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Do You Keep In Touch With Your Ex Boyfriends?


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I left my ex Thai b/f about 3 years ago as he was incredibly difficult to live with. He is the type who takes 2 hours to get ready whereas I was ready to go in 20 minutes. Oh how I tried to accept this behavior and his liking for living in a mess but after 2 years I decided enough was enough.

At the time I don’t think he understood why I was leaving him. He blamed his looks or thought I had another guy which I didn’t. He became very depressed and insecure about himself. Actually he has never been happy with his look so the just magnified his self consciousness.

Since our breakup we have remained good friends, though we did go through a rocky patch when he found out I had a new b/f. It just so happened, that one of his colleagues from work was doing the same Master’s degree as my new boyfriend. Somehow he made a connection and found out and he became terribly jealous. I guess that was understandable as he always thought we would get back together at some point no matter how many times I said my life had moved on.

He got over it and we often call each other, chat on MSN or meet for the odd lunch as I no longer live in Bangkok. He always calls me when he has problems with guys or needs help with job applications or his English. I think our relationship is now stronger than when we were together. My current boyfriend doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body, which also surprises me, so dealing with my ex has never been an issue.

Am I just lucky or is it the nature of Thais to accept that it’s over and move on?

Edited by DUMPSTER
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I left my ex Thai b/f about 3 years ago as he was incredibly difficult to live with. ..... He always calls me when he has problems with guys or needs help with job applications or his English. I think our relationship is now stronger than when we were together. My current boyfriend doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body, which also surprises me, so dealing with my ex has never been an issue.

Am I just lucky or is it the nature of Thais to accept that it’s over and move on?

To answer the question, based on only one LTR with a Thai gay man, I think it's not that unusual, yet maybe it is (how would we know?).

When we broke up, my b/f honestly cried. But he got over it. Now we're friends, even occasional lovers! He called last week to wish me happy holidays. When I go back there, I see him.

There are some personality types who clash with my type (in any country). They don't make long term lovers. If their levels of cleanliness, laziness, intelligence, etc., clash strongly with my lifestyle, we can't maintain. I think I was very lucky to have the b/f I had, and I'm glad we're still friends.

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