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Nakhon Ratchasima Costs


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We are looking to live in Thailand in about 5 years. Need a location near an international school. Just wondered if anyone could say whether the cost of living in Nakhon Ratchasima or that area would be any cheaper than other areas. I am basically looking at Rayong and possibly Chiang Mai as alternatives as we dont want to live in Bangkok or Phuket and there arent too many locations for international schools. Thanks

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Might help to know why you need location near International School as if for education not all are created equal (or even close). If for teaching this might not be so much a factor.

Also remember that living in some places will be quite different than being a tourist or living in areas with large populations of tourists. Will greatly depend on your choice of lifestyle on how much it will cost.

If you can provide more details on your needs those living there can probably help you better.

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Yeah thanks for that. We need an international school for our daughters education. She will be 7 when/if we move.The Universal Internatioanl School at Nakhon Ratchasima looks pretty good. I was really just looking to get a rough idea whether the cost of living in Korat would be less than say Rayong or Chiand Mai. I dont want a tourist lifestyle, but would like to have some social life, so would like to be in an area with a few expats. We would probably buy a house eventually, once we have decided exactly where we want to live. Khon Kaen and Hua Hin sound good but there are no International Schools there and we dont want our daughter to board.

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Hi Boogie,

My future home town will be Nakorn Ratchasima.

Know the place for more than 28 years.

Within the next few months I will go for a short holiday.

If you have any specific questions,please e-mail me and I will try to find the answers for you.

I personally love the town and its people but that is obvious,otherwise I would not have choosen that place.

For buying a house look at other threads;Not possible for Farang. :o

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Thanks Dutch,

I cant think of anything specific at the moment. Its still a few years away, but will probably go quickly so we are just exploring our options. How do you find the costs there compared with other areas. My wife is Thai and I am aware of the real estate laws thanks. She comes from the Chaiyaphum area but we dont want to settle there. I've never actually been to Nakhon Ratchasima, maybe we'll try and visit next time over, hopefully October. What is it that you like about the place so much ? Would be interested to know. Actually one question does spring to mind, do you know of any real estate agents in the area that have websites. Thank again for taking the time to respond.


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Korat (aka Nakon Rachasima) is very cheap and I imagine cheaper than the other places that you mention. This is due to it being in a relatively poor part of the country where costs are low, and also that there are only so many things that a farang would spend money on here. House rental is very cheap, public transport very cheap but I imagine you would want a car here.

AFAIK, the nearest international school is in Pak Chong which is about 70+ km south.

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Thanks Stickman. Yes the only school I found was the one you refer to at Pak Chong. I'll have to check the area out when I'm over later in the year. We will be going to Chaiyaphum so can have a look then. Do you have any idea whether or not there would be any kind of ex-pat community in the area ?

Cheers Boogie

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Do you have any idea whether or not there would be any kind of ex-pat community in the area ?

Boogie, i was in Korart in november and i went to the Dunkin' Doughnuts at Klang Plaza. Every morning there were several elderly American (?) guys having a coffee and chatting together.

I never spoke to them but i assume they live local. Maybe you could try asking them about ex pats in Korart.



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We are looking to live in Thailand in about 5 years. Need a location near an international school. Just wondered if anyone could say whether the cost of living in Nakhon Ratchasima or that area would be any cheaper than other areas. I am basically looking at Rayong and possibly Chiang Mai as alternatives as we dont want to live in Bangkok or Phuket and there arent too many locations for international schools. Thanks

To give you an idea, living in the jungle 50 km's outside Korat city, land will probably cost you something like 50,000 baht per rai. Somewhere like Rayong is likely to cost you 500,000 a rai and nearer to Pattaya (where most of the International schools are and a very sizeable professional expat population) land will cost you around 1,000,000 per rai. All these are rural locations. City limits are far higher in all cases - Pattaya for example, land is going for around 3-25,000,000 per rai depending on location and proximity to beach.

All this is based on current prices. There is a consensus, certainly around the suburbs of Pattaya, that land prices will continue to increase as more and more foreigners are living here and want land. Particularly as Pattaya and surrounding land is about 10% of the price of land in Phuket and is going to be 1 hour from the new international airport by 3 lane motorway within a couple of years. If your smart, you might want to think about buying a coconut plantation now and just sitting on it. In 5 years time, the profit by selling all or part may cover your school fees.

Hope this helps, and by the way I like Korat City but would never live there - personally I found it too limiting in terms of other expats.

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I was recently in both Nakhon Ratchasima and Chiang Mai. Our friends who just moved to NR introduced us to an American retiree, former Army, who has lived there for 7 years. The VFW post there is the major expat group, and it is small. (They fudge on the membership requirements a little if you're a vet with some overseas time, and know someone) The expat community there is limited. the people are great. The exclusive place to live is in the Land and House development, which is much less expensive than the L&H developments in more populated areas. Think 2.5 million for a good 2-story, maybe 1500 square feet, with drapes, kitchen and A/C in the master bedroom. Gorgeous tile work...ask and I can send you a photo of it. Near Bangkok the same house is 4-8 million. I can't give an honest comparison in housing prices, as I only saw the most expensive development in NR, and I saw a number of less expensive ones in Chiang Mai, but not the Land and House one.

We chose Chiang Mai. It has a better atmosphere, being a University town, than NR. NR was just too depressingly poor, dirty, and drought and flood prone for us. You may feel differently. We didn't see a difference in the cost of things like food between the two. We liked the existence of a larger expat community. My advice is to do what we did. Go there and check out the areas you might like to live in.Land and House


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Thanks Cathyy and Digger,

You seen to have confirmed what I thought, that Korat is probably "out in the sticks " too much. I would like to reduce our costs as much as possible, but not at the expense of quality of living. I will still probably check the area out on my next visit, but I value and trust your input, thanks. By the way Cathyy your links didnt work and I would appreciate the photos if you could oblige. Hopefully we will have enough to live wherever, but we're obviously looking for the best deal to suit our requirements.

Cheers Boogie

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Hello Boogie,

I'm wondering if Cathy and Digger went to the same Korat that I know and love! As the second largest city in Thailand and the centre of the Isaan region, I don't think it is 'out in the sticks' at all. In fact, if you want to avoid the falang tourist traps and actually live in a place that is Thai, then Korat is that place. Costs are very low, houses are going for a song and the locals are great. You could easily buy a nice house for a million baht and there are some very nice areas within commuting distance (I consider commuting distance less than 15 minutes) As Korat is the hub for transportation in Isaan, you can easily hop a train to Ubon, Udon or Bangkok. Weekends in Vientianne are a regular feature. As for being dirty and poor, well are we talking about Bangkok here? If you can't bear a bit of dust and a few poor people, then your in the wrong country. I'd say give Korat a shot, it's got a lot going for it and it is the 'real' Thailand. It also has some very go schools and TWO universities. Good luck.

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Hello Boogie,

I'm wondering if Cathy and Digger went to the same Korat that I know and love! As the second largest city in Thailand and the centre of the Isaan region, I don't think it is 'out in the sticks' at all. In fact, if you want to avoid the falang tourist traps and actually live in a place that is Thai, then Korat is that place. Costs are very low, houses are going for a song and the locals are great. You could easily buy a nice house for a million baht and there are some very nice areas within commuting distance (I consider commuting distance less than 15 minutes) As Korat is the hub for transportation in Isaan, you can easily hop a train to Ubon, Udon or Bangkok. Weekends in Vientianne are a regular feature. As for being dirty and poor, well are we talking about Bangkok here? If you can't bear a bit of dust and a few poor people, then your in the wrong country. I'd say give Korat a shot, it's got a lot going for it and it is the 'real' Thailand. It also has some very good schools and TWO universities. Good luck.

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Fully agree Pete.

The only negative point so to say is the international school issue.

Pak Chong is too far away to drive it on a daily base and I believe they were not looking for a board school.

Another point is what do you expect from life.?

A big expat community or do you want to go relatively local.

Make up your mind and choose wisely.

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i thought the area around phimai & up 2 chaiyaphum was great.It seems such a nice place to live and bring up a family.The main roads out of korat towards BKK were fine.Also drove from korat down to rayong in just over 4 hours one night no problems at all.(taxi)

Havent tried the trains yet but will do on my next trip.

I didnt see many farrangs during my stay,but was told by my TGF a dutch guy has a house just outside the village and has a few partys and about 10 farrangs and there wives turn up.

I asked my TGF about the local schools and she said the nearest one to the village was really bad,the teachers played cards all day :o .

But the school near phimai also staterun was very good .

Value for money you cant beat korat.Went to the local market to buy food,toys,towels,soft drinks,so much stuff,and it all come to under 600baht :D

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Thanks again guys,

Looks like I'll check it out for myself next time round. Obviously one persons ###### is anothers heaven and vice versa, but it sounds quite favourable over all. I definately dont want a "falang tourist trap"and my wife is fairly flexible about where she would like to settle.We stay with my in laws outside Chaiyaphum when we visit so I'm used to the dust and living the simple life. I dont want a huge ex-pat community, but it would be nice to have a few friends in the area we live, not necessarily right on our doorsteps, but in the area. The only problem may be the school, unless we can find somehere suitable within driving distance. I really appreciate all the input. I think my best bet now is to check the area out myself. Thanks guys.

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To the person that posted " My house in Korat " BEAUTIFUL !!

I love it ! You must be so proud ! I want one like it . Details , Please.

PM me if you would . I have so many questions to ask you , I hope you can find a miniute or two



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Thank you for your loving comments.

Yes I feel proud.

It was during a chat ,talking about houses that I was requested to put it in the album and George helped a little bit with that.

I already PM you some information and please feel free to ask the questions that may remain.


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