-05-02

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Sadly the US is confused about the whole blood and silver concept. With us you get both but its gold instead of silver. We just need to support India over Pakistan and let the Afgans go back to oppressing women and killing each other. Why the United States needs to rebuild our enemies is beyond me. Destroy them leave a black hole in the ground as a warning to anyone else who wants to fight. Same applies to North Korea threaten our allies pay a price other than getting rewarded with aid. You do not have to like America but we don't have to like you also and our stick is much bigger!<I know China blah blah blah but their idea of an aircraft carrier is a failed floating hotel> Our current president has failed in the International politics game by being weak.

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Sadly the US is confused about the whole blood and silver concept. With us you get both but its gold instead of silver. We just need to support India over Pakistan and let the Afgans go back to oppressing women and killing each other. Why the United States needs to rebuild our enemies is beyond me. Destroy them leave a black hole in the ground as a warning to anyone else who wants to fight. Same applies to North Korea threaten our allies pay a price other than getting rewarded with aid. You do not have to like America but we don't have to like you also and our stick is much bigger!<I know China blah blah blah but their idea of an aircraft carrier is a failed floating hotel> Our current president has failed in the International politics game by being weak.

Rick, Sorry but you are clouding the issue with facts , why not post some BS once in a while? it's much appreciated by many on this forum !. Edited by Colin Yai
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After reading this i had to check to make sure it isn't April 1st! Reminds me of G W Bush's mission accomplished speech on the aircraft carrier. Is there an election in the US coming up by any chance? "Defeat of AL Qaeda is within reach"? How does Obama square this with Nato's military support for Al Qaeda in Libya, which has resulted in Al Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood etc running the show there now with chaotic results? Surely he is deluding himself. And as for the Taliban in Afghanistan, he has already very kindly told them that we will be leaving them to it in 2014. Within a short while after that things will be back to square one, The Taliban running the show, the useful idiot Karzai long gone, spending more time with his bank accounts in The West. The adventure in Afghanistan has been a disaster for The US and the coalition, thousands of service personnel killed, many thousands more coming home maimed, without limbs, blinded etc. This is still happening on a daily basis, and will increase in the build up to 2014. Their ultimate sacrifice will have achieved nothing in the long run, the Politicians responsible for sending them there should hang their heads in shame. It will end in humiliation, no matter how much positive BS spin Obama tries to put on it. Will the last one scrambling aboard the helicopter on the embassy roof in Kabul close the door behind them.

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and defeat of al-Qaeda is within reach

You can't defeat Al-Qaeda, it is a ghost army headed by a ghost martyr who carried out the most infamous terrorist attack in history. Almost every country in the world has groups of people who consider Bin Laden a messenger of god. You can't actually defeat a martyr of that scale or the ideologies that he preached, they are always part of the cultural currency in certain communities. The fact he was an arrogant rich playboy who was shoehorned into the role of desert-warrior, is not even mentioned in some quarters where he is considered holy.

Obama is actually starting to believe his own speeches. This speech is like some Jihad Drive-Thru, all quick and efficient and we paid our money and got our order and now we drive home and thankyou very much. Sadly the picture is global and new al-qaeda followers are born all the time. Its too loose-fit and ephemeral to lock onto, ultimately the only people who can defeat this problem are the people who actually preach it to begin with, and that is not happening.

Edited by Yunla
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Al- Qaeda is not a network,group or organisation that can be identified, then defeated. It is an ideology which therefore cannot be defeated. The sooner everybody realizes this the sooner those in a position to do so can withdraw all the lads fighting a mythological network/group/organistation.

Even the man himself OBL is on the record as having said that he had never heard the term 'Al-Qaeda' until the US government started branding it around after 9/11.

Smelling salts anybody ?? blink.png

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Do grown ups really still believe that Al Qaida is a real Terrorist organisation once headed by the late OBL? Really?

It is a creation of the CIA and OBL was its Boogeyman, kids realise that by now.


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It is indeed a coincidence that Al Qaeda are close to defeat in an election year. Only today I read an article stating OBL was apparently unhappy at the disorganization of some elements of Al Qaeda and especially unhappy with the zeal some were slaughtering fellow Muslims, especially in Pakistan, instead of concentrating on targeting Americans. Coming to think of it this may have been born of frustration not being able to hit back at drones, which makes me even more in favour of them. I guess I will as a precaution leave my AK47 at home when I next do a visa run though. :)

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Thanks folium

from the article.

The Washington Post reported this week that the CIA wants permission to be able to strike suspected terrorists in Yemen using its drones even if it does not know who they are.


Watch out any indigenous tribes people that carry AK 47's for security and personal safety. Everyone's going to be on the hit list for a drone attack now. Isn't this all too much big brother-ish? Now moving in to Yemen to carry out drone attacks on people even if they don't know who they are?

Every time something like this is sanctioned, we all become a little more desensitized to the constant forceful erosion of our freedom and liberty, and then in 15 years........gazump! and non of us will have seen it coming

Just to get you really worried re drone useage beyond Yemen check this out:


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The topic is not specifically about drones, so please keep that in mind when posting.

Certainly the use of drones in law enforcement in the US is off-topic, but I'll not lounge around my pool naked in the US unless I want the video leaked to "America's Funniest Videos"....oh wait, I don't live there and I don't have a pool.

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The topic is not specifically about drones, so please keep that in mind when posting.

Certainly the use of drones in law enforcement in the US is off-topic, but I'll not lounge around my pool naked in the US unless I want the video leaked to "America's Funniest Videos"....oh wait, I don't live there and I don't have a pool.

Perhaps the BIB will be getting some drones soon, so beware!

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The topic is not specifically about drones, so please keep that in mind when posting.

Certainly the use of drones in law enforcement in the US is off-topic, but I'll not lounge around my pool naked in the US unless I want the video leaked to "America's Funniest Videos"....oh wait, I don't live there and I don't have a pool.

Nope those videos would be on 'Embarrassing Bodies" biggrin.png (channel 15, 16 or 17 isn't it) and they get you anywhere..................I can hear nothing outside so it must be black helicopters coming wink.png

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Quite hard to destroy something that doesn't exist.

Al Qaeda is a fictitious organization created by the FBI in order to use US laws to implicate Osama bin Laden as the head of a terrorist organization, thus allowing him to be prosecuted for the embassy bombings in Kenya and Nairobi in 1998.

Just a group of loosely bound nutters with an ideology instilled by Ayman al Zawahiri.

Obama is reaching for every trick in the book to get re-elected and is as transparent as a piece of glass. Anything to continue the culture of fear that the US government perpetuates over it's electorate.

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AQ is one small part of a larger battle, maybe even a war. AQ can be neutralized, but the ideology behind it will not. The pendulum moves back and forth and right now it seems that it is swinging further away from any type of understanding and reconciliation.

I think the problems transcend religion and the causes are more complex than culture alone.

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