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Jealous German Skinhead Knife Killer Caught In Khon Kaen


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I read this story in the Thai language' Daily News' yesterday and noted the absence of any mention that the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender. Almost makering her look like a stand up model citizen. Selective reporting I guess.

And you know the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender, how? That he paid off her gambling debt of Bht 100,000? This is large? Eur 2,500?

If I gave a Thai woman 100K and she was wanting more and more money that would piss me off. I would send her walking before I spent all that money. Stabbing is another matter. Nothing is worth the consequences of killing someone.

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This guy clearly isn't the same guy pictured in the earlier thread... who was that actually a picture of?

How many times should it be repeated: Suspects are suspects are suspects are suspects - and innocent until proven guilty.

Media should NEVER name - let alone show pictures or video of - suspects, unless provided by the authorities to facilitate their arrest. No matter your hunger for sensational journalism, PLEASE respect fundamental human rights.

The man shown yesterday has risked being 'stopped and shot' - and he continues to suffer that risk, because many have seen his photo connected to this crime and some of those have not seen today's news, that the actual suspect is another man.

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Nice touch the Swaztica earring obviously an idiot to wear an earring like that and be German at the same time


The swastika is a sign of peace. He should be commended for wearing it. I thought everyone knew that?

No the one you are thinking of is the other way around not like the swastica but very similer.

I was being sarcastic.

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OMG look at his earring! This guys was lost long time ago and grew up very sad prob..

Well let all the stories begin again (lol)

By the way i see Thai also with the same symbol on a T-shirt but little know what it is here.

The Swastica for Thais is having different meaning. It is a symbol used in budhism. Check out about the Swastica more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika and you will see how many times and places it was and is used befor Nazis.

Obviously the one in the German guys ears is not symbol of budhism...

right... But i see the same colour T-shirt with black and red from germany and even my country The Netherlands from punks in the .. let's say 80's

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Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

Do you know what a spastic is? It is a person, often a very young child with a medical condition caused by spasticity and is also used to refer to people suffering from Cerebral Palsy. The people who suffer from the condition...many many children, have no control of the disease and whilst physically deformed by a cruel twist of fate they are as mentally acute as any of us, if not, more acute, Stephen Hawking being a point in case.

Your comment is far far more offensive than anyone wearing a swastika ear ring and bears testimony to someone displaying minimal intelligence and a bigotry far greater than someone wearing 'fashion jewellery'. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself, as should the individual who 'liked' your post.

I think he was trying a play on words, "swastika", "spastika", "spastic". I'm still confused why he doesn't have a clue who the largest group of swastika users in Thailand are.

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I read this story in the Thai language' Daily News' yesterday and noted the absence of any mention that the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender. Almost makering her look like a stand up model citizen. Selective reporting I guess.

<deleted> !!!

And that would be good reason to knife the girl 17 times, I guess. Even if it was written somewhere which I haven't found--us poor farangs are such victims here, eh?

He didn't say it was worth knifing her over. He simple stated a fact.

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Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

Hmmm, did you just manage to insult a large part of the Buddhist culture? Why yes, you did! bah.gif

Oh no he didn't. He insulted neo-nazis. (and people with cerebal palsy).

Edited by Kananga
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Selective reporting I guess.

Of course, it must be selective reporting in the Thai report and not selective embellishment in the English version.

I think you have just stated the blindingly obvious.

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OMG look at his earring! This guys was lost long time ago and grew up very sad prob..

Well let all the stories begin again (lol)

By the way i see Thai also with the same symbol on a T-shirt but little know what it is here.

The Swastica for Thais is having different meaning. It is a symbol used in budhism. Check out about the Swastica more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika and you will see how many times and places it was and is used befor Nazis.

Obviously the one in the German guys ears is not symbol of budhism...

How is that obvious?

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At 03:00 on May 9 the detectives traced Mr. Michael through his mobile phone number.
Very interesting??

I was surprised at that also. Good to see the police using some modern technology. Thankfully the German psycho is obviously an idiot to keep his mobile.

It's not really modern technology. The BiB just called the phone company. Easy to know which provider by your phone number. The phone provider tracks what towers your phone is communicating with all the time.

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Nice touch the Swaztica earring obviously an idiot to wear an earring like that and be German at the same time


The swastika is a sign of peace. He should be commended for wearing it. I thought everyone knew that?

No the one you are thinking of is the other way around not like the swastica but very similer.

I was being sarcastic.

Obviously, not very effectively :)

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Nice touch the Swaztica earring obviously an idiot to wear an earring like that and be German at the same time


The swastika is a sign of peace. He should be commended for wearing it. I thought everyone knew that?

We're going down this road again? Beating a dead horse. beatdeadhorse.gif

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The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

Give him a big knife and 10 mins in a room on his own, save everyone a lot of bother.

This guy clearly isn't the same guy pictured in the earlier thread... who was that actually a picture of?

Same guy, now a bit fatter with a shaved head and no sun bathing.

Do you know that for a fact or just assuming that's the case? Looks like a totally different person to me, not just because of the hair, skin tone but shape of face, facial features etc?

Pretty irrelevant really, but knowing the incompetence of most reporting here it wouldn't surprise me if the photo on the original thread was actually of someone completely different... possibly the Frenchman, bar owner or ex-husband... who may now be innocently mistaken for the Nazi killer and lynched on the street... stranger things have happened here!

It's a real shame that some on here take this as an opportunity to cast aspersions on the victim's character... it's totally irrelevant; the poor girl was viciously murdered; no one deserves such a brutal end. Herman's clearly a sandwich short of a picnic and there's no justification for his actions whatsoever.

Whether or not your girlfriend/ wife is cheating on you is no excuse for violent behavior let alone murder... some of the posters on here are clearly disturbed and this thread is bringing people's own insecurities to the surface. Some people need to take a long hard long in the mirror and change their outlook on life before it ends in misery.

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I always find it amazing to hear the 'Girlfriend leeches cash' from the farang. Remember those who give the money to the girls/girlfriends etc do so voluntarily nobody forces them, yet its always the girls fault...

It takes two to tango yes, but it's wrong to exploit people.

Thus making her doing a "bad" thing switching between the German and the French guy.

If she had been a "good" girl, she would have either stayed with the German or left him period, for the French guy.

So summing up, she is not at fault for being stabbed, she is however at fault for being a butterfly.

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I read this story in the Thai language' Daily News' yesterday and noted the absence of any mention that the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender. Almost makering her look like a stand up model citizen. Selective reporting I guess.

<deleted> !!!

And that would be good reason to knife the girl 17 times, I guess. Even if it was written somewhere which I haven't found--us poor farangs are such victims here, eh?

Selective reporting indeed. Selective for the English language newspaper to include the details of monies given to the Thai GF. Hardly relevant to the murder. I guess that was included in the Pattaya News because the thought of a Thai GF ripping off farangs is what gets ex pats reading newspapers in Pattaya.

Did you even look at the Pattaya daily news article ?

Its in the last quater of the story reported, in same size font as the rest of the story.

The headline states in bold and bigger fonts, that they caught this guy.

Nothing selective about reporting full facts.

Selective is if you omit facts.. I.e. Thai language news sources.

Selective is simply choosing what you do and do not include. Both newspapers are being selective.

The Pattay DN has not reported full facts at all. To do so would require thousands of words about the entire relationship, the love triangle, the history of thr relationship, the backgrounds of the persons involved, etcetera etcetera.

The Pattaya DN has reported only the 'facts' it wants its readers to hear. So by including the story about the money Pattaya DN was being selective. It makes the story more titillating. Surely you can understand that?

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Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

Hmmm, did you just manage to insult a large part of the Buddhist culture? Why yes, you did! bah.gif

Oh no he didn't. He insulted neo-nazis. (and people with cerebal palsy).

Ah but yes, he did. He should have said "people who express their own inferiority complex with nazi symbology are morons" and he would have limited the taunt to skinheads, neo nazis and British aristocracy.

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I guess he grew up in West Germany where only some years ago they still teached the kids in school other facts of WWII

That he did not get much love would be an easy guess as well.

Would you care to substantiate this nonsense with a couple of references? Oh wait, you can't! You just like to tell lies on the internet! sick.gif

How can I lie if I say I guess about some background? And nonsense for you but this would be a very clear connection where you maybe not know anything about? And i never say it is my way, I guess... so why act like a fool?

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Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

Do you know what a spastic is? It is a person, often a very young child with a medical condition caused by spasticity and is also used to refer to people suffering from Cerebral Palsy. The people who suffer from the condition...many many children, have no control of the disease and whilst physically deformed by a cruel twist of fate they are as mentally acute as any of us, if not, more acute, Stephen Hawking being a point in case.

Your comment is far far more offensive than anyone wearing a swastika ear ring and bears testimony to someone displaying minimal intelligence and a bigotry far greater than someone wearing 'fashion jewellery'. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself, as should the individual who 'liked' your post.

Agreed. Jim you are ignorant and far from a gentleman

Multiple apologies to Jim. Not Jim. The sender was ignorant Sirichai

ignorant yes but maybe a gentleman but not that if he continues to use the expression now he knows.

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At 03:00 on May 9 the detectives traced Mr. Michael through his mobile phone number.
Very interesting??

More like just very stupid.

Easy to replace the sim in a a phone and be untraceable.

Besides being a violent turd, he is also far from the brightest to in the shed.

Som nam na. Enjoy the Bkk Hilton, dumbass.

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This is a terrible thing to happen !!! Both Farang men and Thai women are very naive . The men think they can find love with very pretty much younger women ; Thai women seem completely undiscriminating in their choice of men , if he's got money to spend thats OK . It doesn't matter who the man is , fat , ugly , old , decrepit , or a brute , as long as he has money to spend .

Foreign men fall in love and are prepared to give their all , but fail to realise that Thai women are quite different in their thinking . I have met several foreign men , who when they have built a beautiful house and been stripped of all their assets , have been told to get out . Some women have several boyfriends still working in their own countries , who each send money every month .

Foreign men need to wake up to reality , love and loyalty is for their culture and may not be readily found in Thai women . The victim was married to an Englishman before , is said to have divorced him , or did he divorce her ? My sincere condolences to the victim's family !!!

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As he came out he saw 2 or 3 men got off the car and one of them spoke Thai language

The plot thickens. Now there are 2 more men involved and one of them speaks Thai. Who are these guys? blink.png

And who is Mr. Thong? sad.png

Mr. Tong is a gay celeberty in Udon with his bar near the Market/Mall. A fun place i think because it's not a boring club with standing tables only, some times very nice music and a mix of people

And its also full of Hookers and Ladyboys !

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Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

Do you know what a spastic is? It is a person, often a very young child with a medical condition caused by spasticity and is also used to refer to people suffering from Cerebral Palsy. The people who suffer from the condition...many many children, have no control of the disease and whilst physically deformed by a cruel twist of fate they are as mentally acute as any of us, if not, more acute, Stephen Hawking being a point in case.

Your comment is far far more offensive than anyone wearing a swastika ear ring and bears testimony to someone displaying minimal intelligence and a bigotry far greater than someone wearing 'fashion jewellery'. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself, as should the individual who 'liked' your post.

I think he was trying a play on words, "swastika", "spastika", "spastic". I'm still confused why he doesn't have a clue who the largest group of swastika users in Thailand are.

I think he was taking a stab (no pun intended) at humor. The humorless probably couldn't comprehend.

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