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Man Suspected Of Burglary And Sexual Assault Of 5 Year Old Pet Dog In East Pattaya


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Some canine ladies get a strong and uncontrollable animal attraction towards the bad boy criminal types.

Cos they use Barkwan???

I'll bite....what is 'Barkwan'?

It was a failed attempt at humour.....As in sweet mouth....

A failed attempt is better than no attempt thumbsup.gif

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But having to explain a joke is the saddest thing you have to do on a forum...

....I was expecting more BMs to know the Thai for sweet mouth and its meaning...

A bit like people who put LOL after their comments because they are not used to people laughing at their jokes!
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It should not be funny and the poor BUGGER is obviously in need of some medical/psychological help but it always reminds me of the jokes about sheep and rubber boots.

Does not take a lot of imagination,

Any Welshmen out there care to comment on this post?whistling.gif
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He'll probably get a fine for animal cruelty, and a couple of weeks in jail at the most for intent to steal, as he didn't actually leave the propertywith anything the intent to steal may be difficult to prove. He could argue that he entered the property to have sex with the dog and wasn't a theif at all. I'm sure there is no offence of sexual assult on a dog in Thailand so a 500 baht fine would seem likely.

For him, the worst case scenario is that he gets commited to a mental hospital.

He could either plead insanity, or stick to his story that he was looking after the women's possessions (and say the hanky panky with Lassie was consensual).

Either way, he will not be going to prison for a any considerable length of time, and while he is in there I reckon the other inmates will offer him a wide berth.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

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On the back of this story, I was wondering if a business making chastity belts for dogs would catch on in Thailand

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules

Bonio's springs to mind. Are you consumed with jealousy when you see the pack running brit? Or do you have them so well trained that....I think I will stop there out of common decency.

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I wonder what the fine is for a Thai person having sex with another Thai person's dog?

As opposed to stewing it?

He was in the process of stuffing it when he got caught. He's just a misunderstood chef!

I don't think he was using Paxo though...

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Sorry about this, no excuse for puppy fiddling but this may help the guy

A dog drunk on port

Was taken to court

For trying to make love to his father.

Said the judge to the pet

How low can you get?

To the judge said the pet "A chihuahua"

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