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Phuket Party?


Phuket party?  

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Good idea.


Maybe here?




I have them, but this is not the place for them.



You can bring the clan. Give the little woman and kids a few thousand Baht, and turn them loose in the mall.

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I think if you read raro's OP, you'll find he asked for suggestions for location and whether it should be a family event or otherwise. As to location, people are more likely to suggest locations they are familiar with - hardly a 'hilarious' concept. You can't leave it up to raro to find a place - he is not familiar with the island. Perhaps you could make a helpful suggestion in this respect? Your post could have the effect of people being loath to suggest venues - not very helpful at all.

Let's try to keep this thread on point and flame free.

No flames coming from me!!

I did make a suggestion. My suggestion was that asking people for suggestions was a bit pointless because 95% of people will just choose the place that's best for them. If people really fancy going they will travel to wherever it is being held IMO.

But if you really thing a suggestion of a place from me is beneficial, then I think it should be at the Reggae Bar on Bangtao Beach. tongue.png

Seriously though, how can people think it's any different getting to Patong, Karon or Rawai for a night out? People react as if we're asking should it be Krabi or Suratani. We're talking a few miles difference wherever it's held, how can that possibly matter?

Looking at this issue in simplicity, I believe the party is targeted at "members" of TV. So, if a wife, girlfriend or children have a username and post on the forum, they would be more than welcome to attend. If not, what is the point of the member going to the party, if they will be spending most of their time with their spouse and/or children????

Is the party not about meeting several other members of TV???? Does that not take ones time, and attention?

For me, it has nothing to do with "screaming kids" and everything to do with the atmosphere of the party. I would suggest that most members of TV would feel more comfortable approaching a table of men drinking beer and introducing themselves, then approaching a family sitting at a table.

It maybe argued that the "women" will want to chat amongst themselves whilst the guys have a chat over a beer. However, I have found Thai women to be very competitive in this sort of environment and they frequently compare who has the farang with the most money etc. After the event, many guys come home to the "keeping up with the Jones" whinging. Eg. "Can we buy new car too darling?" etc etc

I'm single, but many of my friends have reported to me experiencing this phenomenon, after BBQ's etc. These situations can often be a very "bitchy" environment for Thai women. Members should consider that their wife/girlfriend may not have a good time anyway.

I never actually said I thought it should be for families and that kids should be allowed. I think it makes just as much sense to make it for members only or members plus one.

I only pointed out the arrogance of the person that admitted that many people may want to bring their children, but because he doesn't want children there they shouldn't be allowed. My point was that what's best for the majority should be taken in to consideration and people shouldn't be so self centred that they think things will be organised around their specific needs. With so many different people involved being flexible is a must IMO.

As for your comment on 'bitchy' Thai woman who want to keep up with the jonses or just chat amongst themselves. blink.png Has it not occurred to you that my wife may be perfectly able to meet farang and chat with them exactly the same as you and I would? And that she's as normal and emotionally stable as any farang and won't go home 'wanting a new car' because she saw somebody else had one?? I think you will find more peoples wives would be like that than the way you described.

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I think if you read raro's OP, you'll find he asked for suggestions for location and whether it should be a family event or otherwise. As to location, people are more likely to suggest locations they are familiar with - hardly a 'hilarious' concept. You can't leave it up to raro to find a place - he is not familiar with the island. Perhaps you could make a helpful suggestion in this respect? Your post could have the effect of people being loath to suggest venues - not very helpful at all.

Let's try to keep this thread on point and flame free.

No flames coming from me!!

I did make a suggestion. My suggestion was that asking people for suggestions was a bit pointless because 95% of people will just choose the place that's best for them. If people really fancy going they will travel to wherever it is being held IMO.

But if you really thing a suggestion of a place from me is beneficial, then I think it should be at the Reggae Bar on Bangtao Beach. tongue.png

Seriously though, how can people think it's any different getting to Patong, Karon or Rawai for a night out? People react as if we're asking should it be Krabi or Suratani. We're talking a few miles difference wherever it's held, how can that possibly matter?

Looking at this issue in simplicity, I believe the party is targeted at "members" of TV. So, if a wife, girlfriend or children have a username and post on the forum, they would be more than welcome to attend. If not, what is the point of the member going to the party, if they will be spending most of their time with their spouse and/or children????

Is the party not about meeting several other members of TV???? Does that not take ones time, and attention?

For me, it has nothing to do with "screaming kids" and everything to do with the atmosphere of the party. I would suggest that most members of TV would feel more comfortable approaching a table of men drinking beer and introducing themselves, then approaching a family sitting at a table.

It maybe argued that the "women" will want to chat amongst themselves whilst the guys have a chat over a beer. However, I have found Thai women to be very competitive in this sort of environment and they frequently compare who has the farang with the most money etc. After the event, many guys come home to the "keeping up with the Jones" whinging. Eg. "Can we buy new car too darling?" etc etc

I'm single, but many of my friends have reported to me experiencing this phenomenon, after BBQ's etc. These situations can often be a very "bitchy" environment for Thai women. Members should consider that their wife/girlfriend may not have a good time anyway.

I never actually said I thought it should be for families and that kids should be allowed. I think it makes just as much sense to make it for members only or members plus one.

I only pointed out the arrogance of the person that admitted that many people may want to bring their children, but because he doesn't want children there they shouldn't be allowed. My point was that what's best for the majority should be taken in to consideration and people shouldn't be so self centred that they think things will be organised around their specific needs. With so many different people involved being flexible is a must IMO.

As for your comment on 'bitchy' Thai woman who want to keep up with the jonses or just chat amongst themselves. blink.png Has it not occurred to you that my wife may be perfectly able to meet farang and chat with them exactly the same as you and I would? And that she's as normal and emotionally stable as any farang and won't go home 'wanting a new car' because she saw somebody else had one?? I think you will find more peoples wives would be like that than the way you described.

I never said you did. If I was reffering to your post, I would have quoted it.

You wife may well be educated and speak english fluently. If that is the case, I'm sure she would be in the minority, not the majority of the Thai women at the party. (no offence to members or their wives meant)

I never stated Thai women are "bitchy." I stated that a party like this can be a "bitchy environment" for women, that's Thai women in Thailand, and western women in the west.

The comment I made about "face" and "keeping up with the Jones" comes from unconnected friends who reported to me that their partners would ask for the same material possessions as their mate's wives had, after meeting with them. I does not come from personal experience. So, members can either take on board, or leave, this experience of others.

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As is normal in the Phuket forum, people start bitching at eaht other.

Please don't post if your only contribution to this forum is just that NAG, NAG, NAG. !

As for me, Rawai or Chalong, anywhere further away is for me impossible to attend, and no kids please, just members. Tnx

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As is normal in the Phuket forum, people start bitching at eaht other.

Please don't post if your only contribution to this forum is just that NAG, NAG, NAG. !

As for me, Rawai or Chalong, anywhere further away is for me impossible to attend, and no kids please, just members. Tnx

thanks for that, you took the words out of my mouth.

Quite ironic actually that I have to start moderating a thread about a looming thaivisa party...

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To be frankly honest, it is about meeting other Phuket ex-pats who have decided to make a new life here, I am personally fed up with the derogatory posts submitted by certain members, god this a new life for most people and no need for the abuse and insults posted by a few members, who cares where this event is held, if you truly want to participate in an event that gets to know other members then surely this is a great thing, personally you can bring your children, I love kids, we can all put up with a bit of disruption for a few hours one time in a month, I would have no hesitation in letting people know who I am, I have nothing to hide, come on people this is a computer, it is cyber space, lets have a great time together, life is short and you are a long time dead.!!!!

If you do not want to included your family but instead want to use this is an excuse to get pissed then there is no point in taking this any further.

Edited by kawapower
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I would be happy to provide a a location on the beach in Surin with food and music. Plus maybe a pool competition between different team members chosen at random so that people get to meet each together?

First problem is it would be in Surin (and I expect most recommendations will be centered around Rawai) and second problem it is always debatable if it's worth it when only 6 people turn up.

Maybe tickets should be sold...people are more motivated when they have already paid. Anyhow...it's an option

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I'm confused. Who's bitching or being derogatory? I have to say I haven't read anything that fits that description.

I'm simply saying, since when do people get to choose the location and other guests of a party that they are being invited to??

"Would you like to come to my party?" " Yes please, but only if I can choose where it is and who comes" blink.png Doesn't happen does it.

Who's the host of the party? So who should make all the decisions? I'll give you a clue, it's not the guests.

Edited by HongKongPhooey
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If you do not want to included your family but instead want to use this is an excuse to get pissed then there is no point in taking this any further.

It has nothing to do with getting pissed. It has everything to do with meeting other TV members without distraction. I am with my wife and kids 24/7. But, they would be bored to death with a TV party. So, like I said, turn them loose at the mall. Believe me they will have a better time.wai.gif

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Due to being a fairly quiet fellow and probably with a little bit of an age gap I would have to go with undecided until a venue/theme is chosen...... I like the idea tho and would like to get involved!

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I'm confused. Who's bitching or being derogatory? I have to say I haven't read anything that fits that description.

I'm simply saying, since when do people get to choose the location and other guests of a party that they are being invited to??

"Would you like to come to my party?" " Yes please, but only if I can choose where it is and who comes" blink.png Doesn't happen does it.

Who's the host of the party? So who should make all the decisions? I'll give you a clue, it's not the guests.

I'm the organizer, thaivisa.com is the host. So we take the liberty of the final decision.

We will host the party at a location that will accommodate most members best. Hence the poll. At this point in time we have not even decided whether or not we are going to do the party...just checking whether people are interested at all, especially since last time in Phuket not many people showed up (so I have been told...). If we feel it is worth doing it, we will go ahead, if we feel that you guys prefer online bickering over partying, probably not.

Further we would like to know your preferred format, family event, good old armbender or....?


raro B)

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There is few members, who have not even indicated that they would be coming to the event. Let's just ignore those and concentrate to talking about the event.

I also would like that the event is only for the members. The reason has been said before, we'll come to meet the people who we interact with - not the families. Later on, if members like each other, they can meet up each other with their families as well.

Some activity would be nice. One was some kind of excursion (do we have any breweries which would welcome visitors in Phuket?). Or a place where there would be some other activity, for example pool table, darts etc.

I'm not sure how many of us are living in the South, maybe majority. But then again, there is some of us who are living in the North, from where Rawai, Nai Harn and even Kata are pretty far away.

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I'm the organizer, thaivisa.com is the host. So we take the liberty of the final decision.

We will host the party at a location that will accommodate most members best. Hence the poll. At this point in time we have not even decided whether or not we are going to do the party...just checking whether people are interested at all, especially since last time in Phuket not many people showed up (so I have been told...). If we feel it is worth doing it, we will go ahead, if we feel that you guys prefer online bickering over partying, probably not.

Further we would like to know your preferred format, family event, good old armbender or....?


raro cool.png

Fair dos mate, wish you all the best. You currently have 4 places with almost the exact same amount of votes and at least one member has voted that he doesn't want to go but wants it to be in Kata. laugh.png

I'm not sure how many of us are living in the South, maybe majority. But then again, there is some of us who are living in the North, from where Rawai, Nai Harn and even Kata are pretty far away.

Currently only 6% of people want it to be in the North. It will obviously be in the south.

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There is few members, who have not even indicated that they would be coming to the event. Let's just ignore those and concentrate to talking about the event.

I also would like that the event is only for the members. The reason has been said before, we'll come to meet the people who we interact with - not the families. Later on, if members like each other, they can meet up each other with their families as well.

Some activity would be nice. One was some kind of excursion (do we have any breweries which would welcome visitors in Phuket?). Or a place where there would be some other activity, for example pool table, darts etc.

I'm not sure how many of us are living in the South, maybe majority. But then again, there is some of us who are living in the North, from where Rawai, Nai Harn and even Kata are pretty far away.

What about some kind of pool competition to get everyone interacting?

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I'm the organizer, thaivisa.com is the host. So we take the liberty of the final decision.

We will host the party at a location that will accommodate most members best. Hence the poll. At this point in time we have not even decided whether or not we are going to do the party...just checking whether people are interested at all, especially since last time in Phuket not many people showed up (so I have been told...). If we feel it is worth doing it, we will go ahead, if we feel that you guys prefer online bickering over partying, probably not.

Further we would like to know your preferred format, family event, good old armbender or....?


raro cool.png

Fair dos mate, wish you all the best. You currently have 4 places with almost the exact same amount of votes and at least one member has voted that he doesn't want to go but wants it to be in Kata. laugh.png

I'm not sure how many of us are living in the South, maybe majority. But then again, there is some of us who are living in the North, from where Rawai, Nai Harn and even Kata are pretty far away.

Currently only 6% of people want it to be in the North. It will obviously be in the south.

Nightmare!!! lets forget all about it!!

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I'm confused. Who's bitching or being derogatory? I have to say I haven't read anything that fits that description.

I'm simply saying, since when do people get to choose the location and other guests of a party that they are being invited to??

"Would you like to come to my party?" " Yes please, but only if I can choose where it is and who comes" blink.png Doesn't happen does it.

Who's the host of the party? So who should make all the decisions? I'll give you a clue, it's not the guests.

I'm the organizer, thaivisa.com is the host. So we take the liberty of the final decision.

We will host the party at a location that will accommodate most members best. Hence the poll. At this point in time we have not even decided whether or not we are going to do the party...just checking whether people are interested at all, especially since last time in Phuket not many people showed up (so I have been told...). If we feel it is worth doing it, we will go ahead, if we feel that you guys prefer online bickering over partying, probably not.

Further we would like to know your preferred format, family event, good old armbender or....?


raro cool.png

raro, maybe you can ask on a different thread, "Why didn't you turn up to the last TV party?"

Maybe the location was the problem. Maybe it was pouring rain etc etc. If you knew the reason/s why there was a poor attendence at the last party, there, the answer/s may lay for having good attendence for the next party. Of course, you can not control the weather, but other reasons for non attendence can be addressed.

Whilst I like to support small establishments, and it would also make sense to hold the party at a TV sponsor's establishment, I think Shot's idea of holding the party at Junceylon addresses many issues raised by other members. Eg. parking.

When the kids get bored, they can go to the amuzement centre and when the missus is bored, she can go shopping. Or, the missus can take the kids to Patong Beach which is a short walk away. They can come and go as they like. There's something nearby for everyone. It's location is well known to all members on TV. Facilities are good. It's has a large area to cater for many people. They will probably do a deal on drinks and food if the numbers are good. Members are sheltered from poor weather, and there is air-conditioning for those who feel the heat. There is also the option for some live music and should there be any sport on, you can keep an eye on it. For those having a "bender" - Bangla Road is a short distance away, after the party.

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How about the Rawai Sports Club? I know he wanted to have the last unofficial meet up there. http://www.phuketsport.com/ There's a little of something for everyone.

>>Family areas with charcoal and gas B.B.Q’s.

Bring & cook your own food or purchase from the bar.

Tennis court and separate practice court with wall

Beach volleyball court and undercover Petanque court.

All of the above are fully floodlit and have been constructed to international standards.

Large grassed area for games of badminton, croquet or petanque.

All equipment supplied.

Indoor games room with 1 pool / snooker table and 1 Brunswick pool table,

2 dart boards with electronic scoreboard, table tennis and carpet bowls.

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There is few members, who have not even indicated that they would be coming to the event. Let's just ignore those and concentrate to talking about the event.

I also would like that the event is only for the members. The reason has been said before, we'll come to meet the people who we interact with - not the families. Later on, if members like each other, they can meet up each other with their families as well.

Some activity would be nice. One was some kind of excursion (do we have any breweries which would welcome visitors in Phuket?). Or a place where there would be some other activity, for example pool table, darts etc.

I'm not sure how many of us are living in the South, maybe majority. But then again, there is some of us who are living in the North, from where Rawai, Nai Harn and even Kata are pretty far away.

What about some kind of pool competition to get everyone interacting?

I suggested that already with zero response.

This thread is going exactly how the other ones did in the past which i cant find...1000's of views, 100's of posts and 6 people turning up on the day

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i am pulling my vote ,,,what was i thinking ? recipe for a disaster IMO ...

No need to do that. The people that show up are not the trouble makers stirring up the pot. I recall last time that certain members posted a lot in the threads stirring the pot, only to say they wouldn't be showing up. I think if you have no intention of showing up, what's the point in slagging the event?

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i am pulling my vote ,,,what was i thinking ? recipe for a disaster IMO ...

Bummer. When I saw you, fiddlehead, stevenl and steelpulse were all thinking about going I was starting to consider it since I knew you all before I knew your nics on Thaivisa! A night of beers with you guys would be fun!

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i am not slagging it .... i am happy to catchup with interesting people ... why put it to the members where etc etc? ..just have the balls to say we thaivisa are having a get together at this venue at this time and day , its hardly a big island ...jesus the isaan farmers do this on a regular basis some travel 800km .... and no bitching moaning or endless dribble ..you are inviting idiots to make comments on something they will not attend ,,Phuket is a different world ... yes Joe lookin forward to a beer with you /....

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I think flexibility is important with these things. So buffet optional, etc. I would not want to commit to a whole evening including food, but would to a short visit which can always be extended.

I think it less complex not to make it a family affair, also a bigger chance of actual members turning up with the flexibility this gives.

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i am not slagging it .... i am happy to catchup with interesting people ... why put it to the members where etc etc? ..just have the balls to say we thaivisa are having a get together at this venue at this time and day , its hardly a big island ...jesus the isaan farmers do this on a regular basis some travel 800km .... and no bitching moaning or endless dribble ..you are inviting idiots to make comments on something they will not attend ,,Phuket is a different world ... yes Joe lookin forward to a beer with you /....

My slag comment certainly wasn't directed at you and if you're a mate of Nomad Joes, it will be nice to meet up.

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