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Another Bangers Bar-gone


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Just picked up a bit of shocking news on Sticks that the good old Rififfi "lee fee-fee"is now for the chop and will be soon be an electric...something..

This was one of my first hang outs when I started slumming it in the old pong some 20 years ago....griiir

Always well a/conned with pleasant if not particulary inspiring Bangkok Ladies College aka- St Hildas Graduates to while away a hot humid and dusty afternoon in quiet conversation and contemplation.Their beer prices also were always reasonable :D

I suppose one must be gratefull that it wont be yet another handbag shop....hey what gives this is supposed to be the famous..Patrick Pong.....bags everywhere. :o

http://www.rififi.com/ :D

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Now that Nana and Cowboy are all prudishly covered up every night, it's good news that a dud bar like Rififi is (I hope) to be replaced by Club Electric Blue, which is full of eye-watering candy in Pattaya. If a bar as good as this appears on Patpong, that will be a real boost for the suffering Bkk. gogo scene.

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Rififi - What to Expect

We are/were open midday until the early hours. :D

The Bar by Day

The Rififi is a quiet afternoon watering hole by day. The catwalk is covered with a formidable array of bottles. Easy listening c.d's are played and the TV is usually tuned in to a sports channel. It is here and now that the work shy and world weary of Bangkok's expat community and the tired travellers of the S.E. Asian circuit can escape the sun and the fumes for a shadier environment.

The Bar by Night

By 7.00 P.M. the chrome poles of go-go are in place, the house lights dimmed and the show lights up. Then it's straight into ZZ Top's 'She's Got Legs' - and she usually does!

Subject to availability, there are generally three girls on the catwalk at any given time. They dance, progress and, one by one, are replaced. The music is mostly rock and the extensive selection ranging from the 60's to the present day is comprehensively catalogued for guest's requests - ask to see the menu, then talk to the DJ.

The girls are in swimwear and high heels - which is only fitting - although on high days and holidays special costumes are worn. A fun loving crew by and large, they're keen to chat to guests and, whilst their English may be limited in some respects, they're communicative and good humoured. :o


Beer, cocktails - dry and sophisticated or vulgar and fruity - exotic shooters, they're all here at competitive prices. The Rififi is a place where a lot of drinking just seems to happen to you. NB No o.p. (over proof) or flaming shooters are on offer as things did get a bit out of hand a few years back. Note also, the bell at the end of the bar is NOT to attract service (that is a challenge to your charisma), but to signal your willingness to buy everyone in the bar a drink. :

Lady Drinks

If you buy a girl a drink, it's likely she'll have a lady drink - that is a coke or lemonade - she'll get a commission from it. This is an earner for the girls and it means the recipient will chat with you till it's her turn to dance. The girls won't hassle you for these, but it is in their interests to be bought them. So, if you like the little lady with her laughing eyes and sing-song voice, buy her a drink - you'll both enjoy ....

as I said a quiet place to contemplate and solve the world problems...for grown ups :D

I suppose if our new generation of 40-F-U-S-Ts need/prefer "eye watering candy"rip off noisey,humourless,psuedo gin joints ...just like home...then so be it.

For me a warm glass of Sing beer with a piece of ice in it (with all the little green slimey things frozen solid within)a bunch of S.O.Bs in heavy conversation about who really won the "nam war"and the latest news on Pol Pots behaviour in P.P and how much we could make smuggling fags over the border from Laos to Rattanakiri........that was the Rifi......

as I said S.O.Bs but we all need somewhere to crawl to and excape reality...sometimes :D

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