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It depends (!) on how you carry yourself! I've seen people wearing cheap gold jewelries, giving them classy and elegant looks and I've seen some people wearing expensive gold jewelries, who doesn't look elegant or classy at all. Some even look like "Pimps" or Halloween Clowns ready for the masquerade ball!

The trick is simple! Wear only what makes you look good. (or scary if you're going to some kind of "SCARE" party.)


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Middle aged Farang wearing shorts, vest, baseball cap, sunglasses, cigarette in hand and gold Buddha amulet all says "I live in Thailand. I'm not a tourist!" Looks like cr@p.


I like gold. I have a 2baht necklace and a golden ring. I never wear the golden ring because like same guys said I dont want to make myself look like a wannabe pimp. At the time I didnt know better. I dont want to disrespect other people maybe. And its uncomfortable. I'm embarrased to wear it. Necklace no problem

I'm not affraid to get robbed


My wife has gold, but she only really wears it on special occasions. We live in an area that theft is not too much of a problem, but she takes care of it all the same.

My 2 yr old daughter has about 2 baht worth of gold that she wears on special occassions too.

I have a citizen watch. :o:D

Yellow gold you see in the Chinese shops - classless. Classy or hi-so Thais wear real jewelry.

Because real "hi-so" Chinese in Bangkok, few and far between for this crowd to encounter, know the score at the Chinese gold shops in Thailand, avoid the mass produced plated gold baat chains and rings sold to the Thais, and prefer to purchase the far higher quality gold jewelery available in Hong Kong. Either way, wearing heavy baat chains has been, and forever shall be totally classless bling bling, a sign of someone desperate for attention with additional deep feelings of insecurity. The Thai women who wear this stuff do so to compensate for the fact that their husbands spend significant amount of money on mia nois. The Farang men who wear the heavy baat chains around town, just pathetic.


When a Thai friend came with me on a trip to Washington DC, she noticed that the only time she saw people wearing gold, we were in the bad parts of town. I explained that since gold jewelry was rather obtainable for Americans, successful people prefered other status symbols. She stopped wearing her gold necklace after that.

Middle aged Farang wearing shorts, vest, baseball cap, sunglasses, cigarette in hand and gold Buddha amulet all says "I live in Thailand. I'm not a tourist!" Looks like cr@p.

Not just crap, but a lost Marsian! ***shakes head. When are they gonna learn?


Personally, I am very anti-jewel of any kind. I dont like wearing it and I dont think it much looks good on anyone else either. The only thing I wear is my gold wedding ring out of necessity.


I think it just advertises them as a target for some idiot to rob them - many women have been assaulted and robbed , some suffering serious injury or death in the process , for the gold they are wearing.

Yes thats quite true although is it an idiot who steals the gold or the person who is advertising the fact that they are wearing something so easily stolen.........guess the same things could be said about ipods and even the latest training shoes........but I digress

What I really want to know is your opinion of whether you think it is classy or classless to wear gold nowadays. What is your perception of people who wear gold on a day to day basis. Does it elevate their status or enhance their appearance. Do the hi so set wear gold everyday or is it something that the lower class wear to purport that they have lots of money.........these are the opinions I am hoping to hear



I was stationed in Korat in '70. The girl I shared that year with gave me a 1 Baht gold chain with a gold trimmed Buddha. I wore it everyday until '94 when I finally returned to Thailand for a vacation and replaced the amulet. I still wear the chain daily because of its meaning to me...not for status. I think the Thail gold is very beautiful and I love the intricate designs and workmanship. My chain is a part of me....I'd feel lost without having it on for all of these years.



Middle aged Farang wearing shorts, vest, baseball cap, sunglasses, cigarette in hand and gold Buddha amulet all says "I live in Thailand. I'm not a tourist!" Looks like cr@p.

Not just crap, but a lost Marsian! ***shakes head. When are they gonna learn?

Learn what exactly?

I don't care about gold but other than that what you reckon would be the proper attire for an afternoon

bar hopping in Cowboy?


Presents of gold jewelry are given to Thais at all stages of life from childhood onwards.

Gold has a religious significance for Thais. In Buddhist literature, both Pali and Sanskrit, the Buddha is described as having skin of gold. A golden complexion is the eleventh of the 32 characteristics of the Buddha. Many Buddha images in Thailand are made of gold and gold leaf is stuck onto Buddha images as part of religious rituals. The largest buddha image in the world is the Golden Buddha, now housed in Wat Trimitr. It is made of pure gold and weighs over 5 tons making it worth around $61 million just for the gold.

Heres a good link http://gold.yabz.com/

I think thick gold chains do look a bit gay on a bloke but look fine on the ladys with in reason

DJ Pat what do you mean people that wear gold deserve to be robbed. You are a dick

I have lived in many places around Thailand and the wife has always worn large amounts of gold and she does,t look tacky and we have never been robbed. But there is a time and a place to wear it.

Not buying your wife some gold because you are scared of getting robbed is bull shit it is just you are a bunch of cheap @#$%.


Whenever i see Thai gold it reminds me of the garbage that the african "lucky lucky" man would try and sell me on the beach in Fueringarola 20 years ago.

Discerning Thai folk know that this stuff is coveted by those who aspire to be more than they are.

Whenever i see Thai gold it reminds me of the garbage that the african "lucky lucky" man would try and sell me on the beach in Fueringarola 20 years ago.

Discerning Thai folk know that this stuff is coveted by those who aspire to be more than they are.

Thai gold to me looks and feels like real gold unlike the crap they sell in Australia for a arm and a leg and has no resale value

And I dont think they are tring to aspire to be more than what they are. Show me wemon any any country that doesn,t like to wear gold jewlry that mixed with young wemon and Thai culture makes for a lot of wemon wearing gold

How many of you guys out there that are married wifes dont own gold chains ?? and what does your wife think about it.

A lot of so-called "lo-so" Thais like having gold so that when they're skint they can sell or pawn it!!!


Also a lot of "lo-so" falang that cant afford gold or are tight asses like to hang shit on thais that wear gold :o:D


personally i only wear a ring, but my wife and her friends own various pieces of gold jewellery, now they do not wear it day in day out only on special occasions and on the lightly tanned skin tone i think it looks good

it is the same as most things in fashion, personnal taste.


i like gold

growing up in america gold was considered tacky when it was in chain links around the neck, but a diescreet necklace was class

here in israel, the 'moroccan' types (read: from the north african and arab speaking countries, mediterranean culture, not the 'white' intellectual types as in european cultural types) wear tons of gold and the men also like heavy gold chain bracelets... kibbutzniks would never ever waer that stuff, like being white trash!!.... i do like gold and like it on men, and also the bracelets... however, the attitude is what counts... those that wear the gold, and those that the gold is wearing (u notice the gold first as a show off thing)...

recently received a thai gold necklace delicate and beautiful and i wear it all the time... it was a present, not funds for pawning or showing how poor i am

so i've noticed so far that those against, more or less, are the anglosaxon types, those for (if any) are probably the mediterranean types (us israelis, the italians, etc et al) and the thais of course

there is no argueing about fragrance and flavor (no point in argueing asthetics as dictated by culture)...

my sister the american of course got a gigantic diamond engagement ring (how tacky can u get huh???) 55555


so i've noticed so far that those against, more or less, are the anglosaxon types, those for (if any) are probably the mediterranean types (us israelis, the italians, etc et al) and the thais of course

########## [racial slur deleted /mod]


As a cautionary measure against ride-by motor cycle gold thieves, I wear a thick brass chain around my neck. It looks just like Thai gold.

My only problem is that I don't know how to get the laundry plug off the end of it. :o


Nothing irritates me more than seeing Thai people in US wearing tons ugly of Gold jewelry, pretending to be rich, acting superior than other Thais, and at the same time working at a local BX or commissary :o

IN other word, its GOD AWFUL. :D


The "bling" as it's called is prefered by lowriding negros whos job is to throw punchlines like "gotta <deleted>#k you bit#h up to shoot the money ni##er motherfu#ker K 20 dollar party motherfu#ker...................."

also called rappers. :o


I would really like to know the opinions of both thais and farangs as to what they think about people, or moreso thai ladies wearing considerable amounts of gold ie a 1 bht bracelet and a 1 bht necklace on a regular day to day basis. Do you think that it exudes class or do you think that it cheapens the person or do you have any other opinions of your own that you would like to share with me.

Any and all opinions are appreciated


I always wonder why topics like this are discussed on these boards. Is anyone here secretly wondering if they wear too much gold? Maybe if your significant other doesn't believe you, these might help, but hopefully you could just poll people you knew too.

I think more important than a certain amount of gold being the right amount is if it fits the person and the occassion. It has to match the way they dress and act. It only really stands out to me if it doesn't match.

I went back and looked at pictures and I pulled up the ones who I thought were wearing gold and they weren't and then others wore gold when I didn't even notice it. Bascially it made no impression on me when I was around people face to face. I was also surprised that my girlfriend wore gold much less than I realized. She wears cheap jewelry for those places she whouldn't wear gold, but she looked good when she did wear it. I guess because it also matched her clothes too.


I think, depending on the situation, more looks ok if the event calls for it. I don't mean the "Mr T" look but rather something you would notice.

In other events, such as office work, less is best.

But each person is different. What is a lot for one person is a little for another.

I think some Thais do put (or think) Thais who wear a lot of gold, and dress nice on a higher social status without knowing their background.


I think it also depends on where you are.

If you are off in the depths of Issan, then it sems to be considered Hi-So. However, the people I work with in an office in Bangkok, mostly Thai, think that men wearing gold is very low class. Comments like

"You put your money in a bank - not around your neck"
That sort of thing says you are the same as "Trailer Trash"

I think a little bit looks looks ok on the ladies, but not the men.

I think it also depends on where you are.

If you are off in the depths of Issan, then it sems to be considered Hi-So. However, the people I work with in an office in Bangkok, mostly Thai, think that men wearing gold is very low class. Comments like

"You put your money in a bank - not around your neck"
That sort of thing says you are the same as "Trailer Trash"

I think a little bit looks looks ok on the ladies, but not the men.

It's strange how a thread like this can contain so much silliness.The implications of wearing a lot of gold can easily be picked up in Thailand by anyone with a reasonable sense of observation.Broadly speaking it is indeed the low-so,uneducated and unsophisticated who have come into a bit of cash -sometimes avery great deal of cash- who adorn themselves in this way.Trailer trash is too unkind a description but is I am afraid a pointer.Thailand may be an extreme example but the same vulgarity can be seen in many other cultures.I should also mention that many low rent farangs of the visa run variety are also very keen on gold, and adorning their "girlfriends" similarly.

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