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Answering Phone In My Home/Gf Office

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Lets say i get meself a home, and my gf is using part of the building for business,

and lets also assume we share the phone line.

Am i violating the Law if i answer the phone that may or may not be meant for her ?

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Regardless of having a work permit unless it was for your business it would be the same as not. I would not expect a single such event to be an issue but if it always happened and someone had an axe to grind it could get nasty.

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Who's name is on the phone line account?

I have a residential phone line in the first house I ever lived in Thailand that despite change of home ownership, is still in my name. I would like to know if all the people answering that phone these past +22 years have been breaking the law.

I should add that the phone was originally installed in my name when the house was under foreign company ownership (since dissolved) so in a company name and not any individuals name. While living there, I took business and personal calls including some meant for my Aussie mate who was part-owner of the company. The maid also took calls, and various sweet young things that were temporary residents also took phone calls. As far as I am aware, there is no indication that the Immigration Nazi's are looking at this very hard for proof of someone being less than genuine on their work and/or residence status. You could always make sure that nobody that you know, either friend or business related EVER had your residential number so in that regard, you would have no reason whatsoever to answer the house phone.

Edited by NanLaew
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In the probably very unlikely event that some authority should decide to make an example - there wouldn't be no problem at all in making their case. I can understand the line of thought - Why shouldn't I be allowed to pick up my own phone in my own home, just because someone else is running a business in a remote corner? --- However, I can't possibly imagine that's the line of thought some authority - looking for arguments to establish a case against OP - will take

The OP has a phone in his name. That phone is used for business. The business is run from their mutual premises. So, it's his wife's business and he has absolutely no part in it ? --- Yeah, right - that's what they all say - especially all those expats with a Thai wife who don't understand that if his wife is running a business and he is caught anywhere near that business, the authorities will have bullets for the case inasmuch as being a married couple means that either party is in on whatever the other party may do by sheer definition. The business being located where the OP spends a lot of his time and using equipment in the OP's name doesn't help.

The whole question here - as in most other situations where an expat does anything but vegetate without proper paperworks - isn't a matter of wether or not the authority CAN make their case, it's solely a matter of wether they bother - which they usually don't do as long as the business isn't about anything but petty satangs.

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