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Yellow Shirt Protests Force House To Adjourn Indefinitely

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Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

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Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

Yes, the political machine did it's job. Money thrown at a goal did it's job.

The will of the people can then be subverted for the will of the backers of the machine.

If you imagine that a large segment of the voters actual voted their conscious without manipulation, then you weren't watching.

Democracy is not about ONLY the numbers, but the reality that drives them.


Whilst disagreeing with Carra on each and every post, iI believe you are calling 'commie' (stupid word, are you American?)

Over my many years here, I have heard the word 'commie' used by intellectually challenged Americans only, to refer to everything from almost any type of social program to the bloody Florida Library using 'tax dollars' to fund free access to it's, I would say, much needed services.

The word is a misunderstood epithet mostly by those with limited education (have you ever heard Naom Chomsky or Gore Vidal, both educated, intelligent Amercans) use that stupid ignorant word? So yes, it is used by the types of Americans who wouldn't be able to define it's meaning but merely parrot it from their predominantly Republican rallies. Can you enlighten us as to what it means to the likes of you?

Can I ask where you are from, and where did you get your PHD? Profiling groups among Americans, Is like saying All brits have bad breath because of them yellow teeth! I am an American, retired from the Army, and didn't spend my time on education asI was busy, helping others to have Rights! The only times I have heard people refered to as Communists, were was subjects we included about Communist block countries. In all fairness, I think the Red Shirts should disarm the police and soldiers and set down at a table and discuss the differences, You know like they did on the streets, bringing the Capiatl city to mostly a halt. They don't have to worry about security, and they have black shirt security. I think it is wrong to say it was OK to violence when they were the protesters, but now, they want to bring arms against another group. Anyone that even utters a elected official from their mouths show stupidity, paid votes are not aanything close to anything that helps the people, it just gives the people who paid out the funds a feeling of endorsement! Who are the police and soldiers to protect, as both are breaking the law! There is not going to be an easy or good end to this, and it is the working class that will suffer no matter who makes it to the top and stays!

Sorr yabout the off-topic but OMFG, Big lol at "didn't spend my time on education asI was busy, helping others to have Rights!" cheesy.gif

Thats what it is when you have a military career. I assume you laugh, because you haven't devoted your lifetime to fighting a bunch of idiots who take over, or buy their way into govt! Long story short, the people in charge here, are the ones who caused all the junk in the first place and bought a election. People should Never accept and election result that was blatantly open about the way it was bought! Then to add to insult, they placed criminals into seats, to cater to the whims of one family! Laugh if you want about my military service, what have you accomplished with your lifetime carrer??

Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

You forgot to list how much money that Obama, Bush and Clinton paid the people for their votes, your not even on the same page with a comparison, this is the same kind of diversionary tactics such as benefits that never happen, to fool the common worker. The average, normal family may listen to all, but it is a travesty, to convince them that one man is going to come back and save them! What this country needs, is a fair chance to prosper and develop, without all the profits going to the Govt.

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Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

Oh yeah, I should have mentioned that the Dems won only 35% of the popular vote in the last Thai general election... Quite far behind the PTP.


Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

You forgot to list how much money that Obama, Bush and Clinton paid the people for their votes, your not even on the same page with a comparison, this is the same kind of diversionary tactics such as benefits that never happen, to fool the common worker. The average, normal family may listen to all, but it is a travesty, to convince them that one man is going to come back and save them! What this country needs, is a fair chance to prosper and develop, without all the profits going to the Govt.

I know a hell of a lot of Reds, some of whom went to the Bangkok barricades in 2010, and all passionately believe in their cause. Not a single one was there or voted PTP because they were paid to do so. Where is your proof that PTP bought the election?


Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

Saddam Hussein wins election with 100% of votes.

If you think Democracy means only election voting percentages, well not much more to say than :rolleyes:


Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

what does PTP winning the elections have to do with white washing a criminal?

I wish people would think before they post somethingrolleyes.gif

  • Like 1

Until Thailand has an independent Judiciary and a Constitution that can't be amended with the merest of political wind changes with every incoming Parliament, she will never have rule of Law, democracy nor clear out corruption from politics.

you my friend have hit the nail firmly on the head - the very point I made earlier - the constitution has to be set in stone otherwise it's worthless and those here that think winning an election gives anyone the right to bend or rewrite the rules needs their head examined - if the Thai people that unfortunately voted this crowd into power want them to behave above the law then they don't deserve a vote and thank god the military is there to step in when the kids missbehave and bring them all back into the classroom to start over and try to teach them what democracy actually is wrap a few knuckles and re-establish the ground rules

I can't agree more. Then add in the role of the army, and you have 2 glaring issues that have been tackled in the rest of the world already in order to create stability, and the rule of law.

The constitution needs to be set in stone, the judges need to be completely independent so that they put away everyone irrespective of power, position or influence and the army need to be under the control of the elected civilian government so that they cannot rejig everything on a whim.

If the judges and constitution do the job they are intended to do, you don't need the army to keep stepping in anyway, there is an automatic system to keep everything under control. Problem is, that protagonists from all sides of the political spectrum like to be able to play with the courts. I am sick and tired of reading about charges being dropped willy nilly, or even worse, people being convicted and running around on appeal forever as though nothing has ever happened. This is true for all sides, the judicial system in Thailand is a sad joke.

And to think none of this would have happened if they hadn't ruled that giving shares to your maid and gardener is legal. I blame the legal system more than any of the voters, and the judges are supposed to be educated.


The yellow shirts are fascists not more or less. They deserve a life firing zone. There is no bigger crime in a democracy than blocking the work of a parliament. The ultra rightist Nation should make that very clear to the three readers that they still have. Interesting enough PAD is led by a man who is waiting a lengthy jail sentence for corruption and defrauding creditors and investors. The police com missionary and his fine officers who allowed the blocking of parliament should be immediately be put out of their misery and send home.

There will be no coup, the military know that the outside world would spit on them and that the voters will be unstoppable and will really come out with a million people to tach the elite a lesson.


They did not block the work of Parliament, they blocked the roads. Esteemed members of the Parliament could always walk instead of being driven in, or air liftedthumbsup.gif

Demonstrations which gather a large number of people usually do happen to block roads as people can not climb trees, and last time i checked demonstrations were perfectly legal and does fall into democracy, to which you refer.

here is a clue JIM HENDERSON rolleyes.gif

i am sorry i do not speak the teenage codes, so when you grow up and start to speak the grown up language, feel free to join in the conversationthumbsup.gif


Ignoring the words you don't like to start an infinite loop, are you? No matter how often it is explained to you that blocking streets and shutting down government is illegal, you ignore the explanation and get back to claiming it was only a peaceful demonstration. Peaceful demonstrations send a message without blocking streets and preventing the government from doing its job.

But that's enough of this, I have a life outside of TV, and you clearly will not budge from your position that anything PAD does is noble and good, while anything done by the current government is evil and illegal. Enjoy your repetitive posting.

in other words you are not very familiar with democracy and have trouble understanding the meaning of demonstrationwai.gif

however if PAD will break a law at one point, it would be to stop an illegal action by the government which is by worse than PAD could ever do, as it is aimed at totally undermining the law.thumbsup.gif

though throughout past history, PAD did not try to burn down shopping malls or set city on fire or beat up people, but then again PAD is lead by educated people NOT a mass of zombies following 500 baht and looking for any excuse to commit a crime


Ignoring the words you don't like to start an infinite loop, are you? No matter how often it is explained to you that blocking streets and shutting down government is illegal, you ignore the explanation and get back to claiming it was only a peaceful demonstration. Peaceful demonstrations send a message without blocking streets and preventing the government from doing its job.

But that's enough of this, I have a life outside of TV, and you clearly will not budge from your position that anything PAD does is noble and good, while anything done by the current government is evil and illegal. Enjoy your repetitive posting.

in other words you are not very familiar with democracy and have trouble understanding the meaning of demonstrationwai.gif

however if PAD will break a law at one point, it would be to stop an illegal action by the government which is by worse than PAD could ever do, as it is aimed at totally undermining the law.thumbsup.gif

though throughout past history, PAD did not try to burn down shopping malls or set city on fire or beat up people, but then again PAD is lead by educated people NOT a mass of zombies following 500 baht and looking for any excuse to commit a crime

They would be better to completely remove that part of the road as a thoroughfare and just have it set aside legally as a permanent protest area. Job done. Even better, move the parliament to the middle of bloody nowhere, and have permanent in place stages for reds and yellows separated by razor wire, so they can set up shop and protest any time they like, about anything they like, for as long as they like, and the only people they annoy is the MP's themselves.

They can televise the whole thing, and set it up with partially covered walkways that the MPs have to go through walking through the crowds. The crowds can be given free rotten food to throw. It should make good sport.

Sitting in the middle of roads, blocking thoroughfares for extended periods should not be legal. No permanent structures, no barriers, no furniture, no food stalls. You can sit in the middle of the road, but you can't take up residence, and once you start to cause enough of a traffic jam, the police should have the absolute right to move you on your way. If you don't move, well, one day, you are going to see the police here act like the army did a few years ago, and there will be absolute carnage.


The yellow shirts are fascists not more or less. They deserve a life firing zone. There is no bigger crime in a democracy than blocking the work of a parliament. The ultra rightist Nation should make that very clear to the three readers that they still have. Interesting enough PAD is led by a man who is waiting a lengthy jail sentence for corruption and defrauding creditors and investors. The police com missionary and his fine officers who allowed the blocking of parliament should be immediately be put out of their misery and send home.

There will be no coup, the military know that the outside world would spit on them and that the voters will be unstoppable and will really come out with a million people to tach the elite a lesson.


They did not block the work of Parliament, they blocked the roads. Esteemed members of the Parliament could always walk instead of being driven in, or air liftedthumbsup.gif

Demonstrations which gather a large number of people usually do happen to block roads as people can not climb trees, and last time i checked demonstrations were perfectly legal and does fall into democracy, to which you refer.

here is a clue JIM HENDERSON rolleyes.gif

i am sorry i do not speak the teenage codes, so when you grow up and start to speak the grown up language, feel free to join in the conversationthumbsup.gif

Yep let me spell it out for you as it applies directly to you M-U-P-P-E-T-T biggrin.png


Yep let me spell it out for you as it applies directly to you M-U-P-P-E-T-T biggrin.png

i would make a comment on your intelligence levels, but am afraid you will not be able to comprehend itthumbsup.gif


Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

Oh yeah, I should have mentioned that the Dems won only 35% of the popular vote in the last Thai general election... Quite far behind the PTP.

Which means, nonet got a majority of the electorate's votes.


HAHAHA how short peoples memories are

The first thing the coup people did was change all the laws to suit themselves and use them to prosecute Thaksin with trumped up charges

Amazing some people LOL


Absolute garbage

Well it was stolen from him in the first place he should get it back


More garbage

Wonder where those Billions are now LOL the people certainly have not benefited from those stolen funds but I bet the Y Shirts have


Yet more garbage.

All such garbage in fact I am not even going to bother engaging you. If you must comment on Thai politics can you display a little respect for all the other posters here and go and learn about the events you are claiming to have knowledge about, then by all means comment away. In the middle of yet another political crisis in Thailand off the cuff trolling comments are neither helpful nor appreciated.




Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

You forgot to list how much money that Obama, Bush and Clinton paid the people for their votes, your not even on the same page with a comparison, this is the same kind of diversionary tactics such as benefits that never happen, to fool the common worker. The average, normal family may listen to all, but it is a travesty, to convince them that one man is going to come back and save them! What this country needs, is a fair chance to prosper and develop, without all the profits going to the Govt.

I know a hell of a lot of Reds, some of whom went to the Bangkok barricades in 2010, and all passionately believe in their cause. Not a single one was there or voted PTP because they were paid to do so. Where is your proof that PTP bought the election?

The proof is in the PTP policies, they promised to make all Thais rich in 6 months, 300 baht per day minimum wage, 15,000 baht starting wage for uni graduates, ipads for each student, discounts on new cars, rice, onion, tarrow pledging scemes ect ect a style of policymaking known in Thailand as "Thaksinomics". To pledge these policies then renege on the one that would benefit the masses is not only pork barrelling but morally bankrupt. However, returning Thaksin wasnt an election promise

In the run-up to the election, Yingluck deflected questions on whether Pheu Thai would orchestrate Thaksin’s return if it won. Last night, she did the same, saying only that there was a “lot of work” to be done to “maintain unity.”

"Just doing a little shopping, taking a well-earned rest. What is everybody so worked up about?" Thaksin

‘Too Old’ to Return,Thaksin told reporters in Dubai that he was “too old” to return as prime minister.“Going back is not a main concern, not a top priority,” he said. “I should be part of the solution, not the problem”

Ousted Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra has denied that a move by his political allies to amend the kingdom's constitution is aimed at clearing the way for his return.

"I have my own way of getting back home without having to rewrite the charter to favour me," "For me, getting back home or not is not my main concern. I am happy enough living abroad," Thaksin

“I cannot believe or understand why anyone would want to hurt me, as I have only tried to help people all my life,” Thaksin said with a straight face

"My return to Thailand will be peaceful and I hope that it is the start of reconciliation and healing,” he added, with what sounded remarkably like sincerity.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Monday her elder brother, former prime minister Thaksin, is not about to return home soon.


Its all happening again, same as 2006. Next they will move parliment to Don Muang Airport where the yelowshirt protestor will follow and the red will attack them with granades while they sleep.

Where is this mythical airport,. I have never heard of it, and how could the red shirts throw grenades at people sleeping at a place that does not exist.

I think your belief about 'red shirts' throwing grenades at sleeping people is as misguided as your sense of direction, as far as i can remember nobody was convicted for throwing these grenades although I could be wrong, and I always find it easier to take a post more seriously of it is balanced and highlights the faults and violence from both sides, or are you one of these people that ignores the bombings and violence and damage instigated by the yellow shirts last time round?

Thankfully for all concerned I don't think they have the numbers like they had last time to do any real damage to the country, and one big factor is that this time around I don't think they have the army either.

It would be difficult to be balanced when comparing the violence from both sides when it so different in both quantity and intensity.

Nice of you to admit you could be wrong, as you usually are.

I see you say I am wrong but don't make any effort to prove me wrong, I wonder why??

We can compare violence if you want





They did not block the work of Parliament, they blocked the roads. Esteemed members of the Parliament could always walk instead of being driven in, or air liftedthumbsup.gif

Demonstrations which gather a large number of people usually do happen to block roads as people can not climb trees, and last time i checked demonstrations were perfectly legal and does fall into democracy, to which you refer.

here is a clue JIM HENDERSON rolleyes.gif

i am sorry i do not speak the teenage codes, so when you grow up and start to speak the grown up language, feel free to join in the conversationthumbsup.gif

Yep let me spell it out for you as it applies directly to you M-U-P-P-E-T-T biggrin.png

Let me spell it out for you, as you are trying to be a smart ass , it's M-U-P-P-E-T rolleyes.gif


These people are proto-fascists who want a largely appointed--rather than elected--parliament

No, they don't.


This old chestnut just won't go away. Dam_n Sonthi or whoever it was who flew this kite from the PAD stage. The PAD press statement from 2008 denying it's their policy has been posted in thaivisa so many times that only newbies and trolls could be unaware of it.


Note the last paragraph: The proposal on the PAD stage of a 70 : 30 ratio of public representatives to elected representatives is merely an example of how the old-style politics should be replaced and is open to discussions. It is not a fixed formula advocated by the PAD. We are ready for a discussion from all sides on designing new politics and will respect the majority decision for new politics that is ethical, moral, and more representative of the varied social sectors to go in line with the lifestyles and culture of Thailand but still upholding democracy under a Constitutional Monarchy.


These people are proto-fascists who want a largely appointed--rather than elected--parliament

No, they don't.


Buchholz, i think it has got to the point where going through and correcting errors, lies and mistruths, on this thread and a few others, is a cause in vain. You are swimming against an almighty tide of incoming BS.

  • Like 2

Let's look at the figures....

Thailand elections 2011, PTP won 48.41% of the popular vote (with a 75% turnout)

Obama won 52.9% of the popular vote (with a 63% turnout... Very high for the US)

George W Bush won 47.9% of the popular vote for his first term

Bill Clinton won 43% of the popular vote for his first term

David Cameron's party won 36% of the popular vote in the last UK elections

So however you want to slice it -- and however much you may not like it -- the PTP put in a pretty good showing as far as election results are concerned. They might not have achieved a simple majority but they came dam_n close, and they did better than a lot of other governments whose legitimacy we don't question. So it's time to stop questioning whether they have a mandate to legislate. I wish the PAD could understand this...

You forgot to list how much money that Obama, Bush and Clinton paid the people for their votes, your not even on the same page with a comparison, this is the same kind of diversionary tactics such as benefits that never happen, to fool the common worker. The average, normal family may listen to all, but it is a travesty, to convince them that one man is going to come back and save them! What this country needs, is a fair chance to prosper and develop, without all the profits going to the Govt.

And how munch did they pay you personally. They spent huge amounts on there campaigns but did not go out and offer cash money to you personally for your vote.

Here in Thailand it was money put directly into their hand not money spent on traveling all over the country in luxury and buying up Television time.

The reason for the governments winning elections with less than 50% of the vote is when they have more than one party they take the party with the most votes and declare them the winner.

They shopould do like France did elimanate all but the top two and vote on them.


These people are proto-fascists who want a largely appointed--rather than elected--parliament

No, they don't.


Buchholz, i think it has got to the point where going through and correcting errors, lies and mistruths, on this thread and a few others, is a cause in vain. You are swimming against an almighty tide of incoming BS.

It is also backed up by ignorance. Some from personal agendas and some from lack of education other then a few classes in a specially set up red shirt school.


Yep let me spell it out for you as it applies directly to you M-U-P-P-E-T-T biggrin.png

Hope you're not an English teacher.

Nah, he is an English studentcheesy.gif


I still don't understand why the keep referring to TS as being in "self-exile". Isn't he on the run.

No he is not on the run if he were on the run and had actually committed Terrorist acts like the yellows accused him of then the good Ol USA would of hunted him down themselves but the fact is the guys is living it up all over the world having a grand old time and so he should as the coup should never of happened anyway and was proven yet again in the last election the MAJORITY of thais want thaksin why else would they vote in someone with NO POLITICAL EXPERIENCE at all, I tell you why, Because her name is Thaksin and the people love him

Civil War could be on the cards as we are back to square 1


You must be new to this. 52% of the people voted against Thaksin. Because you are new I will explain it to you. Thailand is not a Democracy. They use the Parliamentary system where they don't need the majority as you would in a Democracy.

With the Parliamentary system each area gets to elect one minister When the election is over the minister's get together and then elect the Prime minister.

Under this system if one district has 20,000 out of 39,000 for one party and another district has 35,000 out of 39,000 for another party and a third district had another 20,000 out of 39,000 for the same candidate as the first party you would have three people voting for the prime minister with one vote each. Even though there was 73,000 who wanted one candidate and only 44,000 who wanted the other candidate.

So with a total of 117,000 votes for the two parties One party would receive 73,000 votes and the other party 44,000 votes. Yet the party with 44,000 would get two votes for who the Prime Minister will be compared the the party with 73,000 votes who only get one vote.

Hardly a democracy.

You must be American to make the ridiculous suggestion that a parliamentary system is not democratic. It's simply different from your presidential system. Maybe you need to read up on your Electoral College to see how the numbers game can be played out there....

The states is not a Democracy it is a Republic. You need to read up on reality. In a Democracy the majority of the people win. Even though a lot of the votes are paid cash for their vote.


How's that "reconciliation" working out for you?

If the topic raises as much ire in the Thai community as it does here on TV in the farang community, I'm surprised the entire country hasn't erupted into civil war. And the farang don't even have a dog in the fight! 330 posts in the thread and no end in sight.

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