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Lady Gaga'S Comment


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When Lady Gaga Twittered that she was anxious to buy a "fake Rolex" in Bangkok many Thais were offended. Ok, this Westerner is not aware how this "stereotype" could be taken the wrong way; however, what do the Thais do to prohibit pirated goods from being sold in their country? (and besides, we all can buy "fake" copies of Lady Gaga's CD's)

Edited by toenail
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She hasn't exactly lied - she's simply passed a comment which in reality poses a very real and valid point. I suspect this to be a somewhat ironic comment with a deeper and clever message regarding the abundance of pirated goods (also pirated copies of her music) - A clever and publicity drawing attack on the authorities for permitting counterfeit and copy rights infringement to exist to such a degree.

If some people are getting offended by this then they really need to learn to accept criticism and the realities of Thailand's tolerance of illegal activity.

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I guess some have been living in the sticks a bit too long. I'm no fan, but find her interesting. She markets herself as being outrageous, much like Madonna did and became fabulously wealthy.

BTW, Lady Gaga's net worth as of the end of 2011 was $150 million while earning $90 in 2011 alone. I don't think she will be running out of latex or 747's anytime in the future as she's only getting started. She has little monsters everywhere!


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Ive just put on the headphones and listened to Lady ga blah and she sounds exactly the same as that bimbo muffin Brittney Spears.

Gaga's Cv indicates she is an artistically talented woman. <deleted> ! She is a business woman surrounded by even smarter businessmen taking advantage of Spears fame and blurting out the latest techno crap to tone deaf adolescents.

Its working. Its business, not music.

I would rather listen to the female band The Crystals ala (goodfellas)

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