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Internet Adverts


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I know that this ever increasing value of internet giants is based on advertising and I understand that every 'click' on an advert gives money to the website.,and from the profits and share costs of these sites there must be millions of 'clicks'

I virtualy never even pay attention to these ads and certainly dont 'clcik' on them for any further info....so they 'aint making anything from me' !.

Am I the only guy in the world who dosnt 'click' ??

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The aim isn't too make money from every single person. Even if you don't click on an ad you may see ad for a certain brand and end up buying it because it has become familiar to you. You might do this completely subconsciously. It's not all about clicks and it's not all about getting every single person to click. You can earn a great income with 1% clicks. This is what many people do. That the other 99% don't click is irrelevant. This is a very valid business model. It works for small businesses as well as big businesses.

In fact, you have just contributed to ThaiVisa profits by working for them for free. You have written a free article that has attract other users who have also written free articles. Some people will click on the ads and ThaiVisa will make money. ThaiVisa seems to be based on lots of free workers like you and me. LOL.

Edited by w11guy
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