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Why Are Westerners Resorting To Selling Drugs To Stay In Pattaya Instead Of Just Going Home?


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Desperation.....and when you go down this road you are a rancid murderous b*st*rd that deserves everything that's coming to you.

Did I mention I detest scumbag drug dealers?

Just sayin'

Remember some go down this road as they ate sick. Addiction is a disease.

And what do you mean , "rancid murderous b*st*rd"? What drugs are you talking about.

Do you drink alcohol? This drug causes a lot more harm compared to drugs like marijuana or heroin(if it's pure).

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Edited by Johnniey
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Maybe that's what they do at home ...

well what are their options in farang land? .

joining the dole queue , along with their euro community cousins, and living off a pittance .

at least they can have a much better standard of living in LOS, even without having,the pot 2 peeing .

times they are a changing , and not for the better.


the days of returning to UK , to top up the ATM,s have long gone.

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There are only around 7,000/8,000 western residents in pattaya. In the past month 3 Englishman, a German and Norwegian man been caught selling drugs. I guarantee there are hundred more who are selling drugs to support themselves.

Strange. I read on TV that all the dealers were Africans

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There are only around 7,000/8,000 western residents in pattaya. In the past month 3 Englishman, a German and Norwegian man been caught selling drugs. I guarantee there are hundred more who are selling drugs to support themselves.

Strange. I read on TV that all the dealers were Africans

There is a lot farangs here who are very connected and I'm not talking African either, they even fly it down from bangers to the tourist southern provinces
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My general opinion is that the main motivation is for two reasons.

1. the subconscious desire to destroy one's life. someone is not very happy and likely has a chemical disorder. they want to live on the edge of life. they may not admit it, but subconsciously they probably want to get caught.

2. the general excitement it gives them and makes them have a sense of power. (they are insecure)

While the odd person may approach this line of business purely from financial motivations, i think it is a very small minority.

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There are only around 7,000/8,000 western residents in pattaya. In the past month 3 Englishman, a German and Norwegian man been caught selling drugs. I guarantee there are hundred more who are selling drugs to support themselves.

Strange. I read on TV that all the dealers were Africans

There is a lot farangs here who are very connected and I'm not talking African either, they even fly it down from bangers to the tourist southern provinces

yes taking it through the airport is much smarter than a 4 hour car ride. Jake829 ladies and gentlemen. An expert on Thailand!

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"Thailand has plenty of farangs with no money who dont fancy going home.

Especially if 'home' is a dark,cold,miiserable, PC ridden hellhole in Northern Europe.

...but I'm repeating myself..

jfc, cant u go home and work your ass off at 2 jobs and eat a skinny diet and get back to thailand as a frigging english teacher or something. christ, how is dealing drugs the only frigging option?

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Jake do you really think thier are so many like that ? I mean out of the millions and millions and millions that come every year how many do you see potless and selling drugs ? Is it really a big problem or is it more hype than reality ? I am not being retorical either I am really asking, because I don't hang out in the kind of seedy places one might find them so I don't really know. I have never personally seen a potless drug selling westerner so I haven't been able to ask him if he had any money from his house when he got here so I woulnd't know about that either.

What I do see is a lot of poorish people that seem to be here with visa's that are living how one would expect, I would also say that while it seemed odd to me the thread about going back home seemed to indicate that a lot of regular retired people have changed their lives enough so they can't really afford to move back home anylonger as well. My guess is the longer people are here and the less they care about going back home the more inclined they are to spend the extra money they might need to live back home because they have decided not to in the first place. A little off topic but my point is I don't think it's a problem just for the 6 month living high on the hog end up selling drugs types , I think it's a situation more people than we might think find themselves in but are smart enough not to sell drugs and don't broadcast it because it might be a little embarassing for them.

I think the number of stories about people blowing all their money in Thailand is more myth than reality personally , it makes for a good story but I doubt it's a very large percentage of people. The people I talk to in the Airports that lost their wives or houses don't seem especially pleased about it, but they are not exactly bankrupt either and seem to be moving on in life just fine.

The western drug dealers have got a great life here,but quite a few have actualy gone home,believe me.

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There are only around 7,000/8,000 western residents in pattaya. In the past month 3 Englishman, a German and Norwegian man been caught selling drugs. I guarantee there are hundred more who are selling drugs to support themselves.

Strange. I read on TV that all the dealers were Africans

There is a lot farangs here who are very connected and I'm not talking African either, they even fly it down from bangers to the tourist southern provinces

If they are really connected they won't be selling any dope themselves but instead put up the money and find some other sucker to do the selling.

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There are only around 7,000/8,000 western residents in pattaya. In the past month 3 Englishman, a German and Norwegian man been caught selling drugs. I guarantee there are hundred more who are selling drugs to support themselves.

Strange. I read on TV that all the dealers were Africans

There is a lot farangs here who are very connected and I'm not talking African either, they even fly it down from bangers to the tourist southern provinces

yes taking it through the airport is much smarter than a 4 hour car ride. Jake829 ladies and gentlemen. An expert on Thailand!

It's all about supply and demand farang000999 and if it people want it that badly and quickly yeh they will fly it down in ingenuis ways, or do you really think it all comes down on the VIP ya baa driver driven bus or packed in some hilux?? Lol
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There are only around 7,000/8,000 western residents in pattaya. In the past month 3 Englishman, a German and Norwegian man been caught selling drugs. I guarantee there are hundred more who are selling drugs to support themselves.

Strange. I read on TV that all the dealers were Africans

There is a lot farangs here who are very connected and I'm not talking African either, they even fly it down from bangers to the tourist southern provinces

If they are really connected they won't be selling any dope themselves but instead put up the money and find some other sucker to do the selling.

That's what I'm talking about, the moneyed well connected farangs don't go anywhere near it, it's the skint don't Wana go home desperadoes who take the risk carrying it
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I lved in Pattaya since 2004 till late 2011, but spend time there each month. In all that time, I was only once ever offered "recreational chemicals". This was from German guy back about 2006 trying to sell Viagra or some such stuff. So, I wonder who all the farang customers are who are buying. Must be a market for a seller to prosper. I would imagine that a farang selling drugs to people he doesn't know (eg other nationalities) would have to be pretty desperate.

I think it is all about the areas and bars/go-go's that you frequent. I was the same; never saw anyone (farang) selling the stuff in all the time I was there. Mind you, I wasn't interested in buying either, which I think also makes a difference.

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Desperation.....and when you go down this road you are a rancid murderous b*st*rd that deserves everything that's coming to you.

Did I mention I detest scumbag drug dealers?

Just sayin'

Remember some go down this road as they ate sick. Addiction is a disease.

And what do you mean , "rancid murderous b*st*rd"? What drugs are you talking about.

Do you drink alcohol? This drug causes a lot more harm compared to drugs like marijuana or heroin(if it's pure).

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

You answered your own question.

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Desperation.....and when you go down this road you are a rancid murderous b*st*rd that deserves everything that's coming to you.

Did I mention I detest scumbag drug dealers?

Just sayin'

Remember some go down this road as they ate sick. Addiction is a disease.

And what do you mean , "rancid murderous b*st*rd"? What drugs are you talking about.

Do you drink alcohol? This drug causes a lot more harm compared to drugs like marijuana or heroin(if it's pure).

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Okay I'll bite......many of you won't like this post.

I live in a drug devastated area, and I am surrounded by junkies every day. I speak to dealers every day, and I see things every day that would anyone weep.

I'm not a little lamb, I'm a well known guy and people know where I stand on this issue. So here goes......

Drugs never travel alone, they always travel with evil partners, the partners can be human and the partners can be consequences. Drugs bring assault and murder, rape, child neglect and child abuse, slashings, intimidation, terror, deprivation, nervous breakdowns, family break ups, starvation, amputation, domestic abuse, forced prostitution, house breaking, and wretched death.

I personally know examples of every single category I've just mentioned. 8 years ago I was attacked by a notorious drug dealer and hit above the eye with a hammer, I'm a big guy, it took several men to drag me off him, I was 10 seconds short of killing him. Why the attack? Completely unprovoked, the guy was out of his head on something.

I had a recent run in with a serious player which resulted in me having to pull strings. I don't like pulling strings, I'm a decent guy, a hard working businessman. Needs must, strings pulled, problem solved.

I cannot stand bullies and I cannot stand drug dealers, and a bullying drug dealer is right in my sights. So let's make it personal. My eldest daughter, cannabis, became E's, became Coke....she introduced my son to cannabis at 14, by 16 he was on E's and Coke and god knows what else.

He stayed with me, weekends at Mums, (in reality at pals houses), and stole from me almost daily to feed his weekend binges. I went on holiday in Dec 2010, he broke into one of my shops and stole £450. I haven't spoken to him since.

To be fair to him he has turned his life round, got a decent job, and works out every day. Last Sunday he was mugged, 3 guys set about him with sticks and chains, scarring him for life. The 3 guys were junkies needing money. Oh the irony huh?

How about the young guy I knew that was in a phone box calling his girlfriend, and was stabbed to death. What happened? Mistaken identity, a drug deal had gone wrong and that 19 yo boy was murdered, for nothing.

My 36 yo pal and sometime employee? Coke binge, him and his gf plus another guy. My pal collapsed, the guy wouldn't let the gf call an ambulance, his house was full of gear. The gf called her bro and dad, they came to the house, the guy attacked the bro stabbing him badly in the legs, he took the knife, plunged the guy in the ribs, and they both landed in intensive care.

Oh, my pal died while this was going on, it was a beautiful day at the crematorium, I can still hear his mothers wail as the coffin slid away.

I think that's enough, but trust me I could go on......drugs don't travel alone, they travel with evil partners. Everyone that tries them thinks they can control them, very few can.

To compare drugs to alcohol is a red herring, anyone with a brain knows that alcohol is debilitating for some, however drugs are an epidemic. In 1980 there were 2 registered heroin addicts in Glasgow, I believe the figure now is 15000 plus, in a city of 600,000. We're now getting 2 deaths a day from drug usage. From 2 addicts to 2 deaths a day in 30 years? Wow.

Does prohibition work? No, governments must control supply through licensed pharmacies. We must take the criminal profit out of drugs and treat it as a mental health issue. I'm not blind to that, the war on drugs has been lost.

For all those people that think it's your own choice and free will to use drugs, I agree. Can you promise to suffer the consequences without affecting the rest of us???

I stand by my statement though, drug dealers are rancid murderous B*st*rds and scumbags.

That was a very personal post from yourself Blether and I commend you for it. I can understand your hatred of drugs and drug dealers and why it is close to your heart.

Do you think if drugs were legal that where you live and places like it would be much different?

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Do you think if drugs were legal that where you live and places like it would be much different?

in Scotland if it's not the drugs its the meths....if not the meths it's the buckfast and so on....thumbsup.gif

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Giving up and going home isn't really a viable option unless you have access to several thousand dollars for plane fare and to start over. But if you had access to that kind of money, you could stay in Thailand for another 6 months. It's a catch 22.

As for why some expats in Pattaya live in squalor and/or sell drugs rather than go home, I'm sure it wasn't in (most of) their plans and it's a slippery slope. By the time you realize you're going to run out of money, it's usually too late to afford a plane ticket home.

Besides, have you ever added up what it costs to get set up in even a lousy apartment in the USA or Europe? First and last months' rent, security deposit, deposits for electric, phone, and gas, $$$ thousands for a used car to even start looking for a job, car insurance, food, clothing, healthcare, and on and on... And by the time you get that far down on the ladder, it all has to be cash up front because nobody's going to give you credit.

To be honest, I see those guys and I feel for them. There but for the grace of God goes I. (or something to that effect).

Desperation.....and when you go down this road you are a rancid murderous b*st*rd that deserves everything that's coming to you.

Did I mention I detest scumbag drug dealers?

In the '20s, people said the same thing about rumrunners. Seems like barkeeps are respected nowadays.

Prohibition didn't work and neither do drug laws now. They just put the profits into the hands of those willing to break the laws.

Legalize it, control the quality and distribution, tax the beejeezus out of it and quit spending billions of dollars around the world to fight a battle that hasn't been won in hundreds, if not thousands of years. Use the taxes to build roads, schools, hospitals and rehab centers.

But, alas, I digress.

But wait a minute.....

Can't afford a ticket home?

They need a return ticket to even leave their western country in the first place!

And how about visa? If they can't even afford to live a decent life in Thailand then what visa are they on?

Fleas! bah.gif

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To answer the OP's question..

For the same reason SOME guys cash in their pension early to stay here, for the same reason SOME guys sell up everything back home to stay here, for the same reason SOME guys chuck their jobs and families back home to stay here.

SOME guys loose the plot.

And in many cases it was loosing the plot that brought them to Thailand in the first place.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Giving up and going home isn't really a viable option unless you have access to several thousand dollars for plane fare and to start over. But if you had access to that kind of money, you could stay in Thailand for another 6 months. It's a catch 22.

As for why some expats in Pattaya live in squalor and/or sell drugs rather than go home, I'm sure it wasn't in (most of) their plans and it's a slippery slope. By the time you realize you're going to run out of money, it's usually too late to afford a plane ticket home.

Besides, have you ever added up what it costs to get set up in even a lousy apartment in the USA or Europe? First and last months' rent, security deposit, deposits for electric, phone, and gas, $$$ thousands for a used car to even start looking for a job, car insurance, food, clothing, healthcare, and on and on... And by the time you get that far down on the ladder, it all has to be cash up front because nobody's going to give you credit.

To be honest, I see those guys and I feel for them. There but for the grace of God goes I. (or something to that effect).

Desperation.....and when you go down this road you are a rancid murderous b*st*rd that deserves everything that's coming to you.

Did I mention I detest scumbag drug dealers?

In the '20s, people said the same thing about rumrunners. Seems like barkeeps are respected nowadays.

Prohibition didn't work and neither do drug laws now. They just put the profits into the hands of those willing to break the laws.

Legalize it, control the quality and distribution, tax the beejeezus out of it and quit spending billions of dollars around the world to fight a battle that hasn't been won in hundreds, if not thousands of years. Use the taxes to build roads, schools, hospitals and rehab centers.

But, alas, I digress.

But wait a minute.....

Can't afford a ticket home?

They need a return ticket to even leave their western country in the first place!

And how about visa? If they can't even afford to live a decent life in Thailand then what visa are they on?

Fleas! bah.gif

they (immigration) havent asked me for an exit ticket in many many years ,i thought that procedure had been scrapped

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Drugs all travel with an evil companion, we have to accept that if you allow desperate, psychotic and evil people to control the flow of drugs you will get the carnage we are currently seeing.

We have to legalise, treat it as a mental health issue, take the profit out of the hands of psychopaths and put it into the hands of pharmacies. After legalisation anyone found dealing should be subjected to a lifetime restriction order, anyone found guilty of selling drugs to kids should be charged with attempted murder, the penalty for dealing ( in effect creating new customers ) need to be severe.

Firstly thanks fro your excellent post and sorry to be snipping it but I would like to comment on this.

I had a flat in Ferryhill in Aberdeen some years ago and there was a pharmacy at the end of the road which dealt primarily with handing out smarties and methadone to junkies.

Regularly i would be offered these drugs for either cash or other drugs i might be able to offer them.

I'm sure many others were offered the same.

You see jun kies are not interested in rehabilitative effects of these things. They want diamorphine in large quantities.

Its cheap and works for them and I say give it to them. Then the entire criminal network associated with its supply will fall like the house of cards it is.

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Drugs all travel with an evil companion, we have to accept that if you allow desperate, psychotic and evil people to control the flow of drugs you will get the carnage we are currently seeing.

We have to legalise, treat it as a mental health issue, take the profit out of the hands of psychopaths and put it into the hands of pharmacies. After legalisation anyone found dealing should be subjected to a lifetime restriction order, anyone found guilty of selling drugs to kids should be charged with attempted murder, the penalty for dealing ( in effect creating new customers ) need to be severe.

Firstly thanks fro your excellent post and sorry to be snipping it but I would like to comment on this.

I had a flat in Ferryhill in Aberdeen some years ago and there was a pharmacy at the end of the road which dealt primarily with handing out smarties and methadone to junkies.

Regularly i would be offered these drugs for either cash or other drugs i might be able to offer them.

I'm sure many others were offered the same.

You see jun kies are not interested in rehabilitative effects of these things. They want diamorphine in large quantities.

Its cheap and works for them and I say give it to them. Then the entire criminal network associated with its supply will fall like the house of cards it is.

Correct, in this area junkies are offered the heroin substitute methadone, and the rule is they must drink it in front of the pharmacist.

What they are actually doing is holding it in their mouth till they get outside and spitting the methadone into a container, then selling it. Hence the name Spit Methadone.....google it.

They use the money from the spit methadone to buy heroin. There is nothing as ingenious or desperate as a heroin addict.

I say give them the heroin free, kill the profit from drugs, kill the profit and you'll kill a lot of the incentive to create new customers. ( note I said a lot, not all, ).

Is kill the wrong word? No it's not, right now we are killing the hope, the prospects of those three kids I mentioned of having a fulfilling family life.

Good men don't kill hope, they bring hope, it's up to us to give these kids a chance....as the song goes.

'If we tolerate this, then our children will be next'

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"There is nothing as ingenious or desperate as a heroin addict. "

Crack addicts come pretty close though.

They walk out of the store with a VCR hidden in their pants. Does anybody still use VCR?

Or when in your home they steal you're wallet and help you look for it.

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"There is nothing as ingenious or desperate as a heroin addict. "

Crack addicts come pretty close though.

They walk out of the store with a VCR hidden in their pants. Does anybody still use VCR?

Or when in your home they steal you're wallet and help you look for it.

Wasn't there a story sometime ago about the icehead who went on a shooting spree in the soi 9 police station and when caught said,me I don't remember being in the police station lately.
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Desperation.....and when you go down this road you are a rancid murderous b*st*rd that deserves everything that's coming to you.

Did I mention I detest scumbag drug dealers?

Just sayin'

Remember some go down this road as they ate sick. Addiction is a disease.

And what do you mean , "rancid murderous b*st*rd"? What drugs are you talking about.

Do you drink alcohol? This drug causes a lot more harm compared to drugs like marijuana or heroin(if it's pure).

Sent from my GT-I9100T using Thaivisa Connect App

Okay I'll bite......many of you won't like this post.

I live in a drug devastated area, and I am surrounded by junkies every day. I speak to dealers every day, and I see things every day that would anyone weep.

I'm not a little lamb, I'm a well known guy and people know where I stand on this issue. So here goes......

Drugs never travel alone, they always travel with evil partners, the partners can be human and the partners can be consequences. Drugs bring assault and murder, rape, child neglect and child abuse, slashings, intimidation, terror, deprivation, nervous breakdowns, family break ups, starvation, amputation, domestic abuse, forced prostitution, house breaking, and wretched death.

I personally know examples of every single category I've just mentioned. 8 years ago I was attacked by a notorious drug dealer and hit above the eye with a hammer, I'm a big guy, it took several men to drag me off him, I was 10 seconds short of killing him. Why the attack? Completely unprovoked, the guy was out of his head on something.

I had a recent run in with a serious player which resulted in me having to pull strings. I don't like pulling strings, I'm a decent guy, a hard working businessman. Needs must, strings pulled, problem solved.

I cannot stand bullies and I cannot stand drug dealers, and a bullying drug dealer is right in my sights. So let's make it personal. My eldest daughter, cannabis, became E's, became Coke....she introduced my son to cannabis at 14, by 16 he was on E's and Coke and god knows what else.

He stayed with me, weekends at Mums, (in reality at pals houses), and stole from me almost daily to feed his weekend binges. I went on holiday in Dec 2010, he broke into one of my shops and stole £450. I haven't spoken to him since.

To be fair to him he has turned his life round, got a decent job, and works out every day. Last Sunday he was mugged, 3 guys set about him with sticks and chains, scarring him for life. The 3 guys were junkies needing money. Oh the irony huh?

How about the young guy I knew that was in a phone box calling his girlfriend, and was stabbed to death. What happened? Mistaken identity, a drug deal had gone wrong and that 19 yo boy was murdered, for nothing.

My 36 yo pal and sometime employee? Coke binge, him and his gf plus another guy. My pal collapsed, the guy wouldn't let the gf call an ambulance, his house was full of gear. The gf called her bro and dad, they came to the house, the guy attacked the bro stabbing him badly in the legs, he took the knife, plunged the guy in the ribs, and they both landed in intensive care.

Oh, my pal died while this was going on, it was a beautiful day at the crematorium, I can still hear his mothers wail as the coffin slid away.

I think that's enough, but trust me I could go on......drugs don't travel alone, they travel with evil partners. Everyone that tries them thinks they can control them, very few can.

To compare drugs to alcohol is a red herring, anyone with a brain knows that alcohol is debilitating for some, however drugs are an epidemic. In 1980 there were 2 registered heroin addicts in Glasgow, I believe the figure now is 15000 plus, in a city of 600,000. We're now getting 2 deaths a day from drug usage. From 2 addicts to 2 deaths a day in 30 years? Wow.

Does prohibition work? No, governments must control supply through licensed pharmacies. We must take the criminal profit out of drugs and treat it as a mental health issue. I'm not blind to that, the war on drugs has been lost.

For all those people that think it's your own choice and free will to use drugs, I agree. Can you promise to suffer the consequences without affecting the rest of us???

I stand by my statement though, drug dealers are rancid murderous B*st*rds and scumbags.

Thanks for taking the time to reply The Blether. I mistakenly thought you were saying what you said with no knowlege. I was wrong.

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Drugs all travel with an evil companion, we have to accept that if you allow desperate, psychotic and evil people to control the flow of drugs you will get the carnage we are currently seeing.

We have to legalise, treat it as a mental health issue, take the profit out of the hands of psychopaths and put it into the hands of pharmacies. After legalisation anyone found dealing should be subjected to a lifetime restriction order, anyone found guilty of selling drugs to kids should be charged with attempted murder, the penalty for dealing ( in effect creating new customers ) need to be severe.

Firstly thanks fro your excellent post and sorry to be snipping it but I would like to comment on this.

I had a flat in Ferryhill in Aberdeen some years ago and there was a pharmacy at the end of the road which dealt primarily with handing out smarties and methadone to junkies.

Regularly i would be offered these drugs for either cash or other drugs i might be able to offer them.

I'm sure many others were offered the same.

You see jun kies are not interested in rehabilitative effects of these things. They want diamorphine in large quantities.

Its cheap and works for them and I say give it to them. Then the entire criminal network associated with its supply will fall like the house of cards it is.

I had a flat near there! Sandilands Drive. Which is a pretty bad area, if not the worst in town. Likewise, I was offered drugs like valium and temazepam regularly. These drugs ironically saved my life - I was not a druggie but a chronic alcoholic.

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