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:o Hope she will be alright. She was jumping for the step and slipped on the tile as she leapt. Smacked her leg (and hard) into the wooden step. We rushed her off to the clinic when we saw she couldn't put any weight on it. Her hind leg is broken (cracked probably) and we have her in a little cast (not plaster, just cotton wool and bandages). She is on painkillers now but seems to be adjusting to the cast fairly well (even tho it only happened a few hours ago).

I hope it doesn't take too long to heal, or affect her like it seems to affect little old ladies who slip and fall :D


basically , for bone healing .. need atleast 4wks for the process (but in young animal is faster)

it depends on which bone is fracture .. if its long bone as femoral ,tibia..etc .. and the fracture pattern = chop stick .. maybe just add splint is ok(after reduction it)

better add Calcium for your cat

ps .. what i tell u , just rough , coz i dont see the xray's film ... sometime we need plate/pin also


No xray here either :o . The nurse manipulated it and could feel cracking. So, we keep her on the little cast for awhile, she is on antibiotics and painkillers (which she promptly vomited this morning). She seems to be getting around OK and in not much pain.

How would I add calcium for my cat?

No xray here either :D . The nurse manipulated it and could feel cracking. So, we keep her on the little cast for awhile, she is on antibiotics and painkillers (which she promptly vomited this morning). She seems to be getting around OK and in not much pain.

How would I add calcium for my cat?

whats kind of painkiller!!!!!! :o

NO paracetamol for cat !!!!!!!!!! (scream) hepatotoxic from acetaminophen .......

in case of u wanna give her, use aspirin (10 mg/kg) every other day

for calcium ...can u grind the calcium tab and mix with food

or maybe just use "cod liver oil" mixed with food ( source of vit A 'n D) promote bone healing


Got it from the Vet nurse at the clinic so I am presuming it is cat friendly. But, I suspect my cat may be having a hard time with it. Ketofen (?) is written on the bag. She was to get 1/2 a tab daily. She had an injection last night (for pain) at the clinic. And then woke me up a couple of times during the night to go outside and eat grass. Then, this morning, she ate some more grass, her breakfast, meds and then threw up about a half an hour later.

She is sleeping peacefully now. Do you think I should forget the ketofen and stick to aspirin then? I will go searching for cod liver oil this afternoon. Thanks!


NSAIDs as ketofen is fine, but for side effect as u know vomit ,diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite ..etc

for painkiller , we dont use it for more than 5 days coz pretty harmful +hepatotoxic

BTW .. if you cat vomit often form ketafen , so change to other drug ..or just quit painkiller

and about Calciam, it has inj. from as "ostone B12" i/m s/c maybe ask for vet ja


Well, I've given up on the ketofen, she doesn't seem to have much discomfort, has taken to the bandage quite well. Surprisingly so, really. She also is managing to get around quite well, and is eating as usual today. (not yesterday tho). So, I will keep her on the antibiotics (amoxy) and the cod liver oil in her food. She seems back to normal, surprisingly fast considering her age (except, of course, for the great whopping cast around her back leg).

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