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PM Yingluck Expects Goods Prices To Fall Within Few Months


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Tomorrow she will say prices will be that low there will be No prices--all free, She will subsidise everything to show she is trying to make everyone rich--2 months late NOW. I would try find the word summing up this lot--- Yo Yo what they speak 1 week --and what they speak the next.

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So the goods that weren't more expensive now are, but some are cheaper, and some that are more expensive will be cheaper soon. Meanwhile to make things look better, the government will involve itself in retailing undercutting normal margins and even selling at a loss (because its only taxpayer's money), and artificially lowering the cost of essential services (again subsidised with taxpayer's money) to grant the false impression that things are great with Yingluk.

Also we shouldn't put personal responsibility on those making idiotic statements, because it's the system's fault for allowing incompetents into positions of authority.

Totally incomprehansible nonsense... a perfect interpretation of what the PM has said! blink.png

Greece here we come.

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Well Somchai whatda tink how much rice gonna go down in price? Don't know Boonsai? It's down quite a bit now. Last September it was $620 a ton now it's only $585. You mean da price of rice ain't gone up? Why I remember 5 years ago it was up over $1000.

You mean those fellas on Thai Visa have no clue what they are talking about? I tink they watch cartoon mak mak.

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Well Somchai whatda tink how much rice gonna go down in price? Don't know Boonsai? It's down quite a bit now. Last September it was $620 a ton now it's only $585. You mean da price of rice ain't gone up? Why I remember 5 years ago it was up over $1000.

You mean those fellas on Thai Visa have no clue what they are talking about? I tink they watch cartoon mak mak.

This must be some of that Canadian humour we hear so little about....!

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Well Somchai whatda tink how much rice gonna go down in price? Don't know Boonsai? It's down quite a bit now. Last September it was $620 a ton now it's only $585. You mean da price of rice ain't gone up? Why I remember 5 years ago it was up over $1000.

You mean those fellas on Thai Visa have no clue what they are talking about? I tink they watch cartoon mak mak.

This must be some of that Canadian humour we hear so little about....!

Actually the humor comes from the Newfoundland side of the family.

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...but I thought earlier this week that Ms. Yingluck said that prices hadn't gone up....I can't keep up with the number of u-turns being made.

You beat me to it. "Prices hasn't gone up, prices will do down, etc, etc." I am really confused. blink.png

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i would love to hear her lecture on economics.

wages are up, cost of goods are up, petrol is up but prices will fallblink.png

what university did she attend?

Kentucky State University. Which is called by most of its students, Easy Credit University. laugh.png

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Well Somchai whatda tink how much rice gonna go down in price? Don't know Boonsai? It's down quite a bit now. Last September it was $620 a ton now it's only $585. You mean da price of rice ain't gone up? Why I remember 5 years ago it was up over $1000.

You mean those fellas on Thai Visa have no clue what they are talking about? I tink they watch cartoon mak mak.

Very funny, except for the rice dealers who have been priced out of the market, and the people of Thailand who find rice is more expensive this year. Does Yingluk expect the price of rice to fall?

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i would love to hear her lecture on economics.

wages are up, cost of goods are up, petrol is up but prices will fallblink.png

what university did she attend?

She attended a second class university which caters to those not able to get into one of the top tier universities but still wanting an education and a future - perfect for someone that is coming up the ranks to build a future, but not really suitable for someone coming from a financially and politically influential tyrannical clan. This has caused some to question what the reason for this selection of university was made, rather than something like Harvard in terms of her degree (economics if I recall, which Harvard excels at).

The laws of economics state that price equals demand, and that as demand falls so shall price. This can be negated by supply, of which supply equals price, and as supply falls so shall prices increase. So, Yingluck (and therefore the whole government) are stating that they are expecting either supply increases, or demand decreases to influence price - or that they intend on enforcing a price maximum (the maximum price of which the government will allow its' citizens to pay for a product or service). Price maximums rarely work in the current world environment, as black markets are quickly established to cover the shortfall in supply, until demand is completely or nearly completely satisfied.

It is very unlikely in my opinion (I spend most of my days analyzing economic, commodity and currency markets) that prices will fall, and if so, they will for a very short period of time. Consider her statement null and void - and a show of her lack of understanding of the subject of her degree from her second tier university.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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i would love to hear her lecture on economics.

wages are up, cost of goods are up, petrol is up but prices will fallblink.png

what university did she attend?

She attended a second class university which caters to those not able to get into one of the top tier universities but still wanting an education and a future - perfect for someone that is coming up the ranks to build a future, but not really suitable for someone coming from a financially and politically influential tyrannical clan. This has caused some to question what the reason for this selection of university was made, rather than something like Harvard in terms of her degree (economics if I recall, which Harvard excels at).

The laws of economics state that price equals demand, and that as demand falls so shall price. This can be negated by supply, of which supply equals price, and as supply falls so shall prices increase. So, Yingluck (and therefore the whole government) are stating that they are expecting either supply increases, or demand decreases to influence price - or that they intend on enforcing a price maximum (the maximum price of which the government will allow its' citizens to pay for a product or service). Price maximums rarely work in the current world environment, as black markets are quickly established to cover the shortfall in supply, until demand is completely or nearly completely satisfied.

It is very unlikely in my opinion (I spend most of my days analyzing economic, commodity and currency markets) that prices will fall, and if so, they will for a very short period of time. Consider her statement null and void - and a show of her lack of understanding of the subject of her degree from her second tier university.

Indeed, although qualifying as a <deleted> in recent years, her academic record is far from impressive.

Attendance of a good university does not guarantee suitability for political office (e.g. Tony Blair) but it should be a minimum requirement.

As a reminder, Abhisit Vejjajiva studied PPE at Oxford, as did David Cameron, where they both learnt that money doesn't grow on trees.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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i would love to hear her lecture on economics.

wages are up, cost of goods are up, petrol is up but prices will fallblink.png

what university did she attend?

She attended a second class university which caters to those not able to get into one of the top tier universities but still wanting an education and a future - perfect for someone that is coming up the ranks to build a future, but not really suitable for someone coming from a financially and politically influential tyrannical clan. This has caused some to question what the reason for this selection of university was made, rather than something like Harvard in terms of her degree (economics if I recall, which Harvard excels at).

The laws of economics state that price equals demand, and that as demand falls so shall price. This can be negated by supply, of which supply equals price, and as supply falls so shall prices increase. So, Yingluck (and therefore the whole government) are stating that they are expecting either supply increases, or demand decreases to influence price - or that they intend on enforcing a price maximum (the maximum price of which the government will allow its' citizens to pay for a product or service). Price maximums rarely work in the current world environment, as black markets are quickly established to cover the shortfall in supply, until demand is completely or nearly completely satisfied.

It is very unlikely in my opinion (I spend most of my days analyzing economic, commodity and currency markets) that prices will fall, and if so, they will for a very short period of time. Consider her statement null and void - and a show of her lack of understanding of the subject of her degree from her second tier university.

bit of a university snob eh? Lot more to pricing than supply and demand mate...applicable perhaps with commodities and currency .. ..ask any sales and marketing type...

...suggest it is nothing to do with her education it is just the lady politicking ..think she did mention market forces ...so suggests that under all the flam she probably does know the score .......but that's not what the plebs want hear?

did not Harold Macmillan tell the Brits they never had it so good?

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Can some tell her don’t speak please. She is completely put of touch with reality and people who believe her must be very simple minded

Two Bush's an Obama and a Tony Blair. She ain't that bad!

George H W Bush was a decorated serviceman who had 29 years of service to his country as congressman, senator, vice-president and president, and has many other credits to his name. Without even considering the other long-serving politicians (like them or not) to compare him unfavourably to some some airhead who gained her position through simple nepotism and has managed SFA in her limited time in office, is simply odious.

Harry Truman bankrupt habadasher

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

Jack Kemp didn't do bad for a football player.

In your odious rebuttal I notice you didn't mention Blair. Is Miss Y better than Blair?

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Can some tell her don’t speak please. She is completely put of touch with reality and people who believe her must be very simple minded

Two Bush's an Obama and a Tony Blair. She ain't that bad!

George H W Bush was a decorated serviceman who had 29 years of service to his country as congressman, senator, vice-president and president, and has many other credits to his name. Without even considering the other long-serving politicians (like them or not) to compare him unfavourably to some some airhead who gained her position through simple nepotism and has managed SFA in her limited time in office, is simply odious.

Harry Truman bankrupt habadasher

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

Jack Kemp didn't do bad for a football player.

In your odious rebuttal I notice you didn't mention Blair. Is Miss Y better than Blair?

Let's refocus back to our sexy lady PM please. This is not a gay forum.

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Can some tell her don’t speak please. She is completely put of touch with reality and people who believe her must be very simple minded

Two Bush's an Obama and a Tony Blair. She ain't that bad!

George H W Bush was a decorated serviceman who had 29 years of service to his country as congressman, senator, vice-president and president, and has many other credits to his name. Without even considering the other long-serving politicians (like them or not) to compare him unfavourably to some some airhead who gained her position through simple nepotism and has managed SFA in her limited time in office, is simply odious.

Harry Truman bankrupt habadasher

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

Jack Kemp didn't do bad for a football player.

In your odious rebuttal I notice you didn't mention Blair. Is Miss Y better than Blair?

Please do not denigrate Harry Truman with a comparison to the PM of Thailand.

For all of his faults, Mr. Truman remained a man of the people and carried his own "grips".

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i would love to hear her lecture on economics.

wages are up, cost of goods are up, petrol is up but prices will fallblink.png

what university did she attend?

She attended a second class university which caters to those not able to get into one of the top tier universities but still wanting an education and a future - perfect for someone that is coming up the ranks to build a future, but not really suitable for someone coming from a financially and politically influential tyrannical clan. This has caused some to question what the reason for this selection of university was made, rather than something like Harvard in terms of her degree (economics if I recall, which Harvard excels at).

The laws of economics state that price equals demand, and that as demand falls so shall price. This can be negated by supply, of which supply equals price, and as supply falls so shall prices increase. So, Yingluck (and therefore the whole government) are stating that they are expecting either supply increases, or demand decreases to influence price - or that they intend on enforcing a price maximum (the maximum price of which the government will allow its' citizens to pay for a product or service). Price maximums rarely work in the current world environment, as black markets are quickly established to cover the shortfall in supply, until demand is completely or nearly completely satisfied.

It is very unlikely in my opinion (I spend most of my days analyzing economic, commodity and currency markets) that prices will fall, and if so, they will for a very short period of time. Consider her statement null and void - and a show of her lack of understanding of the subject of her degree from her second tier university.

I'll tell you the same thing my daddy told me. If them brokers had a clue they'd be rich. Ya see son, them brokers don't have any idea which way prices are a going. They make money if they go up and they make money if they go down. How many Harvard grads worked for Lehman Bros when they sunk the economies of America and Europe (just saying).

As far as I know KS is a black teachers college. I could never figure out why she went there. Except maybe horses. Kentucky has a lot of race horses. It also has a nice climate about 4 months a year. The rest of the time it is too cold or too hot.

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Two Bush's an Obama and a Tony Blair. She ain't that bad!

George H W Bush was a decorated serviceman who had 29 years of service to his country as congressman, senator, vice-president and president, and has many other credits to his name. Without even considering the other long-serving politicians (like them or not) to compare him unfavourably to some some airhead who gained her position through simple nepotism and has managed SFA in her limited time in office, is simply odious.

Harry Truman bankrupt habadasher

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

Jack Kemp didn't do bad for a football player.

In your odious rebuttal I notice you didn't mention Blair. Is Miss Y better than Blair?

Please do not denigrate Harry Truman with a comparison to the PM of Thailand.

For all of his faults, Mr. Truman remained a man of the people and carried his own "grips".

You are of course correct she has not dropped an atomic bomb on anyone yet. But seriously my only comparison was in the area the other poster mentioned and that was did background prepare a person to be a politician. Truman was ill prepared if one looks only at his background.

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Can some tell her don’t speak please. She is completely put of touch with reality and people who believe her must be very simple minded

Two Bush's an Obama and a Tony Blair. She ain't that bad!

George H W Bush was a decorated serviceman who had 29 years of service to his country as congressman, senator, vice-president and president, and has many other credits to his name. Without even considering the other long-serving politicians (like them or not) to compare him unfavourably to some some airhead who gained her position through simple nepotism and has managed SFA in her limited time in office, is simply odious.

Harry Truman bankrupt habadasher

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

Jack Kemp didn't do bad for a football player.

In your odious rebuttal I notice you didn't mention Blair. Is Miss Y better than Blair?

No, and you dig your hole deeper. Try Stalin or Mao, though even those have some positive attributes and achievements.

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Two Bush's an Obama and a Tony Blair. She ain't that bad!

George H W Bush was a decorated serviceman who had 29 years of service to his country as congressman, senator, vice-president and president, and has many other credits to his name. Without even considering the other long-serving politicians (like them or not) to compare him unfavourably to some some airhead who gained her position through simple nepotism and has managed SFA in her limited time in office, is simply odious.

Harry Truman bankrupt habadasher

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

Jack Kemp didn't do bad for a football player.

In your odious rebuttal I notice you didn't mention Blair. Is Miss Y better than Blair?

No, and you dig your hole deeper. Try Stalin or Mao, though even those have some positive attributes and achievements.

So who is like Stalin or Mao?: Blair? or Yingluck?

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bit of a university snob eh? Lot more to pricing than supply and demand mate...applicable perhaps with commodities and currency .. ..ask any sales and marketing type...

...suggest it is nothing to do with her education it is just the lady politicking ..think she did mention market forces ...so suggests that under all the flam she probably does know the score .......but that's not what the plebs want hear?

did not Harold Macmillan tell the Brits they never had it so good?

I should add, at this point, I stopped halfway through my university degree in accounting, because I earn more in my day job and night work, than I ever could in the frustrations of holding a degree and being an accountant. So no degree, I probably do not qualify to be in the "rank and order uniform stature" of today. But I believe (as previously mentioned by another) that leaders should lead by example, should have lost, but also should have the skills, cunning, and relentlessness to win when they have to - nice guys and girls don't win (especially in Thailand). Small amounts of price and supply are governed by sales strategies, but direction, and long term price trends are defined specifically by the supply of the product, and the price the customer is willing to pay for it - period.

As I once heard, and have always applied to Thailand, "the fish rots from the head", and until you understand that money is the only thing which can generate more money, more status, more position in Thailand, you will never understand what it takes for most Thais to show respect - it is not through the good deeds performed by that person, but how quickly they could be squashed by that person. This is reality for most Thais. Respect is commanded, not earnt, in Thailand, particularly in the ranks of the old Political guard of the Thai Rak Thai/PTP party - they are one in the same.

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George H W Bush was a decorated serviceman who had 29 years of service to his country as congressman, senator, vice-president and president, and has many other credits to his name. Without even considering the other long-serving politicians (like them or not) to compare him unfavourably to some some airhead who gained her position through simple nepotism and has managed SFA in her limited time in office, is simply odious.

Harry Truman bankrupt habadasher

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

Jack Kemp didn't do bad for a football player.

In your odious rebuttal I notice you didn't mention Blair. Is Miss Y better than Blair?

Please do not denigrate Harry Truman with a comparison to the PM of Thailand.

For all of his faults, Mr. Truman remained a man of the people and carried his own "grips".

You are of course correct she has not dropped an atomic bomb on anyone yet. But seriously my only comparison was in the area the other poster mentioned and that was did background prepare a person to be a politician. Truman was ill prepared if one looks only at his background.

No I bloody didn't. My post was about public service and achievements - and Truman served 10 years as a senator before becoming vice-president which qualifies him a dam_n sight more than this PM

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So who is like Stalin or Mao?: Blair? or Yingluck?

Perhaps instead of buffoonery you could get back on topic. Perhaps a list of the PM's achievements. You could start with artificially inflating the price of the country's basic food.

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