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Oh No ! Not Another Election

Gonzo the Face

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It seems that it was just a few weeks ago that we had an election. You know, the one with the 6 candidates per page billboards on the sound trucks.

Now it seems we are at it again.

Some countries never have a democratic election. We have one every other month.

Is it because we want to be the HUB of elections, or is it just to give the unused sound trucks some cause to create some sound disruption?

Maybe a good thought......... they could put on each side of every sound truck two people experienced in finger talk, [like they do on tv] This way deaf people could feel democratic and patriotic as well. Don't forget the disabled.

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Will we be able to buy alcohol during this election?

I am sure that they could increase voter turnout if they set up a little bar , you know like a little noodle shop without the noodles, [selling liquid noodles ] at each of the poll locations.

Think about the good FACE for the gov't as they put out the propaganda on the high number of citizens taking part in the democratic process of Thailand

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I would imagine that the 2 June election which take place in Mae On, San Kamphaeng and Doi Saket Districts should only have no alcohol laws enforced in those districts but I do not know that for sure.

Edited by LadyHeather
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We will be lucky Chiang Mai City area should be OK??

Except for Visahka Bucha day, a very holy Buddhist holiday that starts June 4th (midnight tonight)

"It is illegal to buy, sell or distribute alcohol on this day, so all bars and entertainment venues will be closed".


Edited by uptheos
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Politicians in Thailand don't do anything useful with their time except run for office over and over. It makes them feel good about themselves to see their pictures on the noise machines that run around the city.

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Politicians in Thailand don't do anything useful with their time except run for office over and over. It makes them feel good about themselves to see their pictures on the noise machines that run around the city.

Thats pretty much the truth....I was reading this morning about the by election ( I think in Thailand its Buy election) results to replace the one who got booted out of office due to forgetting to declare whatever of millions, and at same time I look out the window and there goes a truck blaring away about the next election.

This next one, on whenever, has me really confused. There seem to be only 2 candidates, No. 1 and No. 2.

Sometimes you see just the posters on the truck for one or the other, then you will see the posters on the truck promoting both 1 & 2 ......

They must, as you say, get their jollies by seeing themselves on the trucks going about town.....Well T I T

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well a new wrinkle seems to have been added, new to me at least as I haven't seen before.

Fuel prices are up so still need to blare and blast out so now we have not only sound trucks, but sound motorcycles.

Two guys per bike, the back guy has a multi sided pole type poster in one hand and a hand held loud hailer in the other....

got to admit they are thinking as it is cheaper for the fuel bill....... now to see what happens when and if the down pour comes....


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I love the way the red shirts have both number one and two ballots. Guess they would have tried to buy them all. Noticed Abhisits party only has number four, and it's a most pleasant billboard, as far as billboards go. Red shirts have recently lost major seats in Isaan and Chiang Rai, hopefully it's a sign of things to come.

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I love the way the red shirts have both number one and two ballots. Guess they would have tried to buy them all.

It's Phua Thai, not red shirts per se. Also, Dems have 3 and 4. As this is provincial elections they don't have much of a chance. (City elections would be different: Dems do have a chance there as they cater to the monied middle class and above.)

Maybe they could have a Nimman-only election, then they'd win something in the North. :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Provincial council elections are Sunday, for the Council and the President. Number 1 is the current president running for re-election. I don't mind the elections but those signs are deadly sticking out into the road and at head height on the sidewalks.

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Provincial council elections are Sunday, for the Council and the President. Number 1 is the current president running for re-election. I don't mind the elections but those signs are deadly sticking out into the road and at head height on the sidewalks.

Nope, the elections are apparently on Saturday (23 June as on all the posters).

Are the bars closed on Saturday too?

According to Police (Chang Puek), bars closed from 6 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, until Saturday after elections. Supposedly closed until midnight Saturday but some places may open earlier.

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Provincial council elections are Sunday, for the Council and the President. Number 1 is the current president running for re-election. I don't mind the elections but those signs are deadly sticking out into the road and at head height on the sidewalks.

Nope, the elections are apparently on Saturday (23 June as on all the posters).

Are the bars closed on Saturday too?

According to Police (Chang Puek), bars closed from 6 p.m. tomorrow, Friday, until Saturday after elections. Supposedly closed until midnight Saturday but some places may open earlier.


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Provincial council elections are Sunday, for the Council and the President. Number 1 is the current president running for re-election. I don't mind the elections but those signs are deadly sticking out into the road and at head height on the sidewalks.

I know what you mean. The wood legs on one sign I met were about 2 cm lower than the top of my noggin, nearly knocked me senseless (or more senseless - point of view). Anyone over 180 cm had better be careful.

Edited by DowntownAl
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I heard that riverside is going to open from 12-2am on Sat... I expect some lines.

I don't mind the no booze, I really don't need them. But I do spend my weekend nights in the bars with friends. A shame since I am meeting up with a friend I haven't seen in a year and two more really good friends are coming tomorrow. Saw them last time stateside in January.

Just something we have to live with here I guess, cause i don't see it ever changing.

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