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U.S. President Barack Obama Says 'Same-Sex Marriage Should Be Legal'


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I agree on the equality thing and welcome it, but that has nothing to do with changing the definition of marriage and so far, not even one state has voted to do so.

Some states do have legal state same sex marriage.

I have REPEATEDLY explained to you why civil unions covering all 50 states with the same full rights as marriage is basically practically an IMPOSSIBILITY, while doing that for MARRIAGE will be very easy, and you never bothered to reply to that. That is your right. But you're throwing us a bone that isn't a bone. It's more like a lump of coal. No thanks. We'll go for the equality that is actually POSSIBLE, marriage.

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To be honest, I am always suspicious of your rhetoric and especially so when it comes to gay issues, but I am too lazy to do all the vetting it would take to find out if your description is accurate.

I do know that citizens have never voted for gay marriage, so it might be quite a few years until it becomes a real possibility and that gives the government time to come up with another solution that would give gay people civil unions with equal benefits, but without changing the traditional definition of marriage.

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To be honest, I am always suspicious of your rhetoric and especially so when it comes to gay issues, but I am too lazy to do all the vetting it would take to find out if your description is accurate.

I do know that citizens have never voted for gay marriage, so it might be quite a few years until it becomes a real possibility and that gives the government time to come up with another solution that would give gay people civil unions with equal benefits, but without changing the traditional definition of marriage.

Stay tuned. Gay marriage is about to win in MARYLAND by popular vote. Mark my words. So your rebuttal about how nationally equal civil unions can't work is that you're too lazy to research how it can? OK, at least your honest. Gotta respect that. Edited by Jingthing
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It is satire, but I think that the point is that those parades turn a lot of people off and I agree. The descriptions and photos of what goes on are pretty accurate.

http://chicksontheright.com/2011/07/31/this-is-precisely-whats-wrong-with-gay-pride-parades/ Quite right UG pretty accurate and in the name of free speech this link donates what I object to ,If two guys love each other and want to marry ,hey thats OK by me ,but <deleted> why does it need this sort of thing shown in the link to promote their cause ,which IMHO is self defeating, as it draws to many people the very worst kind of prejudice ,of course if any one thinks its part and parcel of being gay then I beg to differ as many gays are very sincere in their thought's for each other, but this "circus" ,nah sorry!
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Civil rights for hated minorities are NOT about popular vote. They are about the rule of law under the constitution. That is why historically such matters are ultimately resolved in the SUPREME COURT. As will the same sex marriage equality. Now you're choice is do you want to be on the right or wrong side of history? Pro discrimination or pro equal civil rights?

Edited by Jingthing
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It is satire, but I think that the point is that those parades turn a lot of people off and I agree. The descriptions and photos of what goes on are pretty accurate.

http://chicksontheri...-pride-parades/ Quite right UG pretty accurate and in the name of free speech this link donates what I object to ,If two guys love each other and want to marry ,hey thats OK by me ,but <deleted> why does it need this sort of thing shown in the link to promote their cause ,which IMHO is self defeating, as it draws to many people the very worst kind of prejudice ,of course if any one thinks its part and parcel of being gay then I beg to differ as many gays are very sincere in their thought's for each other, but this "circus" ,nah sorry!

If you don't fancy a circus show, bloody stay home! One day in a year in some cities. That's oppressive to you? Try being a second class citizen your entire life. Try that on for size.
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I am for equal rights for gay people. I am not for changing the definition of marriage. I suspect that the majority of modern Westerners feel the same way.

You suspect wrong according to most recent Washington Post poll which jives with recent polls in general. Only 39 percent were for keeping gay marriage illegal. Take that in your pipe and smoke it!
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It is satire, but I think that the point is that those parades turn a lot of people off and I agree. The descriptions and photos of what goes on are pretty accurate.

http://chicksontheri...-pride-parades/ Quite right UG pretty accurate and in the name of free speech this link donates what I object to ,If two guys love each other and want to marry ,hey thats OK by me ,but <deleted> why does it need this sort of thing shown in the link to promote their cause ,which IMHO is self defeating, as it draws to many people the very worst kind of prejudice ,of course if any one thinks its part and parcel of being gay then I beg to differ as many gays are very sincere in their thought's for each other, but this "circus" ,nah sorry!

If you don't fancy a circus show, bloody stay home! One day in a year in some cities. That's oppressive to you? Try being a second class citizen your entire life. Try that on for size.

Maybe you are judged by some as a "second class citizen"(your words) for what the link donates ,and obviously you have not viewed it in its entirety and took it on board ,and with respect please do not order me what I must and must not do.,but nice of you to admit it was a "circus show" smile.png Edited by Colin Yai
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I am for equal rights for gay people. I am not for changing the definition of marriage. I suspect that the majority of modern Westerners feel the same way.

Agreed, marriage is marriage, so hopefully their bond will produce something to continue their lineage. THEIR lineage. IF folk of the same sex want to do stuff together, GREAT, it's their life BUT marriage is a sanctuary to continue life. smile.png
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I am for equal rights for gay people. I am not for changing the definition of marriage. I suspect that the majority of modern Westerners feel the same way.

Agreed, marriage is marriage, so hopefully their bond will produce something to continue their lineage. THEIR lineage. IF folk of the same sex want to do stuff together, GREAT, it's their life BUT marriage is a sanctuary to continue life. smile.png

No, you're 100 percent WRONG! Marriage is about breeding for SOME couples. It is not required. Fertility is not required nor is intention to have children or to adopt. Marriage is a MULTI FUNCTION structure. Stop discriminating against my people. It is pure bigotry and you will lose and your children/grandchildren if you have them will mock you.
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It is satire, but I think that the point is that those parades turn a lot of people off and I agree. The descriptions and photos of what goes on are pretty accurate.

http://chicksontheri...-pride-parades/ Quite right UG pretty accurate and in the name of free speech this link donates what I object to ,If two guys love each other and want to marry ,hey thats OK by me ,but <deleted> why does it need this sort of thing shown in the link to promote their cause ,which IMHO is self defeating, as it draws to many people the very worst kind of prejudice ,of course if any one thinks its part and parcel of being gay then I beg to differ as many gays are very sincere in their thought's for each other, but this "circus" ,nah sorry!

If you don't fancy a circus show, bloody stay home! One day in a year in some cities. That's oppressive to you? Try being a second class citizen your entire life. Try that on for size.

Maybe you are judged by some as a "second class citizen"(your words) for what the link donates ,and obviously you have not viewed it in its entirety and took it on board ,and with respect please do not order me what I must and must not do.,but nice of you to admit it was a "circus show" smile.png

No dude I am not a first class citizen under US law. Not a matter of how I am viewed. Talking about the law. You can fight this all you want, but you are losing, and no gay people will NEVER shut up about this until we are full citizens under the law.

Again, PLEASE stop diverting this civil rights discussion into your obsession about gay parades. OK? Start a topic on gay parades somewhere else if that's your thing. By hijacking it this way, it would be like a thread about black civil rights being dominated by people whining about bawdy rap music lyrics. There is no connection!

Edited by Jingthing
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I am for equal rights for gay people. I am not for changing the definition of marriage. I suspect that the majority of modern Westerners feel the same way.

Agreed, marriage is marriage, so hopefully their bond will produce something to continue their lineage. THEIR lineage. IF folk of the same sex want to do stuff together, GREAT, it's their life BUT marriage is a sanctuary to continue life. smile.png

No, you're 100 percent WRONG! Marriage is about breeding for SOME couples. It is not required. Fertility is not required nor is intention to have children or to adopt. Marriage is a MULTI FUNCTION structure. Stop discriminating against my people. It is pure bigotry and you will lose and your children/grandchildren if you have them will mock you.

Civilization will cease to exist if we were all of your persuasion. FACT, marriage is for those who want to continue their family(s). Plain fact.
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It is satire, but I think that the point is that those parades turn a lot of people off and I agree. The descriptions and photos of what goes on are pretty accurate.

http://chicksontheri...-pride-parades/ Quite right UG pretty accurate and in the name of free speech this link donates what I object to ,If two guys love each other and want to marry ,hey thats OK by me ,but <deleted> why does it need this sort of thing shown in the link to promote their cause ,which IMHO is self defeating, as it draws to many people the very worst kind of prejudice ,of course if any one thinks its part and parcel of being gay then I beg to differ as many gays are very sincere in their thought's for each other, but this "circus" ,nah sorry!

The replies on this forum are proof enough that straight people who support gay rights are still turned off by the wild public behavior often seen in the parades. The other straight voters undecided on same sex marriage can be swayed by these images and not in a good way. That will slow the progress more than who gets to nominate the next Supreme Court Justice.

If a politician or movement wants to know how to win over blacks/Hispanics/Muslims/etc, who do they get advice from - some white guy? Do they ignore what blacks/Hispanics/Muslims/etc tell them what works and what doesn't? Here it seems gays want to ignore what straights tell them turns them off. But hey, as old people die off, gay rights will be realized! No reason to get it done decades earlier.

Edited by koheesti
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Civilization will cease to exist if we were all of your persuasion. FACT, marriage is for those who want to continue their family(s). Plain fact.

That's over the top, dude!

Gay people are about 2 to 3 percent of the population. You're just stoking fear and irrationality with assertions like that. Gay people want marriage equality under the law. NOBODY is looking to force anyone to be gay or gay married. The truth is if gay marriage had been legal for the last 100 years it wouldn't change your life one iota. Yet this strange obsession with pushing down a small unpopular minority. It is truly distasteful.

Edited by Jingthing
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It is satire, but I think that the point is that those parades turn a lot of people off and I agree. The descriptions and photos of what goes on are pretty accurate.

http://chicksontheri...-pride-parades/ Quite right UG pretty accurate and in the name of free speech this link donates what I object to ,If two guys love each other and want to marry ,hey thats OK by me ,but <deleted> why does it need this sort of thing shown in the link to promote their cause ,which IMHO is self defeating, as it draws to many people the very worst kind of prejudice ,of course if any one thinks its part and parcel of being gay then I beg to differ as many gays are very sincere in their thought's for each other, but this "circus" ,nah sorry!

The replies on this forum are proof enough that straight people who support gay rights are still turned off by the wild public behavior often seen in the parades. The other straight voters undecided on same sex marriage can be swayed by these images and not in a good way. That will slow the progress more than who gets to nominate the next Supreme Court Justice.

If a politician or movement wants to know how to win over blacks/Hispanics/Muslims/etc, who do they get advice from - some white guy? Do they ignore what blacks/Hispanics/Muslims/etc tell them what works and what doesn't? Here it seems gays want to ignore what straights tells them turns them off. But hey, as old people die off, gay rights will be realized! No reason to get it done decades earlier.

It seems to me most of the straights here who are tripping out about a fun gay party ONCE a year are actually AGAINST marriage equality for gays.

Your suggestion is also not practical. There actually ARE plenty of gay people who have been arguing for more discreet public displays over the years. They have their voice in the gay media all the time. Gays are just people. It's not an organized club. Some gay people will agree, most don't even go to parades in the first place, and some will just want to let their hair down and have fun. What do you expect, that gays elect "Gay Kapos" to crack down on gays at parades showing too much butt check? Even if that happened, which would be outrageous, there would be other gay people who organize to oppose them. Minority groups are not homogeneous! Even homosexuals!

Edited by Jingthing
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I am for equal rights for gay people. I am not for changing the definition of marriage. I suspect that the majority of modern Westerners feel the same way.

I just wonder why anyone cares who anyone else gets married to? Do we *need* bedroom legislation, since it seems to be spectacularly ineffective? Did anyone ever vote for government supervision in this area? While they're busy legalising gay marriage, they may as well legalise polygamy as well since it seems to be amazingly popular for a socially unacceptable activity.

Edited by Crushdepth
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http://chicksontheri...-pride-parades/ Quite right UG pretty accurate and in the name of free speech this link donates what I object to ,If two guys love each other and want to marry ,hey thats OK by me ,but <deleted> why does it need this sort of thing shown in the link to promote their cause ,which IMHO is self defeating, as it draws to many people the very worst kind of prejudice ,of course if any one thinks its part and parcel of being gay then I beg to differ as many gays are very sincere in their thought's for each other, but this "circus" ,nah sorry!

If you don't fancy a circus show, bloody stay home! One day in a year in some cities. That's oppressive to you? Try being a second class citizen your entire life. Try that on for size.

If someone behaves like a "first class" citizen they'd be surprised that they get treated like one. Have you ever seen a stag party of 15-20 drunk guys partying down the street? Slapping women on asses, whistling at them, getting drunk and singing stupid songs? That's how straights prefer to act, woo-hoo! But we must hide in our own closet of oppressive proper public etiquette. Sucks big-time. You want equal rights? Well, restrain yourselves in public like the rest of us. Have a nice day. sad.png

Edited by koheesti
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Civilization will cease to exist if we were all of your persuasion. FACT, marriage is for those who want to continue their family(s). Plain fact.

That's over the top, dude!

Gay people are about 2 to 3 percent of the population. You're just stoking fear and irrationality with assertions like that. Gay people want marriage equality under the law. NOBODY is looking to force anyone to be gay or gay married. The truth is if gay marriage had been legal for the last 100 years it wouldn't change your life one iota. Yet this strange obsession with pushing down a small unpopular minority. It is truly distasteful.

All this for only 2-3% of the population? I hope politicians can forget this issue and focus on something that involves all citizens like, say, the economy.

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I am for equal rights for gay people. I am not for changing the definition of marriage. I suspect that the majority of modern Westerners feel the same way.

Agreed, marriage is marriage, so hopefully their bond will produce something to continue their lineage. THEIR lineage. IF folk of the same sex want to do stuff together, GREAT, it's their life BUT marriage is a sanctuary to continue life. smile.png

That's a very Christian take on it, don't you think? And in the day of IVF and fosters maybe technologically outdated as well?

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Here is what I'm talking about regarding first class citizenship.

If I go to city hall in the vast majority of U.S. states with another man and ask to be married, the answer will be NO. If it was a woman, the answer would be YES. In a few US states, the answer would be YES for same sex marriage, but these marriages would be WORTHLESS at the national level and MOST other U.S. states.

Whether or not there was a "flamboyant" gay parade happening the same day outside those city halls would make ZERO difference to how I was treated.

Was I not clear enough before what I meant by second class citizen? Is it clear enough now? (Geez!)

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Civilization will cease to exist if we were all of your persuasion. FACT, marriage is for those who want to continue their family(s). Plain fact.

That's over the top, dude!

Gay people are about 2 to 3 percent of the population. You're just stoking fear and irrationality with assertions like that. Gay people want marriage equality under the law. NOBODY is looking to force anyone to be gay or gay married. The truth is if gay marriage had been legal for the last 100 years it wouldn't change your life one iota. Yet this strange obsession with pushing down a small unpopular minority. It is truly distasteful.

All this for only 2-3% of the population? I hope politicians can forget this issue and focus on something that involves all citizens like, say, the economy.

Yeah, black people shouldn't have been "uppity" either, after all most people ain't black ...

If it was YOUR civil rights being denied, I guarantee you would be exercised about this.

The argument of the right wing here seems to be if you gay folks had just stayed in your your little closets and been credits to your team, you would have full equality under the law in the US now. When pigs fly!

Edited by Jingthing
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Simple question JT do you really believe the hundreds if not thousands of gay parades world wide over the years,Does not put a block to your cause?, personally I think it does and this is all I am saying which I said right from the very start (or am I not allowed to say it) ,any chance of an Answer? (with out calling me "dude" that is)smile.png

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Simple question JT do you really believe the hundreds if not thousands of gay parades world wide over the years,Does not put a block to your cause?, personally I think it does and this is all I am saying which I said right from the very start (or am I not allowed to say it) ,any chance of an Answer? (with out calling me "dude" that is)smile.png

No, parades have not "blocked" the cause of gay legal civil rights globally. That is absurd. You've made your point how many times already that you don't like them? Fine, point taken. Personally, I find them rather BORING and too commercial. So I don't bother going but am happy that so many people DO enjoy them. Again, the topic of this thread is gay marriage equality in the US. It is not gay parades. I guess you think gay parades are a sexy topic or something, but this is really getting tedious. You know who else was obsessed with gay parades? Anti-gay leader Jerry Falwell. Do you think if there were no parades he would have EVER campaigned for gay marriage equality? If the topic was black civil rights, imagine if those hostile to black civil rights wouldn't shut up about how bad rap music is and why don't the blacks "behave" and not do the rap music (as if ALL them did the rap music) if they did we wouldn't be "blocking" their civil rights. Crazy stuff. Edited by Jingthing
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Simple question JT do you really believe the hundreds if not thousands of gay parades world wide over the years,Does not put a block to your cause?, personally I think it does and this is all I am saying which I said right from the very start (or am I not allowed to say it) ,any chance of an Answer? (with out calling me "dude" that is)smile.png

No, parades have not "blocked" the cause of gay civil rights globally. Again, the topic of this thread is gay marriage equality in the US. It is not gay parades. I guess you think gay parades are a sexy topic or something, but this is really getting tedious.

No, not tedious, a topic that involves others that are not of your persuasion. We ALL know that governments move the goal posts for votes, that's what they are advised to do to get votes. Simple really.
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Simple question JT do you really believe the hundreds if not thousands of gay parades world wide over the years,Does not put a block to your cause?, personally I think it does and this is all I am saying which I said right from the very start (or am I not allowed to say it) ,any chance of an Answer? (with out calling me "dude" that is)smile.png

No, parades have not "blocked" the cause of gay civil rights globally. Again, the topic of this thread is gay marriage equality in the US. It is not gay parades. I guess you think gay parades are a sexy topic or something, but this is really getting tedious.

No, not tedious, a topic that involves others that are not of your persuasion. We ALL know that governments move the goal posts for votes, that's what they are advised to do to get votes. Simple really.

You are so wrong. When the U.S. supreme court ruled banning interracial marriages in the U.S. states as UNCONSTITUTIONAL, if you had put the matter to a POPULAR vote in those bigoted states, the people in those bigoted states would have voted to uphold the bans. We're talking here about CIVIL RIGHTS for unpopular minority groups. You don't win those by popular votes in America. You win those at the supreme court level which PROTECTS unpopular minority groups from unfair discrimination. You can have any position you like for any irrational reason you like (gay parades fits that perfectly) but don't kid yourself, to support denying gay Americans equal civil rights means you are supporting discrimination. It does give me joy KNOWING in the long run you WILL lose.

It's funny hearing this "helpful" advice here from people who have been clear they would be AGAINST same sex marriage equality ANYWAY, even if there had never been even one gay parade.

Edited by Jingthing
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Simple question JT do you really believe the hundreds if not thousands of gay parades world wide over the years,Does not put a block to your cause?, personally I think it does and this is all I am saying which I said right from the very start (or am I not allowed to say it) ,any chance of an Answer? (with out calling me "dude" that is)smile.png

Yep, whenever a group is on the receiving end of a social injustice they should just sit back,be quiet and maybe the "nice people" might just let them have what they deserve. What utter drivel!! Minority groups around the world have parades, even protests which can end in bloodshed to promote their cause. Gay pride parades? I wouldn't be seen dead at one, not my scene and would probably bore me to death but I'll certainly raise my voice in support for their right to do so. Support for gay marriage is on the increase in the USA, from polls I've seen and, if people are dumb enough to allow an annual gay pride parade influence their view on gay marriage then they should just move to North Carolina ;)

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Simple question JT do you really believe the hundreds if not thousands of gay parades world wide over the years,Does not put a block to your cause?, personally I think it does and this is all I am saying which I said right from the very start (or am I not allowed to say it) ,any chance of an Answer? (with out calling me "dude" that is)smile.png

No, parades have not "blocked" the cause of gay civil rights globally. Again, the topic of this thread is gay marriage equality in the US. It is not gay parades. I guess you think gay parades are a sexy topic or something, but this is really getting tedious.

No, not tedious, a topic that involves others that are not of your persuasion. We ALL know that governments move the goal posts for votes, that's what they are advised to do to get votes. Simple really.

You are so wrong. When the U.S. supreme court ruled banning interracial marriages in the U.S. states as UNCONSTITUTIONAL, if you had put the matter to a POPULAR vote in those bigoted states, the people in those bigoted states would have voted to uphold the bans. We're talking here about CIVIL RIGHTS for unpopular minority groups. You don't win those by popular votes in America. You win those at the supreme court level which PROTECTS unpopular minority groups from unfair discrimination. You can have any position you like for any irrational reason you like (gay parades fits that perfectly) but don't kid yourself, to support denying gay Americans equal civil rights means you are supporting discrimination. It does give me joy KNOWING in the long run you WILL lose.

It's funny hearing this "helpful" advice here from people who have been clear they would be AGAINST same sex marriage equality ANYWAY, even if there had never been even one gay parade.

As you probably know l am not from the US of A. So your political stuff does not interest me at all, cos it's all <deleted>. This thread is about YET another ''try and win'' some more votes in a ''dodgy'' might lose state.
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