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What Language Do You Use With Your Thai Partner?


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We use Thai at home, even though we live in the US. Our little one speaks Thai from listening to us, and English from TV and friends. When she says something to me in one language and I don't immediately react, she tries the other one.

Edited by KhunG
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Mostly Thai for the last 2 years or so. I need to extend my vocabulary more, though.

From my experience that feeling never really goes away. Even in our native tongue we don’t know every single word.

As a writer I often struggle to find just the right word. As one becomes proficient in daily usage the desire to learn obscure seldom used words diminishes and the acquisition of new words slows considerably.

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one becomes proficient in daily usage the desire to learn obscure seldom used words diminishes and the acquisition of new words slows considerably.

I'm familiar with that effect, although my language was German. I found the most effective way to learn new lingo was to immerse myself in another environment that I'm not familiar with, in my case German law. A major pain in the ass, but good for picking up archaic words.

In Thailand that would mean purposefully engaging in activities you're not familiar with, one example I could think of would be ordaining as a monk. It's a major hurdle for me right now to start speaking Thai in situations I'm more comfortable speaking another language, but at the same time I'm quite determined to make the leap. Quite like jumping into a hole in icy lake in the winter, it'll sting like hell but if you live to tell about it, a step forward.

Masochism is a required trait for anyone learning a language in a foreign land.

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i stopped the rent wife's allowance 2 years ago we havent spoke since, its not just about the money its all about the money haha

no language needed..... money is the only thing that talks in thailand

If she still does the laundry and cooks that's not a bad deal! I know a lot of Thai wives who stop speaking to their husbands as a reward.

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The language of love, kisses and licks in all the right places. Gets you almost anything tongue.png

Tried that in 7/11 and it only got me arrested.

You should try that only inside the "licker's stores"...

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