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Jealous German Skinhead Knife Killer Caught In Khon Kaen


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Would the real Mr Miller please stand up? please stand up !!!

I would be interested to know where is Mr Miller now?

Why did the get divorced?

Who is the father of this ladies daughter?

Where is here father now?

IMO the real Mr Miller got taken for a ride by this lady. He probably

supported this ladies daughter for years. After 9 years he got so fed

up that he up and left Thailand or just up and left her. Just my opinion

Even stupid sleeping people wake up sooner or later

Again - what has this got to do with the story? Nothing at all. She was divorced, so what? Does that mean she should be murdered?

The focus has to be on THIS case, THIS story, THE arseh*le who committed murder in a jealous rage - the victims past and her ex-husband have nothing whatsoever to do with it.

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Sick Bastard.

Yes bloody German sick BASTARD. Ive never liked them. Thai girls should keep away from the Nazzies. All Thai ladies stay away from Westerners with mustaches.

He's a sick bastard regardless of his nationality exactly like u r a sick demented prick regardless of yours

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Although of course there are many wonderful, funny, intelligent, free spirited happy-go-lucky ladies with hearts of gold, but there is that 'certain type' that you should just stay away from. The amount of felang that get ripped off by Thai ladies is unbelievable, I have heard many a story in a bar..but this is through their own stupidity, lust and perverted dillusions

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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I feel sorry for the German , firstly he oviously dint know she was a prostitute (Ilegal in Thailand) but should have figured that out before.

Secondly the press is siding on the girl by calling him "Jealous German Skinhead"

The headline should have read: "German national suspected in killing of a cheating prostitute In Khon Kaen"

But anyhow the media has conficted him already.

By his own admission mentioned in the article, he said he did it out of jealousy, the other two are facts - he is German, and its patently obvious that he has shaved his head - he appears also to be interested in the Nazi movement, if we can judge by his wearing the symbol in his ear... I will double check to see which way around it is...(BTW thanks to Semper for clarifying the difference - I hadnt realised they were mirror images - even more symbolic when you think about what each represents).

As Farangled said - how can a prostitute "cheat", but even more important - all she was doing was chatting on Facebook - hardly "cheating"...maybe "flirting", but so what? Even if there was an excuse for murder, which of course there never is, nor will be, is electronic flirting halfway around the world, an excuse...NO!

Totally agree and you're right I should have made it clear that there is no indication that this poor lady was either "cheating" or a prostitute.

Either way there is no excuse for this brutal murder; what she was doing and what she was like have no relevance.

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He's somewhat of a confused Nazi to have an Asian girlfriend. He must have been off the day they did "white supremacy" at school.

The pic of him yesterday was a guy with hair. Is this an attempt at an image change or is this guy a genuine skinhead?

To be a skinhead or a nazi - well to be honest, a few nuts and bolts must be missing upstairs..

So if he is not the brightest kid on the block, maybe he fails to understand the complete picture.

Especially the whole race issue... And that would be in the top 2 of nazi thinking...

And to be honest, with his black beard and previously black har, I'm not so sure he wouldn't have been persicuted himself back in the days..

So he is a real tool, to ever support that way of thinking..

I think the black beard (& hair) don't disqualify him. Remember Hitler & Himmler for starters.

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Just thought I would mention - I did check the earing he has - it IS the German Nazi Swastika, not the Buddhist symbol...

There is no significance in the direction of the swastika for Buddhists. It can go in either direction.

The Nazi swastika can only go in one direction.

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Would the real Mr Miller please stand up? please stand up !!!

I would be interested to know where is Mr Miller now?

Why did the get divorced?

Who is the father of this ladies daughter?

Where is here father now?

IMO the real Mr Miller got taken for a ride by this lady. He probably

supported this ladies daughter for years. After 9 years he got so fed

up that he up and left Thailand or just up and left her. Just my opinion

Even stupid sleeping people wake up sooner or later

Again - what has this got to do with the story? Nothing at all. She was divorced, so what? Does that mean she should be murdered?

The focus has to be on THIS case, THIS story, THE arseh*le who committed murder in a jealous rage - the victims past and her ex-husband have nothing whatsoever to do with it.

Might bring to light a pattern of behavior.

If you play with fire, sooner or later you are gonna get burned

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Nice touch the Swaztica earring obviously an idiot to wear an earring like that and be German at the same time

no problem (not illegal) once outside of Germany; the U.S., U.K., CAN, AUS etc. (and Phuket, for that...) are full of swasticas. Maybe the guy bought his from a Muslim friend in Jomtien

Edited by thurien
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He liked Thailand and wanted to live here (thailand) after he visited for the first time last year...............Guess he only saw the colourful side of it.

Why would you say that? Don't you like Thailand? I haven't noticed any wire fences keeping anyone in.

I like Thailand and have lived here for yonks as have thousands of others and we don't particularly like people knocking the place.

My guess is your far away in some murderous country where someone dies every violently every 2 minutes like the USA bumping your gums about a country you know very little of.

Anyone who lives a decent life here and know good Thai people would never say a thing like that.

Now and then someone cracks and commits a crime of passion like this and Thaivisa are all over it like a rash but Thailand still has one of the lowest murder rates per pop in the World and Bangkok is regarded as one of the safest cities in the world.

As far as this murder goes no one deserves to die but it takes 2 to tango. It would appear if you believe everything you read in the papers she didn't give a hoot about him sitting chatting to some guy right in front of him. Some people would be angry and walk away in the huff others would go absolutely berserk and anything could happen.......she underestimated the affect it was having on him and anything did happen. She may have been a lovely person or she could ave been a complete bitch who knows? One look at this guy is enough to make the normal person think Oh!oh! I doubt If I would have had the balls to try extracting the urine out of him..what was she thinking!!sad.png

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I read this story in the Thai language' Daily News' yesterday and noted the absence of any mention that the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender. Almost makering her look like a stand up model citizen. Selective reporting I guess.

<deleted> !!!

And that would be good reason to knife the girl 17 times, I guess. Even if it was written somewhere which I haven't found--us poor farangs are such victims here, eh?

Selective reporting indeed. Selective for the English language newspaper to include the details of monies given to the Thai GF. Hardly relevant to the murder. I guess that was included in the Pattaya News because the thought of a Thai GF ripping off farangs is what gets ex pats reading newspapers in Pattaya.

Did you even look at the Pattaya daily news article ?

Its in the last quater of the story reported, in same size font as the rest of the story.

The headline states in bold and bigger fonts, that they caught this guy.

Nothing selective about reporting full facts.

Selective is if you omit facts.. I.e. Thai language news sources.

No. I am not a Pattaya bandit. I was saying what I rean in the THAI language news paper YESTERDAY.

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Mr. Michael a skinhead wearing an earring with the swastika, nazi symbol. The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

I'm afraid to say that this guy should be allowed to commit suicide. Swastikas for Spastics......wai.gif

How ignorant you are just because he wear a swastika then must commit a suicide instead if he was wearing a cheguevara symbol or a communist gadget he was just a victim of the system isn't true in't? I hope there are not many idiot think like you!!! life is an important thinng....not play with it!!! thai lady RIP.

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I read this story in the Thai language' Daily News' yesterday and noted the absence of any mention that the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender. Almost makering her look like a stand up model citizen. Selective reporting I guess.

<deleted> !!!

And that would be good reason to knife the girl 17 times, I guess. Even if it was written somewhere which I haven't found--us poor farangs are such victims here, eh?

Selective reporting indeed. Selective for the English language newspaper to include the details of monies given to the Thai GF. Hardly relevant to the murder. I guess that was included in the Pattaya News because the thought of a Thai GF ripping off farangs is what gets ex pats reading newspapers in Pattaya.

Did you even look at the Pattaya daily news article ?

Its in the last quater of the story reported, in same size font as the rest of the story.

The headline states in bold and bigger fonts, that they caught this guy.

Nothing selective about reporting full facts.

Selective is if you omit facts.. I.e. Thai language news sources.

No. Because I am not a Pattaya bandit. I was saying what I read in a THAI language news paper YESTERDAY.

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And its also full of Hookers and Ladyboys !

And Mr Tong and his staff, who never gave me any problems, but always made sure I made it home after a good night out. He does not choose his customers, they choose him. He is running a business, his objective is to make money. At least he has fun doing it. There is a reason he has had the same staff for years and years.. nasty people don't keep their staff for long.

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Looks a lot different in this photo .But my word what a silly silly man ..and only 29 years Old , his girl was 34 . Beyond Crazy , he got ripped off so he believes this was a good course of action !!

What a stupid Farang ..there are a squillion women out there , hes younger than his girl ..Oh well , he not only destroyed her life and left her family with much Grief ..and his future certainly isn't looking too crash hot , I know some get extremely jealous ..but its simple , Just move on .


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I read this story in the Thai language' Daily News' yesterday and noted the absence of any mention that the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender. Almost makering her look like a stand up model citizen. Selective reporting I guess.

<deleted> !!!

And that would be good reason to knife the girl 17 times, I guess. Even if it was written somewhere which I haven't found--us poor farangs are such victims here, eh?

I always find it amazing to hear the 'Girlfriend leeches cash' from the farang.... Remember, those who give the money to the girls/girlfriends etc do so voluntarily nobody forces them, yet its always the girls fault and the farang the victim.

Its more a case of the farang thinking with his trouser brain rather than his actual brain and looks for someone else to blame for his stupidity when he realises he's given all is cash away.


When momma said, "Don't lose your meal ticket," she should have added, "And by all means don't become one."

What is equally amazing is how a man would think giving money to a woman here could end well.

It is a sign of generosity in some quarters, not many, but here it is a sign of weakness and foolheartedness.

It is instanct disrespect.

When a woman in this part of the world sees you as generous on come the afterburners.

Her mindset is that somebody is going to get this fool's money sooner rather than later so might as well be me.

Absolutely. It is plain simple greed.

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The guy two days ago was not the same as this one... why?

What is the reason, they want now the farangs "all" would be the bad people, who killing innocent thai women in Thailand... not every one of us is bad, and not every one of us is a murder.

The one, who killed the lady is a murder, not important the "why" and not important if his mind is sick or not, not important the swastika neither... which you can see on every temple in thailand and in the whole asian region from india to indonesia, include thailand. It is an old sybol, older that the nazis, older than anyone try to get it for them selves only.

IF somebody wears swastika is not a murder immidiately, even not a bad man. Even not a nazi.

I am deeply sorry about this accident, and also i am curious what is the reson behind, that now coming up, the skin head thing, with a guy with skin head - no hair - and the swastika and the rest of all this things...

If this is a political action, that is a sorry thing to use such like a murder for this to gain something... sorry for the people they involved to this thing, using such like a sad and abnormal thing to make people angry and agains everything which is intitially not bad.

We are in Thailand and we know how things works here. But somebody is bad, cause he use a swastika symbol in his ear, or that s why because he is a bad man till the bone... or a stupid man, who cannot see who loves him and who not and killing just for justify his so called human feeling.

Such like a thing is not acceptable, neither in thailand, nor in anywhere in the world. killing someone is not an option. I am not sorry about this guy, anything he will get, he deserved and much more...

However dont make a political thing about this, cause this is not the right way, people should see and handle this terrific act.

One who made the decisions alone to kill someone, have to answer for his act in front of the judge as soon as possible. Deepy sorry for the young woman and the people they loved her.

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Plus ...Going only from the LOOK of this dude , if I " borrowed " 60,000 barht , Id be giving it straight back to him in a hurry . Talk about Karma ..No Thanks . In this instance unfortunately , it appears that he was as he looks ..For he certainly has no understanding for what happens here often ...

But , Im afraid this time the lady was mixing with the wrong man . You just have to be more careful than that .

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Nice touch the Swaztica earring obviously an idiot to wear an earring like that and be German at the same time

no problem (not illegal) once outside of Germany; the U.S., U.K., CAN, AUS etc. (and Phuket, for that...) are full of swasticas. Maybe the guy bought his from a Muslim friend in Jomtien

Legal Or illegal ... Its still certainly making a statement , and for a logical peace loving individual Its NOT a good Idea . There are many in Phuket True ..... But not often used to show far right support , sometimes its a little humourous .

BUT this guy is making a statement ..once again , going purely on looks ..And its not a good look .

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The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

I can imagine a conversation filled with "where u come from", "what your name" etc. etc. sad.png

The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

I can imagine a conversation filled with "where u come from", "what your name" etc. etc. sad.png

True... like the police!

Now they got the guy in custody..... He is due to experience Thailand Legally - Amazing Thailand.

I am not condoning what he did. But now all eyes are diverted to a "Nazi".... Hmmm... what about the typical scenario that haunts many husbands married or living with Thai women.... who play this same game. Blind eye to this? Well, go to the tourist resorts on the East coast and the bars.... Stories very similar and there is nothing you can do about it if you choose to live here.... Its practiced and has become an industry blessed by family members and supported by crime rings. " you scratch my back...... I'll scratch yours" Another one bites the dust. A foretaste to justice in Thailand.

Edited by alanferdi
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