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Cheap Tooth Extraction And Uber-Powerful Painkiller Advice, Please

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I recently cracked a molar, and while the on-and-off pain has been annoying it hasn't been bad enough to drive me to the dentist. Last night, though, it hit with a vengeance, and I woke this morning with my lower jaw screaming at me. I crawled across the road to the pharmacy but the ibuprofen I was given hasn't so much as taken the edge off, and my British stiff upper lip is now quivering girlishly.

Two questions:

1. What can I buy over the counter that will keep me functioning until I can get this dealt with?

2. How much does a tooth extraction typically cost? Is it possible to get immediate service at one of the many clinics I see around my apartment in Thonglor, or do you have to register and make an appointment?

I'd really appreciate any help anyone can offer, especially with the first question. I can't imagine having to go through the next few days with this pain.


OTC...Ibuprofen will be just about the strongest thing they will give you these days.

Get some clove oil or you can buy some "tooth pain medicine" in most chemists...contains clove oil and small amount of Novacain, soak some on cotton wool and put on the tooth, takes a couple of goes but does work very well....even if your breath gets rather "clovey"

I think the box has the picture of a gun on it and the brand is called M-16 or something ?

Would say in BKK can get extraction done on a walk in for about THB 800-1000


I've had to have a couple of teeth extracted in the last 12 months and it wasn't expensive, somewhere between 1000-1500 baht from memory. I guess it would depend on how busy the clinic is as to whether you need to make an appointment. With an emergency they should see you pretty quickly.


Thanks guys :) I did a search of the forums and found that you can get tramadol OTC, which has knocked the pain out of the park. Very happy to hear an extraction is cheap, too :) I'll go for a drug-addled wander in the morning to find a clean lookin' clinic :)


The crack seems to involve the tooth nerve and thats why the severe pain. At this point i dont think any medicine will actually work. Go see a dentist and have that monster taken out. It should cost more or less 1000-1200 Baht. This is the clinic i always use www.bangkoksmiledental.com. The office is on Sukhumvit 21. Hope everything is going to be okay soon. I totally agree dental pain is one of the worst worst things on earth.


The best thing pain wise will be Diclofenac. Also known as Votarol.

That plus Paracetamol.

Edit: OTC Tramadol? Yeah i bet you are happy!

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