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Most Women In Isaan Drink: Poll


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or we should poll, are Isan women who drink doing so to forget their lives in the sex industry?

I would imagine you know few women in the sex industry. If you did you would know the drug of choice is not booze but yaba.

Women enter the industry of their own free will. Currently the ladies in the industry see the Foreign NGO's as a bigger threat and more harmful influence than the industry workers at any level. You might want to read, "

Hit & Run

The impact of anti trafficking

policy and practice on

Sex Worker’s Human Rights in


Edited by kerryk
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Hmm apologise if already said - but looking at the topic....

Does a bear **** in the woods?

Just a joke....... My whitish missus was born in phitsanulok just outside the Issan region and rarely drinks.... pity......

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My other point is...so, what? I like to have a few beers and so does my Isaan wife. Whose business is it besides our own?

I'm sure your and your wife's casual drinking is no big deal. However, when looked at in the perspective of Chalerm's War on Drugs, it takes another significance. Chalerm says drug users and drug dealers should be killed. Alcohol is a drug. Not only is it a drug, it is Thailand's most dangerous drug. Fortunately for you, your wife and Chalerm, alcoholic drinks are your favorite drug, so it's outside the radar for Chalerm's death to druggies campaign.

Actually, alcohol is a solvent. It is also not my favorite drug; it's just the only one I can buy legally. I oppose the so-called War on Drugs here in America, but in Thailand I have no influence and stick to my favorite beer, Chang.
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Enough with the posts assuming that all Isaan women have been in the sex industry. It may reflect the women you have been around, but it does not reflect Isaan women in general.

Although we are not supposed to comment on moderation, this is an excellent example of moderation ;) (now don't ban me or delete this for the comment ;) )

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a sampling of 400 is a fairly weak poll, but their conclusions are even weaker. They drink because they are barred from having independent viewpoints?

How about they drink because it is readily available, addictive, and you get drunk.

Fairly weak.

More akin to bogus. 400 inquiries doesn't measure anything.

Actually, if one knows Isaan at all, you'd know that the opposite applies.

80% of females don't drink.

If they do drink it is very lightly. 3 drinks would put most of them out.

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Isaan women only drink when there is a weding or new year party, ect and not all there will drink only a few,,, the women that do drink are the X bar girls or those on holiday from thier work in Pattaya, Phuket and they can have money sent too them from stupid farang for drinking and playing cards and suport thier thai husband/boyfriend, hehehehe;-)

also woman can and do have opinions and express then when they feel the need.

Not entirely true. About the bar girls, I mean. There are no bar girls in the village I stay in. Many of the under 30 crowd will drink but very little. Older than that and I doubt they even know what it tastes like.

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Dr.Tuner-out of reality. Do you live in RURAL Thailand--I think NO or you wouldn't have said older people rarely drink. Near ALL drink. Before coming out with that please get amongst the country people, and city. 31 years here and I have lived near all areas town and country, the ladies are the same all areas. Near every house on occasions will have the white whisky and water at the ready. sat on a mat in a circle taking it in turns to swig. Normally head of family is the one who serves. if you had a top ten on what they do with their lives, this does vary according to age---EAT-mobile-drink-music-motor bike -sleep gamble-argue (re enacting -TV soap )

You have obviously not lived in the village I live in. The older people rarely drink, the older ladies never drink, the younger one may imbibe but in minimal amounts. The men on the other hand do not know when to stop and only do when all of the money the wives allow them, is exhausted.

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The posters that say that Issan women do not drink much, either do not get about much, do not live in a village, or fly by in their cars, or my misses doesn't drink. Because living in rural Thailand most women drink beer-a quarter will drink lao khao. WINES who on earth can relate wines to Issan women, They are nearly all non winers. In rural karaoke bars, young and older women also drink Sang Som, Blend 285, Pipers, Hong Tong. THIS IS GENERAL-normal the thread is correct, but there are a few sheltered exceptions.

I live in a village. Your stats do not fit in this village. So it is obvious that the original article was wrong as it was probably taken in one small area. Issan is huge.

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Isaan women only drink when there is a weding or new year party, ect and not all there will drink only a few,,, the women that do drink are the X bar girls or those on holiday from thier work in Pattaya, Phuket and they can have money sent too them from stupid farang for drinking and playing cards and suport thier thai husband/boyfriend, hehehehe;-)

also woman can and do have opinions and express then when they feel the need.

Not entirely true. About the bar girls, I mean. There are no bar girls in the village I stay in. Many of the under 30 crowd will drink but very little. Older than that and I doubt they even know what it tastes like.

Chicken with an after taste of you look lovely.
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In some cases, you may have to go deeper than what appears on the surface. For a long time after I moved to the village I didn't think the women drank. But as time went on I discovered many women drink in secret, often together and hit the cheap, hard stuff frequently which is concealed. One in her 60's was once caught by her husband and beaten badly; I saw her face after the tongue lashing which shocked me. Almost none of the women in my village worked in the bars. One who had drinks in the open as do the men of course. A few women don't appear to drink at all along with a very few men. So for my village I would say the title matches even though it is not socially accepted. This is just a small data point and seems to vary village to village.

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monkeys chew on millipedes to get stoned from their yellow juice

birds eat over-ripe berries to get drunk

People drink all sorts of fermented sugars to get drunk

Difference is , monkeys and birds don't then go and beat their mates to a pulp, or drive cars in to other cars.

Does your monkey have a car?

I don't own any monkeys. If I did, I wouldn't give them 'mon keys' to drive. seriously though, how much higher are we fellow hominids on the evolutionary ladder? It's also debatable whether monkeys would make better drivers than drunk humans.

Let me ask you a question: if you had a lovely teenage daughter, would you be ok with her riding across town on the back of a motorbike ridden by a drunk Thai woman?

From the following headlines, it does not appear that we have evolved much.

"Chimps Trade Meat for Sex -- And It Works"

"German study shows chimps trade sex for food"

"Chimpanzees exchange meat for sex"

"Chimps Trade Meat for the Chance of Sex"

"Chimps 'trade' just like humans - and some even indulge in 'the oldest profession'"

"Do Monkeys Pay for Sex?"

"It turns out that one of humanity's oldest professions may be even older than we thought"

A study of donkeys found the following: if a life-sized rear photo of a female donkey is placed near to a bowl of food, the male will go stare at the photo to the extent of not eating - and die of starvation. Not sure if it works for monkeys or humans.

btw, I've exchanging meat for sex, if you count sliced pepperoni on pizza - though it only worked about one out of eighteen times. I've thought of offering my personal unsliced pepperoni, but quickly banished the thought, though maybe a photo would work. I faintly recall a US senator got caught trying that in the hallowed halls of Congress recently. Hmmmm.

Edited by maidu
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A study of donkeys found the following: if a life-sized rear photo of a female donkey is placed near to a bowl of food, the male will go stare at the photo to the extent of not eating - and die of starvation. Not sure if it works for monkeys or humans.

I suppose it would depend on your level of sexual attraction to donkeys.

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Isan woman drink to forget what they had to do when they were young for money to bail their families out of poverty. What would be a good poll is how many Isan women worked in the sex industry to help their poor families.

Great idea and a poll in Bangkok for how many hi so Thai Chinese ladies married well to help their families get richer than they were before the marriage.

Or we just do a poll as to how many Thai women think it is easier to fall in love with a rich guy than a poor guy?

Or why limit it to Thai women. Do a world wide poll.

Or we could just let the ladies do whatever it is they want to do without applying our male Western standards to


Or we could take lessons getting off high horses without hurting ourselves.

Spot on Kerryk!

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