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PAD Threatens Protest If Thai Govt Continues Amnesty Push


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Rumour is that the PAD has booked mobile toilets.

Could be a long protest.

Could be that they're better prepared than the government

Could be that Chamlong is going to cook phad thai again. :rolleyes:

That made me think - maybe each side should nominate a cooking champion and have a "blind" cook off with 2 people nominated from each province.

Whoever wins gets 55% of the house and whoever loses gets 45% and forms a unity government.

We could then have a reality TV show each month where the "loser" politician from each side is voted out of a job and replaced.

Will that appeal to the Thais?

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People can argue that the Red Shirt were violent, but the same can be said of the PAD, as well as the actions of the military.

It's more than a bit of a stretch to attempt to make moral equivalence arguments between PAD and the red shirts. How many buildings did PAD burn down and indeed how many innocent bystanders were killed by stray bullets or rocket launched grenades going off in the center of the city? The PAD security were no doubt no angels but their presence I do recall was to try and combat the frequent attacks upon the PAD rallies by armed red thugs. The reds on the other hand were armed to intimidate and not in self defense. Then we come to damage to tourism or the economy. Undeniably the airport occupation had a large cost, but had the reds occupied the airport they would have burnt it to the ground whilst encouraged to do so by their so called leaders hiding behind parliamentary immunity - that's if their trips to central Bangkok were any guide when they arrived mob handed with bottles of petrol.

Thanks for posting the reality of the large differences in the actions, tactics, and consequences of the two groups.

It's always amazing to see posts feebly attempting to liken the two groups in those regards when the differences are so glaring.

I know that you know your red/yellow history better than that to claim the above.

The protesting since the coup, by all sides, has been sincere on one hand, and has had elements of violence on the other hand.

The level of violence has been increasing incrementally with each year. Hopefully this will not continue to be the case. You may recall that it was, in fact the PAD who first began arming themselves in their protests which got this vicious circle started.


The Red Shirts were the first to instigate street violence when they rioted in Bangkok in July 2007 which resulted in hundreds injured.

They started the violence and their subsequent violence during Black Songkran 2009 and May Mayhem 2010 clearly surpass that of PAD.


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I know that you know your red/yellow history better than that to claim the above.

The protesting since the coup, by all sides, has been sincere on one hand, and has had elements of violence on the other hand.

The level of violence has been increasing incrementally with each year. Hopefully this will not continue to be the case. You may recall that it was, in fact the PAD who first began arming themselves in their protests which got this vicious circle started.

Arming? You mean versus using?

Anyone out there who remembers the indiscriminate grenade attacks on any non-red-shirts? By 'peaceful protesters' under the leadership of those lovable guys like Nattawut, Dr. weng, Jatuporn and renegade general Seh Daeng. Anyone out there who remembers similar attacks by PAD on non-yellow-shirts?

The 'vicious circle' as you name it started that very day January 2006 as a law change got into effect and the Shinawatra family sold their Shinawatra Holdings stake to Temasek and through a dubious loophole in the legal framework managed to avoid paying taxes. Maybe legally so, as only the 'amply rich' manage to do. That's when things started <_<

Edited by rubl
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I know that you know your red/yellow history better than that to claim the above.

The protesting since the coup, by all sides, has been sincere on one hand, and has had elements of violence on the other hand.

The level of violence has been increasing incrementally with each year. Hopefully this will not continue to be the case. You may recall that it was, in fact the PAD who first began arming themselves in their protests which got this vicious circle started.

Arming? You mean versus using?

Anyone out there who remembers the indiscriminate grenade attacks on any non-red-shirts? By 'peaceful protesters' under the leadership of those lovable guys like Nattawut, Dr. weng, Jatuporn and renegade general Seh Daeng. Anyone out there who remembers similar attacks by PAD on non-yellow-shirts?

The 'vicious circle' as you name it started that very day January 2006 as a law change got into effect and the Shinawatra family sold their Shinawatra Holdings stake to Temasek and through a dubious loophole in the legal framework managed to avoid paying taxes. Maybe legally so, as only the 'amply rich' manage to do. That's when things started <_<

And don't forget that father of a yellow shirt beaten dead in Chang Mai and Abhisits driver (don't know dead or not).

Nothing similar was ever done by the yellows.

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Off-topic rehash of red/yellow past activities deleted.

Wait 2 weeks and the forum will be childish like before.

PAD kill no Red kill, Thaksin help the poor, no PAD did....

will be a hard time for moderators

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All of the constant protesting is doing nothing to improve Thailand. If all those involved in the protesting would turn their efforts towards something that was really important, like solving the problems in the deep south, or working to improve the economy, then Thailand will lead Asia towards a better tomorrow. The constant refusal to drop the past, work on reconciliation, and work towards helping Thailand to improve is only serving to keep Thailand poor and getting poorer :whistling:

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Arming? You mean versus using?

Anyone out there who remembers the indiscriminate grenade attacks on any non-red-shirts? By 'peaceful protesters' under the leadership of those lovable guys like Nattawut, Dr. weng, Jatuporn and renegade general Seh Daeng. Anyone out there who remembers similar attacks by PAD on non-yellow-shirts?

The 'vicious circle' as you name it started that very day January 2006 as a law change got into effect and the Shinawatra family sold their Shinawatra Holdings stake to Temasek and through a dubious loophole in the legal framework managed to avoid paying taxes. Maybe legally so, as only the 'amply rich' manage to do. That's when things started <_<

And don't forget that father of a yellow shirt beaten dead in Chang Mai and Abhisits driver (don't know dead or not).

Nothing similar was ever done by the yellows.

Nothing? H90 - that is too far from reality to be believed. The PAD is violent, too. They have shot people, ambushed people, and just plain beaten people to death as well as a full out attack on an entire police station.

And the PAD had/has the advantage of military leadership support. The military refused direct orders from the government to remove the PAD from the Government House as well as from the airports. On the other hand, Abhisit asked the army to use lethal force last year and the army were there with guns loaded.

I don't advocate violence. I don't advocate arson. But there are many hypocrites on this forum - and I find it disgusting - who never hesitate to call out one side for burning Central World, but never, never, never mention the 91 dead - 7 non-civilians so 84 killed by the government / army in the same conflict.

Ask me to chose between burning buildings & closing airports or killing one person, much less 91, then I say close the airports and break out your matches. There is no comparison between arson and murder.

As for this round of protests, I hope for peaceful protests.

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All of the constant protesting is doing nothing to improve Thailand. If all those involved in the protesting would turn their efforts towards something that was really important, like solving the problems in the deep south, or working to improve the economy, then Thailand will lead Asia towards a better tomorrow. The constant refusal to drop the past, work on reconciliation, and work towards helping Thailand to improve is only serving to keep Thailand poor and getting poorer :whistling:

Yes, it would be good if the government spent less time on pardons and spent more time on flood management.

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All of the constant protesting is doing nothing to improve Thailand. If all those involved in the protesting would turn their efforts towards something that was really important, like solving the problems in the deep south, or working to improve the economy, then Thailand will lead Asia towards a better tomorrow. The constant refusal to drop the past, work on reconciliation, and work towards helping Thailand to improve is only serving to keep Thailand poor and getting poorer :whistling:

Yes, it would be good if the government spent less time on pardons and spent more time on flood management.

Pardons are higher priority than flood management.

Need not look any further than the actions and involvement of the Deputy Prime Minister on both tasks.


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PAD to hold mass rally against government’s proposed amnesty decree on Monday

PAD spokesman Panthep Puapongpan said PAD leaders agreed that the cabinet's move on Tuesday was intended to help Mr Thaksin avoid arrest and imprisonment.

The revised decree opened the way for convicts to seek royal pardons without serving jail terms, reducing the imprisonment period eligibility from having actually served one year to 2 or 3 years of conviction, and allowing those who have been convicted of particular charges such as corruption, earlier disqualified from seeking amnesty, to apply for it.

The changes could make Mr Thaksin eligible to apply for a royal pardon, he said.


-- TNA 2011-11-19

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Arming? You mean versus using?

Anyone out there who remembers the indiscriminate grenade attacks on any non-red-shirts? By 'peaceful protesters' under the leadership of those lovable guys like Nattawut, Dr. weng, Jatuporn and renegade general Seh Daeng. Anyone out there who remembers similar attacks by PAD on non-yellow-shirts?

The 'vicious circle' as you name it started that very day January 2006 as a law change got into effect and the Shinawatra family sold their Shinawatra Holdings stake to Temasek and through a dubious loophole in the legal framework managed to avoid paying taxes. Maybe legally so, as only the 'amply rich' manage to do. That's when things started <_<

And don't forget that father of a yellow shirt beaten dead in Chang Mai and Abhisits driver (don't know dead or not).

Nothing similar was ever done by the yellows.

Nothing? H90 - that is too far from reality to be believed. The PAD is violent, too. They have shot people, ambushed people, and just plain beaten people to death as well as a full out attack on an entire police station.

And the PAD had/has the advantage of military leadership support. The military refused direct orders from the government to remove the PAD from the Government House as well as from the airports. On the other hand, Abhisit asked the army to use lethal force last year and the army were there with guns loaded.

I don't advocate violence. I don't advocate arson. But there are many hypocrites on this forum - and I find it disgusting - who never hesitate to call out one side for burning Central World, but never, never, never mention the 91 dead - 7 non-civilians so 84 killed by the government / army in the same conflict.

Ask me to chose between burning buildings & closing airports or killing one person, much less 91, then I say close the airports and break out your matches. There is no comparison between arson and murder.

As for this round of protests, I hope for peaceful protests.

Do you personally have any actual, factual proof that could be taken to court of what you allege?

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The PAD is violent, too.

The PAD did not use war weapons like M79 grenade launchers. The Red Shirts did.

Abhisit asked the army to use lethal force last year and the army were there with guns loaded.

Abhisit did not say anything like "kill them all", otherwise there would have been thousands dead, and then the word "massacre" would be appropriate (which is used by propagandist Robert Amsterdam for just 91 deaths). His instructions were to shoot in self-defense, because there were militants using war weapons against the army.

I don't advocate violence.

But do you acknowledge that the Red Shirts used war weapons that killed both soldiers and civilians?

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I hope that there won't be too much of a clash between us Thais. I'd say let Thaksin come back and let fate decide his future...less destruction and we might save some time along the way...it's inevitable, he is coming back...but I rather have him here than having him issuing order to terrorize our country from Dubai

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Arming? You mean versus using?

Anyone out there who remembers the indiscriminate grenade attacks on any non-red-shirts? By 'peaceful protesters' under the leadership of those lovable guys like Nattawut, Dr. weng, Jatuporn and renegade general Seh Daeng. Anyone out there who remembers similar attacks by PAD on non-yellow-shirts?

The 'vicious circle' as you name it started that very day January 2006 as a law change got into effect and the Shinawatra family sold their Shinawatra Holdings stake to Temasek and through a dubious loophole in the legal framework managed to avoid paying taxes. Maybe legally so, as only the 'amply rich' manage to do. That's when things started <_<

And don't forget that father of a yellow shirt beaten dead in Chang Mai and Abhisits driver (don't know dead or not).

Nothing similar was ever done by the yellows.

Nothing? H90 - that is too far from reality to be believed. The PAD is violent, too. They have shot people, ambushed people, and just plain beaten people to death as well as a full out attack on an entire police station.

And the PAD had/has the advantage of military leadership support. The military refused direct orders from the government to remove the PAD from the Government House as well as from the airports. On the other hand, Abhisit asked the army to use lethal force last year and the army were there with guns loaded.

I don't advocate violence. I don't advocate arson. But there are many hypocrites on this forum - and I find it disgusting - who never hesitate to call out one side for burning Central World, but never, never, never mention the 91 dead - 7 non-civilians so 84 killed by the government / army in the same conflict.

Ask me to chose between burning buildings & closing airports or killing one person, much less 91, then I say close the airports and break out your matches. There is no comparison between arson and murder.

As for this round of protests, I hope for peaceful protests.

"but never, never, never mention the 91 dead - 7 non-civilians so 84 killed by the government / army in the same conflict."

So every civilian (from the 91 dead) must have been killed by the government/army?????? Please check the facts before you post such a blatant lie.

I guess nobody knows or will ever know the exact figures. But the grenades and/or other weapons from the Red/Black shirts did kill civilians too.

edit: changed font size

Edited by whatsupdoc
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I said this ealry on and i will say it again ? These same hi-so's that were crying to save Bangkok now find it in their hearts to protest. Well if you had 1 meter of water in your house you probably wouldn't have the energy or notion to be protesting. Think of the millions suffering from the flood before you think about getting things your own way. If you have enough energy to protest, grab a shovel and start cleaning up Thailand. It is about time you do something for others than yourselves. Protesting is a selfish, selfish act in a time when the country needs togetherness... B)

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Rumour is that the PAD has booked mobile toilets.

Could be a long protest.

The big problem the PAD have with a long protest is that as soon as the decree is passed on if it actually is and I have my doubts or at least in a Thaksin unfettered way, they can be accused of trying to influence the decision which is a very difficult place to be as they then either have to accept the accusation and continue or step back and show respect. If they continue the reds can use it as justification to hold a counter demo in favour. That whole scenario gets very messy indeed.

Let's keep counter demonstrations as a separate issue.

From a legal standpoint they are OK (in my opinion) prior to a signature approving the pardon, but afterwards, if it is approved, demonstrations against the pardon by the PAD may be construed by the courts, should charges be made, as lese majeste.

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I said this ealry on and i will say it again ? These same hi-so's that were crying to save Bangkok now find it in their hearts to protest. Well if you had 1 meter of water in your house you probably wouldn't have the energy or notion to be protesting. Think of the millions suffering from the flood before you think about getting things your own way. If you have enough energy to protest, grab a shovel and start cleaning up Thailand. It is about time you do something for others than yourselves. Protesting is a selfish, selfish act in a time when the country needs togetherness... B)

"It's about time you do something for others than yourselves"

Are you referring to the Shinawatra confederacy?

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I said this ealry on and i will say it again ? These same hi-so's that were crying to save Bangkok now find it in their hearts to protest. Well if you had 1 meter of water in your house you probably wouldn't have the energy or notion to be protesting. Think of the millions suffering from the flood before you think about getting things your own way. If you have enough energy to protest, grab a shovel and start cleaning up Thailand. It is about time you do something for others than yourselves. Protesting is a selfish, selfish act in a time when the country needs togetherness... B)

Sorry to disappoint but the PAD rally has been cancelled after news that Thaksin won't be pardoned was announced.


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I said this ealry on and i will say it again ? These same hi-so's that were crying to save Bangkok now find it in their hearts to protest. Well if you had 1 meter of water in your house you probably wouldn't have the energy or notion to be protesting. Think of the millions suffering from the flood before you think about getting things your own way. If you have enough energy to protest, grab a shovel and start cleaning up Thailand. It is about time you do something for others than yourselves. Protesting is a selfish, selfish act in a time when the country needs togetherness... B)

Sorry to disappoint but the PAD rally has been cancelled after news that Thaksin won't be pardoned was announced.


That's great then? I know this if it did start again? I could see the army going in and saying right thats it no more red and yellows as you can't seem to get on plus it's costing peoples livelihood then the army would be in charge of Thailand? i know this is what i would do if i was the person in charge of the army .. I'm so sick and tired of all this as I'm sure everybody else is as it's been going on for fair to long now.. Seems the safest optionin my eyes .:jap:

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I said this ealry on and i will say it again ? These same hi-so's that were crying to save Bangkok now find it in their hearts to protest. Well if you had 1 meter of water in your house you probably wouldn't have the energy or notion to be protesting. Think of the millions suffering from the flood before you think about getting things your own way. If you have enough energy to protest, grab a shovel and start cleaning up Thailand. It is about time you do something for others than yourselves. Protesting is a selfish, selfish act in a time when the country needs togetherness... B)

Sorry to disappoint but the PAD rally has been cancelled after news that Thaksin won't be pardoned was announced.

That's great then? I know this if it did start again? I could see the army going in and saying right thats it no more red and yellows as you can't seem to get on plus it's costing peoples livelihood then the army would be in charge of Thailand? i know this is what i would do if i was the person in charge of the army .. I'm so sick and tired of all this as I'm sure everybody else is as it's been going on for fair to long now.. Seems the safest optionin my eyes .:jap:

It will start again if the Yingluck government starts to try and exonerate Thaksin again.

PAD's always been pretty straight forward about this and the latest confirms it.

Thaksin backs off and they back off.


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I said this ealry on and i will say it again ? These same hi-so's that were crying to save Bangkok now find it in their hearts to protest. Well if you had 1 meter of water in your house you probably wouldn't have the energy or notion to be protesting. Think of the millions suffering from the flood before you think about getting things your own way. If you have enough energy to protest, grab a shovel and start cleaning up Thailand. It is about time you do something for others than yourselves. Protesting is a selfish, selfish act in a time when the country needs togetherness... B)

Sorry to disappoint but the PAD rally has been cancelled after news that Thaksin won't be pardoned was announced.

That's great then? I know this if it did start again? I could see the army going in and saying right thats it no more red and yellows as you can't seem to get on plus it's costing peoples livelihood then the army would be in charge of Thailand? i know this is what i would do if i was the person in charge of the army .. I'm so sick and tired of all this as I'm sure everybody else is as it's been going on for fair to long now.. Seems the safest optionin my eyes .:jap:

It will start again if the Yingluck government starts to try and exonerate Thaksin again.

PAD's always been pretty straight forward about this and the latest confirms it.

Thaksin backs off and they back off.


Of course without a shadow of doubt? But I think this time around it's going to get very nasty to what's happen in the past with these events?I can just sense it even Thais are not the same these days due to these event's I can see a civil war happening I've been here for eight years now .:jap:

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Sorry to disappoint but the PAD rally has been cancelled after news that Thaksin won't be pardoned was announced.

That's great then? I know this if it did start again? I could see the army going in and saying right thats it no more red and yellows as you can't seem to get on plus it's costing peoples livelihood then the army would be in charge of Thailand? i know this is what i would do if i was the person in charge of the army .. I'm so sick and tired of all this as I'm sure everybody else is as it's been going on for fair to long now.. Seems the safest optionin my eyes .:jap:

It will start again if the Yingluck government starts to try and exonerate Thaksin again.

PAD's always been pretty straight forward about this and the latest confirms it.

Thaksin backs off and they back off.

Of course without a shadow of doubt? But I think this time around it's going to get very nasty to what's happen in the past with these events?I can just sense it even Thais are not the same these days due to these event's I can see a civil war happening I've been here for eight years now .:jap:

It would seem the prevention of that hinges on Yingluck's government.

Stop trying to exonerate Thaksin and the repercussions are avoided.


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Rumour is that the PAD has booked mobile toilets.

Could be a long protest.

The big problem the PAD have with a long protest is that as soon as the decree is passed on if it actually is and I have my doubts or at least in a Thaksin unfettered way, they can be accused of trying to influence the decision which is a very difficult place to be as they then either have to accept the accusation and continue or step back and show respect. If they continue the reds can use it as justification to hold a counter demo in favour. That whole scenario gets very messy indeed.

Let's keep counter demonstrations as a separate issue.

From a legal standpoint they are OK (in my opinion) prior to a signature approving the pardon, but afterwards, if it is approved, demonstrations against the pardon by the PAD may be construed by the courts, should charges be made, as lese majeste.

Mobile toilets are arriving already?

Edited by sparebox2
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