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Thailand's Constitution Court Puts Charter Changes On Hold


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As per usual the users of this forum are showing that htey have very little idea about politics and law.

What we have here is a court telling parliament what it can and cannot discuss. Anything still in the parliamentary process is not a law and thereby still subject to change! In this respect it is not the business of the constitutional court. Once a law is passed by parliament the constitutional court can rule on its legality and as we are not at that stage I will ask what business is it of the constitutional court?

The constitutional court has no rights whatsoever to tell parlaiment what it can and cannot discuss and legislate for.

What we have here is a proactive strike by people given power by the coup. Part of the bill currently reads that all agencies etc bought into being by the coup be abolished. This is blatent self interest/ self preservation and in itself should set alarm bells ringing.

I myslef have no problem with Thaksin getting convicted if it is done fairly. When he was convicted the court discarded two previous rulings and made a retrospective ruling. This is why no country will assist in arresting Thaksin. Wait! you all scream the rest of the world does not understand Thailand! Perhaps not but the rest of the world understands institutional malfeasance extremely well. Whilst we have one political grouping remaining completely unchecked and not taken to account for anything illegal they have done we do not have equality or fairness in law. Until all are treated equally and fairly under the law there can be no peace or reconcilliation in Thailand. The longer the will of the people is usurped by non elected self interested groups the closer we move towards civil war!

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Thaksin was tried and convicted for offenses committed long before the coup and so his case is fundamentally different from that of reds and yellows who are offered amnesty for whatever they did in post coup political struggle.

He was tried and convicted for one offense.

The charge of abuse of power and the trial against Thaksin both stem from the post-coup regime. The event for which he was convicted was, indeed, necessarily prior to that.

The most cursory survey of the actual charges and the resulting conviction give ample reason to believe that it was a political conviction rather than a serious infraction of "abuse of power" ... at least in this particular case.

But it's not just "this particular case" that's getting wiped, is it? It's ALL the other serious charges which even his best sycophants have trouble defending.

Sent from my Cray XT5-HE laptop computer

Edited by OzMick
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As per usual the users of this forum are showing that htey have very little idea about politics and law.

What we have here is a court telling parliament what it can and cannot discuss. Anything still in the parliamentary process is not a law and thereby still subject to change! In this respect it is not the business of the constitutional court. Once a law is passed by parliament the constitutional court can rule on its legality and as we are not at that stage I will ask what business is it of the constitutional court?

The constitutional court has no rights whatsoever to tell parlaiment what it can and cannot discuss and legislate for.

What we have here is a proactive strike by people given power by the coup. Part of the bill currently reads that all agencies etc bought into being by the coup be abolished. This is blatent self interest/ self preservation and in itself should set alarm bells ringing.

I myslef have no problem with Thaksin getting convicted if it is done fairly. When he was convicted the court discarded two previous rulings and made a retrospective ruling. This is why no country will assist in arresting Thaksin. Wait! you all scream the rest of the world does not understand Thailand! Perhaps not but the rest of the world understands institutional malfeasance extremely well. Whilst we have one political grouping remaining completely unchecked and not taken to account for anything illegal they have done we do not have equality or fairness in law. Until all are treated equally and fairly under the law there can be no peace or reconcilliation in Thailand. The longer the will of the people is usurped by non elected self interested groups the closer we move towards civil war!

I agree with most of that and in a country where democratic institutions are more firmly grounded that would most certainly be the case. In fact legislators might often ask for judicial opinion in crafting legislation. In this case however it is proposed law set to purposely override the constitution with no societal benefit and acceptance of said law to be gained by intimidation, violence and mobs, It is legislative despotism.

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If it is proposed it does not exist: if that to difficult for you to understand?

We have a contistution that was imposed by the military. Part of the legislation for the constitutional vote stated that the military resterves the right to impose whatever they like should they lose the vote!

What you are saying that the constitution cannot be changed!

Once again i ask you to refer to the will of the people and their elected representatives not to the will of non elected corrupt officials.

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I personally don't have a say in the situation but I do have an opinion. As a westerner, it is natural for me to want to see a thorough investigation and then take the necessary cases to court. That includes all sides, government, MiB, PAD, etc.

On the other hand, there is the question about what is best for Thailand to do. In that case, I do not know if amnesty or investigation is the right choice for Thailand. I do understand from Thai history, that Thailand has often chosen to forgive and forget rather than to investigate and prosecute. So it doesn't surprise me that amnesty is being proposed in this case - even if you take Thaksin out of the equation.

blah blah blah back to you.


Last week there was hardly a political breeze in Thailand, even with the red shirts holding their commemoration. An amnesty bill is announced and suddenly we have police and military reportedly mobilising, PAD blocking parliament, Thaksin urging the reds to fight, and talk of civil war.

From the safety of the US, you claim that you "do not know if amnesty or investigation is the right choice for Thailand."

Not many of us here suffer from that lack of clarity of thought. We can see exactly who the bill will benefit, we see the conflicts of interest involved, and if this proceeds where it might lead.

You avow anti-violence, but can't seem to say that a law that could cause massive levels of violence should be stayed at least.

ozmick, really, quit trying to guess where I am, you're never right anyhow. ;)

Second, please try reading my posts. Sorry, I mean understanding - as in comprehension - the amnesty bill is not my first choice at all - I stated that already. That said, it is not the amnesty bill which is mobilizing people.

I must have missed something. Is the "amnesty bill" replacing the "reconciliation bill"?

Sent from my dog.

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If it is proposed it does not exist: if that to difficult for you to understand?

We have a contistution that was imposed by the military. Part of the legislation for the constitutional vote stated that the military resterves the right to impose whatever they like should they lose the vote!

What you are saying that the constitution cannot be changed!

Once again i ask you to refer to the will of the people and their elected representatives not to the will of non elected corrupt officials.

The constitution "imposed" by the military had very few changes from the previous, and except for amnesty for the coup makers there is little to vilify - not that that stops some, normally without indication of why.

Parts of this and prior constitutions are set in stone are set in stone, namely those sections to do with Thailand's constitutional monarchy. IMHO there is very little inclination in the populace to have that changed, and what the court is asking is a minor delay to allay expressed concerns that those sections are being infringed.

Is that so unreasonable? Where is the urgency? Dubai perhaps.

Sent from my Cray XT5-HE laptop computer

Edited by OzMick
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If it is proposed it does not exist: if that to difficult for you to understand?

We have a contistution that was imposed by the military. Part of the legislation for the constitutional vote stated that the military resterves the right to impose whatever they like should they lose the vote!

What you are saying that the constitution cannot be changed!

Once again i ask you to refer to the will of the people and their elected representatives not to the will of non elected corrupt officials.

Who is "we"?

Sent from my dog.

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Thaksin was tried and convicted for offenses committed long before the coup and so his case is fundamentally different from that of reds and yellows who are offered amnesty for whatever they did in post coup political struggle.

He was tried and convicted for one offense.

The charge of abuse of power and the trial against Thaksin both stem from the post-coup regime. The event for which he was convicted was, indeed, necessarily prior to that.

The most cursory survey of the actual charges and the resulting conviction give ample reason to believe that it was a political conviction rather than a serious infraction of "abuse of power" ... at least in this particular case.

And all the other cases at court? When Thaksin got convicted Samak was in power (if I recall right).

It was certainly another Thaksin government but I believe it was his brother in law Somchai Wongsawat rather than his good friend Samak

Sent from my dog.

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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

Did you read Article 68 of the Thai Constitution? It's pretty clear.

http://www.isaanlawy...2007 - 2550.pdf

Edited by lannarebirth
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secton 68

Section 68. No person shall exercise the rights and liberties prescribed in the Constitution to overthrow the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State under this Constitution or to acquire the power to rule the country by any means which is not in accordance with the modes provided in this Constitution.

In the case where a person or a political party has committed the act under paragraph one, the person knowing of such act shall have the right to request the Prosecutor General to investigate its facts and submit a motion to the Constitutional Court for ordering cessation of such act without, however, prejudice to the institution of a criminal action against such person.

In the case where the Constitutional Court makes a decision compelling the political party to cease to commit the act under paragraph two, the Constitutional Court may order the dissolution of such political party.

In the case where the Constitutional Court makes the dissolution order under paragraph three, the right to vote of the President and the executive board of directors of the dissolved political party at the time the act under paragraph one has been committed shall be suspended for the period of five years as from the date the Constitutional Court makes such order.

Section 141. Before presenting the organic law bill as approved by the National Assembly to the King for His signature, it shall be submitted to the Constitutional Court for considering of its constitutionality and, it such case, the Constitutional Court shall have a decision thereon within thirty days as from the date of receiving thereof.

If the Constitutional Court decides that the provisions of an organic law bill are contrary to or inconsistent with the Constitution, such provisions shall lapse and if the Constitutional Court decides that such provisions are the essential element thereof or the organic law bill is enacted inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution, such organic law bill shall lapse.

In the case where the decision of the Constitutional Court resulting in the lapse of the provisions which are contrary to or inconsistent with the Constitution under paragraph two, such organic law bill shall be returned to the House of Representatives and the Senate respectively for their reconsideration. In such case, the House of Representatives or the Senate shall make an amendment to the organic law bill for its constitutionality by through the votes of more than one-half of the total number of the existing members of each House and the Prime Minister shall then proceed further under section 90 and section 150 or section 151, as the case may be.

So once again i ask why get involved now? The bill would have to go to the court anyway!!!!

The court is throwing down a challenge and i suspect it will be met!

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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

Did you read Article 68 of the Thai Constitution? It's pretty clear.

http://www.isaanlawy...2007 - 2550.pdf

They need to double it to 10 years if not more.

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The only reconciliation should be to put any and all criminals on trial, including additional charges against TS, terrorism & treason to name just two.

I would in Thaksin´s case include genocide.

if there is transparent and fair law for all I would have no problem with any charges for anyone!

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A post criticizing the Thai judicial system has been removed:

15) Not to use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. You also agree not to post negative comments criticizing the legal proceedings or judgments of any Thai court of law.

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I personally don't have a say in the situation but I do have an opinion. As a westerner, it is natural for me to want to see a thorough investigation and then take the necessary cases to court. That includes all sides, government, MiB, PAD, etc.

On the other hand, there is the question about what is best for Thailand to do. In that case, I do not know if amnesty or investigation is the right choice for Thailand. I do understand from Thai history, that Thailand has often chosen to forgive and forget rather than to investigate and prosecute. So it doesn't surprise me that amnesty is being proposed in this case - even if you take Thaksin out of the equation.

blah blah blah back to you.


Last week there was hardly a political breeze in Thailand, even with the red shirts holding their commemoration. An amnesty bill is announced and suddenly we have police and military reportedly mobilising, PAD blocking parliament, Thaksin urging the reds to fight, and talk of civil war.

From the safety of the US, you claim that you "do not know if amnesty or investigation is the right choice for Thailand."

Not many of us here suffer from that lack of clarity of thought. We can see exactly who the bill will benefit, we see the conflicts of interest involved, and if this proceeds where it might lead.

You avow anti-violence, but can't seem to say that a law that could cause massive levels of violence should be stayed at least.

ozmick, really, quit trying to guess where I am, you're never right anyhow. wink.png

Second, please try reading my posts. Sorry, I mean understanding - as in comprehension - the amnesty bill is not my first choice at all - I stated that already. That said, it is not the amnesty bill which is mobilizing people.

I must have missed something. Is the "amnesty bill" replacing the "reconciliation bill"?

Sent from my dog.

Nice little Freudian slip Tom!biggrin.png

Sent from my Cray XT5-HE laptop computer

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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

You must be watching a different move to the rest of us.

There are 4 bills seeking to whitewash Thaksin and friends

And plan B is an amendment to the constitution to acheive the same end

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If it is proposed it does not exist: if that to difficult for you to understand?

We have a contistution that was imposed by the military. Part of the legislation for the constitutional vote stated that the military resterves the right to impose whatever they like should they lose the vote!

What you are saying that the constitution cannot be changed!

Once again i ask you to refer to the will of the people and their elected representatives not to the will of non elected corrupt officials.

Did you mean non elected and corrupt fugitives from the law aka Thaksin Shinawat who was convicted of breaking a law that had been in existence since 1997?

The man who was convicted under a government run by his brother in law not under the Democrats or the military.

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If it is proposed it does not exist: if that to difficult for you to understand?

We have a contistution that was imposed by the military. Part of the legislation for the constitutional vote stated that the military resterves the right to impose whatever they like should they lose the vote!

What you are saying that the constitution cannot be changed!

Once again i ask you to refer to the will of the people and their elected representatives not to the will of non elected corrupt officials.

Did you mean non elected and corrupt fugitives from the law aka Thaksin Shinawat who was convicted of breaking a law that had been in existence since 1997?

The man who was convicted under a government run by his brother in law not under the Democrats or the military.

i think you will find that Thaksin was elected more than once and was the first ever Thai prime minister to serve a full term! And you have very little understanding of Thailand if you think that the object of the coup was not to keep all future governments weak! samak was being told no by the military and was himself proving to be weak so Thaksin was dealt with. What the military did not count on was the overwhelming support for Thaksin and his offspring would continue after the childish democrats were got rid of.

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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

You must be watching a different move to the rest of us.

There are 4 bills seeking to whitewash Thaksin and friends

And plan B is an amendment to the constitution to acheive the same end

i refer you to section 141 of the constitution
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If it is proposed it does not exist: if that to difficult for you to understand?

We have a contistution that was imposed by the military. Part of the legislation for the constitutional vote stated that the military resterves the right to impose whatever they like should they lose the vote!

What you are saying that the constitution cannot be changed!

Once again i ask you to refer to the will of the people and their elected representatives not to the will of non elected corrupt officials.

Did you mean non elected and corrupt fugitives from the law aka Thaksin Shinawat who was convicted of breaking a law that had been in existence since 1997?

The man who was convicted under a government run by his brother in law not under the Democrats or the military.

i think you will find that Thaksin was elected more than once and was the first ever Thai prime minister to serve a full term!


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If it is proposed it does not exist: if that to difficult for you to understand?

We have a contistution that was imposed by the military. Part of the legislation for the constitutional vote stated that the military resterves the right to impose whatever they like should they lose the vote!

What you are saying that the constitution cannot be changed!

Once again i ask you to refer to the will of the people and their elected representatives not to the will of non elected corrupt officials.

Did you mean non elected and corrupt fugitives from the law aka Thaksin Shinawat who was convicted of breaking a law that had been in existence since 1997?

The man who was convicted under a government run by his brother in law not under the Democrats or the military.

i think you will find that Thaksin was elected more than once and was the first ever Thai prime minister to serve a full term! And you have very little understanding of Thailand if you think that the object of the coup was not to keep all future governments weak! samak was being told no by the military and was himself proving to be weak so Thaksin was dealt with. What the military did not count on was the overwhelming support for Thaksin and his offspring would continue after the childish democrats were got rid of.

Without his vote buying he wouldn't ´t have got that far.

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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

You must be watching a different move to the rest of us.

There are 4 bills seeking to whitewash Thaksin and friends

And plan B is an amendment to the constitution to acheive the same end

i refer you to section 141 of the constitution

Whatever for?

Sent from my dog.

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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

The only reason he was found guilty of 1 charge is that he ran away. Took the coward's option after promising to respect the verdict

Sent from my dog.

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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

The only reason he was found guilty of 1 charge is that he ran away. Took the coward's option after promising to respect the verdict

Sent from my dog.

only a fool would believe that!

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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

You must be watching a different move to the rest of us.

There are 4 bills seeking to whitewash Thaksin and friends

And plan B is an amendment to the constitution to acheive the same end

i refer you to section 141 of the constitution

Whatever for?

Sent from my dog.

read it and see. it states all laws passed by parilament must be checked by the constitution court for legality before proceeding to the royal assent.
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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

The only reason he was found guilty of 1 charge is that he ran away. Took the coward's option after promising to respect the verdict

Sent from my dog.

You´r dog run out of battery?tongue.png
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But Thaksin has only been convicted of one trumped up charge and that is why the rest of the world refuses to help Thailand!

You lot really can't understand that Thaksins only real crime, in the Thai scheme of things, was to remove power from Bangkok and this is still the only reason whilst he is still being shouted about from every elitist orifice available. Ladies and gentlemen you have been conned because of you lack of understanding of Thai politics and have a general lack of intelligence: I know it but you don't! That makes me far superior and intelligent wink.png

If you shout something often enough and loud enough there will be people who believe you but those capable of independent, rational, and critical thought will not fall for it!

The bill before parlaiment is to set up a committiee to consider constitutional changes only.

I fail to see any reason whatsoever why the court should be involved or even accept anything for consideration until a royal assent has been signed.

The misinformation being spread is all to do with the government accepting an academic report the Democrats(sic) did not like: at present the democrats and yellows are protected by the courts so they do not want the scrapping of all political charges. Put the ones that deserve to be in prison away and their stance will almost certainly change.

We are a long long way away from anything being passed into law and I suspect there will be a public referendum on any constitutional changes.

The only reason he was found guilty of 1 charge is that he ran away. Took the coward's option after promising to respect the verdict

Sent from my dog.

only a fool would believe that!

Someone who spends so much time rewriting history to praise Thaksin shouldn't call other people fools.

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