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U.S. Unemployment Rate Drops To 8.1 Percent, Lowest In 3 Years


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U.S. unemployment rate drops to 8.1 percent, lowest in 3 years < br /> 2012-05-05 04:06:42 GMT+7 (ICT) WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- The unemployment rate in the United States fell to 8.1 percent in the month of April, reaching its lowest level in three years, the U.S. Labor Department (DoL) reported Friday.In the April 2012 Employment Situation report, numbers showed that the U.S. labor market added 130,000 private sector jobs in the month of April, marking the 26th consecutive month in which private sector jobs have been added. The monthly figures have helped bring down the country's jobless rate.In the years before and during the deep recession, millions of manufacturing jobs were lost. However, the economy has added 485,000 manufacturing jobs in the past 26 months. On average, the U.S. has added 207,000 private sector jobs in the past four months, as the labor market added 53,000 more private sector jobs in February and March than previously had been reported."I would characterize our growth as durable and steady," stated Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis, noting that the national unemployment rate has fallen a full point in the last eight months. "Layoffs are continuing to come down and are now back to 2006 levels."In April, the largest gains — 62,000 new jobs — were in good-paying business and professional services careers, that is, more architects, engineers, computer programmers and consultants have been finding jobs, Solis noted. In addition, the country also added another 19,000 manufacturing jobs in April. Solis also underlined that under the Obama administration, the country has created more than 4.2 million private sector jobs. "We are seeing a resilient U.S. labor market continuing to recover from the deepest recession since the Great Depression," Solis stated. "But there are still too many unemployed workers who still need assistance to get retrained to get back to work. We're on the right path, and we know our recovery would be even stronger if Congress hadn't blocked almost every single proposed investment in the American Jobs Act." tvn.png

-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-05-05

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If the President spends money to create jobs, then he's a socialist. If he doesn't he gets hit by the right wingers for messing with the economy. The president doesn't control the economy. The economy will continue to sputter along. If Romney wins, it will still be a bad economy; the only difference is the rich will get their ever increasing slice of the resources available.

The Bush administration had a nice big party. It was a mobile party and moved all over the world. When the bash was over, the US had more enemies than friends and the party cost more than anyone could afford to pay. Obama now gets to clean up after the party.

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Good News for Obama bad news for Romney he can never beat the top dog. Peace

Obama supporters are delusional .

Read the transcript from an interview with ‘Occupy Wall Street‘ organizer Harrison Schultz

when he genuinely believes everything should be free and no one will need to pay for it

HANNITY: And if you have children and you need day care, should the government give you day care?


HANNITY: And the government should give you a house to live in? Should the government give you a house? Give you transportation to get to work?

SCHULTZ: Yes, basic necessities such as these things should not be given to us by the government. The government and corporations should get off our backs — so we can actually do those things?

HANNITY: Who is going to pay for your house, car, dental care, health care, education, who pays for that?

SCHULTZ: Nobody! It’s free.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


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If the President spends money to create jobs, then he's a socialist. If he doesn't he gets hit by the right wingers for messing with the economy. The president doesn't control the economy. The economy will continue to sputter along. If Romney wins, it will still be a bad economy; the only difference is the rich will get their ever increasing slice of the resources available.

The Bush administration had a nice big party. It was a mobile party and moved all over the world. When the bash was over, the US had more enemies than friends and the party cost more than anyone could afford to pay. Obama now gets to clean up after the party.

The President can't create jobs. All he can do is ask for legislation to create an environment to spur job creators to create jobs. All Obama has done is create the largest deficits and added more to the US National Debt in 3 years (over $ 5 Trillion) than all the presidents up to GHW Bush. He has produced massive regulation increases, created an environment counter to job creation, wasted $Billions on "green" projects as rewards for his cronies. His projected budgets are grossly optimistic (4+% annual GDP growth) and projected $Trillion deficits. Except for the huge industrial base, the US is worse off than Greece.

Obama has pulled more power to the Executive branch of the US government than any other President in history. And all the things he says will make things better are just turning to dog poop. Student loans are now controlled by the Executive branch and are getting scarce. Obamacare (also run by the Executive branch) will not save money but cost several times more than "the saving" would have been, not counting the $500 Billion "double booked" Medicare reduction. He ended the manned space program, he is clueless on policies that would reward work and reward and just wants to create a larger welfare state.

Socialism only works until the government has taken all YOUR money.

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Those posters that are waving the Obama reelection flags might read the following to find out exactly why the percentage has dropped. Even though there were 130,000 private sector jobs added during April, it seems 522,000 dropped from the Labor force active participation roles, thus lowering the percentage.


People Not In Labor Force Soar By 522,000, Labor Force Participation Rate Lowest Since 1981

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/04/2012 08:40 -0400

it is just getting sad now. In April the number of people not in the labor force rose by a whopping 522,000 from 87,897,000 to

88,419,000. This is the highest on record. The flip side, and the reason why the unemployment dropped to 8.1% is that the labor force participation rate just dipped to a new 30 year low of 64.3%.


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If the President spends money to create jobs, then he's a socialist. If he doesn't he gets hit by the right wingers for messing with the economy. The president doesn't control the economy. The economy will continue to sputter along. If Romney wins, it will still be a bad economy; the only difference is the rich will get their ever increasing slice of the resources available.

The Bush administration had a nice big party. It was a mobile party and moved all over the world. When the bash was over, the US had more enemies than friends and the party cost more than anyone could afford to pay. Obama now gets to clean up after the party.

Obama has had over three years to come to the party. It would seem the only parties he chooses to attend are those that cost the participants $35,000 for dinner.

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If the President spends money to create jobs, then he's a socialist. If he doesn't he gets hit by the right wingers for messing with the economy. The president doesn't control the economy. The economy will continue to sputter along. If Romney wins, it will still be a bad economy; the only difference is the rich will get their ever increasing slice of the resources available. The Bush administration had a nice big party. It was a mobile party and moved all over the world. When the bash was over, the US had more enemies than friends and the party cost more than anyone could afford to pay. Obama now gets to clean up after the party.
The President can't create jobs. All he can do is ask for legislation to create an environment to spur job creators to create jobs. All Obama has done is create the largest deficits and added more to the US National Debt in 3 years (over $ 5 Trillion) than all the presidents up to GHW Bush. He has produced massive regulation increases, created an environment counter to job creation, wasted $Billions on "green" projects as rewards for his cronies. His projected budgets are grossly optimistic (4+% annual GDP growth) and projected $Trillion deficits. Except for the huge industrial base, the US is worse off than Greece. Obama has pulled more power to the Executive branch of the US government than any other President in history. And all the things he says will make things better are just turning to dog poop. Student loans are now controlled by the Executive branch and are getting scarce. Obamacare (also run by the Executive branch) will not save money but cost several times more than "the saving" would have been, not counting the $500 Billion "double booked" Medicare reduction. He ended the manned space program, he is clueless on policies that would reward work and reward and just wants to create a larger welfare state. Socialism only works until the government has taken all YOUR money.

The jobs data is showing good news because it is an election year. They have been telling the truth for 3 years since the last election so everybody felt bad, now they are cooking the numbers and everyone feels good!

Obama has not added $5 Trillion to the national debt, the interest payments to the Fed are spiraling out of control and no US President will ever be able to make even a dent in the national debt in the future. Any President in the future will have to make a minimum $2 Trillion a year savings just to keep the debt at the same level. The ONLY person that could have got rid of the US national debt is now out of the race and next time will be too old to run. Ron Paul was the ONLY man with the vision and the kuhoona's to get rid of the Fed as it is unconstitutional, and it's debt is illegal. With the stroke of a pen the US would have been almost back on it's feet, but it appears the US citizens were not brave enough to take off their chains of bondage...which will soon grow very heavy.

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Good jobs news, killing OBL. Yes it is indeed election year. I suspect the economic denouement will be spectacular and will likely require a full scale war to divert the attention of the masses. As for the jobs news I wonder just how many of these jobs will be net creators of wealth which justify their creation after all the subsidies and manipulation are removed. The U.S situation does parallel what happened first in the UK when the socialists caused even more ruin in a last ditch effort to be re-elected. They failed but had certainly succeeded in poisoning the well for their successors for many years to come.

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If the President spends money to create jobs, then he's a socialist. If he doesn't he gets hit by the right wingers for messing with the economy. The president doesn't control the economy. The economy will continue to sputter along. If Romney wins, it will still be a bad economy; the only difference is the rich will get their ever increasing slice of the resources available. The Bush administration had a nice big party. It was a mobile party and moved all over the world. When the bash was over, the US had more enemies than friends and the party cost more than anyone could afford to pay. Obama now gets to clean up after the party.
The President can't create jobs. All he can do is ask for legislation to create an environment to spur job creators to create jobs. All Obama has done is create the largest deficits and added more to the US National Debt in 3 years (over $ 5 Trillion) than all the presidents up to GHW Bush. He has produced massive regulation increases, created an environment counter to job creation, wasted $Billions on "green" projects as rewards for his cronies. His projected budgets are grossly optimistic (4+% annual GDP growth) and projected $Trillion deficits. Except for the huge industrial base, the US is worse off than Greece. Obama has pulled more power to the Executive branch of the US government than any other President in history. And all the things he says will make things better are just turning to dog poop. Student loans are now controlled by the Executive branch and are getting scarce. Obamacare (also run by the Executive branch) will not save money but cost several times more than "the saving" would have been, not counting the $500 Billion "double booked" Medicare reduction. He ended the manned space program, he is clueless on policies that would reward work and reward and just wants to create a larger welfare state. Socialism only works until the government has taken all YOUR money.

The jobs data is showing good news because it is an election year. They have been telling the truth for 3 years since the last election so everybody felt bad, now they are cooking the numbers and everyone feels good!

Obama has not added $5 Trillion to the national debt, the interest payments to the Fed are spiraling out of control and no US President will ever be able to make even a dent in the national debt in the future. Any President in the future will have to make a minimum $2 Trillion a year savings just to keep the debt at the same level. The ONLY person that could have got rid of the US national debt is now out of the race and next time will be too old to run. Ron Paul was the ONLY man with the vision and the kuhoona's to get rid of the Fed as it is unconstitutional, and it's debt is illegal. With the stroke of a pen the US would have been almost back on it's feet, but it appears the US citizens were not brave enough to take off their chains of bondage...which will soon grow very heavy.

PrezBO has indeed added $5 Trillion to the Debt. Tarp (part of Bush's last year in office deficit) has almost all been paid back to the taxpayers, except for the funds diverted by PrezBO to GM and Chrysler.

Ron Paul is bold in pushing for the return to Constitutional government, but his plan would be devastating to the US and world economies. He's also a bit of the crazy uncle in the attic.

I agree that no President can reign in the deficit spending, but only because the President can propose a budget but it's the House, first, and then the Senate that actually puts the budget into law.

Socialism fails whenever and wherever it's been tried.

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Sad that Ron Paul is out of the race, things will now just continue as before, with a president elected by the people who will simply serve the Biderburger Group and the central bankers, which means that US foreign policy will continue to be shaped by them too.

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but what about the 2.2 million that have run out of Unemployment benefit and have now switch to Disability claims

Its all a big Con game the only ones paying the final bill is the General public in Tax and a dollar being destroyed

Ohhh America, Good luck

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Sad that Ron Paul is out of the race, things will now just continue as before, with a president elected by the people who will simply serve the Biderburger Group and the central bankers, which means that US foreign policy will continue to be shaped by them too.

I think you are mistaken , Ron Paul is very much still in the game (literally)

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Sad that Ron Paul is out of the race, things will now just continue as before, with a president elected by the people who will simply serve the Biderburger Group and the central bankers, which means that US foreign policy will continue to be shaped by them too.

I think you are mistaken , Ron Paul is very much still in the game (literally)

absolutely !

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