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New Year Resolutions


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Well it's day 2 on 2006 and I have already broken my New Year's resolution to quit smoking :o

I have reset the date for January 10th as I still have family and freinds here and then I am going to Singapore for my Wife's birthday, so what's the point in torturing myself during what should be a pleasurable time?

However I feel that at least I have reset a date and that I have not completley capitualated (or am I just kidding myself?)

But I am very annoyed at myself, (as is my Wife).

I wish you could buy willpower from the chemist :D

Has anybody else fallen off their own personal waggon yet?

I hope not, I don't mind being the only one :D

A very ashamed

Thai Pauly

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Well it's day 2 on 2006 and I have already broken my New Year's resolution to quit smoking :o

I have reset the date for January 10th as I still have family and freinds here and then I am going to Singapore for my Wife's birthday, so what's the point in torturing myself during what should be a pleasurable time?

However I feel that at least I have reset a date and that I have not completley capitualated (or am I just kidding myself?)

But I am very annoyed at myself, (as is my Wife).

I wish you could buy willpower from the chemist :D

Has anybody else fallen off their own personal waggon yet?

I hope not, I don't mind being the only one :D

A very ashamed

Thai Pauly

I havent yet but i am sure by the 10-12 days mark it will all be over!

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Guest endure
Well it's day 2 on 2006 and I have already broken my New Year's resolution to quit smoking :o

I have reset the date for January 10th as I still have family and freinds here and then I am going to Singapore for my Wife's birthday, so what's the point in torturing myself during what should be a pleasurable time?

One of the tricks to giving up smoking is to stop regarding it as depriving yourself of a pleasure and start to believe that you're gaining benefit from it.

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Some say you have all year to get round to doing your resolution, so don't look on it as a setback if you have a cigarette on jan 1st.

i am still trying to formulate some resolutions, i have one, for which i will need some discipline and greater awareness.

I will try and give myself a few easy ones too :o

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I quit smoking about 2 months ago. So far so good. It really helps that they don't display cigarettes. I don't have to stand in line at the store, anxiously waiting to pay, all the time staring at my favorite cigarettes. I also make sure I am in places where smoking isn't permitted and try to stay away from people when they are smoking.

It hasn't been too bad. Sometimes I would get this intense craving, but by the time I got my clothes on to go buy cigarettes, it was gone!

Good luck and don't quit trying. Oh the nicotine chewing gum really, really helped during the first week or so. I only used it when the craving was unbelievably intense. It tasted terrible, so it wasn't hard to quit that one.

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I don't make NY resolutions. If I can't do it any other time of the year what difference is the NY going to make?

But then, I don't really have any vices or faults to resolve about, just ask my husband :o

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I didn't make a NYR this year as per, I too usually break it before I 've really started.

This year though I will stop smoking and for a couple of years now have pre-determined that date to be 16 April 2006. My 30th and, my last day of the first of my 2 yearly swings to LOS for R+R.

I am determined that that will be the date and, believe doing it this way has allowed me and my brain to come to terms with stopping. I just hope my body feels the same.

I have never been a big smoker though and hardly ever smoke during the week. Its the weekends that I let my-self down.


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