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Stomach Aches!


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I find about once a month or 2, I get a terrible stomach ache that infringes on my entire day. It's not a usual sick feeling, but more of a strong, pulsing stomach ache that lasts for about 1-2 days. (I'm sure you have had this at some point)

I keep wondering if it's the food or the water / ice cubes. I have since avoided most street vendors, especially the soups, which has cut down on the incidents, but I still experience this from time to time. It really sucks!

Any ideas on the exact cause of this? I never exerienced this in America, & I have been in Thailand for 10 months now..


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Stress? - when u got stress , your stomuch inner linning gland secret more HCl acid (gastric juice) makes irritate itself

Bacterial Gastritis - nowaday we found that ,some bacteria are a cause of gastritis

you'd go to see a doc for find out :o

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I was the same. When you say stomach ache I guess you mean bowel ache. Bowel spasm etc. I pinned it down to water and ice cubes.

There is no real cure, try sweet black tea or peppermint essence.

Gastritis is altogether different; more a a stabbing, gnawing pain in the centre of the chest, ie stomach, too much food and drink or a bacterial cause.

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What you have may well be nothing and I don't want to alarm you but, my mate suffered stomach aches, similar to what you have described.

His doctor was treating him for gastro but the pains persisted. His son recommended that he seek advice from another doctor, which he did.

The second doctor rushed him straight into hospital where he died four weeks later.

His stomach was riddled with cancer.

Never ignore pain, get it checked out.

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are you experiencing stomach aches or indigestion?

the reason I ask is because at times I experience this indigestion that seems to never stop.

...one day, I discussed the matter with some friends, and they suggested I stop eating "wheat products".

...something about yeast.

also, when you stop eating wheats, also stop eating sugar based products like sodas which feed the yeast.

I did this last week, and get this, my extreme indigestion disappeared. just like that.

I'm eating a lot of rice-based stuff, vegetables, and fruits now. drink only water and milk.

my friend mentioned something called "candida".

so, I looked it up on www.curezone.com. interesting reading...

especially the sections on parasite cleansing and liver flushes.

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oh. forgot to mention...

back in the states, I used to eat a lot of wheat based stuff like bread and never had any problems. so, I'm thinking it may be the wheat here.

something about the wheat here that is different from the wheat in the states. ..maybe how it is processed?

just guessing...

doesn't matter to me anymore anyway. I'm off of eating wheat stuff here now.

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I get terrible stomach (lower) spasms the day after eating eggs.  Also when crapping it has mucas..

This I am told is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and the eggs trigger off an "attack"

I can eat everything else fine..  :o

totster  :D

Thats no good, couldnt live without eggs!!! the bacon and sausages would look lonely. :D

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